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For Clinton, election likely to be won or lost in October


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Just now, Bob9 said:

Well said - and aint it the truth.


But you forgot to add:  Keep demanding that women vote for her because she is a woman, and get Obama to demand that blacks vote for her because he is black.


Bill Clinton loved being called the first black Potus. He however got quite bent out of shape when that changed ever so unexpectedly only eight years after Bill vacated the office. Hillary has always handled her (2008) setback far better than Bill has ever handled his own outright reversal or ever will handle it.


Anyone who fails to recognise why white married and educated suburban Republican women across the country are voting for Clinton must be the ultimate numbnut.


In 1964 the radical rightwinger Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona and his gang seized control of the Republican party only to get 38% of the popular vote and 52 electoral college votes. Trump is now swiftly moving in that very direction. Deal with it.

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6 minutes ago, Bob9 said:

Was also reading that almost every billionaire in the US supports Hillary, seems the days of the Democrats being the working mans party are long over.


I know one billionaire who doesn't support her!  Still let's not worry too much because Trump says he is for the normal working class people now so maybe the democrats feel obliged to look after the rich.

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10 minutes ago, Bob9 said:

Well said - and aint it the truth.


But you forgot to add:  Keep demanding that women vote for her because she is a woman, and get Obama to demand that blacks vote for her because he is black.

And don't forget, she's married to the first "black President" and that therefore Chelsea is bi-racial  :w00t:

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35 minutes ago, Neurath said:

You've got him on speed-dial, but he's most assuredly on speed - lot's of it. Leads to psychosis I'm told:sleepy:


Maybe you can tell me?  Why do liberals always make personal insults against people who disagree with their political agenda?  


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5 minutes ago, dunroaming said:


I know one billionaire who doesn't support her!  Still let's not worry too much because Trump says he is for the normal working class people now so maybe the democrats feel obliged to look after the rich.

Only one? Doesnt that tell you something??


Ooops - how silly of me - expecting a liberal to think for themselves.


Hey - ring/email DNC party headquarters and ask them why (all but one) billionaires I know support the candidate of the party that portrays itself as and is supposed to be the supporter of ordinary working people. 


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Just now, Bob9 said:


Maybe you can tell me?  Why do liberals always make personal insults against people who disagree with their political agenda?  



Maybe because the right has no sense of humor. The rightwingnuts seriously mean every insult and offensive word, statement, remark Donald Trump says.


Which is why Trump is rapidly going down the shitter.

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2 minutes ago, Bob9 said:

Ooops - how silly of me - expecting a liberal to think for themselves


What makes you think I am a liberal?  I guess you have to have a box to put everyone in.  Maybe you could try thinking outside of the box once in a while?



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14 minutes ago, dunroaming said:


What makes you think I am a liberal?  I guess you have to have a box to put everyone in.  Maybe you could try thinking outside of the box once in a while?



Because you didnt answer the question - why???

Maybe you can try thinking for once?

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2 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Your're not in high-school civics class anymore laddie...you don't have to produce a mini-tome for every post. My point was that the polls are close and that it's still very much a toss-up. Like your heroine said..."Why aren't I 50 points ahead." Why indeed...running against a first-time candidate for the highest office in the land, who is supposedly so unqualitied and unpopular...that's the more interesting question.


No surprise the Trump fanboyz are missing a good campaign. Do try to keep up plse thx....

Republican Nightmares Come True As Hillary Clinton Takes A 2 Point Lead In Ohio

Wed, Oct 5th, 2016


With each new poll, the worst nightmare of the Republican Party is coming to closer to reality, as the latest poll of Ohio shows Hillary Clinton holding a two-point lead over Donald Trump.


Among Ohio voters likely to cast ballots in November’s presidential election, 44% currently support Clinton and 42% back Trump.




A new Fairleigh Dickinson Public Mind poll finds Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by nine points nationally, 45% to 36%, with Gary Johnson at 11%.   +9 Clinton


Said pollster Krista Jenkins: “The post-presidential debate landscape is clearly favoring Clinton. Trump’s continued weight shaming of a former Miss Universe and the weekend disclosure of his 1995 tax returns are but a sample of difficult news coverage for the Republican candidate.” 



Trump continues to chase after and get the ball. HRC throws the ball and Trump like the pooch in anyone's yard has his eyes light up and he runs like hell tongue out to chomp over the ball and run back with it. It happened for instance at the Democratic National Convention when the Clinton campaign put the Muslim lawyer Khan up there to taunt Trump. It happened at the end of the first debate when HRC put forward the former 'fat' Miss Universe who is a Hispanic American.


The beat goes on and the pooch runs after the ball tongue out every time the HRC campaign throws it. Brings it right back to 'em. The ball-pooch game just keeps on working and it just keeps on giving to we progressives as November 8th closes in fast.



Moreover, the good news just keeps on comin....


A new CBS News/New York Times poll finds Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump in the presidential race, 45% to 41%, with Gary Johnson at 8%.   +4 Clinton


A new NBC News-Survey Monkey poll finds Clinton leading by six points, 46% to 40%, with Johnson at 9%.   +6 Clinton


...sandwiches anyone.....

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3 minutes ago, Publicus said:

...sandwiches anyone.....


Sandwiches but not popcorn I fear.


This whole circus has got tedious now.  Even us posters are struggling to find new things to flag up.  Our only hope is that the next debate will bring forth something worth arguing over.  If not then we continue with the long slow death of the Trump campaign.

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6 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Our only hope is that the next debate will bring forth something worth arguing over.  If not then we continue with the long slow death of the Trump campaign.


I prefer the long slow death route. I'll lose less hair worrying about the outcome that way. Heck, let's hold the elections today!

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The Trump campaign peaked the last week of September. They have nothing left. Trump fanboyz are also out of gas and their once high spirits are underwater as they degenerate to personal attacks only.


It's sort of like sitting around waiting for D-Day when the Trumps will finally be put out of their misery. Come January citizen Trump will start denying 2016 ever happened.

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5 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

Its never over til the fat lady sings and that is not until the election.


Only then will we know if the fat lady has won or lost.


It's already over cause the former Miss Universe aka the fat lady has made clear she's voting for HRC.


The theatre lights are already on and people are filing past you as you sit there and wait. The lights will go out soon so git.

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1 hour ago, Bob9 said:


Maybe you can tell me?  Why do liberals always make personal insults against people who disagree with their political agenda?  


Because they do not have a valid argument; can't run on their record.

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As some will probably have figured out by now I have been around a long time - and I lean to the right. :smile:


But in all those years I have never seen a US election campaign like this one.


This is the only election campaign where the candidate of the ruling Party (Dems) has not referenced any successes of their predecessor and is avoiding at all costs talking about the record of the previous incumbent - because they did nothing right in 8 years.  


Likewise, this is the first campaign where the candidate of the ruling Party (Dems) has not referenced any successes of themselves in their previous political lives (in Senate or as a Governer) and is avoiding at all costs talking about that record - because they did nothing right.


It was truly amazing that a social worker lawyer could be elected POTUS because he was articulate and black, but it is extraordinary that a lousy lawyer, failed Governer and incompetent Sec of State could then be elected POTUS.


It doesnt matter that Trump has personality issues - nor that he said this or said that - what matters is if he and his team/party will do a good job with him as POTUS.  Anyone with an ounce of intelligence or common sense would know that Trump is not perfect, but his ability to put together a successful political team to run the country is clearly evident from his selection of Pence as VP.


Likewise anyone with any common sense can see that crooked Hillary and the crooked Dems are aligned with and owned by vested interests and political lobbyists, and will do and say anything to get into power - but judging by their past records they will be a disaster.


Clearly crooked Hillary and the Dems will be a disaster, and clearly Trump and his team are the better option - no not a p[erfect option.  Many people need to wake up and realise that they have to make a choice - and that choice is clear. An imperfect candidate and Party that may be the best since Reagan, or the incompetent politician and Party that will clearly be the worst since Obama (same Party - different Head - worse outcomes).


Edited by Bob9
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1 hour ago, Bob9 said:

It doesnt matter that Trump has personality issues - nor that he said this or said that - what matters is if he and his team/party will do a good job with him as POTUS.


What matters is what Trump did not say. 

For what Trump shows off, he seems qualified to pretend to be POTP ( "P" for  Philippines). 



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7 hours ago, Bob9 said:


Maybe you can tell me?  Why do liberals always make personal insults against people who disagree with their political agenda?  


You mean like asserting that they weren't born in the US?

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7 hours ago, Bob9 said:


Maybe you can tell me?  Why do liberals always make personal insults against people who disagree with their political agenda?  


You mean like this:

"Ooops - how silly of me - expecting a liberal to think for themselves."?

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538 now has Clinton with a better then even chance of winning both Iowa and Ohio. Ouch, that must hurt. If it goes any further in this direction she'll end up with more electoral college votes than the Kenyan. Arizona next to fall? Say it ain't so. Sheriff A. will blow an aneurysm. 

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5 hours ago, Bob9 said:

As some will probably have figured out by now I have been around a long time - and I lean to the right. :smile:


But in all those years I have never seen a US election campaign like this one.


This is the only election campaign where the candidate of the ruling Party (Dems) has not referenced any successes of their predecessor and is avoiding at all costs talking about the record of the previous incumbent - because they did nothing right in 8 years.  


Likewise, this is the first campaign where the candidate of the ruling Party (Dems) has not referenced any successes of themselves in their previous political lives (in Senate or as a Governer) and is avoiding at all costs talking about that record - because they did nothing right.


It was truly amazing that a social worker lawyer could be elected POTUS because he was articulate and black, but it is extraordinary that a lousy lawyer, failed Governer and incompetent Sec of State could then be elected POTUS.


It doesnt matter that Trump has personality issues - nor that he said this or said that - what matters is if he and his team/party will do a good job with him as POTUS.  Anyone with an ounce of intelligence or common sense would know that Trump is not perfect, but his ability to put together a successful political team to run the country is clearly evident from his selection of Pence as VP.


Likewise anyone with any common sense can see that crooked Hillary and the crooked Dems are aligned with and owned by vested interests and political lobbyists, and will do and say anything to get into power - but judging by their past records they will be a disaster.


Clearly crooked Hillary and the Dems will be a disaster, and clearly Trump and his team are the better option - no not a p[erfect option.  Many people need to wake up and realise that they have to make a choice - and that choice is clear. An imperfect candidate and Party that may be the best since Reagan, or the incompetent politician and Party that will clearly be the worst since Obama (same Party - different Head - worse outcomes).



Being myself partial to the long expository post I compliment your time, effort, and your genuine discussion of issues.


That said, let's take a look at the reality of the polls that were released Thursday morning USA time....


(Emerson = Emerson College, Boston. Suffolk = Suffolk University, Boston.)


Michigan: Clinton 43%, Trump 32%, Johnson 10% (Detroit Free Press)  +11 Clinton.  Michigan is a blue state Trump and Romney and McCain before them believed ridiculously they could win.


Arizona: Clinton 44%, Trump 42%, Johnson 9% (Emerson)  Arizona is a red state although Bill won it in 1996 (only).


Florida: Clinton 41%, Trump 38%, Johnson 6% (University of North Florida)   +3 Clinton

Florida: Trump 45%, Clinton 44%, Johnson 4% (Emerson)  +1 Trump   FL is a perennial 'battleground' state Obama won twice.


New Hampshire: Clinton 44%, Trump 42%, Johnson 5% (Suffolk)  +2 Clinton.  NH is a blue state.


Nevada: Clinton 43%, Trump 43%, Johnson 9% (Emerson)  Literal tie.  Nevada had been a long time red state which has since become a 'battleground' state.



So it's a nice piece you wrote in the post but it's a pity it means nothing in respect of the election and its expected outcome.   :lock:

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18 hours ago, Pinot said:


You're "just sayin'" bullshit.  It's no where close to a toss-up. You're delusional if you believe this is a toss-up. Trump is the candidate of the low-info racist element of American society. Insurgent is one way of mis-directing what this element represents to America. Why isn't HRC further ahead? Never discount the intelligence level and mob mentality of some. The majority of Americans are horrified it's even this close. :shock1:


Madam President...get used to it. 


Your arrogance is why trump is a serious presidential candidate in the first place.

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3 hours ago, stander said:

Clinton said “No one is too big to be prosecuted and sent to prison”.


Three people commit a felony, mishandling and stealing classified documents.


David Patraeus, resigned in disgrace, fined $100,000 and two years probation.


Edward Snowden, wanted for treason and living in exile.


Hillary Clinton, running for president of the United States of America.


Hard to let go of the email nonsense isn't it? Now it turns out Julian Assange can't save the bacon either. All the wingnuts were SURE that was going to get Trump elected. 


It must be so disappointing to put so much stock in an election turnaround based on more conspiracy bullshit. There is nothing left now except for HRC dying before the election. 


Trump is going to take the Senate with him as he slithers out of town. HRC elected and there goes the Supreme Court. Boom goes the dynamite! 


Oh well, there's always 2024. :coffee1: Ted Cruz and the rest of the clowns will be well rested by then. 



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4 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


Your arrogance is why trump is a serious presidential candidate in the first place.

Hang on a minute there! OMGpattaya told me not so many posts ago that Trump became a 'serious' presidential candidate because Obama told a joke about his birther nonsense. Now your telling me that Trump became a 'serious' candidate because Pinot is arrogant? Hell buddy, I'm confused, I didn't even know that Trump was a serious presidential candidate rather than the political equivalent of the mixture of Circus Geek and used car salesman - not that there's anything wrong with used car salesmen - some of them, I presume, are nice people. 


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5 hours ago, Roadman said:

Either way Murican history will be made with the presidential election of the first female or the first baboon. 


Donald Trump can make "Silent" Calvin Coolidge look fairly good.


Only public statement the Republican Silent Cal made while Potus was that, "The business of America is business."


Bring back Cal.


Make Murica Great Again.


(Nevermind either that the 1929 stock market crash happened 7 months after Silent Cal left office. The Republican Herbert Hoover got stuck forever with it instead. At least GW got stuck with his 2008 crash while he was still on the pot in in the White House.)

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6 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


Your arrogance is why trump is a serious presidential candidate in the first place.


Let's maintain the accurate perspective in this. That is, look at the final vote tally on the morning after the night before -- on Wednesday November 9th or 24 hours after the balloting in the 50 states.


Just as night turns to day we'll see then whether the Trump candidacy wuz a serious candidacy. That is the factual test and true-false answer.


In 1964 the right whinge nut Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona and his gang seized the Republican nomination for Potus. Election Day Goldwater got 38% of the popular vote and 52 Electoral College votes of the 270 ECVs needed to win. The History books tell the world it was not a serious candidacy.


It wuz a serious electoral catastrophe for the Republican party. That is all it wuz. The only serious thing about the Trump candidacy is that he is an ignoramus radical wildman loudmouth crackpot.  



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1 hour ago, Silurian said:

The daughter of the bug-eyed ex-mayor of NY, Giuliani, is supporting Hillary. Must make for some interesting, eye popping family dinners.


Giuliani's daughter says she's voting for Clinton




Bug-eyed ?


Is it possible for a liberal to not spew negativity and vitriol ?

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