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Why Thailand is moving closer to decriminalizing meth


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1 hour ago, 212Roger said:

German chemists invented speed so that their fighter pilots can stay awake for long hours.


American soldiers were also given speed to say alert. My guess is that other armies were as well, but I have not researched it.



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2 hours ago, Xircal said:


Oh sure. Lets legalize heroin. No harm in junkies dumping their needles on the street after shooting up some of which will carry the AIDS virus is there now?

Euh. Exactly what is happening now due to it being ILLEGAL. Lol. If legal special spaces or places could be arranged for junkies to get their shots in safety...

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10 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


American soldiers were also given speed to say alert. My guess is that other armies were as well, but I have not researched it.


Nazis did it. Usa did it. The russians did it. I guess the japs did it as well. Etc. According to Jacob's ladder the usa even used lsd on its troops...


Enhancing combat. Combating fatuigue and hunger. In war there are no limits...

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4 hours ago, CWMcMurray said:


Agree with you that Meth is not a good thing and even if Legalized or decriminalized , I ain't using it...

This being said, I still believe in decriminalization of drugs..

Because in my opinion , drug use and addiction is a medical issue not a criminal issue

Addicts belong in rehab not jail.

Also one of the biggest problems with the drug trade is that it is controlled by criminals

If controlled by the government, they can regulate better and control purity and dosage better

Also can be highly taxed and hopefully that money can be used for various rehab projects

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I agree about being decriminalized, but heavily taxed I do not agree with. If it is heavily taxed then that leaves a door open for criminals to offer lower cost drugs.  The govt does need to tax it, but not too much. Education is the main thing, Portugal has proven it works. 

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57 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


So is alcohol. So are cigarettes.

The health problems you mention are mostly caused by adulterants and unsanitary methods of using it. It is relatively safe if the dose is regulated and when using sanitary equipment.

If one could buy it easiy and cheaply, thee would be no readon for addicts to go through withdrawals or resort to crime. Legalize it!


And who is going to dispense all this 'sanitary equipment' exactly? Will it be accessible 24/7? And by who?


As for alcohol, in small doses it's a relaxant and as long as it's not abused, there are unlikely to be any harmful effects.


Cigarettes on the other hand can be just as addictive as hard drugs and do cause all kinds of health problems. But it is possible to stop if you have the willpower.


What has to be recognised if you're contemplating trying heroin is that it's highly addictive. One shot and you're a junkie for life. There have been plenty of deaths of well-known people such as Peaches Geldof and Amy Whitehouse which have been attributed to the drug to support that fact.


Even if it were to be legalized and the chances of that happening are zero at the moment, you can bet your bottom dollar that the criminal world will find some way of mixing it with some other ingredient to form yet another highly addictive substance which outperforms even the 'legal' variety.

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Basically, you do not know what you are talking about. It takes constant use to become hooked and heroin in small doses is just like opium - a mild relaxant (just like small amounts of alcohol).

Drug stores already sell the sterilized equipment, so that is quite simple.

As to your claim that criminals will aduterate it, that is what is happening NOW. If it were legalized, there would be no reason to buy it from them at all.

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Basically, you do not know what you are talking about. It takes constant use to become hooked and heroin in small doses is just like opium - a mild relaxant (just like small amounts of alcohol).
Drug stores already sell the sterilized equipment, so that is quite simple.
As to your claim that criminals will aduterate it, that is what is happening NOW. If it were legalized, there would be no reason to buy it from them at all.

I have no firsthand experience of drugs. Now alcohol' that's my forte ...... My post would take a month to read it !!

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54 minutes ago, Xircal said:


What has to be recognised if you're contemplating trying heroin is that it's highly addictive. One shot and you're a junkie for life. 


Absolute nonsense. It takes much more than one dose.

By the way, heroin addicts get a bad "flu" for s few days when they go cold turkey. People addicted to alcohol can DIE.



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41 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Absolute nonsense. It takes much more than one dose.

By the way, heroin addicts get a bad "flu" for s few days when they go cold turkey. People addicted to alcohol can DIE.



No it doesn't take more than one dose. The initial high experienced by first time users is more than enough to addict them to the drug immediately after which dependence is set in stone. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/drug-addiction-overdoses-and-a-very-brief-history-of-heroin-9332222.html


Addicts also frequently die early because like most junkies they're also addicted to other medications. Drug interactions can and often do prove fatal. 


People addicted to alcohol can outlive a heroin junkie any day. Paul Gascoine is a typical example of that. He may yet die young, but at this moment in time he's very much alive even though his drinking started in earnest almost 20 years ago.


You're talking out the back of your head if you think it's any other way.

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1 hour ago, Xircal said:


No it doesn't take more than one dose. The initial high experienced by first time users is more than enough to addict them to the drug immediately after which dependence is set in stone. 


More baloney. ANY drug might be pleasurable enough to make the user want to keep doing it and that obviously includes alcohol. It takes weeks or months of frequent use to become physically addicted to heroin.

It seems that you did not even bother to read your link. It does not support your claim. It supports mine. It says that "there are very few long term biological complications caused by unadulterated heroin use". 

You are also wrong that alcoholics always outlive Junkies. Anecdotal evidence means little - including yours - however, William Burroughs lived into his 80s and he was a heroin addict most of his life.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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1 hour ago, Xircal said:


No it doesn't take more than one dose. The initial high experienced by first time users is more than enough to addict them to the drug immediately after which dependence is set in stone. 


More baloney. ANY drug might be pleasurable enough to make the user want to keep doing it and that obviously includes alcohol. It takes weeks or months of frequent use to become physically addicted to heroin.

It seems that you did not even bother to read your link. It does not support your claim. It supports mine. It says that "there are very few long term biological complications caused by unadulterated heroin use". 

You are also wrong that alcoholics always outlive Junkies. Anecdotal  evidence means little - including yours - however, William Burroughs lived into his 80s and he was a heroin addict most of his life.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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12 hours ago, Gainsbourg said:

Is meth the same as yaba? And is it the same as the good old speed (white, yellowish, pinkish) powder we snorted back in the days? And is ice that too? I can't follow with all these names. If these are different substances please explain...







Better legalise weed and opium and kratom etc first.


I'm no chemist but apparently.. 

They are all amphetamines, methamphetamine is a derivative of the former and in its purest form is known as ice, meth, crystal. Speed is a less purer form commonly cooked up to make "base" which can be taken as is or cut with various products to create the powdered form of what is commonly referred to as speed. Yaba is the cheaper nastier version and to my knowledge is sometimes combined with caffeine to make the little red pill that seems to be so popular in this country. Pound for pound basically all the same it's only the purity and what it's been cut with that changes. 


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36 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


More baloney. ANY drug might be pleasurable enough to make the user want to keep doing it and that obviously includes alcohol. It takes weeks or months of frequent use to become physically addicted to heroin.

It seems that you did not even bother to read your link. It does not support your claim. It supports mine. It says that "there are very few long term biological complications caused by unadulterated heroin use". 

You are also wrong that alcoholics always outlive Junkies. Anecdotal evidence means little - including yours - however, William Burroughs lived into his 80s and he was a heroin addict most of his life.


You know as well as I do that there are always exceptions to every rule, but the vast majority will become addicted and lead miserable lives when their source of supply ceases if they manage to survive at all.


As for legalizing the drug forget it. It's just a pipedream and ain't gonna happen unless you happen to live in some tinpot dictatorship in somewhere like Niger,

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15 hours ago, Scotwight said:

Not too bad here didn't a guy get shot in the USA for pointing a Vap at a cop?  Or did I get it wrong?


Dead wrong.  If silliness could take drugs, that's what I'd expect it to write.


The cop thought it was a gun, genius.  And THAT'S why the "guy got shot".  Don't believe me?  Why don't you try it?  (We won't expect you to report back on how it went.)


I agree with most - meth as the thing to legalize is probably a bad choice to start with, and will probably double the existing substance abuse workload in emergency rooms...



Edited by hawker9000
fixed typo
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25 minutes ago, Xircal said:


You know as well as I do that there are always exceptions to every rule, but the vast majority will become addicted and lead miserable lives when their source of supply ceases if they manage to survive at all.



Actually, most people who try heroin will never become addicted at all. The ones that do become addicted will be mostly affected by the negative effects of the fact that it is illegal. If there was a cheap supply of pharmaceutical heroin - and the police would leave them alone - they could live decent lives.

If Thailand  legalizes methadrine, heroin will likely not be far behind. It is a far less dangerous drug.

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14 hours ago, Beats56 said:

If you can try watching Breaking Bad. It's on Netflix. It's about manufacturing meth and selling it. Very good series.

Also read Life by Kieth Richards

He tells of going cold turkey before a tour. If anyone that should be dead..it's him. It was a number one best seller and a good read. I have never done that stuff and never will. Not opposed to little weed though.



     Guess you man Keith Richards?  His drug was ( and I guess still is) heroin, then also cocaine. 


      Former junkie Richards gave up his heroin habit in 1978 and eventually stopped using cocaine after an accident in 2006 in which he fell out of a tree, requiring brain surgery and a metal plate in his skull.

Keith flew to Switzerland and just renewed his blood from time to time. No idea how you take Keith as an example for meth? 

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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Actually, most people who try heroin will never become addicted at all. The ones that do become addicted will be mostly affected by the negative effects of the fact that it is illegal. If there was a cheap supply of pharmaceutical heroin - and the police would leave them alone - they could live decent lives.

If Thailand  legalizes methadrine, heroin will likely not be far behind. It is a far less dangerous drug.


    I've seen a 76 year old Opium addict in Sril Lanka, plus a few 65 + year old heroin addicts who look pretty healthy.


     But I haven't seen a 50 + year old speed addict who's healthy.


           What does that mean? They want to let people take a deadly drug, while Opium is still a class A drug?


           Amazing crazy Thailand. Please look at all the Jabba freaks, plenty of them shoot a few tabs a day. 


              But they don't live that long. Is that the reason that they want to decriminalize it? :shock1:

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9 minutes ago, johnnywishbone said:

Meth is the worst of the worst.
Take a beautiful person and change to a rotten rabid dog.

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 Plus speed is creating thousands of rapists, no matter how old the victims are.


    Speed stimulates certain receptors in the brain and these people are living zombies.


       Wasn't is widely used in the States, before cocaine took over, because people said: SPEED KILLS ??? 

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1 minute ago, lostinisaan said:


    I've seen a 76 year old Opium addict in Sril Lanka, plus a few 65 + year old heroin addicts who look pretty healthy.


     But I haven't seen a 50 + year old speed addict who's healthy.


           What does that mean? They want to let people take a deadly drug, while Opium is still a class A drug?


           Amazing crazy Thailand. Please look at all the Jabba freaks, plenty of them shoot a few tabs a day. 


              But they don't live that long. Is that the reason that they want to decriminalize it? :shock1:


Perhaps its a sublime method of population control? :sleep:

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10 hours ago, starky said:

I'm no chemist but apparently.. 

They are all amphetamines, methamphetamine is a derivative of the former and in its purest form is known as ice, meth, crystal. Speed is a less purer form commonly cooked up to make "base" which can be taken as is or cut with various products to create the powdered form of what is commonly referred to as speed. Yaba is the cheaper nastier version and to my knowledge is sometimes combined with caffeine to make the little red pill that seems to be so popular in this country. Pound for pound basically all the same it's only the purity and what it's been cut with that changes. 


Ok so meth ice cristal is the same type of speed and mostly inhaled (with pipe)? Yaba are amphetamine pills. Sometime crushed and then smoked as well. The latter is mostly made in burma (shan state) with pseudo efedrine from thai pharmacies/hospitals? And correct me if im wrong yaba was legal til 80s or later and sold in gas stations? 


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I know two guys over 50 chronically on speed. For the last 25 years. Yes they are addicted. But so are the 50 other guys i know addicted to boose. The speed guys look ok, not like sick junkies. But then they use the aforementioned basic type speed (snorted) and not the ice meth variant... hence i asked what the difference is. I have never seen a person looking the way meth junkies are portrayed on www often in usa.the ones that look like zombies. 

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On 10/2/2016 at 8:00 AM, Ulysses G. said:

I think that most drugs should be legalized, but, IMO, speed is an especially dangerous one. Staying awake days at a time can make one paranoid and psychotic. It would be much smarter to stick with something natural like opium.


That is just crazy! 

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5 hours ago, lostinisaan said:


 Plus speed is creating thousands of rapists, no matter how old the victims are.


    Speed stimulates certain receptors in the brain and these people are living zombies.


       Wasn't is widely used in the States, before cocaine took over, because people said: SPEED KILLS ??? 

you are starting to sound like my parents, lii.

i never raped anyone while on 'speed'! or anyone at all, anyway.

lsd micros where a part of our life, boys and girls, i had my first at age 15.

remember where we lived, you and i???


and if you have not tried them....... don't talk about them, either.

is this post about ice? compared to speed ice is a garbage bin for loosers.

my opinion...

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I'm fine with legalizing some drugs: Marijuana, Mushrooms, Peyote, those are relatively safe drugs that are do not generally have a negative effect on society. Some drugs though such as Opiates, Speed/Meth, or PCP should not even be considered. These drugs are highly addicting and lead to crime. I don't get why they are even considering it.

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given the amount of crap that goes on on this planet, the governmental deceptions, the lies we are being fed - by both these and those - the way we are being manipulated, abused, exploited, used...

why would any one of us even think that a drug - less life is desirable?


we are all nothing but pawns in someone's chess game, with NO control over our own destiny.

indulging in drug use makes being brain - raped by the ones who are supposed to support you just that little bit easier to wear...


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