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Hungary referendum on EU migrant quotas invalid, less than 50% turnout


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20 hours ago, SgtRock said:


Have you never considered that it might have nothing to do with refugees and the numbers being mentioned rather the concept of EU enforced quota's that has got Orban up in arms ?


People in general, do not react kindly to being forced to do anything.

Have you ever considered, that being in the EU comes with rights AND duties?

Hungary-like so many other states in the EU- does not seem to understand, that you can have all the benefits of the Union- you also need to contribute!

But I see: insular thinking seems to be widely in fashion!


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1 hour ago, i claudius said:


I should think they went there to work and become American ,unlike the economic migrants these days who just want to claim all they can and impose their lifestyle on the country's they go to .


No, they were escaping conflict, persecution and trying to make a better life and a safe environment for their children. Certainly NOT motivated by becoming American or Autralian....although 2 generations on that is what has happened.

The number going to Hungary is tiny: 1300. A significant proportion of them could be Christian.

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No, they were escaping conflict, persecution and trying to make a better life and a safe environment for their children. Certainly NOT motivated by becoming American or Autralian....although 2 generations on that is what has happened.
The number going to Hungary is tiny: 1300. A significant proportion of them could be Christian.

Well we could take both the Christians the others should go to a nice country that practices their faith

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I believe that Christ is described as being a bit more charitable than that.

But then I am not Christ and if I remember rightly Mohamed was a warlord,who killed and conquerd and did not turn the other cheek

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2 minutes ago, i claudius said:



But then I am not Christ

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You are proposing that we segregate people depending upon whichever flavour of sky fairy they prefer, while the very sky fairy that the people you are favouring actually follow would look upon your proposal with dismay - I merely comment on the irony.

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You are proposing that we segregate people depending upon whichever flavour of sky fairy they prefer, while the very sky fairy that the people you are favouring actually follow would look upon your proposal with dismay - I merely comment on the irony.

I would segregate people who will not assimilate and just want to impose their way of life, if they do not like the way we do things keep away.

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hmmm... the referendum results are certainly a little paradoxical...

if there had been 7% more turnout, even if they all voted in favor of the quotas, the NO would have won.


in a way, the NO vote didn't earn a valid point because of lack of opponents. *scratches head*



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1 minute ago, manarak said:

hmmm... the referendum results are certainly a little paradoxical...

if there had been 7% more turnout, even if they all voted in favor of the quotas, the NO would have won.


in a way, the NO vote didn't earn a valid point because of lack of opponents. *scratches head*




For those supporting the "No" vote, no problem the PM has promised to change the Constitution so he can enact the relevant legislation. The new world so many on this forum wish for...

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8 hours ago, simple1 said:


For those supporting the "No" vote, no problem the PM has promised to change the Constitution so he can enact the relevant legislation. The new world so many on this forum wish for...


constitutions aren't perfect - the case of the hungarian referendum is certainly a peculiar one that deserves thought.

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