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Analysis: In debate, Clinton was prepared, Trump was Trump


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9 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

A conservative black friend sent me a triumphant email yesterday thrilled the Trump had "won" the debate decisively. I still have not answered, because I am not sure what to say. I do not agree, but do not want to rain on her parade either.


Just act like you would with any young child, and pat them on the head and say "well done, you get a gold star".



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6 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

A conservative black friend sent me a triumphant email yesterday thrilled the Trump had "won" the debate decisively. I still have not answered, because I am not sure what to say. I do not agree, but do not want to rain on her parade either.

Say that you would love to be able agree but cannot so will agree by proxy in showing her assertion that Trump won to this forum. Everyone's a winner that way.

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11 hours ago, chuckd said:


Maybe you need to get out more often...


"NBC’s Lester Holt, the moderator for the debate, started getting flak before the debate was over after he repeatedly interrupted Trump to “fact-check” him, except that his fact-checks were more or less wrong.


In one of the more contentious exchanges, Holt insisted that Trump had supported the Iraq War from the beginning, but Trump continuously denied it, USA Politics Today reported.


Rather than ask Clinton why she voted for the war, Holt continued to press Trump, saying that in an interview with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, Trump expressed his support for the war '







When you are doing a 'fact check', you are either right or wrong, there is no more or less wrong. So what are you saying?


Trump DID support the Iraq war at the beginning. If he continuously denies it he should be made to answer until he tells the truth! There are televised and radio records! When someone tells a pathological lie it is not 'bias' to continue to try and make him yield to the truth. YOU have heard Trumps support of the war, so have we all, it is apparently only Trump that never heard it. Making a candidate tell the truth is not Bias!


Go to 1.40 what part do you not get that Trump supported the invasion of Iraq? When he denies it what part do you not understand that it is a journalists obligation to follow up. That is NOT bias!



Why Clinton voted for the war is simple, she believed the utter pack of lies told to her by that previous republican excuse for a piece of ............  George W Bush. She supported her Government in a time of crisis, something that no republican has done (crisis or not) for the last 8 years.

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

A conservative black friend sent me a triumphant email yesterday thrilled the Trump had "won" the debate decisively. I still have not answered, because I am not sure what to say. I do not agree, but do not want to rain on her parade either.

Just try telling the truth, you may find it liberating.


Did you have to put 'Conservative Black'?

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FBI docs indicate Hillary failed or refused to complete course on handling classified info at State Dept. in 2009


Edited by stander
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I don't care if Hillary Clinton had a private email server in her apartment or on her person. At least she indicated she made a mistake and apologized for it. Donald Trump has continuously lied; denigrated women; people of color; the disabled and anyone else who he disagrees with. His temperament alone proves he cannot be President; he has no depth; no experience; no plan and would never make America great but a laughing stock in the same way Deuterate, the President of the Philippines has made his country an international pariah.

Donald Trump is right about only one thing- America needs to be made a great country again. However, he can't make it happen.  It takes real knowledge of the issues;  a real plan to make it happen and a real way to actually push the agenda. Trump will make things worse not better. If he is ever elected- you will see  a fall in the stock  market to unprecedented low levels; the currency markets will attach the US dollar driving it down 20% and there will be instability above and beyond what we have now in the World.

Will Hillary Clinton make America great again. She will not. However, she will keep the status quo and allow time for other potential leaders to come forward who may make America a better country. She may even put into place a few of the populist ideas Bernie Sanders articulated. The greatest issue after the election will be to reform election financing. It is now impossible for anyone to even be nominated who does not have the backing of the very elite , wealthy class of America. Money buys everything in America and has caused the destruction of the so called American dream. This election does not hold out much hope for the struggling middle class in America and those mired in poverty.

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8 hours ago, Thaidream said:

I don't care if Hillary Clinton had a private email server in her apartment or on her person. At least she indicated she made a mistake and apologized for it. Donald Trump has continuously lied; denigrated women; people of color; the disabled and anyone else who he disagrees with. His temperament alone proves he cannot be President; he has no depth; no experience; no plan and would never make America great but a laughing stock in the same way Deuterate, the President of the Philippines has made his country an international pariah.

Donald Trump is right about only one thing- America needs to be made a great country again. However, he can't make it happen.  It takes real knowledge of the issues;  a real plan to make it happen and a real way to actually push the agenda. Trump will make things worse not better. If he is ever elected- you will see  a fall in the stock  market to unprecedented low levels; the currency markets will attach the US dollar driving it down 20% and there will be instability above and beyond what we have now in the World.

Will Hillary Clinton make America great again. She will not. However, she will keep the status quo and allow time for other potential leaders to come forward who may make America a better country. She may even put into place a few of the populist ideas Bernie Sanders articulated. The greatest issue after the election will be to reform election financing. It is now impossible for anyone to even be nominated who does not have the backing of the very elite , wealthy class of America. Money buys everything in America and has caused the destruction of the so called American dream. This election does not hold out much hope for the struggling middle class in America and those mired in poverty.

“When are they going to get those <deleted!> ree-tards out of here?!”

Those are said to be the infamous words of Hillary Clinton – also known as Arkansas’ “Mother of the Year” in 1984 – when Hillary reportedly grew frustrated that handicapped children weren't collecting their Easter eggs quickly enough on the lawn of the Arkansas governor’s mansion.



PS they know HIllary in Arkansas.


The poll, conducted among 831 likely Arkansas voters on September 15-17, 2016, shows Trump with a 21-point lead over the former Arkansas First Lady. The survey has a margin of error of 3.4%.



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8 hours ago, Thaidream said:

I don't care if Hillary Clinton had a private email server in her apartment or on her person. At least she indicated she made a mistake and apologized for it. Donald Trump has continuously lied; denigrated women; people of color; the disabled and anyone else who he disagrees with. His temperament alone proves he cannot be President; he has no depth; no experience; no plan and would never make America great but a laughing stock in the same way Deuterate, the President of the Philippines has made his country an international pariah.

Donald Trump is right about only one thing- America needs to be made a great country again. However, he can't make it happen.  It takes real knowledge of the issues;  a real plan to make it happen and a real way to actually push the agenda. Trump will make things worse not better. If he is ever elected- you will see  a fall in the stock  market to unprecedented low levels; the currency markets will attach the US dollar driving it down 20% and there will be instability above and beyond what we have now in the World.

Will Hillary Clinton make America great again. She will not. However, she will keep the status quo and allow time for other potential leaders to come forward who may make America a better country. She may even put into place a few of the populist ideas Bernie Sanders articulated. The greatest issue after the election will be to reform election financing. It is now impossible for anyone to even be nominated who does not have the backing of the very elite , wealthy class of America. Money buys everything in America and has caused the destruction of the so called American dream. This election does not hold out much hope for the struggling middle class in America and those mired in poverty.

I could not agree more. With HRC nothing much will change, perhaps some positive tinkering at the edges, perhaps more.

But with Trump a lot will change all of it bad.

We can survive four years of HRC, not of Trump.

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1 minute ago, sirineou said:

I could not agree more. With HRC nothing much will change, perhaps some positive tinkering at the edges, perhaps more.

But with Trump a lot will change all of it bad.

We can survive four years of HRC, not of Trump.

What do you think a President can actually do?  Does he have any money to spend?  Can he write laws?  Can he veto laws? (see 9/11).  About the most he can do is steal the furniture in the White  house and make money giving speeches.  

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10 hours ago, up-country_sinclair said:


Why isn't she part Hispanic too?



Because, as an Hispanic, if anyone even claimed that a psuedo/part/bit/halfbred latino even remotely supported Trump, it puts the post into the realms of delusional fantasy

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1 hour ago, GinBoy2 said:

Because, as an Hispanic, if anyone even claimed that a psuedo/part/bit/halfbred latino even remotely supported Trump, it puts the post into the realms of delusional fantasy


Very ignorant claim. Something like 1 out of 5 Hispanics intend to vote for Trump. That is far from none.

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8 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Very ignorant claim. Something like 1 out of 5 Hispanics intend to vote for Trump. That is far from none.

That number may drop now that we know that Trump BROKE THE LAW, by spending money in Cuba:


Trump’s campaign manager accidentally admits Trump broke the law on live TV




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On 9/28/2016 at 10:17 AM, Kiwiken said:

I personally do not like either of them. But as a Citizen of a US allied Country I would rather have the bureaucrat Clinton who despite all is shown to be level headed.

Than have a reactionary President in the white house. Reagan worried me sometimes, Trump sends shivers down my spine


I agree. 

Have been on the fence for a while. 
My problem is I go back to the states every November, and always vote. 

So, I have to pick one of these undesirables.  (yeah, I know, I could write in Bernie or someone I like)


Both are proven liars and untrustworthy. 
But she just has a ton more class. 


Damn I wish there was a decent choice!


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These debates and idolizing a president seem very 'murican things. Like one man could decide the fate of the world in 90 mins of puffing hot air prepared by a team of spin doctors.


Direct democracy is the only choice, get rid of the politician buffoons altogether. I hope they try it out in the Free State Project they're cooking up in NH.

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Hillary's Post Debate "Dead Cat Bounce"...


After three days of post-debate polling, Clinton has gained 0.88% in an average of national polls




National Polls
  Day of Debate After 1 day After 2 days After 3 days
National Shift ---- Trump +0.55 Clinton +1.56 Clinton +0.88
LA Times Trump 46.2, Clinton 42.7 Trump 46.7, Clinton 42.6 Trump 46.7, Clinton 42.9 Trump 47.3, Clinton 41.7
Margin Trump +3.5 Trump +4.1 Trump +3.8 Trump +5.6
Shift   0.6 to Trump 0.3 to Trump 2.1 to Trump
UPI Trump 47.1, Clinton 47.8 Trump 47.7. Clinton 47.9    
Margin Clinton +0.7 Clinton +0.2    
Shift   0.5 to Trump    
PPP (Dem poll) Trump 37.0, Clinton 42.0 - Trump 40.0, Clinton 44.0  
Margin Clinton +5.0   Clinton +4.0  
Shift     1.0 to Trump  
Rasmussen Reports Trump 44.0, Clinton 39.0 - Trump 41.0, Clinton 42.0  
Margin Trump +5.0   Clinton +1.0  
Shift     6.0 to Clinton  
Fox News Trump 40.0, Clinton 41.00     Trump 40.0, Clinton 43.0
Margin Clinton +1.0     Clinton +3.0
Shift       2.0 to Clinton
Battleground Index
  Day of Debate After 1 day After 2 days After 3 days
Overall Shift Trump +1.2 Trump +1.2 Trump +1.2 Trump +0.9
Florida Trump +0.4 No data No data Clinton +0.4
Ohio Trump +3.8 No data No data No data
North Carolina Trump +1.6 No data No data No data
Pennsylvania Clinton +1.5 No data No data No data
Maine Clinton +2.0 No data No data No data
Wisconsin Clinton +4.0 No data No data No data
Iowa Trump +5.67 No data No data No data
Nevada Trump +3.0 No data No data Trump +0.8
Arizona Trump +2.75 No data No data No data
Colorado Trump +2.34 No data No data No data
Competitive States
Day of Debate After 1 day After 2 days After 3 days
FL, NC, OH, PA, ME, WI, IA, CO, NV, AZ No Change No Change No Chan


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Wait until next Tuesday for a more accurate picture of the Clinton debate win bounce.

It may stay at 1 but could still easily go higher. 


trump's deplorable base (40 percent) isn't going to ever budge. It's all about everyone else. 


To add, the self selecting online polls about the first debate, that demagogue trump moronically crowed about were of course totally meaningless. It's telling trump, the science denier in matters of climate change, would point to completely UNSCIENTIFIC polls.

That's a problem with republicans in general, so many of them reject science.


Everyone with basic common sense knows that trump lost that debate badly. 

Now for  information about actual real SCIENTIFIC polls on the debate.




Fox News poll confirms: Hillary Clinton won the debate in a landslide

The poll, which was conducted entirely after the debate, found that 61% of voters who watched the debate viewed Clinton as the winner. Just 21% thought Trump came out on top.





Edited by Jingthing
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On 9/28/2016 at 1:40 PM, uptheos said:



Well, they have started building one at Calais, France where the migrant jungle was, so I guess that answers your question for a start. A wall doesn't necessarily have to be bricks and mortar, it can be a philosophy an ideology.....as long as Muslims are kept out any wall any place is OK with me.



Any blanket approach is subject to  question.     All muslims?


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6 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

Hillary's Post Debate "Dead Cat Bounce"...


After three days of post-debate polling, Clinton has gained 0.88% in an average of national polls




National Polls
  Day of Debate After 1 day After 2 days After 3 days
National Shift ---- Trump +0.55 Clinton +1.56 Clinton +0.88
LA Times Trump 46.2, Clinton 42.7 Trump 46.7, Clinton 42.6 Trump 46.7, Clinton 42.9 Trump 47.3, Clinton 41.7
Margin Trump +3.5 Trump +4.1 Trump +3.8 Trump +5.6
Shift   0.6 to Trump 0.3 to Trump 2.1 to Trump
UPI Trump 47.1, Clinton 47.8 Trump 47.7. Clinton 47.9    
Margin Clinton +0.7 Clinton +0.2    
Shift   0.5 to Trump    
PPP (Dem poll) Trump 37.0, Clinton 42.0 - Trump 40.0, Clinton 44.0  
Margin Clinton +5.0   Clinton +4.0  
Shift     1.0 to Trump  
Rasmussen Reports Trump 44.0, Clinton 39.0 - Trump 41.0, Clinton 42.0  
Margin Trump +5.0   Clinton +1.0  
Shift     6.0 to Clinton  
Fox News Trump 40.0, Clinton 41.00     Trump 40.0, Clinton 43.0
Margin Clinton +1.0     Clinton +3.0
Shift       2.0 to Clinton
Battleground Index
  Day of Debate After 1 day After 2 days After 3 days
Overall Shift Trump +1.2 Trump +1.2 Trump +1.2 Trump +0.9
Florida Trump +0.4 No data No data Clinton +0.4
Ohio Trump +3.8 No data No data No data
North Carolina Trump +1.6 No data No data No data
Pennsylvania Clinton +1.5 No data No data No data
Maine Clinton +2.0 No data No data No data
Wisconsin Clinton +4.0 No data No data No data
Iowa Trump +5.67 No data No data No data
Nevada Trump +3.0 No data No data Trump +0.8
Arizona Trump +2.75 No data No data No data
Colorado Trump +2.34 No data No data No data
Competitive States
Day of Debate After 1 day After 2 days After 3 days
FL, NC, OH, PA, ME, WI, IA, CO, NV, AZ No Change No Change No Chan



Thanks for that. It breaks through all the partisan spin.

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