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Often on this board bad farangs and Brits have become synonymous, are we really that bad?? Have all the people that love to go on about how "pathetic, ugly and violent" we all are, have they actually been on the recieving end of this seemingly commonplace behaviour, or is it that you just read something somewhere, see someone drunk and assume he's gonna beat you up?? I would really love to know.

Seriously, who has had a bad experience with us Brits??

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There seems to be 2 distinctly different types of Brits.

There's the tattooed-lager-lout-pissed-idiot loser, and then there's the types that are the complete opposite and quite pleasant people. I'd say the latter are in the majority.

All of them seem to be a bit disillusioned with their home country, and from what I've heard, for good reason.


Having the pubs close at 11pm for so many years I think turned alot of brits into binge drinkers. When they get somewhere that they can drink an extra few hours they do the same pace and get out of hand.

For all the lager louts there's a good many brits who just chill out and drink sensibly till they fall politely to the floor. :o

There seems to be 2 distinctly different types of Brits.

There's the tattooed-lager-lout-pissed-idiot loser, and then there's the types that are the complete opposite and quite pleasant people. I'd say the latter are in the majority.

All of them seem to be a bit disillusioned with their home country, and from what I've heard, for good reason.

Totally agree. And nodody despises the idiots more than me. But that goes for any drunken t##t.

There are idiots from every country that come here on holiday and behave badly.

But as a Brit myself, I do get defensive when people start Brit bashing as though Brits are the only people who act badly..........its nonsense.

There are good and bad in every race.

Having the pubs close at 11pm for so many years I think turned alot of brits into binge drinkers. When they get somewhere that they can drink an extra few hours they do the same pace and get out of hand.

For all the lager louts there's a good many brits who just chill out and drink sensibly till they fall politely to the floor. :o

I disagree Vic. I havent been back to the UK for 7 yrs, however back then pubs were open all day.

At closing time there were many that stayed and did AT (AFTER TIME) as well as many clubs and discos to go to.

I think it stems from family values and lack of discipline, weakness of the legal system, reducing the Police Force to ineffective pen pushers, so called politically correct do gooders. The Labour Government has a lot to answer for!!!!

However my point is that it is not just the Brits who behave badly.

But as a Brit myself, I do get defensive when people start Brit bashing as though Brits are the only people who act badly..........its nonsense.

There are good and bad in every race.

I agree and some of my best buddies are British, however, the only farangs who have ever yelled insults at me from bars trying to provoke a fight as I was innocently walking down the road were ALL Brits, It has happened a number of times over the years, so I see how they have gotten this reputation. :o


I get defensive as well, but then none of my friends have ever been called "lager louts", and to be honest I don't "see" the difference say between any Brits, European tourists, or ozzies and Israelis. I think Americans are pretty well behaved and don't go to wild so much, but apart from that I don't get it.


I think people are more sensetive to comments related to their home country. I mean to me it seems like Americans get bashed more than the Brits or anyone else for that matter. From what I have noticed we are all pretty much the same. Though the Saudi's drink like fish and act retarted, they keep it too themselves in their own lil areas of town. And Isrealis...well they just generaly skeeve me out but thats another story :o

I think people are more sensetive to comments related to their home country. I mean to me it seems like Americans get bashed more than the Brits or anyone else for that matter.

Maybe America gets bashed, not Americans, don't know?? Maybe it's all perspective

I think people are more sensetive to comments related to their home country. I mean to me it seems like Americans get bashed more than the Brits or anyone else for that matter. From what I have noticed we are all pretty much the same. Though the Saudi's drink like fish and act retarted, they keep it too themselves in their own lil areas of town. And Isrealis...well they just generaly skeeve me out but thats another story :o

especially recenet years.


You can spot the type of Brit a mile off can't you, the style of dress, the way they walk, something in their mannerisms. I'm not proud of a lot of them, but I always say to people who critisize, go and live in England for a few years and you may start to understand the mentality.

A lot of it comes from the fact that most european countries have limited working weeks of 40ish hours whereas in the uk it is unregulated and working weeks of 50, 60 or 70hrs are not uncommon, add to that the previously short drinking hours, and you have the combination of exhaustion, stress and large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time = BOOM!, then when these types of guys get abroad and they've got time on their hands, energy to burn plenty of booze and a chip on their shoulder it's playtime for them, raise hel_l and then back on the plane to monkey island.

People comment (europeans mostly) that Brits are unrefined and that their lack of language skills, compared to europeans, shows that they are not exactly intellectual giants, but I tell you what give an english tradesman a job to do, and he will do that job better and more dilligently than any other, sure he might pull a sicky on a monday, or try and shag your wife but god dammit he'll do that job right. :o

I tell you what give an english tradesman a job to do, and he will do that job better and more dilligently than any other, sure he might pull a sicky on a monday, or try and shag your wife but god dammit he'll do that job right. :o

High praise! :D

You can spot the type of Brit a mile off can't you, the style of dress, the way they walk, something in their mannerisms. I'm not proud of a lot of them, but I always say to people who critisize, go and live in England for a few years and you may start to understand the mentality.

A lot of it comes from the fact that most european countries have limited working weeks of 40ish hours whereas in the uk it is unregulated and working weeks of 50, 60 or 70hrs are not uncommon, add to that the previously short drinking hours, and you have the combination of exhaustion, stress and large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time = BOOM!, then when these types of guys get abroad and they've got time on their hands, energy to burn plenty of booze and a chip on their shoulder it's playtime for them, raise hel_l and then back on the plane to monkey island.

People comment (europeans mostly) that Brits are unrefined and that their lack of language skills, compared to europeans, shows that they are not exactly intellectual giants, but I tell you what give an english tradesman a job to do, and he will do that job better and more dilligently than any other, sure he might pull a sicky on a monday, or try and shag your wife but god dammit he'll do that job right. :o

But an Aussie would do it better


You can spot the type of Brit a mile off can't you, the style of dress, the way they walk, something in their mannerisms. I'm not proud of a lot of them, but I always say to people who critisize, go and live in England for a few years and you may start to understand the mentality.

A lot of it comes from the fact that most european countries have limited working weeks of 40ish hours whereas in the uk it is unregulated and working weeks of 50, 60 or 70hrs are not uncommon, add to that the previously short drinking hours, and you have the combination of exhaustion, stress and large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time = BOOM!, then when these types of guys get abroad and they've got time on their hands, energy to burn plenty of booze and a chip on their shoulder it's playtime for them, raise hel_l and then back on the plane to monkey island.

People comment (europeans mostly) that Brits are unrefined and that their lack of language skills, compared to europeans, shows that they are not exactly intellectual giants, but I tell you what give an english tradesman a job to do, and he will do that job better and more dilligently than any other, sure he might pull a sicky on a monday, or try and shag your wife but god dammit he'll do that job right. :D

But an Aussie would do it better

Which part, the wife or the sicky? :o

You can spot the type of Brit a mile off can't you, the style of dress, the way they walk, something in their mannerisms. I'm not proud of a lot of them, but I always say to people who critisize, go and live in England for a few years and you may start to understand the mentality.

A lot of it comes from the fact that most european countries have limited working weeks of 40ish hours whereas in the uk it is unregulated and working weeks of 50, 60 or 70hrs are not uncommon, add to that the previously short drinking hours, and you have the combination of exhaustion, stress and large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time = BOOM!, then when these types of guys get abroad and they've got time on their hands, energy to burn plenty of booze and a chip on their shoulder it's playtime for them, raise hel_l and then back on the plane to monkey island.

People comment (europeans mostly) that Brits are unrefined and that their lack of language skills, compared to europeans, shows that they are not exactly intellectual giants, but I tell you what give an english tradesman a job to do, and he will do that job better and more dilligently than any other, sure he might pull a sicky on a monday, or try and shag your wife but god dammit he'll do that job right. :o

No tradesmen left in the uk, they have all retired.

What we have now is 500.000 east European imposters.

Sad but true.


You can spot the type of Brit a mile off can't you, the style of dress, the way they walk, something in their mannerisms. I'm not proud of a lot of them, but I always say to people who critisize, go and live in England for a few years and you may start to understand the mentality.

A lot of it comes from the fact that most european countries have limited working weeks of 40ish hours whereas in the uk it is unregulated and working weeks of 50, 60 or 70hrs are not uncommon, add to that the previously short drinking hours, and you have the combination of exhaustion, stress and large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time = BOOM!, then when these types of guys get abroad and they've got time on their hands, energy to burn plenty of booze and a chip on their shoulder it's playtime for them, raise hel_l and then back on the plane to monkey island.

People comment (europeans mostly) that Brits are unrefined and that their lack of language skills, compared to europeans, shows that they are not exactly intellectual giants, but I tell you what give an english tradesman a job to do, and he will do that job better and more dilligently than any other, sure he might pull a sicky on a monday, or try and shag your wife but god dammit he'll do that job right. :D

But an Aussie would do it better

Which part, the wife or the sicky? :o

Everything, just like sport


I wish they were more humble. More friendly. Then I will be more proud of being half a brit.

Don't feel bad I'm half Welsh.... :D

'Kin el Captain.............................. :o:D:D


As a British national I do feel the need to defend my peers sometimes, but only the ones that are similar to me.

Have I ever been drunk - yes, of course I have.

Have I even been in a fight in LOS - No.

Have I ever stopped one (by talking) - Yes

Have I ever felt the need to knock the living daylights out of another farang - Yes, but I never have.

Have I ever been on the receiving end of potential violence - Yes, and I change tables or leave.

I abhor violent behaviour, from any nationality, as do my close circle of friends here. When we arrive at the ex-pat bar of an evening, if there are a couple of individuals already there that have been drinking since lunchtime, we sit next door until they leave or pass out.

And, we all agree on one thing, we came here to relax and haven't got time for all that testosterone induced crap. So we wrote The Farang Charter, it hangs on every wall, including the stand up part of the urinal.

The Farang Charter

Rules of the bar.

It is permitted

Eat, drink and be merry. In fact we insist that you do at least two of those

Tell some funny stories, tell some jokes, even bad taste and racist ones. There is no room for political correctness around here.

Watch the world go by, especially the women.

Smoke if you like, but only tobacco.

Discuss the current news topics, discuss Islam and Muslims even if they aren’t currently in the news (like that will ever happen)

Talk utter <deleted> about old TV programs, quote The Two Ronnies, Monty Python, Allo Allo, Dad’s Army etc at leisure.

Tell everybody about your wife’s latest mistake and compare it with theirs.

Basically…… Have fun.

It is not permitted

Do not try to acquire or supply illegal substances.

Dress appropriately, no one wants to see a big white gut, especially the locals.

Aggressive or violent behaviour will be handled like this:-

On the first offence, the guilty party or parties will be asked to settle their bill and then asked to leave. If this fails to happen, the Police will be notified.

Second offence will be handled the same way but with the addition of you will be asked never to return and the Police will be called.


Don’t take Dang to task over this. This notice is written by the ex-pats, the ex-pats that live here, the ex-pats that are getting mightily brassed off with getting a bad reputation because a select few individuals find it impossible to just have a drink and a laugh.

Although not written by Dang, it is endorsed by him and the local Police Force.

People that have had the police called on them consist of one Brit, one Aussie and one Dutchman.

Unfortunately, a complete a.rse-hole can be born anywhere. :o


I'm not born British but I spent a large part of my childhood there and so had quite a good chance to see Britain from the eyes of an outsider/insider.

It is my belief that the underlying problem with people in Britain is the very one they try to deny exists. Class.

Britain is a class ridden society, very many Britons deny this, claiming that old class rules have broken down. I don't agree, I think the class rules remain, simply under a different guise. There are not, as has been observed here, two types of Brits, there are very many and beyond the superficial level they do not mix.

Drinking, violence, abusiveness are not new aspects of British society, they have always existed. Read some of the accounts of drinking and violence in late Victorian Britain. Parts of major British Cities where no go areas. The restrictive alcohol licensing laws came in, not because it was to stop war workers drinking and keep up war production. But because with more money in their pockets, war workers where heading to the pubs and bingeing - The law was a reaction to binge drinking, not a preventative law incase binge drinking occured.

Then there is welfare (don't get me started).

And then there is something that I regard as the worst trait in British society, a broad band of spite and envy running right through the whole of the nation. Britons hate other Britons to get on in life, my belief is it goes back to the class thing. Getting above one's station, 'counter jumping'.

Finally, to put this back into the context of Thailand, I don't believe the British people who move to Thailand are a representative cross section of British society. They are in general a completely different type of people than, for example, those who move over here to live in Tuscany or perhaps buy a home in France. And yes, neither are those people a representative sample of Britons, they are simply a different class.

There seems to be 2 distinctly different types of Brits.

There's the tattooed-lager-lout-pissed-idiot loser, and then there's the types that are the complete opposite and quite pleasant people. I'd say the latter are in the majority.

All of them seem to be a bit disillusioned with their home country, and from what I've heard, for good reason.

and where might i ask you are from ? just curious...!!!!!!!!


I tell you what give an english tradesman a job to do, and he will do that job better and more dilligently than any other, sure he might pull a sicky on a monday, or try and shag your wife but god dammit he'll do that job right. :o

High praise! :D

hear hear.... thank god for the brits.....hahaha being british myself don,t like being slagged off as a nation there are idiots in every race....

No tradesmen left in the uk, they have all retired.

What we have now is 500.000 east European imposters.

Sad but true.

We are not all retired. But some of us had the sense to get out. Too many kosovans etc etc on the tools now. Working for less. :D You can keep the UK. I'm over it. :o

Why don't you Brits just admit it.....you can't handle your grog.

You need lessons from an Aussie. :D

What? Like the Aussies and their schooners?(like a half pint) :D:D:D


Guesthouse is correct about the class issue in British society. The British tabloid press is an example of this; our brightest stars and celebrities knocked down and humiliated for us over a fried brekky and a p*ss-weak cuppa tea. :o

The same p#ssheads you might see staggering around drunk; smashing up foreign shopping centres; or getting knifed by taxi drivers, are the same lovely boys that blagged an Empire a couple of centuries ago. We sent them to the ends of the Earth to steal; smash; and grab anything worth stealing at the time. Its sorta hard-wired into a lot of us. :D


Unfortunately, a complete a.rse-hole can be born anywhere. :D

But, there is a good chance they now reside in Bangkok or Buriram :D

Yeah,the problem is that so many British a....-...s come,and stay,in LOS! :o


I tell you what give an english tradesman a job to do, and he will do that job better and more dilligently than any other, sure he might pull a sicky on a monday, or try and shag your wife but god dammit he'll do that job right. :D

High praise! :D

That's why 'Made in England' or 'Made in the UK' is such a selleing point . . . oh, hang on . . . :o

As for the bad rep, it is unfortunately this group of bald and loud thugs that give the rest a bad name. Don't care what you say, you don't have the same attitude ffrom a bunch of Frenchmen, Italians, Swiss etc . . . who get together for a drink.

Too many Brits seem to drink to get drunk, not to have a good time, and it goes beyond that as to why there are so many thugs around, but that's historical and has to do with keeping the masses ill-educated and instil them with national pride . . . putty in the leaders hands.

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