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Trump supporters struggle to sideline 'birther' issue


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1 hour ago, PTC said:


Photos of Obama in Somali traditional costume are entirely unrelated to the Birther issue.




President  Obama certainly thought otherwise and Hillary's staff were directly responsible.


Obama slams smear photo

Obama campaign manager David Plouffe accused the Clinton campaign Monday of "shameful offensive fear-mongering" by circulating a photo as an attempted smear.

Plouffe was reacting to a banner headline on the Drudge Report saying that aides to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) had e-mailed a photo calling attention to the African roots of Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.).


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Very nice picture of Obama in his youth. This was circulated in the 2008 Campaign.

Obama slams smear photo http://www.politico.com/story/2008/02/obama-slams-smear-photo-008667

Obama's campaign manager, Pouffle made a comment about fear mongering - "her campaign has engaged in the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we’ve seen from either party in this election"


He was correct. It was fear mongering. There was some back and forth.


Thing is that the Trump Birthers have entirely no discernment. Because this is a racial issue and these people are racists, they think that throwing out any old stuff about African Americans will do. Fear mongering, clearly the intent of the staffer who sent the picture is not Birtherism. Apparently in their attempt to sideline the Trump ownership of Birtherism, these racists will throw any kind of mud against the wall in the vain hope that some of it will stick. Blumenthal, Obama in Somali costume, hailing Trump's baiting of Obama's birth certificate. Just an endless line of racist nonsense.


The Birther rumors started in 2004. There is no evidence that anyone associated with Hillary Clinton or her campaign apart from one person who was sacked for cause, has had anything to do with promoting the Birther LIE. Multiple organizations have fact checked this and proven that these claims as lies. They are being perpetuated because of low, base and disgraceful racism by people of a certain age and culture. It is emblematic of Trumpism - divisive, dogmatic and deplorable.


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12 hours ago, Scotwight said:

It’s still one person’s word against another. While emails show that Hillary Clinton confidant Sid Blumenthal did share story tips about Barack Obama with McClatchy’s former bureau chief James Asher,.......


Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy, where he and I met in my office. During that conversation and in subsequent communications, we discussed a number of matters related to Obama. He encouraged McClatchy to do stories related to Obama and his connections to Kenya.”






There were some mild rumblings back in 2004, but it was Hillary supporters who popularized the theory and made it a real issue.


Then, as Obama marched toward the presidency, a new suggestion emerged: That he was not eligible to serve.

That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site Snopes.com in April 2008.


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Trump supporters are desperately trying to fill the echo chamber with noise in their attempt to sideline the Birther issue. Current tactic, downplay who actually started the rumors in 2004 and focus only on Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign. No mention of course of the 5 years of ownership of the issue by Trump.


So the liars are now saying that the 2004 rumors are inconsequential. No-one was listening to them. No one was following up on them. It was only the actions of a volunteer on Hillary's 2008 Campaign that 'fanned the flames' even though that single, individual person was dismissed and the Campaign officially rejected these claims.


More lies. More fabrications. To wit:


Breitbart: Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama’s then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.” http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2012/05/17/the-vetting-barack-obama-literary-agent-1991-born-in-kenya-raised-indonesia-hawaii/


Gatewaypundit: AP 2004 FLASHBACK: “Kenyan-Born Obama All Set for US Senate” http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/05/ap-2004-flashback-kenyan-born-obama-all-set-for-us-senate/


Infowars: AP DECLARED OBAMA “KENYAN-BORN http://www.infowars.com/ap-declared-obama-kenyan-born/


So do we fall for the current tactic from the racists who are pushing this Birther lie? That the 2004 allegations were no more than mild rumors. Well not according to the right wing propaganda machine.

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14 hours ago, iReason said:

The President of the United States shreds the ignorant buffoon that is the Bloviator.

Again. :clap2:

"There's an extra spring in my step tonight," Obama said to a dinner hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation in Washington, D.C., on Saturday night."

"I don't know about you guys, but I am so relieved that the whole birther thing is over."

"I mean, ISIL, North Korea, poverty, climate change, none of those things weighed on my mind like the validity of my birth certificate."



They're laughing at ya Donnie.

Go home to your Ivory Tower and take your sadistic sons with you.


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Politico states that:


“There has never been evidence that Clinton or her campaign started the birther rumors,” said Ben Smith, editor in chief of BuzzFeed, who as a POLITICO reporter in 2011 linked the origin of the “birther” movement to a fringe politician in Illinois. Some hardcore Clinton backers circulated the rumors in 2008, but the campaign itself steered clear." http://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/birther-movement-founder-trump-clinton-228304


And when did the rumors start:


As we reported, some of her supporters flirted with the idea in 2008 — but it has its origins in the fever swamps beginning in Illinois in 2004,” he said.

And who was responsible:


In fact, birtherism, as it’s been called, reportedly began with innuendo by serial Illinois political candidate Andy Martin, who painted Obama as a closet Muslim in 2004. That spiraled into a concerted effort by conspiracy theorists to raise doubts about Obama’s birthplace and religion — and essentially paint him as un-American.


"Spiraled into a concert effort"


Doesn't sound mild to me at all. Sounds like some pretty vicious stuff. All of this in 2004. Nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. She was busy serving her eight years as a US Senator representing New York. So clearly the racists can't pin this on her, so what is the solution? Well...minimise, distract, distort. Straight out of the right wing playbook.

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On 9/18/2016 at 10:17 PM, Pimay1 said:


Good article about how it was Omama himself who actually started the birther business back in 1991. His literary agent published a bio that stated he was born in Kenya. However, Hillary's supporters would later popularize the story and her campaign would fan the flames by spreading around photos of him in Africa dress.

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10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

 It was Hilary's supporters that spread the rumor in a big way and her campaign staff that got the photos of Obama in African gear published. The rumor was not well known until Hilary's accolites fanned the flames.


You're wrong.  But just for fun, let's assume you're right (there, does that make you feel better?)....


Let's assume Trump is telling the truth (which is a rarity) and it was HRC who started the character assassination attempt which would have made Obama ineligible to be prez.  If so, then Trump took a barely perceptible HRC initiative, and blew it up to gargantuan proportions. Are Trump sheeple now saying Trump is aggressively pursuing an HRC initiative?   But wait a minute, I thought Trump hated HRC and everything she's ever done (no matter that he earlier supported and donated to HRC's political campaigns).   So how can he be taking up one of her initiatives and using it as a standard of his political ascension over the past 7 years?!?   


HRC has put forth many initiatives over the past 45 yrs.  All the while Trump was only focused on himself amassing money, HRC has been busy formulating initiatives which tangibly help poor people, minorities, children, women.  Would Trump take up and continue any such initiatives which help disadvantaged people at the lowest rungs of society?  Does a whale fly like a nightingale?  Of course not.  The one HRC initiative (though not really hers, unless you believe the ever-lying Trump) that Trump gloms onto is the dead-from-the-outset "Obama is a Kenyan muslim."  How telling.


Note:  when one of Trump's rabid fans started a question directed to Trump (while the two men were arm's length from each other), the q started with, "Given that Obama is a muslim and an African....."  ....Trump did not, in any way, dispel the questioner of his mean-spirited ignorance.

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7 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Let's assume Trump is telling the truth (which is a rarity) and it was HRC who started the character assassination attempt which would have made Obama ineligible to be prez.  If so, then Trump took a barely perceptible HRC initiative, and blew it up to gargantuan proportions.


It was not an initiative. It was a rumor that only became well know AFTER Hillary's fans spreading it on the internet. THEY made it major news, not Donald Trump.  On top of that Hillary's campaign staff added fire to the flames by distributing photos of Obama in African garb. His campaign manager was incensed about it. Of course, they stopped pushing it hard after she was beat.


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45 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


It was not an initiative. It was a rumor that only became well know AFTER Hillary's fans spreading it on the internet. THEY made it major news, not Donald Trump.  On top of that Hillary's campaign staff added fire to the flames by distributing photos of Obama in African garb. His campaign manager was incensed about it. Of course, they stopped pushing it hard after she was beat.



You can try to pin it on HRC or one of her staffers (who, it appears, was fired immediately after the gaffe) from 8 yrs ago.   Yet, who is the poster boy for the birthers?   Yup, just one person stands like the Colossus of Rhodes in relation to the birther issue.  

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4 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


You can try to pin it on HRC or one of her staffers (who, it appears, was fired immediately after the gaffe) from 8 yrs ago.  


3 years before Trump even brought it up. They did not fire anyone that published the photos of Obama in African gear that fanned the flames of the birther rumor. They probably got a raise!

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message to Trump fans:   Good luck trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube.


Your boy is the only person who has been breathing life into the birther issue for the past 7 years.   Even recently, when dickheads Gulianni and Christie were trying to paint Trump as reasonable, Trump himself was clinging on to the birther hype with his small fingers.  


Here's a lexicon for people watching Trump:


When he says "many people are saying......" , the reality is it's himself and maybe one or two of his hard-right yes-men.


One of hundreds of examples:  "Many people are saying it may be the Chinese." (in relation to published leaks from DNC).  Not one person on the planet was saying the leaks were from China.  Only Trump. ....so he was referencing an earlier statement he alone made as being "many people..." !!! 


When he tags "....believe me" at the end of a statement, .....it's an indication that it's not true.


For example:  When ex-prez Fox from Mexico said, "No way Mexico is going to pay for that f - ing wall" ....Trump responded, "The wall just got twice as high, believe me."


Here's another Trumpism as an example:  "I would love to release my tax statements, believe me."



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Trump is such a soiled pamper.  He spearheads a mean-spirited campaign for years.  He convinces millions of Americans that a president isn't qualified to be president.  Then, after causing so much grief, he gives a one-sentence retraction - WHICH BLAMES IT ON SOMEONE ELSE !


I knew a guy who knew he had STD's but still boom boomed girls without a condom. So, he got them pregnant, gave them some STD's, and then laughed about it later.  He would also borrow money from anyone, including the abandoned girls and their friends/family/boyfriends, ..and never pay anyone back.   That guy had more character qualities than Trump.

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46 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


3 years before Trump even brought it up. They did not fire anyone that published the photos of Obama in African gear that fanned the flames of the birther rumor. They probably got a raise!


Look. Obama must be a secret Filipino. 


No, wait. He is really a secret Maoist.


Perhaps he is a Filipino Maoist?


Pictures of Obama in clothing other than a suit are not indicative of anything, certainly not of his place of birth. That person in Hillary's 2008 campaign who sent the picture of Obama in Somali costume was not promoting Birtherism. That person was using racist stereotyping to create fear and division. You perpetuate this with the demonstrably false claim that Hillary's campaign pushed Birtherism.


Keep struggling to sideline Trumps ownership of the Birther issue.




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Trump Promised A Charity Millions In 2012 If Obama Proved He Was American And It’s Time To Pay The Piper



The idiot even promised to up the $5m to $50 million according to the Washington Post.


The Alt Right believes that there is some equivalency between statements like this and someone sending a photo of Obama in Somali dress eight years ago.


Show me the money.


There are dozens more lies like this from the person who shaped and shamelessly promoted the Birther issue while being a 'non politician'.

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1 minute ago, PTC said:


Pictures of Obama in clothing other than a suit are not indicative of anything, certainly not of his place of birth. 



Then why did he and his campaign manager almost have a stroke? Omama said Hillary was using "smaeful smear tactics". The newspaper coverage at the time was about how it was meant to convince the public that he is a Muslim.

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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



Then why did he and his campaign manager almost have a stroke? Omama said Hillary was using "smaeful smear tactics". The newspaper coverage at the time was about how it was meant to convince the public that he is a Muslim.


youre suddenly a doctor?

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:



Then why did he and his campaign manager almost have a stroke? Omama said Hillary was using "smaeful smear tactics". The newspaper coverage at the time was about how it was meant to convince the public that he is a Muslim.


None of the quotes of the Obama 2008 Campaign in response to the photo of Obama in Somali costume has made any reference to any allegation that Obama was born in Kenya or ineligible to run for President. At least none of the quotes that I have seen, mostly posted by you, on this site.


It was one campaign volunteer who sent an email referring to the birther issue and she was sacked and the Campaign formally distanced itself from this.


You are taking one instance of Primary political muckraking and trying to attach it to th Birther issue to deflect away from Trump as being the primary person identified with Birtherism because of his loud and active ownership of the issue. Sending a picture of Obama in costume was a disgraceful appeal to racist stereotyping and this is what Pouffle commented on, not any hint of anything related to Birtherism.


We have just been treated to the most nonsensical, out of control Primary season from the Republicans and you choose to focus on one photo in an eight year old campaign? The very definition of 'struggling to sideline an issue'.

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Trying to paint HRC as the originator of the birther bullshit is pathetic. A perfect example of how Trump handles his lies. 


The guy who supposedly isn't for Trump, leading the "all Hillary's fault" charge here...pathetic. 5 years of constant birther crap from Trump, no he's cool, Hillary started it. Wow! Just pathetic. 

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1 hour ago, Pinot said:

Trying to paint HRC as the originator of the birther bullshit is pathetic. A perfect example of how Trump handles his lies. 


The guy who supposedly isn't for Trump, leading the "all Hillary's fault" charge here...pathetic. 5 years of constant birther crap from Trump, no he's cool, Hillary started it. Wow! Just pathetic. 

Wonder how Trump is going to handle his other lies?

I am going to build a wall.

I am going to deport 11 million ilegal emigrants.

I am going to defeat ISIS. 

I am going to make America great again. Etc.

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13 hours ago, PTC said:

The Birther rumors started in 2004. There is no evidence that anyone associated with Hillary Clinton or her campaign apart from one person who was sacked for cause, has had anything to do with promoting the Birther LIE. Multiple organizations have fact checked this and proven that these claims as lies. They are being perpetuated because of low, base and disgraceful racism by people of a certain age and culture. It is emblematic of Trumpism - divisive, dogmatic and deplorable.

Wrong.  "In a statement to McClatchy on Monday, Asher said:

“Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy, where he and I met in my office. During that conversation and in subsequent communications, we discussed a number of matters related to Obama. He encouraged McClatchy to do stories related to Obama and his connections to Kenya.”



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2 hours ago, Pinot said:

Trying to paint HRC as the originator of the birther bullshit is pathetic. A perfect example of how Trump handles his lies. 


The guy who supposedly isn't for Trump, leading the "all Hillary's fault" charge here...pathetic. 5 years of constant birther crap from Trump, no he's cool, Hillary started it. Wow! Just pathetic. 

I agree with most of what you say.  Obama was slow to produce birth certificate,  Sidney Blumenthal also promoted the Kenyan connection and birther thing in 2008 and so did Trump.  I don't like Trump and I don't like Hillary.  I think I can see things from a neutral corner.  Both of them were involved in the Obama/Kenya thing but Hillary got out because of a deal they made because they were in the same Party.  


Who cares?  The issue is a distraction presented by the Washington Post to set the stage for a Hillary loss in the upcoming debate unless she calls in sick or the questions are rigged.    

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5 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

Who cares?  The issue is a distraction presented by the Washington Post to set the stage for a Hillary loss in the upcoming debate unless she calls in sick or the questions are rigged.    

Meanwhile, Trump is whining on and on the debate moderators will be unfair to him. Heck, he even called Lester Holt a Democrat (hint, hint:he's a Republican). It should a very interesting 90 minutes - that is a long time for him to try and get away with cheap bumper sticker sound bites. Yes, let's just call the debates rigged now to absolve him in advance of his incoherent, meandering half sentences. 

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1 minute ago, lifeincnx said:

Meanwhile, Trump is whining on and on the debate moderators will be unfair to him. Heck, he even called Lester Holt a Democrat (hint, hint:he's a Republican). It should a very interesting 90 minutes - that is a long time for him to try and get away with cheap bumper sticker sound bites. Yes, let's just call the debates rigged now to absolve him in advance of his incoherent, meandering half sentences. 

The debate should definitely stop the birther issue.  I don't think the debate moderators will be stupid enough to bring it up.  Advance reports are predicting bigger audiences than the Super Bowl.  I don't see how Hillary can show up.  

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13 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

Wrong.  "In a statement to McClatchy on Monday, Asher said:

“Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy, where he and I met in my office. During that conversation and in subsequent communications, we discussed a number of matters related to Obama. He encouraged McClatchy to do stories related to Obama and his connections to Kenya.”




Wrong.  "In a statement to McClatchy on Monday, Asher said:

“Blumenthal visited the Washington Bureau of McClatchy, where he and I met in my office. During that conversation and in subsequent communications, we discussed a number of matters related to Obama. He encouraged McClatchy to do stories related to Obama and his connections to Kenya.”




Since you have posted this now about a dozen times, I am returning the favor. Again. I do wonder why you keep posting it because nowhere in that statement, nor the entire article is there any mention of or reference to the Birther issue.


The only allegations of connections to Birtherism are from Asher who does not provide any evidence.


So here is the email from Blumenthal to Asher.


“Jim: On Kenya, your person in the field might look into the impact there of Obama’s public comments about his father,” reads a March 17, 2008 email from Blumenthal to Asher, who now serves as Washington editor of Injustice Watch, an investigative journalism nonprofit that focuses on inequality in the criminal justice system.

“I’m told by State Dept officials that Obama publicly derided his father on his visit there and that was regarded as embarrassing and crossing the line by Kenyans for whom respect for elders (especially the father, especially a Muslim father, in a patrilineal society) is considered sacrosanct. Sidney.”



So we can see that in the actual email there is no reference to Birtherism. No suggestion that Obama was born in Kenya. No speculation about Obama's eligibility to run for President. Just some stuff about him being disrespectful to his father and vague references to 'connections' with Kenya.


I am afraid that your nudge nudge, wink wink lame theories are quite useless without evidence and this is not evidence. Was Blumenthal trying go stir up political muck. Of course he was. It is what is done in this process. But to pin the charge of being a significant mover in the Birther issue with an equivalency to the cacophony of noise emanating from Trump and all those around him is a nonsense.


It is a vain struggle to sideline this issue. It is an attempt to continue to smear Hillary Clinton. It is so transparently laughable in any other context that the remaining clown in the clown car driving the Republican Party off the cliff.


Please keep posting that link. Each time you do, I will return the favor and repost it. It demonstrates how far the Alt Right will lie and cheat. Never back down right.


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If Trump does become prez, Bob forbid! it's inevitable that about half his fans will see the light during his disastrous presidency.   Similar to how most of the easily-fooled folks who voted for Bush are now regretting it. Yet with Trump, the sheeple will be more betrayed than the same folks were with Bush Jr.  The reason:  Bush was Bud Lite compared to Trump's moonshine.


And when current Trump fans come whining to me, months/years later, when the economy tanks and every foreign leader laughs at the dufus, what should I say?  Should I say, "I told you so" ....or should I just be kind and pat their pointy bald heads in pity?

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Seth ABSOLUTELY nails the absurdity of the wingnut position on the "birther" issue. Trump is absurd. His lemmings are absurd. This election is absurd. 


Please watch this and laugh along with me. Trumpeteers...go into a closed room by yourselves and sit down, and concentrate.  Think about how you got into the position of wanting Trump to be President. Think about making some changes in how you perceive life. Stop getting information from the same old crazy places. Are you able to  grasp the implications of supporting Donald Trump for President? Or should you get professional help?




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16 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

If Trump does become prez, Bob forbid! it's inevitable that about half his fans will see the light during his disastrous presidency.   Similar to how most of the easily-fooled folks who voted for Bush are now regretting it. Yet with Trump, the sheeple will be more betrayed than the same folks were with Bush Jr.  The reason:  Bush was Bud Lite compared to Trump's moonshine.


And when current Trump fans come whining to me, months/years later, when the economy tanks and every foreign leader laughs at the dufus, what should I say?  Should I say, "I told you so" ....or should I just be kind and pat their pointy bald heads in pity?

"I told you so"....will be fine.

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