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Lecherous monk with girlfriend shock Thais who demand action!


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There are so many fake monks all over Thailand. These are usually in the mid 20s to 30s, whom are too lazy and hopeless to find a decent job therefore, temple is the best option for free food and lodging from donations. More corrupted monks are usually from 40s because they usually hold more senior positions in the temple and also can gain asses to the donation. I really hope I am wrong.

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A few years ago I got a call from a girl I knew well to come and pick her up from the wat to take her home - apparently, she had decided that after a few weeks in the Wat, her time as a nun was now over. OK...


We hadn't even left the Wat grounds before she mentioned how hard up she was for cash and that she'd really like to be taken short time right now... if it was convenient. :wub: 


How inconvenient indeed - what a hardship posting this country is. Terrible in fact. 


You have to love religion - frustrating the vulnerable simple minds of men and women world wide for eternity. :jap:

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A monk is in very close proximity to a woman and Thais are shocked etc.

A very senior monk is accused of all sorts of things and his outraged supporters blockade the temple and refuse the authorities access to arrest him ! 

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45 minutes ago, wvavin said:

There are so many fake monks all over Thailand. These are usually in the mid 20s to 30s, whom are too lazy and hopeless to find a decent job therefore, temple is the best option for free food and lodging from donations. More corrupted monks are usually from 40s because they usually hold more senior positions in the temple and also can gain asses to the donation. I really hope I am wrong.


   It sounds like you are completely wrong .

What you say doesnt even make sense .

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Thais (and sooooo many others) are just stupid with taking pictures and sharing on either Line, Facebook or other online portals:

My friends got busted for playing cards because one of them took a selfie while playing and posted it on Facebook... I was in the toilet in the house next door when the BIB showed up.

Two of my friends got busted selling marijuana... using line.

My niece kicked out her ex-husband... he posted a selfie making out with another woman.

As long as people are stupid...


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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Line posts said it should not be too hard to track them down - their faces were clearly shown and it looked like the pictures were snapped in monks quarters.

What are they going to do to him if they find him?  Give him a stern lecture?

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2 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Years back my ex-gf was invited to the home of one of her former uni classmates to celebrate him joining the monk hood.

I discreetly asked what would make a young man give up his good job, lifestyle etc to become a monk but the gf just laughed and said " it's only for A Month ! "

Yes, I must admit I find it a bit of a joke the way people 'become a monk' for a handful of days or weeks. It trivialises the whole thing. Surely becoming a monk should be a vocation - not just a whim or a five-minute wonder. As other posters have pointed out, how can one know if the monk one is 'wai-ing'  has any real knowledge of the Dharma (Buddhism) at all - let alone is practising it? The whole 'monk-for-a-fortnight' thing strikes me personally as rather shallow and ridiculous. But that's just me. Others might strongly disagree.

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5 hours ago, Psimbo said:

but, but, but- if I go to the monastery all my sins are forgiven aren't they?

Actually, no. Only Christians can regularly go to Jesus on Sundays to get their pass for being amoral douchebags during the preceding weeks. Buddhists either have to do the responsible thing and make amends  with the actual victims of their douchebaggery or suffer the karmic consequences.

Only diff? Douchebaggery in both for sure, but gets an official wink and okay only from Jesus.

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5 hours ago, Alive said:

The Buddhist leadership needs to change the system in Thailand. Many Thais become monks only out of tradition knowing they will drop out in a few weeks and come back to society. Others do it because they have no job or life plan. Thailand needs to reclassify what a monk is and how one can become one in my opinion. These people who join for short term reasons need to be treated as novices and need to wear something like simple white clothing. They should be required to follow the precepts but not be allowed to become and
"instant" monk. The can still make merit this way and if they truly wish to go further after they go for a certain period as a novice they could actually go through the process to become a monk. The system is just not working as it is now. Okay many will probably disagree with this suggestion but it would be a way to screen people for sincerity and a way to raise the quality of those actually wearing the robes.


Good suggestion to get the ball rolling. Yes there definitely must be a difference in the clothing of temporary monks.

To become a real monk is a lengthy procedure I know this by a former maintenance technician  (and a very good one at that) who worked with me went into the monkhood a year ago. From what I understand from him he will be studying in different temples with different teachers (monks) for a minimum of 3-years.

He was a good and reliable maintenance technician and I'm sure he also will be a reliable and honest monk.

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4 hours ago, CockneyGit said:

What's always amazed me is that you can visit a temple here for some 'spiritual' guidance, and yet the monk that you speak to could have been a womanizing alcoholic deadbeat a few weeks previously.

Religions eh..??


This comment and the actions you suggest don't just relate to Thai monks, etc.  what about catholic people going to confession and telling the priest all about what they have done, only to read in the local papers that the monk they have told all of their deep

ans sordid private lives to have done exactly the same, if not worse!! Religion is a farce and was only invented for those that need  a 'higher spirit" to believe in and in order to control the believers.

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6 hours ago, HoboKay said:

What happened to the embezzlement case the other monk got involved in? If that gets no action by the  authorities, what's this little debacle going to result in?

I think the other monk pulled a D.B. Cooper or Now You See Me Now You Don't. There is no followup on cases here only power points flashes of semi brilliance  nano information and then bang its pushed off the front pages by something else in train wreck fashion. The news here takes a kaleidoscope form flashes images pin point in nature and then nothing. Its like the same process we will all have to encounter at the end.  

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6 hours ago, Alive said:

The Buddhist leadership needs to change the system in Thailand. Many Thais become monks only out of tradition knowing they will drop out in a few weeks and come back to society. Others do it because they have no job or life plan. Thailand needs to reclassify what a monk is and how one can become one in my opinion. These people who join for short term reasons need to be treated as novices and need to wear something like simple white clothing. They should be required to follow the precepts but not be allowed to become and
"instant" monk. The can still make merit this way and if they truly wish to go further after they go for a certain period as a novice they could actually go through the process to become a monk. The system is just not working as it is now. Okay many will probably disagree with this suggestion but it would be a way to screen people for sincerity and a way to raise the quality of those actually wearing the robes.


Ok I don't condone what the photo's imply... it does look bad in the eyes of true believers of Buddhism.
The monk I guess is only in for a short time (excuse the pun) & the girl should obviously know better, it takes two to tango!!

yes I agree the Thai system maybe out-of-date, taking in recruits of all dubious backgrounds

but if you're a bad person then any amount of training, or training period isn't going to resolve the issues...

just take a look at other faiths around the world and see what goes on...  the Catholic "shirt-lifters" got away with it for decades 

but they had the good sense to do it behind closed doors and not put it on Line....

As the good book says " let he who has committed no sin cast the first stone" 


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