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Pound drops to lowest level since 1985 


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24 minutes ago, Mekong Thunder said:

If you have any spare property in Thailand sell it now,send the money back to the UK and in a couple of years when Sterling is flying again you will make a tidy profit,very possibly enough to live on for those couple of years!


Yes, well, good luck with that brilliant strategy.

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31 minutes ago, Mekong Thunder said:

If you have any spare property in Thailand sell it now,send the money back to the UK and in a couple of years when Sterling is flying again you will make a tidy profit,very possibly enough to live on for those couple of years!


you are a financial genius. admit it... or else!

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42 minutes ago, Mekong Thunder said:

If you have any spare property in Thailand sell it now,send the money back to the UK and in a couple of years when Sterling is flying again you will make a tidy profit,very possibly enough to live on for those couple of years!


Be sure sure to sell for the highest price, transfer funds on the lowest tick and transfer back on the highest tick. OTOH, maybe none of it even happens.

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Reality is kicking in.
" The Brussels representatives of some of the largest FTSE 100 companies are finding that calls go unreturned, discussion papers are not shared and invitations to key meetings are no longer extended. One source said: “We’re finding now that nobody will take our calls. Britain is still a member state but we can’t get a hearing.” "

So you have told the wife you are leaving her because she is too controlling and will be filing for divorce soon whilst starting openly flirting with various exotic beauties who are only too keen to gain access to your 'markets' then wonder why she is pissed off and won't talk to you.
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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

So 65% of Middleborough people voted leave and 51% in Sheffield voted leave and the majourity of Yorkshire besides Harrogate and York (Luvvy counties) voted leave and you could not find one person who voted leave. That I find it difficult to believe.



It is exactly as I state. Drinking in pubs in Whiston, Hathersage, York, Harrogate, Weatherby Northallerton etc. No Brexiteers. ( I don't drink in Wetherspoons mind you; don't want to fall over drunks sleeping on the floor!)


I left Middlesborough at age 2 and lived both in York and Harrogate. What does "luvvy counties" mean? Please enlighten me. Do you mean there are not so many "chavs" in Harrogate? I guess you blame the EU for the steel situation in Redcar, Rotherham and Sheffield?


Favorite Yorkshire beers:


Stones rough (as opposed to smooth)






Sam's Old Brewery Bitter


What else can I tell you? you think I am lying? Just reporting what I found.

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6 hours ago, nausea said:

I agree, still there it is. It's all about face now. We all know it was a teŕrible mistake. Nobody took it seriously.


'We all know it was a terrible mistake' no we dont ,everyone i know is still so happy we are leaving ,  so you are just waffeling on ,like most remainers , you lost , suck it up .

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3 hours ago, vogie said:

I know for a fact that Yorkshire folk don't ike talking to pompous oafs. Maybe they shunned his survey. ?


Pompous? Absolutely; not to mention arrogant and supercilious!


Oaf? Nah, too educated for that!!

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3 hours ago, yogi100 said:


It's about immigration not the economy That's what some people fail to grasp.


The majority of Brexiteers were working class people who have not seen a pay rise for years because of under cutting immigrant workers. They've no chance of a decent future, they or their offspring are denied local authority housing because of immigration, educational and medical services are in decline again because of immigration and they feel like second class citizens in the country they once regarded as their own.


They see their lives as pretty hopeless so what have they got to lose by wanting to come out of a Europe that insists we take even more of the same immigrants that in their opinion have already blighted their lives in the last few decades.


The wealthy have done very nicely out of cheap over abundant labour, they've not.


Now that's a reasonable viewpoint.


There are other factors that you fail to mention: globalisation and automation. I don't think we can put the globalisation genie back in the lamp but certainly we should protect ourselves against dumping. Automation is going to makes things worse for low skilled workers. I don't know the answers to that except education and training. 


80% of our economy is services. Are there unskilled service jobs? Seems unlikely....


We do have the "living wage" to protect against undercutting of labour. Is it too low? Unenforced? 


Is is it not true that the vast majority of EU migrants are gainfully employed in jobs where they pay taxes?


For me, there are too many Muslims from third world countries but I guess that's my personal peccadillo.


Finally, and easing myself gently out of my entrenched position, we should have negotiated changes to the free movement requirements. May be the RATE of movement could be discussed? Or the need to have a job offer BEFORE arriving? 


However, IMHO, if you went to school and learnt a skill or a profession you will not have a problem. The UK desperately needs engineers for a start. We should do much more to help people get trained up. Pay people properly to do it ?


One more thing, the balance between labour and capital in the U.K. now seems wrong. I don't think the Conservatives or UKIP will help with that. Maybe we have an economist on here who could comment?

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22 hours ago, Grouse said:


Im far more supercilious than you ?

Just because you have an education does not make you intelligent, the way you talk down to people is a perfect example of your ignorance. My ex wife was a lawyer and had a great education, her father was a doctor and made sure she was educated, but when when it came to common sense she was lacking somewhat. Education does not prove anything.

Would you talk to people on the streets of Sheffield or Middlesborough like you talk to people on here, if you did you would be very brave or very foolish!

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3 hours ago, vogie said:

As a Yorkshireman myself we don't like people with an 'I am superior to you attitude' like a few of the bremoaners on here. And just for the record, we are all brexiteers now!


What about people who ARE superior? Or are you saying we are all clones? ?


We are NOT all Brexiteers. It's not over yet. 

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43 minutes ago, i claudius said:


'We all know it was a terrible mistake' no we dont ,everyone i know is still so happy we are leaving ,  so you are just waffeling on ,like most remainers , you lost , suck it up .


Only the numpties are smiling and running around bumping into each other ?

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10 minutes ago, vogie said:

Just because you have an education does not make you intelligent, the way you talk down to people is a perfect example of your ignorance. My ex wife was a lawyer and had a great education, her father was a doctor and made sure she was educated, but when when it came to common sense she was lacking somewhat. Education does not prove anything.

Would you talk to people on the streets of Sheffield or Middlesborough like you talk to people on here, if you did you would be very brave or very foolish!


I speak to everyone I meet in the same straight way. I am am a Yorkshireman and know no other way. You obviously have no grasp of education or the benefits it provides. Please introduce me to your ex-wife, I'll bet she would enjoy an intelligent conversation ?

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50 minutes ago, Grouse said:


It is exactly as I state. Drinking in pubs in Whiston, Hathersage, York, Harrogate, Weatherby Northallerton etc. No Brexiteers. ( I don't drink in Wetherspoons mind you; don't want to fall over drunks sleeping on the floor!)


I left Middlesborough at age 2 and lived both in York and Harrogate. What does "luvvy counties" mean? Please enlighten me. Do you mean there are not so many "chavs" in Harrogate? I guess you blame the EU for the steel situation in Redcar, Rotherham and Sheffield?


Favorite Yorkshire beers:


Stones rough (as opposed to smooth)






Sam's Old Brewery Bitter


What else can I tell you? you think I am lying? Just reporting what I found.

If you don't know what a 'luvvy' county is then you never will Grouse, so pointless explaining. You guess wrong never mentioned ever about blaming the EU for the steel situation. I do blame the EU for many things though like trying to take the UK's identity away from them. Making the UK a more service industry country and one that we are now not sustainable to feed ourselves with agriculture and fisheries decimated. Just to name a few.

Wetherspoons in Harrogate is an extremely 'luvvy' pub and extremely expensive compared to the rest of the country. I don't mind having a banter with you Grouse. You have said a few times I am entitled to my opinion. I just hope that doesn't mean as long as it agrees with yours.

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6 minutes ago, Grouse said:


Now that's a reasonable viewpoint.


There are other factors that you fail to mention: globalisation and automation. I don't think we can put the globalisation genie back in the lamp but certainly we should protect ourselves against dumping. Automation is going to makes things worse for low skilled workers. I don't know the answers to that except education and training. 


80% of our economy is services. Are there unskilled service jobs? Seems unlikely....


We do have the "living wage" to protect against undercutting of labour. Is it too low? Unenforced? 


Is is it not true that the vast majority of EU migrants are gainfully employed in jobs where they pay taxes?


For me, there are too many Muslims from third world countries but I guess that's my personal peccadillo.


Finally, and easing myself gently out of my entrenched position, we should have negotiated changes to the free movement requirements. May be the RATE of movement could be discussed? Or the need to have a job offer BEFORE arriving? 


However, IMHO, if you went to school and learnt a skill or a profession you will not have a problem. The UK desperately needs engineers for a start. We should do much more to help people get trained up. Pay people properly to do it ?


One more thing, the balance between labour and capital in the U.K. now seems wrong. I don't think the Conservatives or UKIP will help with that. Maybe we have an economist on here who could comment?

I am of the opinion that immigration is an excuse for government failures in policy.

There are almost equal numbers of Non EU (which UK as total control ) and EU

The presumption that jobs done by immigrants will be filled by British workers assume the labour market is fixed, lump of labour fallacy. What is needed to be taken into account is the aspirations and outlook of present day British people from years ago.What youngster would want to work on a farm all day when they can the same wage in a supermarket , apart from the the seasonal aspect.

The education and training  issue seems to be one stretching  back decades, and the present core problem would be career perception, go into the building trade and are you likely to own a house based on your wages alone.

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12 minutes ago, Grouse said:


I speak to everyone I meet in the same straight way. I am am a Yorkshireman and know no other way. You obviously have no grasp of education or the benefits it provides. Please introduce me to your ex-wife, I'll bet she would enjoy an intelligent conversation ?

What a load of codswhallop, you actually go on the streets of Yorkshire and call people "numptys" I think your nose would be on the other side of your head if you did! 

Does education make you arrogant and ignorant, I personally wouldn't have thought so, if thats what your education has given you, I would ask for your money back.

Edited by vogie
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20 minutes ago, Grouse said:


What about people who ARE superior? Or are you saying we are all clones? ?


We are NOT all Brexiteers. It's not over yet. 

OK Grouse please enlighten me. So brexit isn't going to happen, you are inferring? Do you know something that others don't? Maybe more than Theresa May? I was a slight skeptic once the referendum result was announced but after the last few weeks and the Tory party conference, I think she made it as clear as anyone can. Brexit means Brexit.

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4 hours ago, yogi100 said:


It's about immigration not the economy That's what some people fail to grasp.


The majority of Brexiteers were working class people who have not seen a pay rise for years because of under cutting immigrant workers. They've no chance of a decent future, they or their offspring are denied local authority housing because of immigration, educational and medical services are in decline again because of immigration and they feel like second class citizens in the country they once regarded as their own.


They see their lives as pretty hopeless so what have they got to lose by wanting to come out of a Europe that insists we take even more of the same immigrants that in their opinion have already blighted their lives in the last few decades.


The wealthy have done very nicely out of cheap over abundant labour, they've not.


And May, to her credit, is having none of the bleating , hand-wringing, twisted panties shrieking from the bankers and other direct beneficiaries of free movement of labour ( particularly good analysis in the weekend FT). 

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5 hours ago, yogi100 said:


It's about immigration not the economy That's what some people fail to grasp.


The majority of Brexiteers were working class people who have not seen a pay rise for years because of under cutting immigrant workers. They've no chance of a decent future, they or their offspring are denied local authority housing because of immigration, educational and medical services are in decline again because of immigration and they feel like second class citizens in the country they once regarded as their own.


They see their lives as pretty hopeless so what have they got to lose by wanting to come out of a Europe that insists we take even more of the same immigrants that in their opinion have already blighted their lives in the last few decades.


The wealthy have done very nicely out of cheap over abundant labour, they've not.

as about an accurate and an honest a  summary from a brexiter  i've heard since the whole thing started, however blaming the decline of the health service and the decline in public housing on imigration is just not true, youve just been further victims of political propaganda, ie bought the bullshit  the fault  is very very much on the shoulders of 'austerity'. another uneccessary cover up for the tories to introduce, despite token gestures denying it,    ultimatly  privitisation and ridding the state  of the state services aimed at the less well off, and asociated co'sthen  making fortunes from it.  However what the tories  are failing to take into account as america are now realising, is  ultimatly  a country and economy is only as good as its work force and ultimatly the ridding/privitisation  of the health service long term  is a more expensive and inefficant way of looking after it. 

i diverse a little, my point is you've been had mate, bought the bollacks hook line and sinker. and now my dear old cobber were gonna be paying for it for the  next ??? decades  People that have been suffering from political games will suffer further, if you follow my drift,, the real answer was to stay in and re negotate HARD, the tories have a huge majority in the house to enforce this again i diverse.. but bottom line  the ec aint perfect but really were better of in than the decades of strife 'out' is gonna put us all through. i hope you could follow the train of thought.

Edited by Intensified
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36 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

If you don't know what a 'luvvy' county is then you never will Grouse, so pointless explaining. You guess wrong never mentioned ever about blaming the EU for the steel situation. I do blame the EU for many things though like trying to take the UK's identity away from them. Making the UK a more service industry country and one that we are now not sustainable to feed ourselves with agriculture and fisheries decimated. Just to name a few.

Wetherspoons in Harrogate is an extremely 'luvvy' pub and extremely expensive compared to the rest of the country. I don't mind having a banter with you Grouse. You have said a few times I am entitled to my opinion. I just hope that doesn't mean as long as it agrees with yours.


I thought luvvies were actors and other arty types. There are some well heeled folks in Harrogate for sure but I assumed they were financial services types?


Glad you don't blame the steel situation on the EU. I hold governments from Thatcher onwards for not adequately supporting that strategic industry.


No problem with you having different opinions. It would be a boring place if we all agreed on everything!

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46 minutes ago, vogie said:

What a load of codswhallop, you actually go on the streets of Yorkshire and call people "numptys" I think your nose would be on the other side of your head if you did! 

Does education make you arrogant and ignorant, I personally wouldn't have thought so, if thats what your education has given you, I would ask for your money back.


I have not called you a numpty or a peasant or a window licker for that matter. You have appointed yourself to a group that I humorously named numpties. I learnt that Scottish expression on here and it made me smile.


I am genuinely sorry that you have such a dim view of education. Quite obviously, education defeats ignorance!


I come on TV to debate important topics. If you wish to contribute to the debate, please do so. 


However, I am not a UKIP member and do not appreciate aggression. If you continue in that way I shall have to ignore you.


Now, if you will excuse me, I am about to tuck in to a steak pie! Oh, for a pint of Tetleys!

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1 hour ago, i claudius said:


'We all know it was a terrible mistake' no we dont ,everyone i know is still so happy we are leaving ,  so you are just waffeling on ,like most remainers , you lost , suck it up .


Why should we suck it up? We lost, that is true - but aside from the poorly defined and wholly unqualified gains that we keep hearing about, all I have is an ongoing loss as a result of this vote.


I get paid in 2 weeks and I am expecting to suffer further financial loss as a result of this stupidity, except that this month it looks like I will lose even more. So, no, I will not suck it up. While there is nothing concrete I can do in the short term, I will continue to aim my vitriol and bile at all those who fell for the vaguery and lies of Farage and the other UKIP and Tory charlatans.

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52 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

OK Grouse please enlighten me. So brexit isn't going to happen, you are inferring? Do you know something that others don't? Maybe more than Theresa May? I was a slight skeptic once the referendum result was announced but after the last few weeks and the Tory party conference, I think she made it as clear as anyone can. Brexit means Brexit.


The Berexit majority was a surprise to many including many Brexiteers and also the government as I am sure you would agree.


Since then, the smart money, including the city forecast a soft Brexit. This would have kept the UK in the customs union / free trade area but offered agreed changes to the free movement of people ( including for example an annual upper limit, an upper limit per country, job offer in advance etc etc). The sovereignty issue was really a non issue ( but you need to go into the procedural details)


So there was a possible wise way forward.


Sadly, May, sold herself under the lamp post on the street corner of Conservative Party Conference to the baying red necks on HMS Little England!


The markets are now reacting


Amber Rudd has already engaged high ratio reverse to get away from the facist idea of registering foreign workers.


Expect other changes coming....


Tony Blair coming back to save the Union?


A referendum on Brexit terms?


A general election?


Goodness knows what's next???

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Somebody blamed the EU for making the UK a more services than manufacturing oriented economy. Not true. You can blame Thatcherite monetarism, the Big Bang and globalisation for that! 


It it makes me laugh, no grimace, to hear the conservatives calling for a more balanced economy ?

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My retirement Visa will be coming up for renewal in January...... If this carries on or stays at this level I may not make the monthly earnings threshold..... Anybody else in the same boat? Any strategies out there for what to do? Any sign of Immigration being considerate / changing the rules?

I am in the same boat.....
Always used income method.
I do not meet the threshold now at current exchange rates. I am fortunate to have some Baht savings, so will need to use combination method..
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