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72 officials relieved of their duties pending investigations into their conduct


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21 minutes ago, silent said:


Do you have a death wish?

Social media will be the downfall of many as they can't resist posting photos of absolutely everything and some of it will be of things and people that really shouldn't be made public.

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3 hours ago, smedly said:

average of what lol can you peel a banana at an average speed


and you still have not offered any solutions - I challenge you again - offer up some solutions and contribute to this thread - I am actually genuinely interested if you or your mates  can come up with something that can end the power abuse corruption and thieving that has been going on here for decades, yes of course the military are not clean either but what or who is going to stop the rot - so far nobody has even attempted it.................until now (at least that is what I believe) I could be wrong but I am willing to see how this turns out before I decide


JamesBrock has tried the best way he can to enlighten you as to why he cannot go any further with an explanation/solution, however you seem incapable of understanding this and because of the laws of this country he cannot spell it out, neither can I.


You are right when you say that corruption is endemic, however it is just as endemic in the military as it is elsewhere and in the jurisdiction in which I live, the military have joined in the tea money collection. Then of course there were those military folks who were arrested for people trafficking, yet nothing seems to have happened to them.


You mentioned the purchase of the Chinese submarines and it should be clear to all folk who live here and know this country that there is only one reason for the purchase of these things and it is not to protect Thailand's small and shallow coastline from invaders........


A different set of snouts in the trough and aligned to different end purposes is the best I can say without being too obvious.




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4 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Social media will be the downfall of many as they can't resist posting photos of absolutely everything and some of it will be of things and people that really shouldn't be made public.

 Agree completely but still there's something about messengers that might not translate properly.

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On ‎9‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 5:54 PM, smedly said:

some keep saying this coup and government are no different than any other before and I keep saying what is going on now is unpresidented in Thai history, I hope they have the time to keep going and complete the cleansing task that no other has ever attempted 

They are very different in a few spectacularly obvious ways,  like hmmmm lets see now.

1. elected in by the people.

2. An amnesty that no other elected government has ever deared to give themselves.

3. The PM publicly saying he can have people taken out and shot.

4. Imprisoning people without charge, "Attitude Adjustment".

5. Military court for civilian's.

6. refusing to have investigation into his family's wealth.

So yes they are in fact very different aren't they.......


Then there's way's you and few other junta huggers refuse to acknowledge or reply to when challenged such as allegations of dishonesty, misconduct, dereliction of duty, treason, corruption within the family regardless of the people calling for independent transparent investigation.

Like I said in another post to which you few will not reply to regarding the junta and family,

  "Getting hard to defend the indefensible huh".   "weak".


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On ‎9‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 6:10 AM, smedly said:

no they are not, but what I see is (unless I am totally wrong) is an attempt by one man to try and bring about some changes and call people to account


If any of you smart a^^es can come up with some other solution to the very obvious deep rooted Thailand problems of power abuse and corruption  then voice it instead just constantly vomiting your verbal nonsense on every thread on this forum


I said in a post here some years ago that Thailand needed a hero - someone that could wield enough power and have enough influence that nobody could or would stand against them and that they had an honest will to move Thailand out of the constant cycle of disfunction corruption power abuse and greed (which we all know exits and is at a level that puts it at one of the highest in history)...............it needs to stop


The only person that can make it stop is someone who has decided that enough is enough even if they have been guilty in the past it matters not, they must have enough power to overcome everything and everyone that is bad in Thailand.................the only place I can ever see that coming from is the military - if any one of you can offer some other solution to stop the corruption rot in this country then why not offer it up instead of just posting the constant verbal criticism nonsense that fills these threads...................offer up your own solutions or shut  up      tf


Prayuth has his faults and is less than perfect and I have said this many times but boy is he right now doing what most would regard as impossible in this very dysfunctional and corrupt country.........a very brave man indeed and he walks a thin line but one that seems to be going in the right direction, never forget that there are many evil powerful people who are being slowly removed and extracted from the cosey and powerful positions they have held for years.....they don't like it but are not in a position to do anything about it..........Prayuth must maintain a support base otherwise he will be removed - he is playing a very dangerous balancing act but I believe his intentions are good


we shall see 



PS didn't proof read so sorry for the typo's


oh and yes buying Subs from China is stupid and a waste of money and also there are many other things that are wrong, Japan would have been a better partner for the railway contract IMO - Thailand needs to be careful who they are getting into bed with.....Japan has a very big industrial stake here and Thailand should not forget that

Ye'p love to respond to your challenge (unlike yourself when challenged) of offering an alternative to the situation the country currently find's itself in. 

Here is the problem and the answer, your words mate.

"he may have been guilty in the past but it matters not".     Sorry mate YEAH it matters.

Just the same as Thaksin did some great things for the country but he may have been guilty in the past but it matters not,  Apply your own logic mate.........!

Now for the answer to the corruption problem, but many will not like it.

The next PM should be  Incorruptible.

Be willing to be fully and independently investigated and undergo a lie detector test before taking any public office.

But this is astoundingly far from the PM the country has now huh?

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On 9/27/2016 at 5:54 PM, smedly said:

some keep saying this coup and government are no different than any other before and I keep saying what is going on now is unpresidented in Thai history, I hope they have the time to keep going and complete the cleansing task that no other has ever attempted 

Your easily pleased or fooled? When the good man came into power he stated he would not be tackling corruption in the police as it was too big a job!

I believe most would agree that department is the most corrupt, yet nothing is being done or will be ........:saai:

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the problem is that both sides keep on pointing fingers back at each other, no doubt both sides are corrupt to the bones - but which side is actually moving more corruption cases along?


Once we start to move these cases along, there will be less and less corruption cases in the future as these civil servants will realize that they can be held accountable for their actions.


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1 hour ago, mike324 said:

the problem is that both sides keep on pointing fingers back at each other, no doubt both sides are corrupt to the bones - but which side is actually moving more corruption cases along?


Once we start to move these cases along, there will be less and less corruption cases in the future as these civil servants will realize that they can be held accountable for their actions.



Fair comment. Problem is that he not treating corruption equitably. If he is chasing down the corruption cases, then he ought to be chasing down the numerous military and police corruption. When you dont apply the same standard to all, you are simply selecting your own agenda and perceived to be only going after your political enemies. And I believed that is true of him. 

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2 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

Ye'p love to respond to your challenge (unlike yourself when challenged) of offering an alternative to the situation the country currently find's itself in. 

Here is the problem and the answer, your words mate.

"he may have been guilty in the past but it matters not".     Sorry mate YEAH it matters.

Just the same as Thaksin did some great things for the country but he may have been guilty in the past but it matters not,  Apply your own logic mate.........!

Now for the answer to the corruption problem, but many will not like it.

The next PM should be  Incorruptible.

Be willing to be fully and independently investigated and undergo a lie detector test before taking any public office.

But this is astoundingly far from the PM the country has now huh?

I can say with absolute 100% confidence ----------------------------- I am not your mate

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36 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:


Fair comment. Problem is that he not treating corruption equitably. If he is chasing down the corruption cases, then he ought to be chasing down the numerous military and police corruption. When you dont apply the same standard to all, you are simply selecting your own agenda and perceived to be only going after your political enemies. And I believed that is true of him. 

Not sure I agree with that, if you understand how corruption works in this country then the only side (as some refer too) that is able to effectively corrupt are those that are in office and hold all the aces (excluding the military - see below)


It goes something like this


1. First and highest priority - win an election by any means to get into government


 - Once Elected


2. Remove key people in key jobs and replace them with your cronies/relatives

3. All affiliate organisations and people will take over various concessions local authorities etc (we are redshirt)

4. Dismantle - weaken - reorganise institutions that are meant to combat illegal activities such as corruption, remove people that will not comply

5. Amend the parts of the constitution  that inhibit your ability to corrupt

6. Lie through your teeth and hide irregularities associated with government finance


Once everything is set in place - thieve as much as you can until the people become aware of what you are up too and take to the streets in protest 


Yes the military are likely corrupt also as is almost every person in the country - they are all at it in one way or another


The current PM walks a very thin line, if he attempts to interfere with certain people he may find himself out of a job, fighting corruption in Thailand is no easy task, it needs to be done in steps and for obvious reasons the military are going to be one of the last that needs to eventually be dealt with. Others that come before would be the Judiciary and the police - none of it easy.


One thing is for sure, whoever takes on such a mammoth task needs to be holding all the aces for a very long time, the only type of person that fits the role will be a very powerful military person that has good intensions and the means to see it through.


The only other option would be a civil war were the military are eventually dismantled and someone or some group with good intensions wins - very unlikely - hugely costly and damaging to the country  




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