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Briton gets 4,000 baht fine for not staying where he was registered

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This could be a gold mine for the cops to generate extra income. Image they charge everyone who does not want to bring his hooker to the place where he actually stays and checks in at a hotel nearby for one night...

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6 hours ago, Basil B said:

I do not see it as a " constipated rule", I think it only fair that any country can require all persons to register where they live, and if temporary like a hotel or guest house then they should have register.


Wish they would do this in the UK, it would make it more difficult for the illegal immigrants and easier to find wanted people. 

It's not his job to register where he is living. That is the job of the owner of the residence ( TM 30 ). Tourists have never, to my knowledge had to, nor residents.

There has to be more to this story than we have been told.

1 minute ago, Lupatria said:

This could be a gold mine for the cops to generate extra income. Image they charge everyone who does not want to bring his hooker to the place where he actually stays and checks in at a hotel nearby for one night...

Again, it's not their job to register.

3 hours ago, TPI said:

No, sorry, if you are away from your residence for longer than 24 hours the house owner is required to notify the police and you are required to notify immigration. It doesn't matter if you are having a trip around Thailand and are stopping every night in a different place = 31 notifications x 2 =bloody nonsense. Oz is not the most perfect place but you only have to name where you are staying when you enter the country after that it's "off you go". :welcomeani::smile:

Same as Thailand you dill.Hotels do the paperwork while your away and housemaster signs you back in when you come back to your normal abode.You fill out an address on your arrival card,that's it.





9 minutes ago, Lupatria said:

This could be a gold mine for the cops to generate extra income. Image they charge everyone who does not want to bring his hooker to the place where he actually stays and checks in at a hotel nearby for one night...

If he left home at 4pm he has til 4pm the next day to report.Up to you.

10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It's not his job to register where he is living. That is the job of the owner of the residence ( TM 30 ). Tourists have never, to my knowledge had to, nor residents.

There has to be more to this story than we have been told.

There are more dills on this forum than i have been told.

3 hours ago, TPI said:

No, sorry, if you are away from your residence for longer than 24 hours the house owner is required to notify the police and you are required to notify immigration. It doesn't matter if you are having a trip around Thailand and are stopping every night in a different place = 31 notifications x 2 =bloody nonsense. Oz is not the most perfect place but you only have to name where you are staying when you enter the country after that it's "off you go". :welcomeani::smile:


I've been coming to LOS since 1974, and that's the first time I've ever heard of that. IT'S NOT THE GUEST'S RESPONSIBILITY TO REPORT- GEDDIT?

If you are reporting to the immigration every single day on a holiday you are probably the only one doing so.

On 26/09/2016 at 2:14 PM, alocacoc said:

Good Job Immigration fro the 4k THB. Just do everything what is possible to shy away tourists. I think, the best solution could be to to assign to every foreigner an guide, like in North Korea.

Not a tourist a thug criminal. We all feel safer without people like him being locked up and deported- good job. 

17 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

If he left home at 4pm he has til 4pm the next day to report.Up to you.



I have never seen any rule like this, I have seen a rule that states the "house master" must submit a TM30 within 24 hrs of the foreigners arrival.



Your saying that a house master or hotel not only needs to inform the police that a foreigner resides at the hotel, and has left the hotel as well?


Yes...and has arrived back upon return. Under current regime these police state rules are being applied. No problem. We have no suchoice rules in UK and are flooded with violent criminal filth. 

9 minutes ago, alofthailand said:

Not a tourist a thug criminal. We all feel safer without people like him being locked up and deported- good job. 





I could have been this, guy.....   as this is the first I have ever heard of this rule.     The only difference between this British fellow and me that I am aware of is


1) Im fatter

2) Im not Brittish

3) I don't have tattoos

4) I have yet to get snagged up by some police asking me why I'm not sitting in the house I am registered at, rather than sitting at the local theater watching "Stork" with my daughter.



Very shallow reporting, what are the details?

What are the 1979 immigration regulations?

Was not reporting his current address an oversight, or did he have criminal intents?


No doubt keeping "tabs" on all the foreigners visiting and living in Thailand is a big job.

Especially when motivated by terrorist threats, drugs and people smuggling, money laundering activities, etc.

Are Thai Authorities looking for offenders, or do Thai Authorities want total and complete control over every foreigner entering their country?

Every foreigner is not a criminal, any more than every Thai is a criminal, stop being so paranoid.

Isn't that how the Communist do it?


Maybe the post from ALOCACOC has it right.

If Thai authorities are not up to the task, do like North Korea and assign a guide to every foreigner.

Sure would improve Thailand's unemployment problems!


8 hours ago, alocacoc said:

Good Job Immigration fro the 4k THB. Just do everything what is possible to shy away tourists. I think, the best solution could be to to assign to every foreigner an guide, like in North Korea.

Yes, he looks like a quality tourist.

3 hours ago, Ronuk said:

I care because people that fail to comply continue to make it harder for us that do. Rather than poultry fines, deport and ban them.

Poultry fines,,did he have to give them a chicken?

3 hours ago, Ronuk said:

I care because people that fail to comply continue to make it harder for us that do. Rather than poultry fines, deport and ban them.



 Can you support that ridiculous bar-stool statement with fact? I doubt it...

The fact is that they are going to make it harder and harder for unwanted foreigners to remain in Thailand. Period.

They have already shifted the rules several times in recent years on the mere whim of the odd politician for many sectors of 'expats' from pensioners, to TEFL 'teachers', to long-stay tourists. Pray the next set of rule shifts don't include your demographic. Nothing to do with past offenders or rule benders, just good old xenophobia coming into play. 

Soon the only foreigners who will have an easy ride for a long stay in Thailand will be the super-rich, those with the relevant skills deemed to be advantageous or deemed to be of benefit to the nation.

For the other demographics who think they're 'sitting pretty' , the Powers won't be happy until they are limited to a 2 week/one month stay per year while they shed their hard earned money; regardless of how 'good' they may have been in the past, or how important, well to do, or well connected they see themselves...

There are a fair few deluded souls like that on these pages....but the powers seem to have  gerrymandered themselves into a position with a golden chance to empty Thailand of pesky foreigners and their bad influences on the Thais like ideas about democracy, political freedoms etc which, come election time, they'll sell to the public under ''Thailand for the Thais'' or ''look we got rid of all the foreigners'' (or similar).

I'd say to all it's getting to the time to look into the logistics and red tape of getting your loved ones back to your home counties ASAP before the rush is on...

8 hours ago, Basil B said:

I do not see it as a " constipated rule", I think it only fair that any country can require all persons to register where they live, and if temporary like a hotel or guest house then they should have register.


Wish they would do this in the UK, it would make it more difficult for the illegal immigrants and easier to find wanted people. 

So say you are traveling around Thailand and seeing the sights as a normal tourist might do and low and behold you are in violation of Thailand's 1979 law because you didn't go to immigration to tell them each place you stopped and stayed for a day or two?  WOW!  I don't know that they would have enough staff to keep up with the demand of foreigners trying to comply with this law.  I kinda think the smart tourists are going to look at this news blurb and say to their mate, "Gee honey, why don't we go to a country that is a little friendlier?".  Thailand wants tourism in the worst way, as do other countries, however you can't woo them in by scaring/threatening them.

22 minutes ago, Merylhighground said:



 Can you support that ridiculous bar-stool statement with fact? I doubt it...

The fact is that they are going to make it harder and harder for unwanted foreigners to remain in Thailand. Period.

They have already shifted the rules several times in recent years on the mere whim of the odd politician for many sectors of 'expats' from pensioners, to TEFL 'teachers', to long-stay tourists. Pray the next set of rule shifts don't include your demographic. Nothing to do with past offenders or rule benders, just good old xenophobia coming into play. 

Soon the only foreigners who will have an easy ride for a long stay in Thailand will be the super-rich, those with the relevant skills deemed to be advantageous or deemed to be of benefit to the nation.

For the other demographics who think they're 'sitting pretty' , the Powers won't be happy until they are limited to a 2 week/one month stay per year while they shed their hard earned money; regardless of how 'good' they may have been in the past, or how important, well to do, or well connected they see themselves...

There are a fair few deluded souls like that on these pages....but the powers seem to have  gerrymandered themselves into a position with a golden chance to empty Thailand of pesky foreigners and their bad influences on the Thais like ideas about democracy, political freedoms etc which, come election time, they'll sell to the public under ''Thailand for the Thais'' or ''look we got rid of all the foreigners'' (or similar).

I'd say to all it's getting to the time to look into the logistics and red tape of getting your loved ones back to your home counties ASAP before the rush is on...

Don't include me with your bar stool freaks, no hopers and waste of timers. I do except one thing you say, and that it's time for you to go because you very obviously find it acceptable to live here but don't want to live by the rules.That's obvious from your post. It's a shame we can't turn the clocks back and the UK did exactly what the Thais are attempting. Fact is, Thailand is full of the undesirables that nobody else wants. The quicker people that have decided to live here, accept they are no more than immigrants in Thai society, the easier they may find it.

41 minutes ago, Ronuk said:

Don't include me with your bar stool freaks, no hopers and waste of timers. I do except one thing you say, and that it's time for you to go because you very obviously find it acceptable to live here but don't want to live by the rules.That's obvious from your post. It's a shame we can't turn the clocks back and the UK did exactly what the Thais are attempting. Fact is, Thailand is full of the undesirables that nobody else wants. The quicker people that have decided to live here, accept they are no more than immigrants in Thai society, the easier they may find it.


Where have I said I don't want to live by the rules? Please don't try and put unwritten  words into my post.

Thankfully, I seem to have skills, which the Powers seem, for the time being, to deem as desirable to have in the country.  

These 'undesirables' you seem to want to distance yourself from seem to be a figment of your imagination; however I'd say you're in for a nasty shock or two in the not too distant future, as the Powers will be looking to slot you firmly in the 'undesirable' category or shift the goal posts until they can, unless you wake up Thai tomorrow...

26 minutes ago, Merylhighground said:


Where have I said I don't want to live by the rules? Please don't try and put unwritten  words into my post.

Thankfully, I seem to have skills, which the Powers seem, for the time being, to deem as desirable to have in the country.  

These 'undesirables' you seem to want to distance yourself from seem to be a figment of your imagination; however I'd say you're in for a nasty shock or two in the not too distant future, as the Powers will be looking to slot you firmly in the 'undesirable' category or shift the goal posts until they can, unless you wake up Thai tomorrow...

Fortunately, I won't be in for any shocks. Not at all.

11 hours ago, realenglish1 said:

This is bad for Thailand to fine someone like this The publicly will hurt tourism if the media decide to play this one




Nothing to do with Tourism, the guy is a Long Termer!


Soooo many here assuming this is about tourists, what's on their arrival cards vs where they actually check-in, etc.   I know the article doesn't spell it out (and the links are no help as they're about overstay regulations), but I really think this is about a long stayer and other-than-tourist-visa-holder who wasn't residing at the address he was reporting ('might be interesting to know why...).   Tourists really don't "report" their own addresses.  Guest houses & hotels do that.  And tourists are free to move around during their stays in the kingdom - you're not expected to put your whole itinerary on the arrival card.


Thailand has more then enough nails in its tourist coffin already - no need to manufacture stuff.


shame about the cambodians, they come to escape abject poverty of their homes, no doubt "sponsored" by some third party. I see a lot of very young Cambodians working at the resorts in Koh Larn. It's the same as our immigrant farm workers in the US. Officially denigrated by out hypocrite Republicans who are happy to hire them to work at  their luxury mansions and kitchens landscaping, cooking, and cleaning for less than minimum wage, paying no taxes. 


So what is one supposed to do?  Assume he was legit and on his last extension or 90 day report put down Address 1.  Then after a month there he decided to move to another Address 2 (cheaper rent, quieter, or for whatever reason).  What is he supposed to do?  The Hotel owner should have passed on his check in date.  Is he supposed to file some sort of paper with somebody and where would he file it, in the province or city he is in, or the one he originally resided at?

14 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

What interesting arm tats. 


Good guys in - bad guys out.

so what you trying to say...people with tattoos are not good blokes as well??


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