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Expats Who Moan About Thailand Should Either Shut Up Or Leave


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4 hours ago, Remus1830 said:

The point is if you have lived here a long time 16 years plus and made Thailand your home you would have noticed the decline in the place  with regards to treatment of foreigners many new stupid laws and regulations even the beaches deserted and dirty. The shame is many good people that have lived here a long time and also spent a lot of money here have left already some want to but cant because they have families here so when writing a stupid article like this consider that every one has different circumstances. 


 It's very sad that the guys who "committed suicide" after sticking a knife into their back can't give their opinion. But the American opinion is something that only shows how much you hate non white people, OP.


       Nor can the bodies, buried under a rice field in the middle of nowhere give a statement how they got there. 


    OP, you fled your beautiful country, then you start moaning about many things you didn't like there and insult plenty of great expats who know exactly what's going on in this country?


     If you tell people to shut up who want to tell others what a great place some areas are, you're making a fool out of yourself. 


      It's obvious that all the bars and naked bodies have changed your mind in a way that you don't see the trees in the forest anymore. 


   OP, I'm certainly annoyed by your headline.


A newbie to Thailand who traveled through 50 + countries wouldn't make such statements.  Watch your steps, please. 

Edited by lostinisaan
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21 hours ago, ScotBkk said:

Do you honestly and truly believe everyone should keep stumm about how they're treated in Thailand a place were us so-called Farangs are seen as mere money-spinners. Can't buy a house, can't own our own businesses, have to report every 90 days irregardless of circumstances - the list goes on. Yeah' let's just bite our lip and be happy with our lot !!!!

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I understand your dissatisfaction but do not understand why you persist in living here.  If you are as unhappy as you appear to be you must leave for the sake of your physical and mental health......and ours!

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21 hours ago, ScotBkk said:

Yes - I love the - Better you leave Brigrade.

Why must I leave because of points of view. If all the people that have their own opinions where asked to leave Thailand here on TV - would thaivisa still have enough members left to make these posts worthwhile ?

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But you all seem so bitter and unhappy and petulant. Leaving may cheer you up and improve your mental health

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21 hours ago, RoboGeisha said:

Maybe it's worth spending a second to think about why such a huge number of Thailand lovers from all over the planet turn to moaners after looking behind the facade.
Shut up or leave is a very common Thai response to "solve" things but it won't trigger possible improvements for Thais and expats alike.

Whinging and whining does not lead to improvements - you are not here to change things - nor are we when we work or travel in India or Saudi or Iran or Libya or the endless list of places we go which are infinitely worse.  I think many people have a form of melancholia bordering on depression that stops them being positive about Thailand.  It might be a wise move for the sake of your mental health to have a break and try somewhere else to live to give you all some perspective. 

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21 hours ago, rijb said:


Nothing wrong with being grateful.  And nothing wrong with criticism.


The best critics offer alternative solutions to the problems they see.


However, the Op's (just another critic) solution to the problem - is to silence other critics! 



Most miserable bores eventually get used to being told  to be quiet.  Go and solve the problems in your own country if you are that way inclined.  But an unhappy bore full of petulance is just tedious.  

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Dont know many moaners in Bangkok, Its a big vibrant city that tends to draw in an upper class of expat as big expensive cities do the world over. Most have had successful lives not build on negativity and that perspective cheerfully  carries over into retirement.


Its when farang are forced to live in ghetto style accommodation with no money for honey that things turn ugly ..think nurin complex pattaya or the thousands of poor pensioners in chang mai that scramble home the minute happy hour is over, or the poor bastards that decided out of the blue one day that they should live on a farm in Isaan with a newly acquired wife that cant speak a word of English...


This my friends is when the moaning sets in 



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21 hours ago, rijb said:


Nothing wrong with being grateful.  And nothing wrong with criticism.


The best critics offer alternative solutions to the problems they see.


However, the Op's (just another critic) solution to the problem - is to silence other critics! 



Most miserable bores eventually get used to being told  to be quiet.  Go and solve the problems in your own country if you are that way inclined.  But an unhappy bore full of petulance is just tedious.  

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10 hours ago, gerry1011 said:

Thailand would be much better without the moaners, indeed.

Yes, it would be so nice if they finally all decided to go home instead of complaining about everything here.

But without the moaners, this forum would suddenly feel very empty :)

Or maybe I am wrong... They would probably keep moaning from their own country.

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They do! And some of the moaners have never been here I suspect.  

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7 hours ago, mcfish said:

Dont know many moaners in Bangkok, Its a big vibrant city that tends to draw in an upper class of expat as big expensive cities do the world over. Most have had successful lives not build on negativity and that perspective cheerfully  carries over into retirement.


Its when farang are forced to live in ghetto style accommodation with no money for honey that things turn ugly (think nurin complex pattaya), or the poor bastards that decided out of the blue one day that they should live on a farm on Isaan with a newly aquired wife that cant speak a word of Englsh...



You are so right about village life - its more like the stone age than a village in England or Italy or France.  As for getting married - no wonder they are bitter.

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21 hours ago, Macthehat said:

Those reminds me when I worked with this guy and everyday we sat for  lunch together  . Everyday he had ham sandwiches and everyday he would complain " this ham is too thin " or " this ham is too fatty " or something else would annoy him about these sandwiches . One day I said to him " why don't you ask your wife to make you something different ? " his reply was " I live alone and make my own sandwiches "  .......... I think of this guy everytime I hear someone complain about Thailand or any other place or situation they put themselves in .

Absolutely brilliant!  So true.

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It's really strange when posters like yourself go far beyond the usual requirements for an answer to procure your contentedness. Especially, with a sordid reason for whatever they've mentioned then gets ambushed by your sickly toxic verbiage suggesting they've (excuse the pun) become Manic depressive and should vacate Thailand.

Are you really so bad and full of hate for your fellow man? Have you seriously thought of an Anger Management course? Do you think people's lives revolve around TV membership? Are you now going to work out vile retorts you can send to me or others since you seem to have a short fuse?

Calm down mate nobody really cares so much about complaints. Live and let live - life's too short !!

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David Rosenfield


I am going to "assume" a lot here but I'll bet I am not far wrong.

Rosenfield? That is a Jewish name right?


"Particularly given its history with Native and African Americans, geographic divide, racial/ethnic makeup (approx. 63% white, 17% Hispanic/Latino, and 13% African American), and income inequality"


Apparently a bleeding heart liberal?


I never:

Stole land from an American Indian

Owned a slave

Gassed a Jew

Hired an Illegal Immigrant for low wages


Have You?


And yet everyone in America has rights and no one is responsible.

I know this because Americans with hyphenated nationalities (African-American - Hispanic-American - Jewish-American - Gay-American) are constantly playing this cards (race - religion, etc.) and involved in some sort of litigation.


"as an American, and particularly given our steadfast belief in our 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech, for better or worse, I have that right."


Ya, another opinionated American trying to tell the rest of the world how to live!


Please tell us about your democracy too?

Do you have a pure democracy (one man one vote)?

Why not?


"my favorite country of the 50-plus that I’ve been fortunate enough to visit"


U.S. State Department or Fed Agency employee?


"why do these people think they have the right to complain about a country that they’re voluntarily living in?"


Exactly what I wonder about the Black Americans that protest - loot - kill police - destroy civil and personal property while complaining about America.


Humm, guess I missed your sanctimonious point!


Oh yea, you are an American who is proud of your countries "Freedom of Speech" but that freedom does not apply to foreigners in Thailand because Thailand has no " 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech" which gives you the right to criticize people you do not know.


In you love affair with Thailand did any of your Thai friends ever tell you, "sometimes you don't talk, better than you talk"?

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21 hours ago, KittenKong said:


I dont know about you but I wasnt invited to live in Thailand: I pay a fee to live here. I also pay for everything I do here (often more than a local would pay) and I am not allowed to work or do many things that I would be able to do freely in my home country. Every 90 days I am reminded that I have no right to be here and that the government is suspicious of me and needs to keep track of me, even though I own my own home, have never committed any sort of crime and have plenty of money, all of which is far more than can be said for many Thais.


So I would say that living here and complaining about its drawbacks and problems is the same as complaining about getting bad food in a restaurant, or complaining about a smelly dirty hotel. And I think I'm entitled to do that.

I pay a fee to live in my own country - Taxes - all kinds of taxes. My government is suspicious of me  etc etc and hey - guess what? Instead of sitting around moaning - I LEFT THE PLACE!.  Its simple - if you don't like a place then move on. The whingers on TV who feel so 'entitled' to moan have never been hassled in Pakistan - been beaten by the French Flics - seen the wrong end of an Afghan gun - been rousted  by Franco cops- seen a mob in India or indeed, have never travelled in any meaningful way anywhere. They are such sissies with no life experience - big girl blouse who think life is a Wendy House.  If you are not happy here then  leave. The headline of the OP is succinct and correct.

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Having been based previously next door in Cambodia for 2 years, I personally I love coming to Thailand as a tourist for a few weeks, the food, comfort, shopping, amenities, as a travel hub to explore elsewhere and flying in 3 or 4 times a year, and yes I think some Thai women are the best looking in SE Asia.


But there is a big difference in by a tourist and an expat, as a 'Farang' I would never settle here  or invest capital, not when it can be stolen away at any moment with the complicity of corrupt officials.


I don't want to be treated as a 3rd class citizen (other Asians are just 2nd class citizens) who has no rights and is general treated in contempt by the authorities who somehow think Thais are  better than everyone else who walks the earth when they have never traveled further than the edge of their own province. Like one of the commentary on the articular said, I've visited over 52 countries and worked in 8 seperate once, some are far worse but a lot are far better in terms of social equality and lack the xenophobia that Thailand exhibits.


Its that small minded pettiness and the total lazy inefficiency of the authorities to take control of any situation that repels me from the idea of putting down roots here, I just don't trust them. They never seem to miss an opportunity to 'snatch defeat from the jaws of victory'.


Nope, I'm settling in the Philippines where although the food isn't as good and cities not as clean, I get the full rights to live and work on a Retirement Visa, no need to go through re-application ever 12 months or leave the country like a criminal, and if Duterte has his way over foreign investment development I may even be able to by more than a Condo in the future.


I'll still visit Thailand at least twice a years, but only as a tourist and to fly in elsewhere.

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15 minutes ago, Cracker2000 said:

Having been based previously next door in Cambodia for 2 years, I personally I love coming to Thailand as a tourist for a few weeks, the food, comfort, shopping, amenities, as a travel hub to explore elsewhere and flying in 3 or 4 times a year, and yes I think some Thai women are the best looking in SE Asia.


But there is a big difference in by a tourist and an expat, as a 'Farang' I would never settle here  or invest capital, not when it can be stolen away at any moment with the complicity of corrupt officials.


I don't want to be treated as a 3rd class citizen (other Asians are just 2nd class citizens) who has no rights and is general treated in contempt by the authorities who somehow think Thais are  better than everyone else who walks the earth when they have never traveled further than the edge of their own province. Like one of the commentary on the articular said, I've visited over 52 countries and worked in 8 seperate once, some are far worse but a lot are far better in terms of social equality and lack the xenophobia that Thailand exhibits.


Its that small minded pettiness and the total lazy inefficiency of the authorities to take control of any situation that repels me from the idea of putting down roots here, I just don't trust them. They never seem to miss an opportunity to 'snatch defeat from the jaws of victory'.


Nope, I'm settling in the Philippines where although the food isn't as good and cities not as clean, I get the full rights to live and work on a Retirement Visa, no need to go through re-application ever 12 months or leave the country like a criminal, and if Duterte has his way over foreign investment development I may even be able to by more than a Condo in the future.


I'll still visit Thailand at least twice a years, but only as a tourist and to fly in elsewhere.

"Nope, I'm settling in the Philippines "


Are you insane? a country where the president encourages the nationals to join the police in executing drug users and dealers! westerners have already been killed and the possibility for extortion and black mail against westerners in exchange for life is very very real...good luck with that, its a hell hole !

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32 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

David Rosenfield


I am going to "assume" a lot here but I'll bet I am not far wrong.

Rosenfield? That is a Jewish name right?


I can't really relate to this article but I think your Jew baiting comment about the writer's name is OBNOXIOUS. There was nothing in the article relating to his ethnic or religious identity or lack therof. I'm surprised you didn't ((())) his name.


 You've heard what A.S.S.U.M.E. spells out, right, dude?

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i met a lot of farang....in thailand..expat and tourist include.....fortunately most of them have the right attitude .....behave correctly ..... but in them ....most don't speak thai ....don't try to ...don't care to ....maybe in some place....like Phuket....pattaya....you can see the foreigner acting in an abnormal way...with less respect for the people ( tourist -thai) ..... secondly when you arrive in the country...you must try to understand how thai see foreigner....you have to make your own impression of that fact...of how they treat you ....how they see you .....how they connect with you .....

An example...... thai never told me about a buffalo who is sick and that they want money for it....they are more direct.....when they feel like they can ask you ..they will simply ask for cash...You said yes...or no...period..... but i heard it happened to some..... so i guess it does happen for real ....but why? the question why would they ask you money for the buffalo ?? you have to question yourself .....you have to look at the mirror ....and check on yourself..how do you look ?? is that the picture you want to give to people? you want them to think you are that type of way or another? 

i remember i was driving ....in pattaya....and at a stop i saw a cop ...Checking the traffic.....and some farang arrive without helmet and didnt even stop and went away quickly ...the cops look at me...and say..See how they behavE? and went at his pursuit...... 

When you get drunk ....pick up a lady...your wife.....your sex friend......a stranger....spend time with her.....she would do anything you want her to do right? you will feel satisfy....what happen when at the end of the day you are not doing anything to make her feel good at the same time? being selfish? touching her at the bar ...yeah you like her ass....... drinking .....for hour you are like the king of the place you drink over and over ..one by one come to your side..Talking to you while you touching all of her body testing how sweet she must be without her bikini ............and then decide to stand up ...and leave...no tips...no thanks ....nothing........ what will happen in her mind ? Do you think about it ? 

when you see a farang...Who come to you ......he want some advice....he is lost ...you know he is a newbie....you 've been there......but you ..you are like an expat ....even if you are not....and you have nothing to share ....but you feel him that he is in need for some support....what do you do ? do you talk to him ...help him out? warn him to be careful ? invite you to your home? share a meal with him ? or do you do that only to people you know ??? 

what about you big man ? with your bar ...yeah i got a bar man ...this is my wife....this is a friend of my wife....i from the same country as you ....come in ......drink with me.... drink with us......it's all good..... you go ...you spend time therE...you drink .... but what do you earn by coming to this place? does those place are really good to be ? does those place help you understand more about the country? or does this place is just another place where they will take your money.... yeah give me my money..... when you are drunk like hell ..does they stop you from using your motorbike ? does they call a taxi moto to take you back home???? 

Around your relative...kids...cousin of the wife...brother .....citizen of your village....do you spent a minute talking about life with them ? oh i forogot you don't speak thai ....never mind....you don't care......




So yeah when your behavior ain't perfect ...you can't make an argument of a situation ....you can get angry....you can't be disrespectful ...... same thing work alike in concern of the country you from ...that's not how we can make tomorrow a better day by only talking rubbish on a forum about all the negative aspect of everything....Cause it doesn't do any good..... 


Chok dee


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I personally like Thailand. And Thai people I have met more good thai than bad. Of course they see us as cash cows after all we do spend. Thailand slowly moves to throw off 3rd world status but I think they can do this.

My only critcism is the new constitution but only an opinion as in the end it is the Thai People who will one day change. My intention if I can is to live and die in Thailand. I love it warts and all

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18 hours ago, robblok said:

For a large part I agree the article, you should hear those same foreigners complain about the foreigners at their own home who are not adapted enough according to them. 


We got the option to leave and we should if we don't like it here. Still a bit of criticism is a good thing but not what I have often seen here. 


So somebody made you the judge of how much is too much, eh?   Most of the "complaining about foreigners at their own home" has to do with illegals.  And I think you know it.  Lastly, just because someone has complaints doesn't mean they "don't like it here".  It just means they have complaints. 


Maybe some of those moaning about the moaners would be happier in some other forum where everybody shares the exact same opinion.   Then the rest of us could invest profitably in toilet seat manufacturers and EVERYbody would be happy!



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6 hours ago, farang95 said:

i met a lot of farang....in thailand..expat and tourist include.....fortunately most of them have the right attitude .....behave correctly ..... but in them ....most don't speak thai ....don't try to ...don't care to ....maybe in some place....like Phuket....pattaya....you can see the foreigner acting in an abnormal way...with less respect for the people ( tourist -thai) ..... secondly when you arrive in the country...you must try to understand how thai see foreigner....you have to make your own impression of that fact...of how they treat you ....how they see you .....how they connect with you .....

An example...... thai never told me about a buffalo who is sick and that they want money for it....they are more direct.....when they feel like they can ask you ..they will simply ask for cash...You said yes...or no...period..... but i heard it happened to some..... so i guess it does happen for real ....but why? the question why would they ask you money for the buffalo ?? you have to question yourself .....you have to look at the mirror ....and check on yourself..how do you look ?? is that the picture you want to give to people? you want them to think you are that type of way or another? 

i remember i was driving ....in pattaya....and at a stop i saw a cop ...Checking the traffic.....and some farang arrive without helmet and didnt even stop and went away quickly ...the cops look at me...and say..See how they behavE? and went at his pursuit...... 

When you get drunk ....pick up a lady...your wife.....your sex friend......a stranger....spend time with her.....she would do anything you want her to do right? you will feel satisfy....what happen when at the end of the day you are not doing anything to make her feel good at the same time? being selfish? touching her at the bar ...yeah you like her ass....... drinking .....for hour you are like the king of the place you drink over and over ..one by one come to your side..Talking to you while you touching all of her body testing how sweet she must be without her bikini ............and then decide to stand up ...and leave...no tips...no thanks ....nothing........ what will happen in her mind ? Do you think about it ? 

when you see a farang...Who come to you ......he want some advice....he is lost ...you know he is a newbie....you 've been there......but you ..you are like an expat ....even if you are not....and you have nothing to share ....but you feel him that he is in need for some support....what do you do ? do you talk to him ...help him out? warn him to be careful ? invite you to your home? share a meal with him ? or do you do that only to people you know ??? 

what about you big man ? with your bar ...yeah i got a bar man ...this is my wife....this is a friend of my wife....i from the same country as you ....come in ......drink with me.... drink with us......it's all good..... you go ...you spend time therE...you drink .... but what do you earn by coming to this place? does those place are really good to be ? does those place help you understand more about the country? or does this place is just another place where they will take your money.... yeah give me my money..... when you are drunk like hell ..does they stop you from using your motorbike ? does they call a taxi moto to take you back home???? 

Around your relative...kids...cousin of the wife...brother .....citizen of your village....do you spent a minute talking about life with them ? oh i forogot you don't speak thai ....never mind....you don't care......




So yeah when your behavior ain't perfect ...you can't make an argument of a situation ....you can get angry....you can't be disrespectful ...... same thing work alike in concern of the country you from ...that's not how we can make tomorrow a better day by only talking rubbish on a forum about all the negative aspect of everything....Cause it doesn't do any good..... 


Chok dee


This post nearly gave me a seizure from ellipses. Is that elilipsilepsy?

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I have noticed that there is a lot of complaining all over the world, not just in Thailand or not just here

on this forum.  I have decided not to have a place in Thailand, because of some of that country's

way that Farangs  are  treated,  My brother in law is married to

his Thai wife. He has lived in Thailand almost 50 years,  but even though his parents fled from

China to Thailand, he is still only similar to an immigrant.  He only has an Id card and a Thai passport.

He has to re apply every ;year  in person or he can be deported to China  even after all these years.

  Yes this  is  the  same Thailand  that  you  are  defending.  My  brother in law rents his place as he cannot

own anything except a condo  like the  rest of us  Farangs.  Disgusting!


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In fairness I hear more Thai's complain about Thailand. Not on here but when I have talk to them outside. This is a lot wrong no argument but as foreigners we hold no clout so either find a way to cope with the frustrations or find an alternative.

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What is the point of this thread???

Say yes I agree shut up or move on you are called a Thai Appologist.

Say no I don't agree I am allowed to say what I feel about thailand in the negative, then I'm a every thing thai basher.

The two opposing hunting packs on here will quickly discredit whatever is said anyway

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I complain about my home country with things I dislike and feel can be changed just like here. Doesn't mean I hate the place or don't like living here. there are things that I find frustrating just like many here. to say if you don't like everything you should leave and go is childish. I know there is no perfect place but what is wrong with contributing to the society and expressing your view. Many people use the criticism word when it goes against someone's view. I hear Thai people complain all the time., usually about the same things as I do. Should they leave too?. Using that 'old chestnut' if you don't like it go, is a weak argument and to be honest, I find it offensive.

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On 9/27/2016 at 9:14 AM, tonray said:

Thailand has its problems but I would not be here if not for the fact that my country has bigger ones, most notably pricing the vast majority of residents out of a decent lifestyle, even if you have worked all of your life. So yeah...not happy with being a somewhat 'unwelcome guest' here but better than the current alternative.



Agree. I am here, in large measure because I can live better here financially than I can exist the US. I liken it to the story about Brer Rabbit. Please don't throw me in the briarpatch! And here I am with a feeling that the low pay in the US did not defeat my ability to live a good life in retirement, albeit, not in my home country. Irritations? Yes, but then there are compensations. On balance, for me, not bad...not bad at all.

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