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PM Prayut accuses "dogs" of inciting unrest in the country


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PM accuses "dogs" of inciting unrest in the country




BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha and his cabinet ministers took about five hours to tell the nation of their achievements and performances for the past two years.


In his report to the people, the prime minister cited an old saying that a dog won’t bite if you walk behind a “phuyai”, saying there are, today, dogs that keep harassing “phuyai of our country” despite the fact that they have been working tirelessly for the good of the country.


For the country to move forward, to prosper and to be in peace, he said everyone in the country must abide by the law, be responsible, not causing conflicts and not violating human rights.


“If there is just one house, we do not have to do much and there is no need to have so many rules. But since there are many houses, rules are needed, there are laws and constitution. But everyone must participate in expressing views without engaging in a conflict or protesting,” said the prime minister.


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-accuses-dogs-inciting-unrest-country/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2016-09-16
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"...there are, today, dogs that keep harassing “phuyai of our country” despite the fact that they have been working tirelessly for the good of the country..."


Aah ha!


He's finally let the cat out of the bag - so, he considers himself, and the rest of his cronies, to be “phuyai”!


Well, I hate to deflate the top dog's ego, but I would like to express my view that he and his pack are the ones that have been causing the conflicts, and violating human rights, since they usurped control two years ago. It would be more apt to liken them to the "dogs of war" fighting over the bones of the country!





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Ummm... this is a Not The Nation story, right? Right??


I guess if you speak for that long, something is bound to come tumbling out of your mouth that is almost literally unbelievable. Well, this guy, anyway.


I always knew that Thais, as a people, were a little low in the self-respect and backbone departments, but if they're just gonna sit back and let a man who thinks and acts like this become " unelected PM" for the next 8-20 years while continuing to insult everyone to their faces, there may actually be no hope for them.

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24 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Calling people who disagree with you dogs? 


Whether you think these people are right or wrong, calling them dogs is not the way to reconciliation. 


5 hours to explain how you've done a good job? Were they telling or persuading? 

Or convincing himself ?

No he already believes he's Buddha's gift to the nation.

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OK you lot now listen up,,,   I have done such a bloody great job over the last 2 years right, and we all must respect the rule of law, and everyone can express their views but NO protesting,  Oh yeah and did I tell you again this month I respect human rights.

Now all the dogs harassing me can just P*ss off because all I do is for the good of the country.


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9 minutes ago, yellowboat said:


All that the good general is  doing is keeping a powerful and popular family out of Thai politics.  He is forbidding the Thai people the right to choose.  You lot in the US could have chosen good candidates, but you are choosing poorly.   The only comparison to make is how an educated group of voters, the American people, have squandered their opportunity, and how the less fortunate Thais have been denied their's.  Shame on you and the American people for throwing away something others would cherish and are denied.

Quite. It isn't the system at fault because the candidates are pi$$ poor...

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3 hours ago, shirtless said:

The problem is the rules you are imposing hinder democracy and give the ultimate power to   self appointed people who are not qualified to run the nation.


Which self appointed people are you refering to? I can't be more precise (because i don't want to get banned) but please study some more about Thailand......

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There we go!  The silly little general just spouting total crap, sadly not intelligent enough to realise that he constantly contradicts himself.

Completely delusional.

Sad that this pathetic little individual and even get to put himself in such a position.

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1 hour ago, aussieinthailand said:

OK you lot now listen up,,,   I have done such a bloody great job over the last 2 years right, and we all must respect the rule of law, and everyone can express their views but NO protesting,  Oh yeah and did I tell you again this month I respect human rights.

Now all the dogs harassing me can just P*ss off because all I do is for the good of the country.


Amnesty for the junta and wondering why they're all so rich etc definitely for the good of ... sorry for the delay, the country.

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Quoting the PM

For the country to move forward, to prosper and to be in peace, he said everyone in the country must abide by the law, be responsible, not causing conflicts and not violating human rights.



I find this statement the most amusing and sad. perhaps he should start at the top and work down, culling all those who are corrupt, abuse authority as well as ignore the law whenever they want, after he has dealt with the RTP he can start with everyone else.

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6 hours ago, debate101 said:

I always knew that Thais, as a people, were a little low in the self-respect and backbone departments, but if they're just gonna sit back and let a man who thinks and acts like this become " unelected PM" for the next 8-20 years while continuing to insult everyone to their faces, there may actually be no hope for them.


Sadly from what i here the reason he is  favoured by them is simple

"there's no fighting in Bangkok" I have heard that said by several people

Ok i know the other major good thing he did was to bring the lottery down to 80 baht  (well sometimes in some places)

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7 hours ago, shirtless said:

The problem is the rules you are imposing hinder democracy and give the ultimate power to   self appointed people who are not qualified to run the nation.

What we have is soft communism/corruption in the making not as harsh as China yet but its coming. There seems to be a parental cloak falling all over Asia. This seems to be cropping up all over Asia. Mayalasia and Najib and the 1 MBD scandal. This shrewd wiley character is probing the opposition for weaknesses and he senses that he can win a snap election which no doubt is in the offing. He will no doubt con the people and then dip into the treasury again. Then there is the Philippines with their on again off again leader acting in an irrational "Father Knows Best" manner. The smart ones are in Burma. They the military have given Aung San Suu Kyi  just enough rope and leeway and sent her to the US to curry favor with Obama and get the US sanctions lifted. Cambodia has limited freedom as soon as the words demonstration appear the government says "sorry no way" Indonesia seems to be trying to secure an insecure state while trying to stop Jakarta from slipping into the sea. You can still get cheap labor there for $30 a month no benefits. Viet Nam is open for business it seems with lots of obedient cheap labor and poor labor laws. US businesses are salivating to get there but congress fails to pass the TPP. Singapore at present seems to be the only stable fair well run government in Asia a true model of democracy. 

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7 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Calling people who disagree with you dogs? 


Whether you think these people are right or wrong, calling them dogs is not the way to reconciliation. 


5 hours to explain how you've done a good job? Were they telling or persuading? 

Boring us all to death. He only needed half an hour.

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9 hours ago, shirtless said:



Im not American and you dont have a democracy as such , In a true Democracy everybody is equal.555

That's called communism. A totally different concept. Democracy is that everyone has an equal vote and allowed to express their opinion without wrath or being thrown in jail. The term used here in Thailand is not democracy at all..

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" For the country to move forward, to prosper and to be in peace, he said everyone in the country must abide by the law, be responsible, not causing conflicts and not violating human rights."


Right.  That kind of progress requires a military that stays out of politics, not one that routinely topples governments, suspends constitutions and grants itself amnesty for its crimes.

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Unfortunately, most if not every dictator labels anybody that voices dissent, or has an opposing opinion as being a dog, or a radical or accuses them of inciting unrest and usually the dictators do everything they can to maintain the control that the dictators want.  the people don't have a say in things

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Unsurprisingly most of the junta fan club are leaving this one alone just like all the other major cock up's by the lil general.

Now why is that do ya think?   Be cause it is yet more proof positive that a legitimate, educated, qualified, intelligent, leader of a nation could not would not publicly label those that disagree with him, his government, and it's policy's as dogs...

Can any one of you junta huggers give proof of a legitimate leader of a country calling people that disagree/harass him as dogs???

You that support this man should be ashamed of your selves.

What a disgusting thing to say by a man that publicly threatens people to have them shot, gaoled, banana skin throwing, sock sniffing nose picking little man.

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7 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

Unfortunately, most if not every dictator labels anybody that voices dissent, or has an opposing opinion as being a dog, or a radical or accuses them of inciting unrest and usually the dictators do everything they can to maintain the control that the dictators want.  the people don't have a say in things


Yes unfortunately that happens to every dic who has absolute power and live in his own little bubble. Shut off from any challenges, criticisms, opinions and surrounded by yes men and the a weapon of mass destruction article 44. He can label anyone degradatorily knowing that no one can speak back. Gosh even his corruption agencies take a lead from his arrogance and purpose. Scary that he start believing that he is the saviour and solution and that kind of belief will make him do more crazy stuffs before he exit and I hope gracefully. 




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