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Where can I buy locally produced organic yoghurt?

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4 hours ago, nongsangcity said:

Amexpat....i am just having a laugh....i have over 20 years in milk production.....never waste your money on Organic products its all a con...as is Kosher milk and the rest....your just paying more money for normal regular milk....have a nice day...


OK nongsangcity, once again. If you are telling me about Organic being a waste you are preaching to the already converted.

It's just that the milk labeled organic was not reconstituted. Probably other brands of "fresh" milk would suffice as well.


As sparkle posted:

There are. 4.9 m dairy cows in NZ and they sell into this country in powdered form which is re constituted into 'fresh milk's Milk has a limited shelf life if fresh,I thought that would be obvious.Nothing wrong with powdered milk"


-  except that reconstituted milk makes runny yogurt.   Good evening.


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On 9/30/2016 at 5:00 PM, balo said:

Thanks , I will check it out. I went to JJ market today and in one of the health shops they sold locally produced greek yoghurt. I tasted it and it was perfect, just the way I remember it from back home. So I had to find out more about this.

The name of the company is Veggie's Diary. You can look them up on facebook. They sell their products outside of Maya , in the weekend market from Friday to Sunday. Both natural plain yoghurt and greek yoghurt . A big 500g box is 120 baht so that's a good price for quality yoghurt.

Buy one little container and use it as a culture to make your own. Having done that, set aside a small amount of it and use that as a culture for your next batch. You can go on like that for ever. It is extremely simple. 

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry for late response:
We are producing Organic Yoghurt in Chiang Mai now for a couple of years. And yes, balo remembers correctly: our brand is "Dairy boutique".

For a complete product overview please visit the website of our own retail outlet: http://www.allaboutyoghurt.com (or the slightly older version of our production website: http://www.dairyboutique.com

We produce plain yoghurt - no sugar, no preservatives, no milk powder - from organic, grass fed milk whose supplier is not from the North of Thailand (because there is no certified organic milk producer).

The other full range of yoghurts (plain, drinking yoghurt, flavored yoghurts) and fresh cheese is produced from top quality (Lanna Milk certified) milk from the region.

Our products can be found in Rimping supermarkets, in Tops supermarkets in Chiang Mai, at Asia Book shop at Suriwong Book Center, at our shop near 3-Kings' monument, at Nana bakery at 89 plaza and at Pilom Nana Jungle market.

Whether you like the natural, pure taste of yoghurt is up to you. The same issue with any type of wine or beer or cheese or bread, etc.

We are working on a sustainable supply chain for Bangkok. Tops, Villa Market are already waiting for our products.

Hope this information can help those looking for a good domestic yoghurt. By the way: in our own distribution, we sell Kefir yoghurt: from Lanna Milk and from organic grass-fed milk.


My favorite yogurt supplier is Stefan who spent his whole life manufacturing alp dairy products.
By far the most natural tasting, delicious yogurt I have now after tens of years suffering on Thai industry yogurt, or making my own from typically available northern Thai farm milk.
Also his cheeses are highly recommendable; all products for really reasonable prices.
The secret is obviously the milk quality: Stefan sources his raw milk from a farmer he could convince to feed some cows on special pasture diet, so producing rich enough milk enabling him to make his products according to Swiss cheese maker standards.
Can't say whether the milk could be called organic according to western directives.
The shop is called "Mediterranean Kitchen", Saturday and Sunday pizza is served as well (https://www.google.de/search?tbm=lcl&ei=BOWUW87SPMz7vAT4y5eADg&q=mediterranean+cheese+pizza+chiang+mai&oq=mediterranean+cheese+pizza+chiang+mai&gs_l=psy-ab.12...;si:12391119906907715243;mv:!3m12!1m3!1d51468.17551156386!2d98.9770469!3d18.7767109!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i786!2i654!4f13.1).
I have no business or other relations to this shop, I'm simply impressed by taste.

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