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80 Germans clash with a group of young asylum-seekers in Bautzen


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2 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:


1 Moroccan in an ambulance so they were all Moroccans, were they?


In any case, is a mob of 80 Germans beating a group of just 20 asylum seekers a legitimate means of defending their way of life?


Your comprehension skills are letting you down badly.


No one has said that they were all Moroccans.


But the question has been asked multiple times. What war are Moroccans fleeing ?


If you care to read the other sources that people have been kind enough to supply, rather just venting, it appears that alcohol and unwanted attention directed at females was a factor in things escalating. Due to the migrants being given an alcohol ban and a 1900 Hrs curfew, then it seems probable that it was instigated by the actions of the migrants.


Given recent history in Germany, this would not really come as a surprise to anyone.


Now instead of assaulting your keyboard and venting your spleen. It might be better for you to take a deep breath, do a bit of research, and that way you will not come across as an uninformed idiot.

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

Was aluminum foil on sale again, today?!


YOU are funny! :thumbsup:


Oh, shoot - forgot... Of course - if you want to show off as politically correct, you have to call anyone questioning the official version a Tinfoil Hat and/or Nazi! Man, how could I forget?

Seems you are not a funny guy at all, sad... :(

Edited by Haunebu
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nowadays the german media or the lke do not distinguish , they call them all refugees which is wrong. as to inform everybody can file a claim for asylum in germany tthus call himself asylumseeker. as to the bautzen violaters maroccans, algerians, afghans, nigerians ....were involved, hence muslims only.


cheers roobaa01


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8 minutes ago, Haunebu said:


YOU are funny! :thumbsup:


Oh, shoot - forgot... Of course - if you want to show off as politically correct, you have to call anyone questioning the official version a Tinfoil Hat and/or Nazi! Man, how could I forget?

Seems you are not a funny guy at all, sad... :(

Yeah...take your "something will happen"- BS and play with the other kids!

Does daddy know, you are on his computer?

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2 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Isn't Danzig part if the ultra nationalists wish to let Gdansk be part of Germany?

Are you always communicating in questions? Place of origin makes you a leftwing, nationalist, nazi, or whatever right now? Are you people for real? What is this - bully forum for Thai expats who live on social welfare with too much time on their hands? Stay on topic, pal and we might be able to communicate, but I am not really fond of baiting posts like yours. Something like that would be erased in other forums I have been, so keep it down, will ya?

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4 minutes ago, Haunebu said:

Are you always communicating in questions? Place of origin makes you a leftwing, nationalist, nazi, or whatever right now? Are you people for real? What is this - bully forum for Thai expats who live on social welfare with too much time on their hands? Stay on topic, pal and we might be able to communicate, but I am not really fond of baiting posts like yours. Something like that would be erased in other forums I have been, so keep it down, will ya?

I was reacting to your question " Well, you tell me...? " Don't like the answer, that's a pity.

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5 minutes ago, Haunebu said:

Are you always communicating in questions? Place of origin makes you a leftwing, nationalist, nazi, or whatever right now? Are you people for real? What is this - bully forum for Thai expats who live on social welfare with too much time on their hands? Stay on topic, pal and we might be able to communicate, but I am not really fond of baiting posts like yours. Something like that would be erased in other forums I have been, so keep it down, will ya?

Stay on topic?

Okay- the topic is 80 idiots, clashing with 20 idiots and some of the 80 idiots, who are clearly from the right spectrum, attack an ambulance.

What again, has all that to do, with Angela Merckel's leadership, re- election or the secret plan to let "something happen", if someone get's too close to taking over from her?

Practize what you preach!

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17 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

nowadays the german media or the lke do not distinguish , they call them all refugees which is wrong. as to inform everybody can file a claim for asylum in germany tthus call himself asylumseeker. as to the bautzen violaters maroccans, algerians, afghans, nigerians ....were involved, hence muslims only.


cheers roobaa01



Nothing was reported concerning their religious belief and behaviour. From both sides...

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11 minutes ago, Haunebu said:

Are you people for real? What is this - bully forum for Thai expats who live on social welfare with too much time on their hands?


As a newbie, you will come to understand very quickly that there is a group of people who get upset when anyone says anything about Muslims or Islam that can in any way be construed as being dubious :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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next german election will be fun :-)

I think most germans would be glad of a Gexit lol . EU will be desolved in time, buffoonary immigration policy & money pits like Greece have spoiled the romance & dream. much like a wealthy EU male with his young isan bride lol .

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    A few hundred thousand more hard drug dealing Moroccan crooks is okay, Mrs. Merkel.


         One day all Germans and Brits will speak the language of Mohamed anyway. Allah Akbar.


        Time for the Germans to stop the European insanity and go back to their old currency.


        Asylum seeking Moroccans is a real joke.



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these are the no go zones in germany depicting the muslim unwillingness of assimilation ...neukoeln berlin, marxlohn duisburg, nordstadt dortmund ....those quarters are dominated by arabic criminal clans each about 350 strong with sharia law implemented.


cheers roobaa01

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6 hours ago, i claudius said:

Of course simple one misquotes this , as it was the "refugees" that pelted the ambulance in the papers i read ,it was also the "refugees " that started the violence ,as quoted in all the papers but hey don't let the truth get in the way of left wing propoganda .


There are a number of media outlets reporting the attack on the ambulance by the far right rioters. In this case an expat English language German media outlet...


"but the far-right group started attacking the ambulance with stones"


The usual denials and excuses from the usual posters denying far right links even though...


"Police also registered seven offenses of people using unconstitutional symbols" - read Nazi.



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2 hours ago, SgtRock said:


Your comprehension skills are letting you down badly.


No one has said that they were all Moroccans.


But the question has been asked multiple times. What war are Moroccans fleeing ?


If you care to read the other sources that people have been kind enough to supply, rather just venting, it appears that alcohol and unwanted attention directed at females was a factor in things escalating. Due to the migrants being given an alcohol ban and a 1900 Hrs curfew, then it seems probable that it was instigated by the actions of the migrants.


Given recent history in Germany, this would not really come as a surprise to anyone.


Now instead of assaulting your keyboard and venting your spleen. It might be better for you to take a deep breath, do a bit of research, and that way you will not come across as an uninformed idiot.


No, you need to stop filling in the blanks with your prejudice.


I never said that the 20 asylum seekers were fleeing war - that comment was about the overall situation with the migrant crisis.


I didn't know for certain whether the 20 or so people attacked by the 80 cowards were fleeing war or not but naturally assumed they were although I didn't actually say they were.


The delicious irony of a man who lives in Thailand castigating economic migrants is totally lost on you, isn't it?

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the most effective policy to deter unwanted muslim asylum seekers is carried  out by australia, well done . also very effective is israels wall 98 % interception quote in its defending fight of existence against muslim invaders.



the following coutries buillt fences-walls to keep the arab muslim tsunami at bay in order to protect their territory :


turkey in northern syria





serbia, slovenia, austria  follow soon latest by november


cheers roobaa01

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3 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:


Yeah cos they're all radical Islamists, aren't they?


Are you paying taxes here? Do you make a contribution to the refuse collection, highway maintenance and fire services? Not if you're a retiree here, you're not

Do you maintain medical cover so that in the event of an illness or accident, you won't be a burden on the  health care system struggling to cope with the needs of its own?

Do you come here and support a sex industry that is prepared to go to any lengths to satisfy the cravings of dirty, depraved old Westerners who can't think with anything but their choppers?


Sorry bud but you are contributing to Thai issues and while you may not be "sponging" off the state, you're definitely deriving benefit from it indirectly.


I'll expect the obligatory "But I pay tax in the form of VAT on my half a lager each lunchtime" rebuttal



Yes I have medical and no i am not here for the sex industry but its got naff all to do with you to be honest.  The topic is about the Germans not about how I contribute to Thailand.  


I am not saying they are all radical if you think that what they do, want, don't do etc is fine then thats up to you.  I don't like it, never have never will.  I don't mind them coming over as families and working, I do mind thousands of single men of fighting age coming over and causing problems.  Those are my opinions and you are of course entitled to yours:thumbsup:





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4 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:


After the generations of exploitation and outright theft of its natural resources by European colonialism, I think it's a nice bit of payback.

Now we have at it!

Carrying a load of white guilt, are we?

What a ridiculous statement you made!

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8 hours ago, simple1 said:


True the asylum people were violent, but really doesn't detract that the locals confronting them were equally guilty of very poor behaviour. Applauding the activities of the locals who prior have been attacking refugees / facilities to me is congratulating a bunch of losers.


On another matter raised Morocco has informed the German government that they will accept declined asylum applicants, apparently only around 4% are genuine refugees.




I don't like what has perspired there, but I'd have to say if I were to go back to Germany now I would set up camp in the area round Dresden, i.e. Pirna, Heidenau, Bautzen. For exactly the reason that these areas get less of those so-called refugees, and the locals in parts still speak the language of those that still make it there: violence.

Aand they'd be on *MY* side, Nazi-skinheads or not, if one of those tall bearded children beat my over the head to get my wallet or just see me bleed. Which is exactly what is happening, everyday, everywhere in Germany. AND they would come to my aid whereas everywhere else people would stare helplessly and fiddle with their mobiles; happened in Limburg, for example, in broad daylight at the central station.


Funny you dug up that age-old (02/2016) article on Morocco pretending to take back anyone. It's a big lie, honestly. It never was anything else but a ruse to pacify the enraged but helpless EU nations.


They still don't provide the paperwork, identification is still more than sluggish, they expressly made sure deportees can only be brought back on commercial flights of the Moroccan state airline, and only a maximum of 4 per flight. Which can't work out due to numbers alone, and if one of the little charmers decides to make a fuss the captain will refuse to transport them. It does not work. 


Algiers choose another route to the same effect, they readily agreed to take back their citizens, but "it had to be certain they were Algerians". And they just cannot be convinced. Tunisia just doesn't react to requests to provide the paperwork to the the poor, traumatized refugees who could only save their lives, but not their passports, and western governments shun putting pressure on them because they have just gone democratic; as along as it lasts, which it won't.


Those states don't see their citizens like our states see us, i.e. as assets of sort or at least feel some responsibility (please stay on topic and don't relate how you embassy treated you or something; I said *some* responsibility). They see their uneducated masses as vermin, not as potential for their economy, the less of them the better, they don't want their criminals back, they will empty their funny farms with delight and a broad smile.




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5 hours ago, Thorgal said:


So in short, a 20 'uneducated' immigrants were beaten by 80 'educated' non-immigrants.


I like the uneducated non-immigrants better. They maybe rabble, but they are our rabble.

And they would not turn on me, which happens to be one of my priorities nowadays.

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Well   HAUNEBU   Some introduction, you write so well your English is "Cracking" 

and your auguments sound,look forward to reading your posts in the "near"

bye the way I am new as well only wish I had your eloquence but you sound 

young and bright I am at the other end of the spectrum (old) cheers............. 



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20 hours ago, jaidam said:

This is the new normal in Germany. Out of control violence, but not yet a full on civil war although that is only a matter of time. You see, there are many Germans of all ages that are fiercely proud of their nation, ancestry and culture and they will not give it all up just because they get dubbed racist or bigot by some elitist or SJW. It goes beyond that. This is a fight to maintain the Anglo-saxon culture they have created over millenia - and one of the worlds richest ones. Certainly more rich than the hateful and unequal ideology europes leaders have decided on to replace us.


 IMO the native inhabitants have been underestimated in their want for national survival. Important to note that the push back must begin in earnest soon. Another year and another couple million migrants entering plus family reunions, it will be so much harder and bloody. Shame on Merkel et al. We should have sent Merkel to Mogadishu not the other way round.



Your post is one of astonishing ignorance.


Strange that you should admire the Germans for defending Anglo-Saxon culture.


So the Germans (or rather, a specific type of German) are defending English culture? 


You should brush up on the origins of the Saxons and understand that they represent only a fraction of the Germanic peoples:

Saxons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A fraction who migrated (:gigglem:) to the British Isles and established an Anglo-Saxon culture which grew into English culture.


A lot of Germans would probably be quite annoyed that you characterise them as "Saxons", "Anglo" ones at that.  I'm pretty sure that Bavarians certainly would.


Maybe you mean Germanic Nationalism, ancestry and culture.  Well we know where an obsession with maintaining and extending "Germanicism" took us in the past.  But they unashamedly called it Aryanism then didn't they?


Oh my, it seems obscene to say this (although no more obscene and twisted than the general tone of your post) but most of Europe had quite enough of your sort of Germanic "defence" (against it's chosen enemies within, and without) in the 1930s and 40s.

The difference now is that the chosen victims know that they have to fight back.  And are willing to do so.


One more time:

"Do not rejoice in his defeat, you men. For though the world has stood up and stopped the bastard, the bitch that bore him is in heat again."

              Der aufhaltsame Aufstieg des Arturo Ui, Bertolt Brecht.







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