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What do you think, of the fiasco concerning Toxin's daughter conveniently getting into Chula? I noted this morning that the illustrious gentlemen said that the press should "stop dragging his children into politics." Surely the best thing to do would be to openly say that the girl in question has not met the required standards and therefore is withdrawing her application. Thus allowing those who have met the required standards, to have a better chance of being addmitted. Or perhaps this is too simple. What do you think

She met the new standards. Grade point was dropped from 2.7 to 2.2.

Why is it then that candidates who have met the previously high standards, of at least 500 (TOEFL) CUTEP score of 60 or IELTS score of 5.0 etc, and a GPA of 2.90, have been denied addmission?


I wonder why everyone is using the word "STANDARDS"

There are none in Thai education or they are so low as to be laughable.

1. It is only a short while since we had a Prime Minister who was awarded an MBA for work that was clearly done by his subordinates. The thesis was in English, but the man could barely manage a basic sentence in the laguage.

2. Slightly more recently, university students were caught cheating. We were told it is normal and nothing can be done about it.

Next we will be hearing that Thai Degrees are not acceptable overseas,

and there will be great wailing and gnashing of teeth.


it up to the general thai population to work this out.

until then this snot will be ongoing..

until people stop revering the facade, until people learn to think- not to parrot.

the man who accessed the exam papers....?

this dean of electrical engineering whose statement is on the power pole thread...?

all you can say is som nam naa.. it is only they who can stop digging this hole



WAD...They did not do it the old fashion Essan way... Someone did not take the test for her? Certainly would have saved the trouble..

I do recall a certain PM needed a MBA..and had trouble... writing his name in English... because that was the only English skill he had developed.. Obviously, he had more important things to do. LOL

Actually, feel sorry to the kid.. But I hear MC Donald's is hiring?

The whole things is too funny.. First, the Oh.. that's not my money,, then the son, oh..those notes in my back pocket..only waste paper to wipe my behind, now..Oh..dad, could I have the test, so I can pass... Besides, send the C student to her dad's unversity..already...

Hey, but doesn't "stuff" like this happen in your own backyards.

Take a look at all the black Athletes getting the short end of the stick, while the college get rich off their sporting performance..

How many of those folk passed the SATs....OR attend class, but I do admired those who got a B in Introduction to Walking 101.

LET them have at it.. YES, those degrees are not accepted..rightly so..

But alas.. The new Curiculum at Chula should include:

Introduction to Mia Noi 101, Advanced Mia Noi Techniques, Thesis Project

Education can be a dangerous things..... ASK THAT DAX SIN Dude


Love to shoot from the hip on things like this.......you have to laugh at the hide of the prime minister of Thailand. His poor daughter will be subject to jokes and prejudices for the rest of her life after this. I guess it does not matter for one of the worlds richest a-holes. Daddy will pay for everything. the worry is if he pays for her to go to a prestiguous Uni abroad to get her masters. reality will smack her in the face !! Som nam naa !!

What do you think, of the fiasco concerning Toxin's daughter conveniently getting into Chula? I noted this morning that the illustrious gentlemen said that the press should "stop dragging his children into politics." .... What do you think

From the Nation, concerning criticism being leveleled at his youngest daughter:

"Is she the child of a bandit?" by Mr. t.

Ummm! You decide.

From the Nation, concerning criticism being leveleled at his youngest daughter:

"Is she the child of a bandit?" by Mr. t.

Can we open a poll on this?

2. Slightly more recently, university students were caught cheating. We were told it is normal and nothing can be done about it.

While I would not hold up Thai education to be the best in the world lets get real. Do you actually believe that 'cheating' of this nature only exisits in LOS

When I was enrolled at a business school in France some years ago French students were caught cheating in a final exam. They thought nothing of it. 'everyone does it'.

They even went on strike when one of those caught was expelled for his actions.

And I am not suggesting that it is limited to France and LOS. More likely wherever thare are students and those studnets are required to take examinations

While I would not hold up Thai education to be the best in the world lets get real. Do you actually believe that 'cheating' of this nature only exisits in LOS

You are quite right that cheating is not confined to here, but it is the attitude that is taken towards it that is frightening. If I recall correctly the illustrious one's son was involved in something. What was the response, "it was an honest mistake."


It is really really difficult to find qualified staff. They all have degrees, but a lot have no useable, practical, skills. Most staff I know of, would rather work in a big company like Siemens or IBM where they can sit in a corner all day doing nothing, hoping they will not get noticed by the boss. In smaller companies there is more pressure to perform and the boss knows all the staff and what they are (supposed) to do.

My point is, cheat or not cheat, in this case the world is just. The scum will be rejected later on in life when it's time to use those skills.


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