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For Clinton, election likely to be won or lost in October


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2 hours ago, stander said:

Clinton admits taking money for Keystone, calculated the response.


CuMoisLXgAAJiK3.jpg ey for Keystone, calculated the response.


HRC in September last year stated her opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline.


Keystone is controversial and there has been a lot of back and forth about it among many people in government, the private sector, civil society to include environmental groups, local businesses and industry, to involve issues of the regional and national economy, and of energy security. Anyone with an agenda could single out any one or more of the concerns involved or of any of the players driving the events and developments.


We're hearing now from the Republican Party and also from the rightwhingers that support both it and Donald Trump. Which means we're hearing from politically bent vested interests in the matter. We'll continue to hear a lot more from 'em in their cacophony.


Carry on.

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2 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


I just made a drive through that Deep South Land of Evangelicals.


There were numerous billboards and they alternated every other one between a passage from the Bible and the next was a peepshow or Asian Spa next exit.


The folks you talk about are Sinners themselves and a Sinner loves the concept of Redemption.


I know in my heart of hearts that Donald repents what he said and I bet you a good Southern Evangelical knows more than anyone that Jesus forgives.



Repentance? Repentance in act and thought is about as far from Donald Trump as Alpha Centauri. If he repented or apologized he'd shrivel up and blow away like a vampire in the sun. He's just not capable of it in a way that would evoke any sort of sincerity - something of which he's also lacking. 


As for the notion that this latest disaster is just an example of locker room man banter and nothing else. Nah, it's not. It is another brick in the wall; another part of the jigsaw revealing the man for what he truly is. He's toast now. No coming back from this. What a disaster. 

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2 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


I just made a drive through that Deep South Land of Evangelicals.


There were numerous billboards and they alternated every other one between a passage from the Bible and the next was a peepshow or Asian Spa next exit.


The folks you talk about are Sinners themselves and a Sinner loves the concept of Redemption.


I know in my heart of hearts that Donald repents what he said and I bet you a good Southern Evangelical knows more than anyone that Jesus forgives.




Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz of Utah today withdrew his endorsement of Trump for the presidency. This may well be the canary in the coal mine. The Mormon Chaffetz just might be the first on the religious right to leave Donald Trump's promised land.


Whatever one might think either way about the Mormons, they've pretty much consistently been upright in government and politics. Guys like Mitt Romney, John Huntsman etc.


Chaffetz spoke well of his fellow hard core religious conservative dullard Mike Pence. So let's see if the fringe evangelical right can call balls and strikes the same for both sides. They've got a whole month to make up their mind. Probably much less actually.


The only question for the Republican Party this month is which way they prefer to lose -- with or without Donald Trump. Either way they are in fact goners. 


Carry on ClutchEven if there's virtually nothing to clutch onto any more, if there ever had been anything. Just keep in mind Clutch that Hillary Clinton is above all else competent and qualified.

Edited by Publicus
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2 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Right...like the evangelicals are gonna vote for Hillary. They're hostages of the Republican Party...like blacks are to the Democrats.


Donald Trump is at this point reduced to trying to plea bargain with the rightwhinge that supports him.

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Just now, ClutchClark said:

The folks you talk about are Sinners themselves and a Sinner loves the concept of Redemption.


I know in my heart of hearts that Donald repents what he said and I bet you a good Southern Evangelical knows more than anyone that Jesus forgives.


For some reason, I don't have the face palm function anymore.

Jeez... I sure need it now...


Dunning Kruger.


Maybe your position continges upon the doped up situation you are in now?  :whistling:

Edited by iReason
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10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Dude, she was talking about hard core racists, KKK, white supremacists, American Nazis, Jew haters, etc. ... what, you don't think those groups of people are deplorable? Really, dude? It's so funny. The trumpists, and yes a lot of them are indeed deplorable and irredeemable, love to rail against "PC" and brag about straight talk as long as it's trumpist straight talk. But if the groups I've mentioned aren't objectively deplorable, then I don't know which are.


Again, she wasn't talking about ALL trump supporters. She was talking about that portion. Get it now? I'm sure you already did but are just pushing the predictable propaganda lies that she was talking about all trump supporters when she explicitly explained she was not in the same speech.


Next ... 

Mate ........ you are either dead wrong, or very delusional.  I will let you and the others decide:



All the Polls say that Trump has at least 40% - so lets use that. Hillary said: quote: “you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.  The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it."

That makes it 20% of the entire population of USA are, according to you and 'liar liar pants suit on fire' Hillary, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, etc.  



You actually believe that 50% of the people that support Trump are all racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, etc.  

Only a delusional liberal completely out of touch with reality would think that.  Yes, we have our 'nutters', and as previous posts have shown, so does your side.


So, my friend, which one are you - Wrong or Delusional???





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10 minutes ago, stander said:

Hillary Clinton and the Democrats believe blacks are "Professional never-do-wells". Doesn't get any more racist than that.





This email comes from someone a user named "orca100" at the mail domain of upcmail.nl. Meaning this email comes from someone in the Netherlands. How does this relate to Hillary?


Are you actually reading these emails fully?


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Mate ........ you are either dead wrong, or very delusional.  I will let you and the others decide:
All the Polls say that Trump has at least 40% - so lets use that. Hillary said: quote: “you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.  The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it."
That makes it 20% of the entire population of USA are, according to you and 'liar liar pants suit on fire' Hillary, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, etc.  
You actually believe that 50% of the people that support Trump are all racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, etc.  
Only a delusional liberal completely out of touch with reality would think that.  Yes, we have our 'nutters', and as previous posts have shown, so does your side.
So, my friend, which one are you - Wrong or Delusional???

Delusional and dead wrong? Clearly description of yourself hurled to deflect. Classic trumpian tactic.
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Polls released Friday morning USA time...


Here are the latest state polls from the presidential race:


Virginia: Clinton 46%, Trump 34% (Hampton University)  +12 Clinton

(VA from 1968 to 2008 had been a strongly and unmovable red state. It is now and quickly becoming the People's Democratic Party Republic of Virginia.)


Florida: Clinton 47%, Trump 45%, Johnson 2% (Gravis)  +2 Clinton  

(FL is always a battleground, in a large part because it has so many wealthy Republican retirees from states east of the Mississippi River.)


Wisconsin: Clinton 48%, Trump 40%, Johnson 4% (Gravis)  +8 Clinton. (In Potus election years, WI shows that it is at its core the People's Democratic Party Republic of Wisconsin.)

The Trump campaign peaked in the last week of September. It now has no place to go. Trump is only aggravating the regression, each and every day with four weeks of dayze ahead. And looking ahead to it we are.


HRC meanwhile continues to build her campaign as it continually advances toward Election Day, Tuesday, November 8th.


Last one out over there kindly turn off the lights plse thx. Your only question at this point is whether you'd prefer to lose with Trump or without Trump. The ball is in your court.

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For you Hillary Clinton lovers . Which Hillary are you voting for?

Mid 80’s laughs at child rape victim.

1992  Attacks women her husband sexual assaulted.

1996  Super predators need to be brought to heel.

2002  For Iraq war.

2004  Anti Gay marriage

2007 Blames homeowners for housing crash.

2012 TPP is Gold standard.

2015 She went to Wall Street and told them to “Knock it off”

2016 We did not lose a single person in Libya

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

(see below)


5 hours ago, Bob9 said:

Mate ........ you are either dead wrong, or very delusional.  I will let you and the others decide:
All the Polls say that Trump has at least 40% - so lets use that. Hillary said: quote: “you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.  The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it."
That makes it 20% of the entire population of USA are, according to you and 'liar liar pants suit on fire' Hillary, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, etc.  
You actually believe that 50% of the people that support Trump are all racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, etc.  
Only a delusional liberal completely out of touch with reality would think that.  Yes, we have our 'nutters', and as previous posts have shown, so does your side.
So, my friend, which one are you - Wrong or Delusional???



Delusional and dead wrong? Clearly description of yourself hurled to deflect. Classic trumpian tactic.



The question was Wrong OR Delusional.


I vote for delusional !!  Unbelievable :cheesy:


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2 hours ago, Bob9 said:


5 hours ago, Bob9 said:

Mate ........ you are either dead wrong, or very delusional.  I will let you and the others decide:
All the Polls say that Trump has at least 40% - so lets use that. Hillary said: quote: “you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.  The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it."
That makes it 20% of the entire population of USA are, according to you and 'liar liar pants suit on fire' Hillary, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, etc.  
You actually believe that 50% of the people that support Trump are all racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, etc.  
Only a delusional liberal completely out of touch with reality would think that.  Yes, we have our 'nutters', and as previous posts have shown, so does your side.
So, my friend, which one are you - Wrong or Delusional???



Delusional and dead wrong? Clearly description of yourself hurled to deflect. Classic trumpian tactic.



The question was Wrong OR Delusional.


I vote for delusional !!  Unbelievable :cheesy:



False Dilemma / Bifurcation Fallacy http://www.logicalfallacies.info/presumption/false-dilemma/


More meaningless Trumpets hot air.

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An analysis of critical reasons to why you should not vote for Hillary-

National Security

Email Scandal

Handling of Classified Information


Clinton Foundation


Seal Team 6

Health Care

Her Own Health Lies

Pay to Play

War against Women

Abortion up to Full Term

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Posts containing derogatory slurs have been removed as well as the replies:


11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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5 hours ago, stander said:

An analysis of critical reasons to why you should not vote for Hillary-

National Security

Email Scandal

Handling of Classified Information


Clinton Foundation


Seal Team 6

Health Care

Her Own Health Lies

Pay to Play

War against Women

Abortion up to Full Term


So true - so real. And yet the media frenzy over some 'bathroom comments' made in private,  will show anyone the truth of the situation - if that person is not delusional and has some common sense.  Lets take one issue to show what that comment means: Her Own Health Lies


So apparently (according to the Dems) crooked Hillary had pneumonia when she went to the 9/11 event, and that is why she looked like a very sick old person with an extremely serious illness.  So lets think about that a bit further.


Anyone here had pneumonia? I have - many years ago (when I used to smoke). And so did my Mother when she was visiting my family one year (hospital stay involved).  Here is the reality folks - no one with pneumonia can walk into an event like Hillary did, all normal and smiles and greeting, and then an hour later collapse on the way to a prepared and waiting medical van/car. If crooked Hillary had pneumonia then she would not have been able to attend - period. No - the reality is that crooked Hillary has an illness (at least one) and she is hiding this from the American people, because she knows it will mean the end of her campaign.  


AND lets take a look at the liberal media coverage of crooked Hillary's obvious health issues - sweet <deleted> all.  Why?  I remember when the liberal media relentlessly attacked previous GOP candidates for their health problems and suitability to be POTUS (remember Bob Dole and John Cain???). Why dont they attack crooked Hillary ???  Crooked Hillary has far worse health concerns than those other two GOP candidates - and she is older than they were!!


The answers are obvious folks - only a delusional liberal with no common sense couldnt understand that.



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3 hours ago, stander said:

An analysis of critical reasons to why you should not vote for Hillary-

National Security

Email Scandal

Handling of Classified Information


Clinton Foundation


Seal Team 6

Health Care

Her Own Health Lies

Pay to Play

War against Women

Abortion up to Full Term

That's not any kind of analysis.

It's just a list.

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46 minutes ago, Chicog said:



US politician takes donations in return for access.

Wow, that's not something you see every day is it?




Oh.  It is.




Thanks for confirming that crooked Hillary is part of the same corrupt system that Trump will destroy as POTUS.


And I will tell you what you dont see everyday ....... An ex-POTUS and husband of a POTUS candidate, having an unscheduled 30 min meeting with the Federal DoJ Attorney General, who is conducting an investigation against his wife (crooked Hillary), and who is about to be interviewed by the FBI who are investigating her breach of national security laws.


Hillary is corrupt - that is why she is known as Crooked Hillary - and so is Tricky Bill.



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Coming soon from the Hollywood liberal establishment the right is certain exists, the TrumpNever Potus NeverLibrary... 


Bill Pruitt, a producer on the first two seasons of “The Apprentice,” tweets: “I assure you: when it comes to the Trump tapes there are far worse.”  (And the Clinton campaign has 'em all and they're indexed through October.)



Politico: “The bombshell Donald Trump video that surfaced Friday has so dramatically altered expectations for Sunday’s town hall debate that one Democrat close to Bill and Hillary Clinton had a new view of what may unfold in St. Louis: ‘Expect Armageddon.'”


Hillary Clinton will arrive at the Washington University debate stage Sunday prepped for battle against an opponent many of her allies believe has already lost the election. Trump, in contrast, will walk onto the debate stage with nothing to lose.”



Donald Trump's Longest Day..


“I’ve never seen a candidate walk into a debate with this much at stake. He’s overweight, he’s old, he’s tired and he’s crabby. And he’s going to have a very long hour and a half.”


— James Carville, quoted by the Washington Post.


Nate Cohn: “You do not need a statistical model to know that Donald J. Trump is in a lot of trouble.”


“His chances were already in jeopardy heading into the second presidential debate Sunday. Hillary Clinton’s lead has grown steadily over the last two weeks, and she was ahead by five to six percentage points before a videotape revealed Mr. Trump bragging about groping women and getting away with it because he’s a celebrity.”


“Now it’s fair to wonder whether he’ll drag down the whole Republican Party.”



The Great 2016 Republican Train Wreck. Occurring before our eyes. (Hey, a little shadenfreude never hurt anybody but with Donald Trump and the Fanboyz it can be really fun!)

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