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Clinton v Trump: stage is set on Long Island for first TV debate


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Here are 21 different polls, you liberals really should check them out before you say Hillary won. Even the biased liberal news polls show who won. CNBC is about 63  - 37 Trump.



Edited by Gary A
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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

trumpeters, be honest.

trumpeters, MAN up. 

your dear leader lost the debate HUGE.


The Mexican peso fx rates don't lie!:partytime2:





Like those "Brexit" forex markets?

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Just now, Gary A said:

Here are 21 different polls, you liberals really should check them out before you say Hillary won. Even the biased liberal news polls show who won. CNBC is about 80 - 20 Trump.



Such "polls" are about as accurate as Thaivisa polls. 

Nice try, dude.

No cigar.

With all due respect to Bill. 

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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:


So you think the moderator wasn't fair?  Too tough on Trump?  Will Trump didn't think so...


["I thought Lester did a great job. Honestly, I thought Lester did a great job," Trump told CNNMoney shortly after the debate was over.


When asked if the questions had been fair, Trump replied: "Yeah, I thought it was very fair."]





I find Trump's habit of repeating key points, presumably for emphasis on the advice of spin doctors, really annoying....as here 

and " it's gonna happen folks, it's gonna happen", "the country needs xxxxxx, we really need it"....virtually everything he says.

but overall I though he did a pretty reasonable job: it's a big ask for a non-politician to do what he did and , love him or loathe him, he deserves some respect for getting this far.

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trump deserves no respect.

He's a threat to the world. 
He must be stopped. NOT respected. 


His speech patterns are deliberate. He speaks at third grade level and uses persuasion/sales techniques of professional CON MEN. Which is exactly what he is. Look at the staff instructions for trump fake university. 

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1 hour ago, jippytum said:

Watch the debate live .The Donald was great he really nailed it .

Hilary and Bill looked like a couple of creeps shaking hands with the audience after the event.Anyone who would vote to have those two back in the white house must be deluded.


In the event of a Clinton administration, surely old Bill will be encouraged to play more golf and stay out of White House closets. She would be insane to use him actively.

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1 minute ago, Prbkk said:


In the event of a Clinton administration, surely old Bill will be encouraged to play more golf and stay out of White House closets. She would be insane to use him actively.

I'm sure he can be tamed quite well. I look forward to see him in this historical role. The first U.S. first gentleman and an ex-president to boot! 

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11 minutes ago, Gary A said:

Here are 21 different polls, you liberals really should check them out before you say Hillary won. Even the biased liberal news polls show who won. CNBC is about 80 - 20 Trump.



Can't we all just be honest here and call it a draw...I saw the debate from beginning to end and neither scored a knockout blow...only a few glancing shots and weak undercuts.  The Donald, for the most part, maintained his composure and didn't say anything too outrageous or offensive; and The Hillary repeated her binder full of plans for this and that problem, got in a few mild digs, and at the end flipped over the gender card. 


I think both said what they wanted to and didn't make any major gaffes. The supporters of both will be happy with their respective performances and they likely swayed few undecided voters to either of their respective camps. I could care less what the talking bobble-heads in the media are saying, because that's what I saw with my own eyes...and I'm sticking to it.

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you can only really call it 'a draw' if you accept that trump still doesn't have any policies or any understanding of how things actually work. his secret plan to defeat ISIS notwithstanding of course. 


i've no real love for clinton but she at least has the experience to do the job. trump thinks being president is just like being manager of a car sales lot.

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Just now, StevieH said:

you can only really call it 'a draw' if you accept that trump still doesn't have any policies or any understanding of how things actually work. his secret plan to defeat ISIS notwithstanding of course. 


i've no real love for clinton but she at least has the experience to do the job. trump thinks being president is just like being manager of a car sales lot.

I've watched these debates for decades.

This was among the most decisive WINS for one side in American political history.

The WINNER was Hillary Clinton without any doubt.

They're usually a lot more ambiguous. 
This one wasn't.

No, it wasn't a KNOCKOUT, those are very rare ... but it was indeed a very clear WIN.



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I prefer to believe the polls. This is the wrong forum if you are a conservative.To me, it is very obvious what damage to liberals have done. I'm not sure the US can ever recover. Our grandchildren and great grandchildren are to be pitied. They will at some time have to try to pick up the pieces of a formerly great country.

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2 minutes ago, Gary A said:

I prefer to believe the polls. This is the wrong forum if you are a conservative.To me, it is very obvious what damage to liberals have done. I'm not sure the US can ever recover. Our grandchildren and great grandchildren are to be pitied. They will at some time have to try to pick up the pieces of a formerly great country.

Again, they are NOT real polls.

You understand how internet polls work, right, where people self select to vote?

They're the OPPOSITE of scientific polling techniques. 


Here are the REAL polls worth watching:



Check it a week from now.

I would be very surprised if Hillary isn't back up 4 by then.

Right now she's up 2.3 on average.

I would eat my hat if trump leads.


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3 minutes ago, StevieH said:

you can only really call it 'a draw' if you accept that trump still doesn't have any policies or any understanding of how things actually work. his secret plan to defeat ISIS notwithstanding of course. 


i've no real love for clinton but she at least has the experience to do the job. trump thinks being president is just like being manager of a car sales lot.

I'm talking about the debate...not his candidacy or how he's conducting his whole campaign. What are you talking about?

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Just now, Jingthing said:

I've watched these debates for decades.

This was among the most decisive WINS for one side in American political history.

The WINNER was Hillary Clinton without any doubt.

They're usually a lot more ambiguous. 
This one wasn't.

No, it wasn't a KNOCKOUT, those are very rare ... but it was indeed a very clear WIN.




agree, it was quite clear that only one of the candidates has the intelligence and experience to do the job of president. and nobody ever lands a knockout blow in the first debate anyway. i'd like to think clinton will be more aggressive in the next two debates and really help him self-destruct.


whatever the outcome of these debates it's going to come down to turnout anyway. debates and social media have a bad habit of making voters think that the fight is over but the dems have still got to ensure they get the numbers out to vote on the day. recent UK votes have shown what complacency gets you.

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What will happen in the later debates is that yes, LAZY arsed trump, will prepare for them based on the first debate. But Hillary has prepared for MULTIPLE trump personalities. So whatever he dishes out, she'll be so ready. He's on the way to trump toast. Wonder about his real prospects now for his right wing t.v. network after he loses. 


She's a PRO.

He's a wannabe amateur POSEUR and that's all he's ever going to be in the political arena. How he hates to LOSE. Too bad! 

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

What will happen in the later debates is that yes, LAZY arsed trump, will prepare for them based on the first debate. But Hillary has prepared for MULTIPLE trump personalities. So whatever he dishes out, she'll be so ready. He's on the way to trump toast. Wonder about his real prospects now for his right wing t.v. network after he loses. 


She's a PRO.

He's a wannabe amateur POSEUR and that's all he's ever going to be in the political arena. How he hates to LOSE. Too bad! 


he'll clearly get dirtier yet and bring bill clinton's misbehavings into it, drag her family into the discussions. that's certainly presidential behaviour right there.


be nice if one of those 400lb hackers he referred to today got to work and released his tax returns to be honest. that would finish him i think.

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5 hours ago, Strange said:


Does not matter what I "think" or "feel" because the fact remains that businesses are going to do whatever they can do to increase profits and if its legal, its not "gaming" the system. 


Trump pays more than a middle class family. 


Its not "Scamming" the system if its legal. 


I would love to see people that support Hillary give up their Foreign Earned Income/Physical Presence Exemption. 


Well, it's not illegal for your 75 year old neighbor to procure a root from your 17 year old daughter. But it might be thought wrong. But hell, if it's legal what's the big deal? That something is legal doesn't go halfway to determining whether it is right, reasonable or responsible. Wouldn't it be funny if it did? Hell, I could promise you 10 dollars if you blow me and then not pay you after you did. It's not illegal but might be though scamming. Or not. Let's try. 

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21 minutes ago, Chicog said:


I'm being honest. Clinton won it. It it had been a boxing match no TKO but a comfortable points victory.

If that's your opinion that's fine. However a win would suggest she changed the minds of undecided voyers and  I doubt there will be any noticable movement in the polls either way. This would suggest neither of them had much effect on the voters they want to reach...the undecideds in about 10 Midwestern and border/southern states and therefore not much of a "win." 


I wouldn't call solidifying your base, which both more or less did at the debate, much of a "win" for either.

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38 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Can't we all just be honest here and call it a draw...I saw the debate from beginning to end and neither scored a knockout blow...only a few glancing shots and weak undercuts.  The Donald, for the most part, maintained his composure and didn't say anything too outrageous or offensive; and The Hillary repeated her binder full of plans for this and that problem, got in a few mild digs, and at the end flipped over the gender card. 


I think both said what they wanted to and didn't make any major gaffes. The supporters of both will be happy with their respective performances and they likely swayed few undecided voters to either of their respective camps. I could care less what the talking bobble-heads in the media are saying, because that's what I saw with my own eyes...and I'm sticking to it.


I have seen pretty much all of the debate now and I have to say that I agree with OMGiminPattaya in the above post.  It is pointless quoting polls because they are never accurate or unbiased.  From this side of the pond I would say that Clinton edged it, certainly from a European view.  However I think Trump did well to contain himself for that amount of time.  I do think as before that the whole tone of the debate  was a slanging match in the gutter and that both parties need to raise their game considerably if they want to sway the undecided.

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8 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

If that's your opinion that's fine. However a win would suggest she changed the minds of undecided voyers and  I doubt there will be any noticable movement in the polls either way. This would suggest neither of them had much effect on the voters they want to reach...the undecideds in about 10 Midwestern and border/southern states and therefore not much of a "win." 


I wouldn't call solidifying your base, which both more or less did at the debate, much of a "win" for either.


Say what you like, but if that debate sent people looking up Trump hding his finances, his stiffing of small businesses and his derogatory remarks to women, then some of them will definitely not vote for him or even vote for her.


And many of the people watching may just decide to vote for who sounds more rational and presidential, and she cleaned his clock on that one.


Maybe the next Town Hall format will be different, but for the moment it was a Clinton win and I think it will tell in the RCP average in a few days.

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It's a sad state of affairs when the only choices are an incompetent corrupt liar and a buffoon. There are obviously huge problems with the entire government. In my long lifetime I have never seen a sadder senate or house. Both branches appear to be filled with absolute morons. Maybe the entire election process needs to be changed. Changed to what? I have no idea except that we have entirely too many politicians.

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She may have 'won' the debate, but I don't think many people bought her lies and fake smile (had she taken something)?

She's now declared her hand in spades regarding her style and I doubt she will get off so lightly during the next two debates. All Trump really had to do was sit there and listen to the squeaky voiced liar and he was home, but Trump being Trump he wanted to mix it up a bit.

I doubt if the poll numbers will change much or if any undecided voters were swayed by that bunch of garbage that came out of her mouth! I empathize with Bill, he needed Monica.

I think Trump might be waiting for news from Julian Assange........wouldn't that be great if he pulled out a killer email on debate three? :shock1:

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11 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Say what you like, but if that debate sent people looking up Trump hding his finances, his stiffing of small businesses and his derogatory remarks to women, then some of them will definitely not vote for him or even vote for her.


And many of the people watching may just decide to vote for who sounds more rational and presidential, and she cleaned his clock on that one.


Maybe the next Town Hall format will be different, but for the moment it was a Clinton win and I think it will tell in the RCP average in a few days.

Time will tell...but I don't think there is anything new in what you mentioned. One thing is certain, we'll know for sure November 9th  :w00t:

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