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PM calls on Thais to overcome hatred


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Perhaps the best place to start, if this little man has a sincere bone in his body, would be with his own words. He could stop insulting foreigners, and tourists. That might set an example for his people. He is the man of the jawbone. His favorite activity is jawboning, and he really, honestly, truly believes people are listening. That is the most comical part of who this man is.

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6 hours ago, jerojero said:

Yes, bad bad social media! You no nice, to dare voice opinions of your own.

He is definitely right on one score there are a lot of "pending" court cases. One day you read sensational news of a big crime and "Poof!!" its off of the news radar forever. Quote He then called on every sector of society to have trust and faith in one another and eradicate all feelings of hatred. It requires active participation from the public to turn Thailand into a corruption-free nation. unquote. (Laugh break here) Its social media that keeps the good general honest to some degree. Yes dear general social media "lets the cat out of the bag" from time to time and you cannot stuff it back in. Thank you for your paternal comments.

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8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

He then called on every sector of society to have trust and faith in one another

In June 2016 he also said, "Without soldiers, Thailand can go nowhere. Nowadays, we are using soldiers to steer the country."  So much for his faith in the Thai public.

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8 hours ago, Reigntax said:

The PM should set an example, resign, return to the protection of the barracks and no one will hate him anymore.


I would say that general public opinion would be against you, and I for one think that he has been doing much better than everyone following after Khun Anand Panyarachun, who was the best ever !

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9 hours ago, BSJ said:

Social media, why do we call it social media when it is full of negitivity, abusiveness, mis-information and outright lies.  IT should be renamed anti-social media!

Nobody has ever accused TV for being a "social" media......

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7 hours ago, PatOngo said:

Red snouts, yellow snouts, olive green snouts at the trough........will the losers ever love the winners?

Never love the winners, but if achieved via the ballot box instead of at the point of a gun, maybe dislike a little less.


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1 hour ago, phantomfiddler said:


I would say that general public opinion would be against you, and I for one think that he has been doing much better than everyone following after Khun Anand Panyarachun, who was the best ever !

One important thing missing. He doesn't have a mandate from the people to do better than everyone on their behalf. Even if it were true.



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1 hour ago, phantomfiddler said:


I would say that general public opinion would be against you, and I for one think that he has been doing much better than everyone following after Khun Anand Panyarachun, who was the best ever !


If Panyarachun did such a good job why did the country end up in the current situation.


For a Self appointed PM who gave himself unlimited executive power with immunity from prosecution he has been a total failure.


The country has turned from SE Asia's most promising into a basket case from the continued military intervention and abuse by those who believe they own title to control. If the military continues to interfer in politics in 20 or 30 years time nothing will change except it will be SE Asias Ethiopian equal, with factional fighing way beyond what currently exists.


Propaganda doesnt solve problems. It just hides the failures behind some fictional oasis that exists only in the minds of those simple souls unable to think, reason and summise.


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strangely enough my missus who was against him is slowly coming round to supporting him. This is better since Prayut, that is better since Prayut,etc. When i say, but he was never voted into power he just took it,she said, so what, what have those voted into power ever done for the common people,nothing, so better this man who is bringing some law and order to the country. I don't argue.

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strangely enough my missus who was against him is slowly coming round to supporting him. This is better since Prayut, that is better since Prayut,etc. When i say, but he was never voted into power he just took it,she said, so what, what have those voted into power ever done for the common people,nothing, so better this man who is bringing some law and order to the country. I don't argue.

The acid in my stomach is rising. Umpl, I feel sick. Brought on by your post. Umpl, blooghhh!!
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39 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

strangely enough my missus who was against him is slowly coming round to supporting him. This is better since Prayut, that is better since Prayut,etc. When i say, but he was never voted into power he just took it,she said, so what, what have those voted into power ever done for the common people,nothing, so better this man who is bringing some law and order to the country. I don't argue.

The problem (aside from illegally seizing power in the first place)  is he really answers to nobody with the army behind his back. People speak out they get attitude adjustments. There are no checks and balances, and there is no end in sight. I fail to see how the country has improved at all since he took power, what I see is a loss of basic freedoms with the only improvement being that there are no protesters in Bangkok... Of course the protesters in this case were organized by the man who put him into power and who never faced persecution for it. It just leaves a foul stench in the air, though he would likely try to ensure you that is just the smell of happiness.

Edited by jcsmith
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25 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

The problem (aside from illegally seizing power in the first place)  is he really answers to nobody with the army behind his back. People speak out they get attitude adjustments. There are no checks and balances, and there is no end in sight. I fail to see how the country has improved at all since he took power, what I see is a loss of basic freedoms with the only improvement being that there are no protesters in Bangkok... Of course the protesters in this case were organized by the man who put him into power and who never faced persecution for it. It just leaves a foul stench in the air, though he would likely try to ensure you that is just the smell of happiness.

It seems to be 'perceived achievement', it doesn't have to be real, many Thai's i have spoken to in my village (isaan) seem OK with Prayut although they are PTP supporters. Drug dealers in and around the village (young people) have been arrested, any fights between teenagers (usualy commonplace) at festivals are immediately  dealt with by the army, now and again there are shadowy figures at night behind trees (army) people seem to want this security which was missing before. The harshness on certain freedoms are ignored, indeed welcomed if it brings peace and quiet,according to the locals corruption in our area seems to be diminishing through fear of detection.

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Exercise caution of course, but I wouldn't worry too much. We are all in one place (here) and writing in a language not many Thais have a decent command of, so we are probably just foreign pigs playing in our grubby little pen to the authorities. If we were writing in Thai and / or out on the streets would be a different matter, but we aren't. 

Besides, it is better to be an enemy of the state than an enemy of the people...

So critising anything Thai is against the rules now?
I think this forum is getting way to paranoid. Please correct me if you think not.
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13 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

More insincere nonsense, simply put it's ' don't do as I do,  do as I say '.


No no, it's sincere. He's upset at people that show it so clearly now without always trying to smile and hide it and might not be the famous land of smiles much longer. He making a valid point.

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