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Trump: I reversed birther stance 'to get on with' campaign 


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Trump: I reversed birther stance 'to get on with' campaign 
JILL COLVIN, Associated Press


NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump says he finally admitted President Barack Obama was born in the United States because he wanted to "get on with the campaign."


In a brief interview with an Ohio television station Wednesday, Trump was asked why, after years as the chief proponent of the falsehood that the president was born outside the country, he decided to announce Friday that was no longer the case.


What had changed his mind?


"Well, I just wanted to get on with, you know, we want to get on with the campaign," the GOP nominee responded.


"And a lot of people were asking me questions. And you know, we want to talk about jobs, we want to talk about the military," he added. "We want to talk about ISIS and how to get rid of ISIS. We want to really talk about bringing jobs back to this area because you've been decimated. So we really want to get just back onto the subject of jobs, military, taking care of our vets, et cetera."


It was a frank statement of apparent political expediency for the billionaire businessman, who for five years had raised questions and insinuations about the president's birthplace and the authenticity of his birth certificate. The so-called "birther" movement helped fuel Trump's political rise, transforming him from a reality television star into a popular political figure in some Republican circles.


On Friday, Trump declared at a campaign event: "President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Period." But he did not address how or when he'd come to his conclusion, and had not answered questions on the topic since.


His rival Hillary Clinton's campaign said in a statement that Trump's answer was proof that he had only voiced his reversal to try to change the subject.


"After spending 5 years championing a conspiracy theory to undermine our first African American President, Donald Trump hasn't actually changed his mind," spokesman Jesse Ferguson said in a statement. "He only gave his 36-second press statement last week to try to change the subject — and it didn't work."

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-22
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2 minutes ago, webfact said:

What had changed his mind?


"Well, I just wanted to get on with, you know, we want to get on with the campaign," the GOP nominee responded.


As I stated before, Trump no longer benefited from this stance and dropped it like a hot potato. As you can see, he never mentioned it himself. He just gave a half-a$$ed answer and pivoted to a new subject. You can expect this type of answer from Trump. He will dismiss it and then ignore it just like anything Trump no longer benefits from. To Trump it is old news and no longer needs repeating or explaining. Trump is all about the here and now. To Trump, his past is just that, the past (well, unless it will benefit him somehow).

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"He just says whatever will get attention or make the audience respond"


Trump in a nutshell.  Pathetic. He should just go back to reality TV. He would actually be great as a daytime TV personality entertaining medicated housewives and unemployable rednecks. 

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This is the single killer issue against Donald Trump. There is no teflon on this one.


The Birther Madness against Barack Obama does Trump in.


Trump has maxed out on voters so now he's desperate and will say anything. Until now Trump would simply say anything regardless. Now Trump will say anything out of desperation as a lousy politician.

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6 hours ago, Strange said:


Dude what about Hillary? She is a turn coat in so many of her HUGE topics. She says anything and flat out lies about it like everyone else is retarded. Trump is what he is but at least you know where he stands. Hillary? Who knows? Lady is full of sh*t. 


Hillary is not a Birther Nutcase and Trump is, which is why the thread and topic are about Donald Trump and his Birther madness.


Any right wing crank who wants to squawk against Hillary can find at least 101 threads still backed up in the TVF Index, and do it without much trouble or time at all. Youse guyz over there on the fringe right get your threads, we over here on this side get our threads and there a lot of threads in between. So enjoy and try to stay focused, i.e., on topic thx.

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24 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Hillary is not a Birther Nutcase and Trump is, which is why the thread and topic are about Donald Trump and his Birther madness.


Any right wing crank who wants to squawk against Hillary can find at least 101 threads still backed up in the TVF Index, and do it without much trouble or time at all. Youse guyz over there on the fringe right get your threads, we over here on this side get our threads and there a lot of threads in between. So enjoy and try to stay focused, i.e., on topic thx.


Jesus calm down I'm just curious why its so easy for youse guyz to freak out about anything trump, but are fine to overlook years of recorded backpedaling from hillary. 

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I usually enjoy the circus but now it just leaves a bad taste in the mouth.  Although I think I am still safe from a hat breakfast,  I do now start to seriously worry about the consequences if people don't come to their senses in time.  The world is a fragile place at the moment and what is needed is safe hands.  Not much chance of that in the USA.

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Don't blame Trump - he tries to get away with whatever he can.

Blame those who support him, come hell or h w.  For instance ....

" Trump says people don't care about his taxes. So we stopped people on the street who identified themselves as Trump supporters, told them he released his taxes and asked them specific questions about these totally fictional tax returns"

And those in the video are educated big-city people ... not trailertrash rednecks.


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22 minutes ago, Publicus said:

No sweat to present existing realities. The facts write themselves. We over on this side are attentive while over on that side it's more like retentive. 


A lot of Republicans are but somewhat conservative so there aren't many of 'em around here whot support Trump and worship him as the once and only messiah. The right fringe has really blown it on this one. Time of yer life eh.


All for naught. 


You seem to really like to segregate instead of following in line with your "progressive" candidate. I can clearly see that you do not like trump, and thats cool, but its kinda counter productive to say Trump Bad - Hillary Good - Get out of the thread when Im just trying to see what y'all are all about. 


As for the birther issue, its a blip on the radar. 

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I luv the scent of desperation in the morning.


And in the afternoon...then at sunset in particular.


Trump and the fanboyz need the impossible, which is for Trump to be thought of as being respectable by self-respecting people who vote. There are just too many self-respecting voters for Trump to get elected.


The right that is driving the 2016 Republican party needs for this to go away, the sooner the better. But it can't go away. Trump has by his Birtherism of the past several years self-defined himself as a crackpot lunatic wildman. 


Polling shows Trump has a severe problem among voters for his temperament -- against women, minorities, a certain religion, not to mention nuclear weapons. Now comes the new focus on Trump the crackpot lunatic Birther of several years running, until just last week. Sort of until last week.Trump continues to say he retracted only so the campaign can go on. Not because he is wrong and always has been malevolently wrong.


Indeed, it can't go away so youse guyz over there are going to have to get used to it because it is in fact a part of the Trump trail of endless horse manure.

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Publicus - you're beating a dead horse, man. Trump said Obama was born in America...when was it, Tuesday. After beating this poor horse lie over and over, year after year, he put it to death on Tuesday. Now, we can go on. 


Can't you let anything go...man? 


This is nothing like Hillary on the verge of death lie, or the Benghazi lie or the email server lie. This is different. This is the Obama wasn't born in America lie. It's different. 


Just forget about it, will you?  Pretend Donald Trump isn't a lying sack of shit, will you?  


You're so desperate. You and the rest of the that LIBERAL SCUM. :clap2: 


Publicus, you won't be happy to you hear, "I'm sorry I repeated the lie, Obama wasn't born in America for...7 years! I made a YUGE mistake and I'm very sorry. I was wrong." 


You lefties are all the same. 










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Trump and the Republican National Committee in Washington are only fooling themselves and their own fanboyz.


The new Monmouth University poll... 


Trump's dances with birthers are not going over well in Florida, as Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 5 points in the Sunshine State.


Republican officials reportedly pressured Trump into saying that President Obama was born in the United States, but voters don’t believe that Trump’s statement was sincere. 


Most Florida voters (75%) have heard about Trump’s recent admission that Barack Obama was born in the United States, but they doubt the GOP nominee’s sincerity. Only 24% think that Trump actually believes Obama is a natural born citizen, while the majority (54%) say Trump only made the statement for political reasons.




If Trump fails to win Florida in this election that single factor alone means he'll be going back to the family business in Trump Tower where only his own tales are taller than the tower itself. 


Don't need an armband to know which way the wind blows.

Edited by Publicus
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14 hours ago, Publicus said:


Trump's dances with birthers are not going over well in Florida, as Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 5 points in the Sunshine State.


09/22/16 12:46 PM EDT

Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 1 point among Florida’s likely voters, a new Suffolk University poll released Thursday shows, placing the candidates in a statistical dead heat.



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1 hour ago, Scotwight said:

09/22/16 12:46 PM EDT

Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 1 point among Florida’s likely voters, a new Suffolk University poll released Thursday shows, placing the candidates in a statistical dead heat.





The art of reading the scientific survey polls can be convoluted.


That is, sometimes the national polling data is leading the key state polling data. Other times, the national polling data is catching up to the state polling data in the 'battleground' states. The Suffolk University survey of Florida is a state survey that is lagging the new national surveys.


How can we say this? There's been a big swing back to HRC in the national polls since Friday a week ago, when Donald Trump confessed that Barack Obama was born in the United States. 


Trump is doing Hillary's work for her. The Number One Rule of the 2016 Potus election campaign: Let Trump Be Trump.

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On 9/22/2016 at 10:23 PM, Strange said:


You seem to really like to segregate instead of following in line with your "progressive" candidate. I can clearly see that you do not like trump, and thats cool, but its kinda counter productive to say Trump Bad - Hillary Good - Get out of the thread when Im just trying to see what y'all are all about. 


As for the birther issue, its a blip on the radar. 


When and where did this poster say Trump bad, Hillary good. I'm voting for HRC because I believe she will be an excellent Potus. Trump conversely isn't even qualified to run for the office of Potus much less serve in it.


It's not like it is a contest between approved policies or disapproved policies. It is the difference between a qualified candidate and one who is wholly unqualified and incompetent for the office. Trump the Birther wildman radical crackpot lunatic.


Here are the latest state polls from the presidential race:


North Carolina: Clinton 41%, Trump 41% (NYT/Siena College)  A red state.

Virginia: Clinton 51%, Trump 40% (Roanoke)  A purple state.

Virginia: Clinton 45%, Trump 39% (Quinnipiac) Purple.

Colorado: Clinton 44%, Trump 35% (Colorado Mesa)  A purple state.

Colorado: Clinton 44%, Trump 42% (Quinnipiac)  Purple.

Wisconsin: Clinton 45%, Trump 38% (Emerson)  Blue state.

Florida: Trump 45%, Clinton 44% (Suffolk)  A battleground state.

Iowa: Trump 44%, Clinton 37% (Quinnipiac)  Blue.

Georgia: Trump 47%, Clinton 40% (Quinnipiac)  Red.


It's not only the polling average that matters any more. As polling becomes increasingly analysed by more experienced pollsters, observers, voters and campaigns, we are looking ever more closely at the art aspect of the science of polling, i.e., the assumptions of each poll in respect of who will show up to vote and in what proportions...


Amy Walter: “Perhaps the best new tool on the market was designed by friend of the Cook Political Report and political scientist Ken Goldstein which goes beyond just “averaging” the various polls to looking at the assumptions the pollsters made to get to the final result.”


“At the end of the day, no one knows exactly what turn-out will be until people actually turn-out. However, we know a couple things: first, only one campaign has a data-driven turn-out program (Clinton) to help identify and get their voters to the polls; and second, Democrats have a demographic advantage, but only if those voters – namely non-white and younger, turn out. Trump, meanwhile, needs to hit an unprecedented level of support from white voters and/or hope for a lower turnout among nonwhites.”


In 2012 white voter turnout was 64% of all of 'em registered to vote. Romney got 59% of their vote. Romney needed 62% to win.


Trump needs a 65% white voter turnout and nearly 70% of their vote. Impossible since there are fewer of white voters in raw numbers and Trump has lost the support of Republican suburban white educated upper socio-economic status voters -- married white educated Republican women in particular. The polling of the key states shows the fact.


Trump fanboyz have already begun to get that sinking feeling.

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Meanwhile in Ohio this happened:


Major Ohio paper endorses Clinton after years of backing GOP





"Trump brands himself as an outsider untainted by special interests, but we see a man utterly corrupted by self-interest. His narcissistic bid for the presidency is more about making himself great than America," the board said. "Trump tears our country and many of its people down with his words so that he can build himself up. What else are we left to believe about a man who tells the American public that he alone can fix what ails us?"

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