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10 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


Having said that, the UK government has advised LSE that any employee working on government Brexit advisory teams can only be British citizens. 


  There could be a conflict of interests, people working on a project that could personally effect their future .


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Just now, RuamRudy said:


Sure - a possibly ill-educated guess, but the Tories are not averse at picking on the weak and/or defenceless to further their agenda.


   Who are these "Weak & defenseless" people that you speak of ?

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20 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Yes, I guess some people still confuse nationalism with racism.


Having said that, the UK government has advised LSE that any employee working on government Brexit advisory teams can only be British citizens. No EU types at all regardless of any superior specialist knowledge of EU market or international trade deals. 


Oh dear.....

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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   Who are these "Weak & defenseless" people that you speak of ?


They demonise the poor; they force ill people to endure degrading work assessments; their ongoing dismantling of the welfare state has led to so many deaths that they tried to suppress their own internal reports on that very subject. And all the while they happily let their rich friends and donors avoid paying tax; they continue to support and shield the bankers who created the current crisis through their greed, incompetence and criminal behaviour.  Another poster used the word 'odious' to describe the SNP - the SNP may not be perfect but they are so undeserving of that term next to the truly repulsive Tory party. I honestly believe that anyone who can witness the injustices they mete out so casually and still vote for them is as immoral as the party itself.

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14 minutes ago, sanemax said:


  There could be a conflict of interests, people working on a project that could personally effect their future .


Sounds about right, and since being the most  qualified for the job is of the table why don't give it to some relative to some influential politician or his good friends wife.

Rhen apart for the weather living in Thailand and UK will be quite similar :-).   

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6 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


They demonise the poor; they force ill people to endure degrading work assessments; 


   There were so many people pretending to be sick in order to claim sickness benefit , which is theft, that certain measures had to be put in place  to weed out those criminals who fake sickness for their own benefit .

   Visiting a doctor can hardly be labelled as being "degrading" 

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2 hours ago, evadgib said:

The British isles are better off in one piece, even if we (Ireland too, all of it) become the 51st state of the union.


Trumps wall could then expand upon the one built by Rommel :)


The British Isles 'one piece'? What on earth are you blathering on about? Ireland is in the EU and has a fat zero chance of leaving.

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9 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


They demonise the poor; they force ill people to endure degrading work assessments; their ongoing dismantling of the welfare state has led to so many deaths that they tried to suppress their own internal reports on that very subject. And all the while they happily let their rich friends and donors avoid paying tax; they continue to support and shield the bankers who created the current crisis through their greed, incompetence and criminal behaviour.  Another poster used the word 'odious' to describe the SNP - the SNP may not be perfect but they are so undeserving of that term next to the truly repulsive Tory party. I honestly believe that anyone who can witness the injustices they mete out so casually and still vote for them is as immoral as the party itself.

Which leaves us with UKIP who unfortunately seem to be imploding at the point of vicTORY :(

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12 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

The British Isles 'one piece'? What on earth are you blathering on about? Ireland is in the EU and has a fat zero chance of leaving.

Doing it without them would only work if we surrendered the 6 counties but there's fat chance of that. Perhaps I should have said 51st and 52nd?

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14 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   There were so many people pretending to be sick in order to claim sickness benefit , which is theft, that certain measures had to be put in place  to weed out those criminals who fake sickness for their own benefit .

   Visiting a doctor can hardly be labelled as being "degrading" 


The theft of benefits, which they pursue with the rabid bloodlust of a Berkshire hunt, is a fraction compared to the theft of billions that they actively facilitate - from legalised corporate frauds to arcane tax devices designed only for them and their likes, that is the true crime; but they encourage the falsehood that benefit cheating is rampant.


"...at £1.3bn to £1.6bn, it appears outright benefit fraud accounts for less of a burden on the taxpayer than the £4.4bn officially assumed to be lost by [tax] evaders. So why, the government was asked this week, does it devote more resources to the former?

The Guardian says as many as 3,600 people work in the DWP investigating abuses of the benefit system, while 700 work in the two units at HMRC that deal with the richest taxpayers." Source.

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History has and will show the opposite, but it won't be tomorrow morning.
What did you parents make of ours in 1939-40 and again with allies in 1944-5?

They thought thank f... Americans decided to intervine and win the war. The EU doesn't need you and the sooner you leave the better and if it's hard Brexit that's a bonus.

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   Britain is a muilti racial Country .
A British person can be of any and every race .
So suggesting that Companys should emply British people, cannot be clasified as a racist statement .
   For it to be a racist statement, it would have to specify a person based on their race, which they didnt do .

Yeah yeah dress it up with a pretty bow.

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3 minutes ago, Johnyo said:


They thought thank f... Americans decided to intervine and win the war. The EU doesn't need you and the sooner you leave the better and if it's hard Brexit that's a bonus.

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Please do not ignore the fact that Brexit won by only a slim majority - there are many, many Brits who are utterly appalled and embarrassed by the result.

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On October 4, 2016 at 5:50 PM, SheungWan said:


Its always about the money, unless you are losing the argument or you can't count.

You're right it is always about money but don't think that's quite what he meant.


I think the point is that the medium and long term benefits of leaving the EU will improve things for the UK. By improve that obviously means the recovery of sterling and better economic prospects,, hence its always about money.


I hope he is right.

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6 minutes ago, Johnyo said:


I will say it Yes. The majority I've met are racist towards muslims (Ok a religion) in my eye that's racist as the majority of muslims are dark skinned.

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   The majority of Brexit voters you have met have been racist towards Muslims ?

So that makes all Brexit voters racist ?

I really do not think that its possible to label ALL Brexit voters to be racist, based on the ones that you have met .

   How many of the Brexit voters have you actually met , out of the 14 000 000 that voted out ?

  What about the Brexit voters that you met who were not racist towards Muslims, are they racist as well ? 


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6 hours ago, DUS said:


I hope you´re right but very much doubt it. But for my own purse´s sake, I´ll hope for the best. Fingers crossed....

Hope is good but prepare for the worst. If you own property in the Greater London area it would a good time to divest. Gold or a Euro account would be a good place to utilize for any spare change. More likely as not the £ will continue to weaken. The floor could very well be under a $us. Just ponder what will happen to the English economy should the EU isolate it then Scotland followed by Northern Ireland and maybe even the Welch decide to jump ship. It could take a generation to right itself. Think of the stagnation in Japan since 1989. 

Its a crazy world, not just in Trump America, and strange unpredicted things can happen. If the £ vs $us dropped to say $1.05 in the next year a general election could reverse all this. If Labour were to run on stopping the madness what would be the Tories platform? Interesting times. Good luck with all that. Myself, I just have to wait for OPEC to come to their senses.

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43 minutes ago, Johnyo said:

They thought thank f... Americans decided to intervine and win the war. The EU doesn't need you and the sooner you leave the better and if it's hard Brexit that's a bonus.


A predictable reply which Warrant's an airing of this memorable one liner from Jim Davidson when the channel tunnel opened in 94:


"Watch the speed them froggies come running down that tunnel when Germany goes for the hat trick!"  


I cannot forsee any scenario where Britain's survival falls to the inhabitants of mainland Europe.

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20 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

You're right it is always about money but don't think that's quite what he meant.


I think the point is that the medium and long term benefits of leaving the EU will improve things for the UK. By improve that obviously means the recovery of sterling and better economic prospects,, hence its always about money.


I hope he is right.

It would be fascinating to read how that would come about.

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2 minutes ago, pegman said:

 Just ponder what will happen to the English economy should the EU isolate it then Scotland followed by Northern Ireland and maybe even the Welch decide to jump ship. It could take a generation to right itself.


  Then again, the E.U. may very well disintegrate very soon , the UK could then form a new Union, consisting of UK , Germany, France , Holland and Belgium . 


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Please do not ignore the fact that Brexit won by only a slim majority - there are many, many Brits who are utterly appalled and embarrassed y by the result.

I apologize to you. I don't really mean it. My best friends are British and sensible. I just lose it when I hear bigotry based on people's own insecurities.

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I remember 1985 well when the $ and the almost became equal, sign of the times.

Brexit was bound to produce a fall in the £, markets dont like uncertainty and a for a while thats what we are going to get.

There are also speculators out there looking to cash in on the situation.

Its a time for gritting your teeth and hanging on in there, going to be a rough ride for while, but it will be worth it, in 3 or 4 years time.

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