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American backpacker who was assaulted by her ‘guide’ to leave Thailand tomorrow


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15 hours ago, johnnywishbone said:

Why would she or her family
Owe anything?
Contrary to logic.
Does not compute.
Send John Kerry in to negotiate.
Obama will pay $USD 100,000,000.00 in ransom. But she has to endure for an appropriate time

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What have the us governments payment to Iran to do with this, it was not Obama personally that paid this money it was approved by Senat and House and was paid in cash since US don't have any banking relation with Iran. I think we should be more consernd about her recovery then anything else that we have no business with like her health insurance. Some Republicans will always take any chance to bash Obama even in a un tasty post like above. It make me sick.

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Can you not be concerned about her welfare AND wonder about about the bill.


Or must every post be prefaced with the trite 'Hope she makes a speedy recovery and everything will be ok, blah blah blah' comments - comments which should really go without needing to be said.

Very valid question about medical costs. But I wouldn't bother. You get these knowalls on TV from time to time, infiltrating any and all threads with their I'm the man opinion. Eventually they get bored or banned, but in the meantime suggest putting them on ignore. [emoji6]
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2 hours ago, captspectre said:

who said she had insurance? back packers almost always do not have anything remotely like insurance. hope she learns something about traveling alone in thailand.

Her father are quoted saying that the medical bill was paid by the insurance she took to go and teach in Vietnam. a lot of backpacker and traveler take travel insurance these days, it's not so expensive. Also if you have insurance back home in a lot of cases it will cover emergency services like in this case.

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16 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Many of us are happy to hear her recovery is continuing and she is improving.


Who gives a rats ass about how her medical costs are paid?


well she wont be leaving unless they are paid in full. i was wondering the same thing. will the minister of tourism pick up the tab in an effort to lessen the damage to tourism?

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16 hours ago, jamesbrock said:


Arm Worawit from Matichon Online tweeted that her hospital bill had reached 745,443 Baht a week ago. Probably much more than that now.


Good to hear she had insurance and that she can focus on her recovery.


Hope the BiB don't use her departure as an excuse to drop the case and the scum goes away for a long time.


Why does Arm Worawit of Matichon Online think it is correct to publically give out private information?


If I was in hospital I woud not want my hospital bills "tweeted" to the world, and indeed accurate to the last Baht.

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18 hours ago, burgdawg said:

....uh, does anyone know how much her hospital bill tallied? And who gets to pay for such a tab?

Good question if TAT had paid they would be singing the fact from the rooftops. It would be advisable for her to get a doctor in the states to take a look at the "operation" The article sounded much like they were glad to see her go. No witness no case case closed. 

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14 hours ago, Thian said:

Also i hope to read what sentence that moron got and if the girl will be paralised for the rest of her life or not. I wish her all the best and that raper a lifetime hell in prison. What a shame he is for his nation, the stinky cockroach.


How do you expect to be able to "read what sentence that moron got and if the girl will be paralised for the rest of her life or not" when you cannot read the OP that confirms that she is not paralysed and that she wasn't raped?

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I know that the Hua Hin family that were beaten by thugs,and they were visited by the minister,got flowers,goodies and promises of offers on their trip back.i dont know who paid their Hospital bills,or even if they were paid.

This girl was crippled by a would be rapist,who sexually assaulted hero her in the most vile and degrading way.

He was responsible for her falling and her injuries.Did the minister visit this girl,make offers to her for her next trip.Did the minister make any offers to pay her medical bills.Did she get flowers,or goodies.If not,why not?We dont know.It was not made public.Where was the photo of the  victim with the minister at her bedside.Do we know whats happening to the sick individual who attacked her.

I think he knew he was going to get caught,so he hung around at the scene,hoping it would reduce his sentence.

It would seem that a beating is worth all  sorts of apologies from the ministry,but an attempted rape,and getting crippled, is not,but then,as one compassionate policeman said in an earlier case,'its not a serious crime because she was not actually raped.

Have a good flight home,and i hope you walk again.

Best wishes.

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3 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Very valid question about medical costs. But I wouldn't bother. You get these knowalls on TV from time to time, infiltrating any and all threads with their I'm the man opinion. Eventually they get bored or banned, but in the meantime suggest putting them on ignore. emoji6.png


Hey daveAustin,


Why is it any of our business the amount of the hospital bill of the victim? And why is it any of our business how that bill was paid? 


It falls squarely under "gossip". 


Thanks for letting me know why I should be concerned about this hospitsl bill because my only concern til now is the girl's recovery.



Edited by ClutchClark
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3 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Very valid question about medical costs. But I wouldn't bother. You get these knowalls on TV from time to time, infiltrating any and all threads with their I'm the man opinion. Eventually they get bored or banned, but in the meantime suggest putting them on ignore. emoji6.png

Using an adroid phone I cannot find this ignore button. Anyone in same boat?

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9 hours ago, captspectre said:

who said she had insurance? back packers almost always do not have anything remotely like insurance. hope she learns something about traveling alone in thailand.

I'm sure she has.


I am a fan of an American TV series,  called Criminal Minds.  In France, an offshoot of the series has started.  The original (for those that don't know) is about a team of FBI profilers who run around the US solving ghastly crimes.


The new series is about a team of FBI profilers who run around the world solving crimes in which Americans are involved.  The first episode was situated in Thailand.  The leader gets his team together and starts off with "Thailand is one of the most dangerous countries for tourists".

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5 hours ago, gdgbb said:


How do you expect to be able to "read what sentence that moron got and if the girl will be paralised for the rest of her life or not" when you cannot read the OP that confirms that she is not paralysed and that she wasn't raped?

She was however seriously injured due to the actions of a sexual predator. 


Lets not play down how appalling an incident this was. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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I think we all feel this case will go nowhere girls all over the world who have been assaulted 

suffer the same problem,when in a foreign country the BIB are not really interested just want

it to go away,the pig will walk away,as the BIB said she was not raped,it will be a simple 

sexual attack.that will live with that young lady all her life,but she is a brave lass hope she comes 

through every thing with some dignity.

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18 hours ago, gdgbb said:


How do you expect to be able to "read what sentence that moron got and if the girl will be paralised for the rest of her life or not" when you cannot read the OP that confirms that she is not paralysed and that she wasn't raped?



no she wasn't.. rather the assaulter took the opportunity to masturbate on her and sexually assult her while she was injured on the ground and then left her there till the next day.  Big difference to you than rape?


Thanks for trying to make clarity on this... 

Edited by Jayman
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On 16-9-2016 at 5:10 AM, ClutchClark said:


A Thai man was just gunned down in the USA as he was leaving his restaurant.


Should the US pay for him? Because the US is not paying for his body to be repatriated to Thailand...his family is left with the bill. 


It is not the responsibility of a government to pay hospital bills or any other costs...not in Thailand and not in the US.


There's a big difference between a tourist and a foreigner with double passports who lives/works there. Was he married to an american lady or did he somehow manage to get it?

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