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Brit fisherman reels in the world’s biggest carp weighing 220lbs in Thailand


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5 hours ago, tominbkk said:

I'd like to put a big hook through that guys cheek and drive around in my car for a couple hours having him run alongside.  Sick.

Yes we really suck at being caretakers of this planet. The rest of the oceans inhabitants are in peril as well. I rather laugh at the Tokyo fish market move debate. By the time they solve that one there might be no fish left to sell. 

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7 hours ago, Alive said:

Something silly about this. Owns the fishery and caught the fish in it? No records here in my view. Sure it might show how big a fish can get but nothing natural about this.

Fishy Story

i agree. I use bigger fish for bait when I'm fishing Eh' honest !! 

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3 hours ago, pigeonjake said:

hi mate,

i too was a keen carp angler,

you have missed my point,

i was mentioning the ones who allways when some one says they own a fishery, farm, bar or what ever go on about not being able to do it, cant get a work permit ect,


Fair play - tight lines.

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There are Giant Siamese Carp approaching this size in several commercial fishing resort lakes in Thailand, with at least two of a larger size swimming around in Bungsamran in Bangkok.  If a fish of this size becomes available for sale I'm sure the lake owners would be queuing up to purchase it as it would be a considerable draw for anglers to fish their lake in particular. All Tim Webb is doing here is generating publicity for Palm Tree Lagoon and good luck to him. Each to their own but I really enjoy fishing these lakes and most of them have tremendous attitudes to fish welfare. It was a fishing trip to Bungsamran which first brought me to Thailand and angling does bring in a considerable amount of revenue to the tourist industry. 

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8 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

There really not that good eating.

Very popular in Eastern Europe apparently,  especially at Christmas

The local Angling Club back in the UK had a big pond full of the things.Apparently a couple of years back the local Polish Taxi drivers went there a couple of nights before Christmas and cleaned it out!

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8 hours ago, Alive said:

Something silly about this. Owns the fishery and caught the fish in it? No records here in my view. Sure it might show how big a fish can get but nothing natural about this.

Quite Alive. Also that it's reported in the S*n hardly lends credence to the story. 

Nonetheless a fine catch, hope it lives to fight another day. 

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6 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

i took my son to a fishing park. we threw in the rod time after time and within a minute each time had a fish on the line. we reeled in fish after fish and after a while of seeing the fish and their mangled mouths i decided that this was not the type of fishing i really wanted my son to get involved in.  probably wont bother going there again. doubt any one would count a fish caught at a fishing pond/farm as a record catch.

we probably had more fun feeding the big fish at the tiger zoo with fishing rods with no hook.

Perhaps if you had thrown in a baited hook you would not have damaged the mouths of so many fish !!!!!

Throwing in the ROD is what causes so much damage.


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2 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

dont throw the rod in. just tie some bait on the line from a rod and use the rod to put the bait in the water.

Yes, of course! I know what you actually did but that was not matched by what you SAID you did.



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8 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

"Despite smashing the world record, Tim said he would not submit the claim to the International Game Fish Association as they do not accept records from stocked waters."

I can tell you I caught one 200 kilo's, throw it back and thats it. I will give you 50 kilo's on that fish and no more, prove me wrong. Farce.

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2 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

the fish in those parks have screwed up mouths from the hooks they are caught on. what do you mean throwing the rod?



Yes many Thais are not that great while fishing.. but if you want to make sure YOU fish responsible.. just put your drag low and use a flexible rod. 

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6 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

how did you know what i did?


I will give you a clue: You said you went fishing and caught some fish. In the course of doing that you cast your LINE (not your rod) into the water and the bait on the hook enticed a fish onto it. You subsequently reeled in the fish to the bankside and concluded that you had caught a fish.   Sherlock Holmes, eat your heart out!!


Am I right?


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Siamese carp are for all intents and purposes extinct in the wild. In their natural habitat, the Mekong, the reported catch from all the 5 countries it runs through could be counted on one hand. The Mekong catfish is nearly as rare in the wild. Probably all the surviving fish were raised on fish farms and stocked. Angling if properly managed is a great force for conservation.


If you have ever watched Thai's pump dry a pond and collect every fish over 2" long, it is not surprising that the only fishing available in most of Thailand is in fishing parks.

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Once again all the hate mongers attack, thinking the government is going to rush right in and arrest this man for catching a fish.


How much more pathetic can you get? Honestly? Do you really feel that bad about yourself and your life in Thailand?


The guy caught a giant fish, it was a great accomplishment due to it's sheet size.


Instead of being a hater, appreciate the feat.

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18 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

For those of us non Brits who are unfamiliar with the modern measurement (stone). The weight of the fish is actually 8912.2 shekels.


I think that you will find the the people who look at "The Sun" are very much in favour of the UK leaving the European Community.


They believe that, if it happens, it will mean a return to the "Good Old Days" when there were no evil foreigners and everything was measured using the the Imperial System.


Like all newspapers The Sun panders to the people who buy it and seeks to be their "friend", so they will continue buying it and looking at the adverts, which is where the owners get their profits (the real source of their wealth, not the loss making price on the cover).  It's more interested in earning their trust, by agreeing with them, than anything else.


So like a trusted friend, who "thinks" the way that they do, it quotes the weight using the Imperial System.

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18 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

For those of us non Brits who are unfamiliar with the modern measurement (stone). The weight of the fish is actually 8912.2 shekels.


I think that you will find the the people who look at "The Sun" are very much in favour of the UK leaving the European Community.


They believe that, if it happens, it will mean a return to the "Good Old Days" when there were no evil foreigners and everything was measured using the the Imperial System.


Like all newspapers The Sun panders to the people who buy it and seeks to be their "friend", so they will continue buying it and looking at the adverts, which is where the owners get their profits (the real source of their wealth, not the loss making price on the cover).  It's more interested in earning their trust, by agreeing with them, than anything else.


So like a trusted friend, who "thinks" the way that they do, it quotes the weight using the Imperial System.

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