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"We love you Papa!" - farang repairing potholed road wows Thais!


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2 hours ago, kannot said:

ill pass  your info re concrete ( thermal expansion rate differences) onto the orbortor...................who uses concrete now instead of tarmac mainly because it DOES last longer due to "application method" ie throw  tarmac in hole  loosely then let vehicles compact ( sic) it. time to revisit my  old thread me thinks

that is special mix concrete designed particularly for the job. not the home cocktail.

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I could only stomach to read through the first page of responses, so by chance if my following comments are redundant then please excuse me.


Of course this is a story wherein the foreigner deserves praise for his merit making, but the greater story is that this should serve as a national shame to the entire population of Thailand. We expats come to this country and observe all around us on a daily basis the slothful, greedy, selfish and indifferent attitude of the Thais pertaining the proper upkeep of the environment in which they live, and it drives us crazy.  It's not in our nature as Westerners to adapt to this "mai pen rai" attitude where everyone refuses to take responsibility and shows no initiative...always expecting somebody else to clean up their messes for them. We see a problem and we come up with a plan to fix it right away. 


In every rural village through which I have driven, and in every urban city, I see potholes like this and it's like driving through a minefield.  There's absolutely no excuse for it.  I've always said that if every Thai homeowner was ordered by their village chief to simply clean up the area around their own homes all the way to the center of the street in front of their homes, this entire country could be cleaned up in one day.  And that includes pitching in a few baht and a few hours of labor to fill in the potholes in front of their own homes.  I mean, how much effort and expense could that possibly require?  The thing that baffles my mind is how the villagers can drive their own vehicles on those same roads day after day and destroy the alignment, tires/wheels and struts/springs on their vehicles and not come together to do something about it instead of sitting around complaining and waiting for the bureaucrats to get their butts in motion and do something about it. 


In closing, let me say that it's absolutely shameful that this old expat had to risk life and limb to get out in the middle of that street and perform a difficult task that should have been completed months ago by the locals when the road began to show its first signs of disrepair and the fix would have been much easier. "Face" seems to be such a big issue in this country, but it appears that they can pick and choose what it is that they want to lose or gain their face over. Disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by fittobethaied
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2 hours ago, lostinisaan said:


      He's old enough to understand the laws. People made jokes about working without a work permit, but that might soon happen.


          When the deadly Tsunami hit Thailand end Germany immediately sent forensic specialists, they're sent back home after only a few days, or maybe hours.


     Thais don't want foreigners to fix their roads for several reasons.


  1. It makes them look lazy and they lose face.


 2. It makes the guy whose job it is look like a lazy pricka, nobody wants that.


 3. The department of rural roads, the part belongs to will also have a word, as not everybody can just start to do some construction work, even when it makes sense.


4. The locals will come up with stories that they don't have a job, because somebody will give the fool something.


  5. This is Thailand and road constructions are usually made by Thais, guys from Laos, or Cambodia.


 6. The teacher who put the photos on her farcebook page might be his Mia Noi now by many people.


  Finally, the guy made a fool out of him. You can do that in rural Bavaria, where they still mumble a not understandable slang, but not in Lieland. 




come on you are cannot be serious. his greatest achievement is that he got people thinking and we hope acting soon.

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6 hours ago, Johnniey said:

Pathetic. Another old guy unable to accept the way things are done here and the ignorance to try to do it himself.  This is a slap in the face for the local council and from a farang. What on earth is his Thai wife doing, letting do such a thing?

Probably be deported for working,   if he's on a  'No Working Retirement Visa' ....   I am on one,  and have been told that I can't even do unpaid volunteer work.............  

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if cops from his place know him.... they will never do anything wrong to that man .... good behavior is respect ..especially when the man is an Old man .... am surprise ya all want to hom to be deported..why not support his behavior and do the same? 


You cannot do anything good don't you? 

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If there is no will, there is no way but along come caucasian farang Mr Peter who believes in, if there is a will there is a way! Congratulations Mr Peter.


Unfortunately commonsense may not prevail over narrow minded bureaucracy about permits etc etc. Maybe bureaucracy would wait for death or injury before doing anything? Before doing anything apart from talking, that is!

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2 hours ago, samsensam said:


nice effort and hat's off to him. unfortunately he is wasting his time, repairing a tarmac road with what looks like concrete isn't going to last long.


he'd probably do better giving the local highway people a backhander to fix them properly, well probably not properly, but at least use appropriate materials.

concrete will last if he dug out a good base for it first and can keep cars off it for a week to set properly..   I am living in Patong and a couple of BIG  potholes get repaired  about every two weeks,  No cleaning out the old rubble, no compacted base,  usually it is breaking up again in a few days,  if not in a few hours !!!!!  

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6 hours ago, Johnniey said:

Pathetic. Another old guy unable to accept the way things are done here and the ignorance to try to do it himself.  This is a slap in the face for the local council and from a farang. What on earth is his Thai wife doing, letting do such a thing?

I expect his wife is asking round the village who wants to buy all his stuff and the house he built so she can sell it all off after hes been deported for working.

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16 minutes ago, tomyumchai said:

I expect his wife is asking round the village who wants to buy all his stuff and the house he built so she can sell it all off after hes been deported for working.


7 hours ago, Johnniey said:

Pathetic. Another old guy unable to accept the way things are done here and the ignorance to try to do it himself.  This is a slap in the face for the local council and from a farang. What on earth is his Thai wife doing, letting do such a thing?


You folks studying to be local officials or politicians? Offering up road trauma before any action? Hmmm.......... I guess that is the Thai way but possibly not the right way. Life is cheap, unfortunately.


But then again, you may be just joking with your comments - I hope so.



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50 minutes ago, bokningar said:

Work permit for painting ????

How did you get that?

wink wink.

actually he should have got naked and had a bath in the hole to attract attention to the state of the roads. dont need a work permit for that. maybe wear a G-string to not get arrested.

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I live in the country and this time of year is always a pain in the tires from all the pot holes ! I have actually gone out and measured the thickness of the asphalt covering the road bed. I would bet the government contracts and pays for a couple of inches of asphalt but most of my measurements around here show 3/8 inch thickness at best. Talk about a money making scheme for the contractor... Simple fix if some bureaucrat would do a punch test on a completed road resurfacing before a payment is made ! Infrastructure is not glamorous like some new military hardware... But IMO it darn sure is the gift that keeps on giving after the military hardware is obsolete.  

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1 hour ago, Chicog said:


Again: He's got off his backside and done something for his local community and brought some good PR for farang in the process.

What have YOU done ?


I pay taxes, stay out of trouble and support the locals by bar fining a lot.

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...not the solution....


...ironically foreigners have contributed so much to the Thai economy....


...and it only ever costs them....at every turn...



...wonder if he might not be arrested or fined....


...defaming Thailand.....???


...let's wait for it....


...then will anybody come to his defense.....???


...no way....his life will be ruined...


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Where will this kind of behavior end. People coming to Thailand for live a peaceful retirement, and ends up fixing a road with the wrong material. There is no way on earth that he is going to be able to continue with this. He is probably not allowed to work, and if he would happen to have a work permit it will definitely not be possible to use it for this kind of work.

If have work permit or not just doesn´t matter, but many people here talking about just the work permit. If you get a work permit in Thailand it is specified for a certain work in a specified place.
Totally useless conversation of approx. 50 people in this thread.

JHolmesJr just expressed it´s other ways of supporting the community, even if his way maby not are the way some people would do it.

How ever it must be much better to support the girls by a bar fine, than to crawl on your nees at the age of 70. 

Just feel for a big laugh. What an old fart! Living in Thailand is accepting the country and really let them do their thing. It´s time to grow up to the facts.
Coming here and complaining about everything and trying to change the way things are is stupid, and in that case it´s just to spit up some money for a ticket back home.

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Nice story unfortunately he has wasted his time. As a son of a builder. The concrete his using will simply crumble. It is required to use hot asphalt. Which is not supplied by many City Halls. In fact they contract the cheapest punter. And a fine example is Pattaya. Do it 5 times. 


Why do it properly the first time. It's not the Thai way $$$

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Good Lord- have so many of you lost your perspective on the simple fact that a man decided to fix a hole in the road because he was either tired of hitting it or seeing people fall off motorcycles and hurt themselves.  I have never seen so much negativity as there is in this thread. Some want him to leave; others say deport him; put him in jail etc. Others question whether the road repair will hold. Others question his age and talk about bar fines and other nonsense.

Some of you people have forgotten what life is really about- I truly fear for the future based upon the absolute negativity that is so prevalent on this board. Absolutely disgusting.

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