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GBP/THB The pips are squeaking

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17 minutes ago, transam said:

Fanks, the OP would not tell me..........:sad:

I had never heard it that way either and had no idea what the title meant. I have only heard of pipsqueaks being insignificant people.



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3 minutes ago, GarryP said:

I had never heard it that way either and had no idea what the title meant. I have only heard of pipsqueaks being insignificant people.



Exactly, hence my questions...Is the OP taking the piss.....:whistling:

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Many people will re think their holidays and long stay rents in Thailand this year.Taking into account a return ticket plus hotel, food and excursions, it will be quite an expensive few weeks, especially for families.( I'm not counting the all inclusive holiday packages lots of Europeans take!) . Independent travels to Thailand are definitely not cheap. Lots of the nice condos who rent out to long stayers , are generally in the 25 to 40 thousand baht range a month. This works out at between 657 € and 1052€  a month, a pretty price. I think tourism will take a serious dip this coming high season, as have most tourist spots in Europe. Money is tight, so the exchange rate is important.

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2 hours ago, transam said:

Is that the best you can come back with........:rolleyes:

So tell me the reason for your topic...?

Tell me your nationality so I can get my head round your topic title....?

Though I am not sure what the 'pips' thing means...

Just need some clarification if you don't mind....:thumbsup:

pips are the amount any currency moves by. so 1 us cent will be divided into 100 pips. If you trade currencies, you would bet how many pips a currency might move by up or down. 


Squeezed till the pips squeak was a polite way of saying squeezing someone's testicles till they squeak.


Edited by CharlieK
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7 minutes ago, CharlieK said:

pips are the amount any currency moves by. so 1 us cent will be divided into 100 pips. If you trade currencies, you would bet how many pips a currency might move by up or down. 



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I remember quite some people on here saying Brexit would only affect it for a short time and it would bounce back. I wonder how many regret voting that way. 


I just read the article about the flash crash and the experts are saying the bottom still is not in sight. Something about Hollande saying the negotiations with Britain will be tough and that there will be consequences to leaving the EU.  I agree with the guy.. i mean if the EU is easy on the Brits then everyone would leave because you can get the same trade advantages outside of the EU as inside.


Tough times ahead for the Brits in Thailand, though for the Brits in the UK the lower pound might be good for their export and will make them more competitive.  I already bought a lot of stuff from the Uk now with it getting cheaper all the time I will certainly go on buying UK wares. 

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4 hours ago, Kwasaki said:


What crystal ball do you use, my one says different.


Planning stay in Thailand from when l did it in 2000 was based on 35 baht.


Indeed. If you knew you could make a fortune. People who speculate on currencies usually go bust. 

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1 minute ago, robblok said:

I remember quite some people on here saying Brexit would only affect it for a short time and it would bounce back. I wonder how many regret voting that way



Dear oh dear. Our ancestors - indeed grandparents and great-grandparents (not that long ago) fought a war so that we could govern ourselves, and people are ready to jack because a flight is more expensive. It's not exactly the spirit of the Raid on St Nazaire, is it? 

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1 hour ago, transam said:

Fanks, the OP would not tell me..........:sad:


1 hour ago, transam said:

Exactly, hence my questions...Is the OP taking the piss.....:whistling:


You're the classic pack fighter aren't you?

You were told by several posters (with more patience than I) that the phrase is indeed reasonably well-known and you accepted it. You even said thanks

Then, GarryP comes along and says he didn't know what the title meant and, all of a sudden, you're back to suggesting I'm taking the piss.

You don't have the chops to argue the point yourself so you sit there scowling until someone comes along to back you up then out you come, flailing wildly.

How pathetic

You must have learned your M.O. from watching Thai thugs fight

Edited by YeahSiam
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1 minute ago, YeahSiam said:



You're the classic pack fighter aren't you.

You were told by several posters (with more patience than I) that the phrase is indeed reasonably well-known and you accepted it. You even said thanks

Then, GarryP comes along and says he didn't know what the title meant and, all of a sudden, you're back to suggesting I'm taking the piss.

You don't have the chops to argue the point yourself so you sit there scowling until someone comes along to back you up then out you come.

How pathetic

You must have learned your M.O. from watching Thai thugs fight

Think you should go back and read the posts instead of getting your knickers in a twist of twisting stuff....


Now tell me YOUR interpretation of YOUR topic title...How easy is that.....?

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1 minute ago, transam said:

Think you should go back and read the posts instead of getting your knickers in a twist of twisting stuff....


Now tell me YOUR interpretation of YOUR topic title...How easy is that.....?


Brits relying on income from the UK are being squeezed until the pips squeak because of the exchange rate.

You're right, It is simple but obviously it was beyond your understanding.

Either way, now you've been educated, perhaps you can focus on the topic at hand instead of nitpicking about the title.



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2 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:


Brits relying on income from the UK are being squeezed until the pips squeak because of the exchange rate.

You're right, It is simple but obviously it was beyond your understanding.

Either way, now you've been educated, perhaps you can focus on the topic at hand instead of nitpicking about the title.



Thank you, I will now get the German lemon thing and the weee UK bloke out of my head... :thumbsup:

As for me understanding, seems you educating folk here beyond your hi-so-ness is a no-no,  but hey, can l sing you a song to cheer you up a bit...:guitar:

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Could've been a 'flash crash' hiccough.


From the BBC (annoying bit in red)


"The pound has dived on Asian markets with automated trading being blamed for the volatility.

At one stage it fell as much as 6% to $1.1841 - the biggest move since the Brexit vote - before recovering. It was recently trading 2% lower at $1.2388.

It is not clear what triggered the sudden sell-off. Analysts say it could have been automated trading systems reacting to a news report.

The Bank of England said it was "looking into" the flash crash.


The sharp drop came after the Financial Times published a story online about French President Francois Hollande demanding "tough Brexit negotiations".

"It's difficult to know exactly what triggered it," Angus Nicholson, market analyst with IG in Melbourne, told the BBC.
The pound has been volatile since the UK voted to leave the European Union.

Analysts speculate that a computer may have been set to scan the news for negative Brexit stories, with the order to sell if it found any.

The trigger could have also been a simple mistake, or what's know as a fat finger trade, when a trader enters a wrong number." 


read on...

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9 hours ago, Chivas said:

The spike down to $1.14 overnight where it dropped to would have taken us to around 39.5 had it held. Back up to $1.24 now

that's exactly what I posted on this forum a few weeks ago.  BT 39 to one GBP most didn't believe me. But I still maintain that  is the  expected rate of the pond eventually.

A lot of the posters on this forum seem to think that the Thai baht will go down and accuse the authorities of propping up the currency. This is not true the Thai economy is doing quite well, in fact much better than the UK one.

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It is no surprice that the thai baht get stronger at this time a year.In 2008 it changed over 10% almost over night.When the sterling drops like it has I do feel for the brits.For myself ofcourse im Norwegian.Our curency has gone from steady 18 last year to around 24.I know why my currency is down but what makes the bath to go up is harder to understand.If anyone could answer that question you should just keep quiet and invest in it.

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Don't worry folks.  The people who run the UK know how to send it soaring again.


But it won't be for another few months.


Lash yourselves to the wheel in the meantime.

Edited by Enoon
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10 hours ago, Kwasaki said:


What crystal ball do you use, my one says different.


Planning stay in Thailand from when l did it in 2000 was based on 35 baht.


Your crystal ball must have been in need of a polish, the rate in 2000 ranged from 57 - 64 baht to the pound.  

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All I know is this. Being a Brit and a having my pension income from England, my bank savings interest has been dropping steadily over the years and toppled by the crap bank £ exchange rates, my income has been falling month by month.


We can managed but now have to count those pennies and watch what we spend.

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Australian dollar and Canadian dollar have devalued 20% recently. While not happy about it

there are still plenty of us around. 50% devaluation of the Ruble has had an effect but

surprisingly there are still plenty of Russians here. That said Nha Trang Vietnam is packed

with Russians where they don't need a visa and things are cheaper(and cleaner) than Thailand.

The Brits that want to stay, will stay, those who don't will go home. That said I can't see it

being cheaper back in the UK. :coffee1:

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Europe will cut off its nose to spite its face. They will make the UK pay because everyone

wants a re-think on the EU. Countries would rather have the EU and an economic trading

zone only. In a tit for tat duty war the UK imports more from the EU tan it exports to the

EU so I don't really see how that will be a negative overall. Of course there will be winning

sectors and loosing sectors. Trade between the EU and UK will drop and more will be

manufactured in the UK for home consumption. Fewer Mercedes and BMW's on the road

in the UK, but probably more Jaguars.


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4 hours ago, Enoon said:

Don't worry folks.  The people who run the UK know how to send it soaring again.


But it won't be for another few months.


Lash yourselves to the wheel in the meantime.

It will recover , a very weak pound would cause serious problems in the long term. No good reason why that will happen soon though ,I would venture a year to 18 months more likely than your few months.

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