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Brit Bashing


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i wish you guys would start bashing us aussies some more as we love it. :D

I almost always like Aussies so it's no fun bashing them. :D

cricky's mr G ,

im glad you like me as you got that huge great baton and i <deleted> my self every time i think about it. :D:D

cheers mr G. :o

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Americans aren't really affected much by what folks from less productive countries think of us. We're usually too busy doing stuff like going to the moon, pioneering new musical genres, inventing personal computers and the internet, removing evil dictators from power and such to give a flying fork.

We understand that when other folks feel the need to bash us it generally stems from ignorance, jealousy, bitterness, or a combination of all the above.

From the AA (Americans Anonymous) website. :o

"Hello, my name is Eric, and I'm an American."

"I used to be embarrassed to admit I carried a U.S. passport, and ashamed in turn to be embarrassed about that. These dark secrets led to feelings of guilt and to a vicious cycle from which I couldn 't escape. That's when I discovered AA (Americans Anonymous)…

"Thanks to this 12-step group, and to the fellowship of like-minded people, I have learned true humility. I have had to face up to the truth. The sad and uncomfortable truth. I now realize that as Americans, we cannot, and never will, measure up to Europeans (among others) in the areas of honesty, generosity, tolerance, solidarité (en français dans le texte), clear-mindedness, humanitarianism, infinite wisdom, true democracy, world peace, and the love of one's fellow man.


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Americans aren't really affected much by what folks from less productive countries think of us. We're usually too busy doing stuff like going to the moon, pioneering new musical genres, inventing personal computers and the internet, removing evil dictators from power and such to give a flying fork.

We understand that when other folks feel the need to bash us it generally stems from ignorance, jealousy, bitterness, or a combination of all the above.

From the AA (Americans Anonymous) website. :o

"Hello, my name is Eric, and I'm an American."

"I used to be embarrassed to admit I carried a U.S. passport, and ashamed in turn to be embarrassed about that. These dark secrets led to feelings of guilt and to a vicious cycle from which I couldn 't escape. That's when I discovered AA (Americans Anonymous)…

"Thanks to this 12-step group, and to the fellowship of like-minded people, I have learned true humility. I have had to face up to the truth. The sad and uncomfortable truth. I now realize that as Americans, we cannot, and never will, measure up to Europeans (among others) in the areas of honesty, generosity, tolerance, solidarité (en français dans le texte), clear-mindedness, humanitarianism, infinite wisdom, true democracy, world peace, and the love of one's fellow man.


'He said in a loud brash voice' :D:D

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Americans aren't really affected much by what folks from less productive countries think of us. We're usually too busy doing stuff like going to the moon, pioneering new musical genres, inventing personal computers and the internet, removing evil dictators from power and such to give a flying fork.

We understand that when other folks feel the need to bash us it generally stems from ignorance, jealousy, bitterness, or a combination of all the above.

From the AA (Americans Anonymous) website. :o

"Hello, my name is Eric, and I'm an American."

"I used to be embarrassed to admit I carried a U.S. passport, and ashamed in turn to be embarrassed about that. These dark secrets led to feelings of guilt and to a vicious cycle from which I couldn 't escape. That's when I discovered AA (Americans Anonymous)…

"Thanks to this 12-step group, and to the fellowship of like-minded people, I have learned true humility. I have had to face up to the truth. The sad and uncomfortable truth. I now realize that as Americans, we cannot, and never will, measure up to Europeans (among others) in the areas of honesty, generosity, tolerance, solidarité (en français dans le texte), clear-mindedness, humanitarianism, infinite wisdom, true democracy, world peace, and the love of one's fellow man.


Spit that hook out of your mouth.

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Americans aren't really affected much by what folks from less productive countries think of us. We're usually too busy doing stuff like going to the moon, pioneering new musical genres, inventing personal computers and the internet, removing evil dictators from power and such to give a flying fork.

We understand that when other folks feel the need to bash us it generally stems from ignorance, jealousy, bitterness, or a combination of all the above.

From the AA (Americans Anonymous) website. :o

"Hello, my name is Eric, and I'm an American."

"I used to be embarrassed to admit I carried a U.S. passport, and ashamed in turn to be embarrassed about that. These dark secrets led to feelings of guilt and to a vicious cycle from which I couldn 't escape. That's when I discovered AA (Americans Anonymous)…

"Thanks to this 12-step group, and to the fellowship of like-minded people, I have learned true humility. I have had to face up to the truth. The sad and uncomfortable truth. I now realize that as Americans, we cannot, and never will, measure up to Europeans (among others) in the areas of honesty, generosity, tolerance, solidarité (en français dans le texte), clear-mindedness, humanitarianism, infinite wisdom, true democracy, world peace, and the love of one's fellow man.


And here I thought Brits were able to appreciate a bit of irony... obviously it's not a universal trait.


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Guys.. Americans are too easy targets, theres a lot of good and a lot of other... but please this thread is/was about our British cultural exports to Thailand. Lets keep it to that or start another thread.



Agreed, but seems London Croc just can't control himself :D

Personally, I like most Brits. Just dislike the hooligans and the snobby ones who have somehow forgotten that the sun set on the British Empire decades ago :o

Best British import: English Pies

Worst British import: marmite :D

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Americans aren't really affected much by what folks from less productive countries think of us. We're usually too busy doing stuff like going to the moon, pioneering new musical genres, inventing personal computers and the internet, removing evil dictators from power and such to give a flying fork.

We understand that when other folks feel the need to bash us it generally stems from ignorance, jealousy, bitterness, or a combination of all the above.

By and large, Americans may not be the most be the most worldly group of folks, but they're usually quite friendly and aren't known for going out and starting drunken brawls - with a few exceptions of course - unless you go out of your way to piss them off.

Personally I've never had any trouble with a Brit... now Germans, on the other hand... :D

some of them have a great sense of humour too............ :o

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Brits can be bashed for:

Best press in the world.

Best tollerance.

And for the Economist - the best newspapers on the planet.

That makes Time and Newsweek a yellow press.

You forget they have the worst food except their Fish&Chips! And that Back-stabber Sir Paul when he got greedy! Still feel sorry for John.

BUT, here again there are + sides<like with any country> their music they stole( hard word, borrowed from the Afro-Americans) then and today!(That Timerlake dude, looks like he's a white<WHITE,NO, British>Mickael Jackson.

Peace Brits, your old convicts you threw to the land of Oz, turned out to be a great country with impressive people.

Having said this lets close the site, since we all have said what's worth saying. Am I right Croc. London?

Edited by SamuiJens
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I know a Bit who I heard call his girlfriend a "fukcing peaseant" and who he said the same about a Thai man to my girlfriend. I told him I thought that was a harsh way to describe his girlfriend, and he commented "it's just an expression". So, since we have all the Brits attention here, is it just a British expression that is commonplace and acceptable, or is that untoward behaviour by one of your own?

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I know a Bit who I heard call his girlfriend a "fukcing peaseant" and who he said the same about a Thai man to my girlfriend. I told him I thought that was a harsh way to describe his girlfriend, and he commented "it's just an expression". So, since we have all the Brits attention here, is it just a British expression that is commonplace and acceptable, or is that untoward behaviour by one of your own?

Sounds like a pheasant plucker... :o

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Interesting that there is a place for this on the board yet no place for one concerning Americans.

Just an observation.

I'd be happy to close this one for you as well if it will make you feel better :D

NO sbk, it's about the only fun thread around at the moment. :D

Ah, so what are you moaning about then? The American bashing thread certainly didn't appear lighthearted to me, nor to Boo who closed it (and no, she's not American).

Anyway, seems to me this thread is more like Brits bashing Brits, Aussies bashing Brits and Brits bashing Aussies. Something you all seemed to have perfected :D

We are better at it than the limies sbk

Well if you want we will teach you to bash as well as we are teaching you how to play cricket and rugby 7's :o

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You forget they have the worst food except their Fish&Chips! And that Back-stabber Sir Paul when he got greedy! Still feel sorry for John.

I love the Beatles and I love John, but McCartney was just as good of a songwriter and musician as Lennon and a lot less of a twit.

For one thing, he never tried to sell a whole LP that was a recording of a babies heartbeat with no music what-so-ever! :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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