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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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Donald was going to take some time to prepare for the next debate.   He'll need a lot more time now that Bill's behavior will be hard to  use as his main talking point.   


The Clinton Foundation will kind of be off the table as well given the questions about his own.   

This is a debate, if you can call it that, that I will be looking forward to seeing!


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5 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

men are men and this is how many of us talk and behave.   women try to emasculate us so we have to behave when they are around. wish woman would just accept it so we can just get on with out lives. shame trump got recorded and this will be used against him. what difference does it make really?


More accurate to say louts are louts.  Not all of us talk this way or count as friends those who do.

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Just now, stander said:

Trump supporters don’t care about rhetoric, inflammatory statements, or prior controversy.  They will not lose an ounce of sleep choosing good policy over inflammatory comments from 10+ years ago.


Trump supporters won't win him the election, though. He needs to win over people outside of his base, and that looks increasingly unlikely with each new scandal.

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

Well, I don't know how any proper Christian will vote for this philandering twice divorced man with the morals of thug ghetto product.


And I don't know how anyone  who believes that  people should pay their fair share of taxes  can vote for a guy who has made an art of   avoiding taxes.


And I don't know how anyone who values  responsible business management can vote for a guy who has  used bankruptcy several times to avoid paying debts and who has stiffed small contractors.


And I don't know how anyone who claims he/she puts a premium on  the  values of integrity can vote for a guy with his bogus   eal estate course that he described as a university, or his sham of a charity which is  more of a tax avoidance scheme since he hasn't actually  donated to it in years,


It's trump who is running for President, not Bill Clinton.  maybe  Bill is/was a bounder. It doesn't matter. since Bill is not  running for office.

But, Bill WILL be in the White House, and it has been said that if you vote for Hillary you get Bill as well. IMO, if she wasn't with him, she wouldn't be as popular as she is now. He is far more likable than she.

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This highly entertaining event will have no impact on the election since Trump was going to lose anyway.  It will probably increase the entertainment value of Sunday's debate.


I see that John Huntsman, George Pataki, Mark Kirk, and some other Republican congressmen are now calling for Trump to drop out of the race and let Pence run.  This is a first in American politics that party leaders have called for the nominee to drop out.


Going to be very entertaining from now on.

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:



it's not normal male behaviour in the USA anymore. Honest.

Yes some people still think like this. They live in  Compton and like their  booty etc. Or, they are creepy old  men with their comb overs and guts who think they are sexy. or they are the slimey douches and lounge lizards with their cheap-ass tattoos etc. hat people laugh at behind their backs or  often right to their faces. They are what goes to Pattaya and Patong. 


People age 35 and under just do not behave like this anymore. Younger people today have more in common with the   folks born pre 1950 than any other generation. They are  kind, thoughtful,  and considerate of others. They don't treat  women, or men like this.  The world changed while you were listening to deep purple and  getting in touch with your groove thing.

I will have to say that this is one of the most accurate posts I have read on Thavisa in a long time.   I've had the opportunity to work with a number of the younger generation who have moved to Thailand and have been both surprised and impressed with how non-judgmental they are, how even minded and how respectful they generally are.   Some of the more outlandish remarks I enjoy making will get a smirk, but they never partake in the type of locker room banter being discussed here.   


Trump was not a young man when he made these statements and the word that I think best describes him is leacherous.   

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Just now, SoiBiker said:


Trump supporters won't win him the election, though. He needs to win over people outside of his base, and that looks increasingly unlikely with each new scandal.

Unfortunately I have to agree. Looks like she will win, but only because the media ignore the bad stuff about her, like the latest Wikileaks drop. Bet none of them give it more than a brief mention in passing, even though it's far worse than what he said. She called Bernie's supporters losers in a bucket, among other things.

Still, if the FBI revolt happens, Clinton could yet be off to the clink.

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4 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I hate to be the one to have to break it to these women, but 93% of men say these things about women when there're among themselves (the other 7% are gay and say the same things about men but the body parts are different). As Trump said, it was "locker room talk." Your shock and horror is misplaced, and if such talk is a real concern of yours, you need to have a talk with your own husbands, boyfriends, and sons who talk about women in the same way when you're not around.


And keep in mind,  we're electing the president of the most powerful country in the world...not a church choir director.

Yes he is just trying to crawl out of the barrel of despicables that he has slid into. 

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2 hours ago, Strange said:


Walk away? Say no? Report it? 


You realize these things go BOTH ways right? 



Why would you think this goes BOTH ways as if this is some equal situation?  A man like Trump is doing this to young woman, who have no power, little money and as soon as they complain, reject him, report him, he attacks them, discredits them, uses his power, friends, influence, money, whatever he needs to crush them. 


You have seen this with your own EYES, repeatedly!!



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21 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

men are men and this is how many of us talk and behave.   women try to emasculate us so we have to behave when they are around. 


Women try and emasculate you?

Are you serious?


And frankly, when I've had the misfortune to have to listen to men, even in Thailand, talking about women like this, I cringe.



Edited by Chicog
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4 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

This highly entertaining event will have no impact on the election since Trump was going to lose anyway.  It will probably increase the entertainment value of Sunday's debate.


I see that John Huntsman, George Pataki, Mark Kirk, and some other Republican congressmen are now calling for Trump to drop out of the race and let Pence run.  This is a first in American politics that party leaders have called for the nominee to drop out.


Going to be very entertaining from now on.

I can see the demand for him to drop out increasing to the point that he is forced to. If the GOP machine refused to support him he has no organisation.

However, whomever they put up, they ain't gonna' win. It's probably too late, and the Trumpists will probably take revenge on the GOP by voting Johnson or not voting at all.

Having said that, Pence has a shot, but his anti abortion stance probably kills his chances.


I doubt Trump will care that much though. He'll go back to making zillions of dollars, and he WILL get revenge on everyone that backstabbed him. Karma might be a long time coming, but he'll make sure they get theirs.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I can see the demand for him to drop out increasing to the point that he is forced to. If the GOP machine refused to support him he has no organisation.

However, whomever they put up, they ain't gonna' win. It's probably too late, and the Trumpists will probably take revenge on the GOP by voting Johnson or not voting at all.

Having said that, Pence has a shot, but his anti abortion stance probably kills his chances.


I doubt Trump will care that much though. He'll go back to making zillions of dollars, and he WILL get revenge on everyone that backstabbed him. Karma might be a long time coming, but he'll make sure they get theirs.


Going to be difficult to do that even if they wanted to.

The deadline for ballot papers has mostly gone, they can't be just reprinted and sent out.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I doubt Trump will care that much though. He'll go back to making zillions of dollars, and he WILL get revenge on everyone that backstabbed him. Karma might be a long time coming, but he'll make sure they get theirs.


You seem to be forgetting that the backstabbing is his own words.

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1 minute ago, Chicog said:


Going to be difficult to do that even if they wanted to.

The deadline for ballot papers has mostly gone, they can't be just reprinted and sent out.


Early voting has also already started.  Rules are not clear, but deposing him will be very messy, even though GOP leadership is reportedly meeting to discuss this now.

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46 minutes ago, ebonykap said:

This is all storm in a teacup stuff. I'm neither a Trump nor Clinton fan, and quite frankly not greatly interested in this seemingly unending carnival that apparently passes for an election in USA.


With all the real issues to be concerned about, what is all the fuss over some boys banter over a decade ago. 

It seems many republicans disagree with you.

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

Of course they do. Get out more.

We don't care if you cringe.


No, people that ignorant don't actually realise how cringeworthy they are.

I get out lots thank you, and I get on very well with women, as I treat them with the same respect they give me.

If you're not getting any respect, I'd ask yourself why.

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This won't make much of a difference to the deplorable, slurping Trump fanboys.  Some of them will attempt to distract by posting about Secretary Clinton's email server or whether President Obama is an atheist, and the rest will revel in it.  They know who Trump is and he is exactly what they want.


But of course it has crushed his chance of getting any votes from normal people.

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1 minute ago, keemapoot said:


Early voting has also already started.  Rules are not clear, but deposing him will be very messy, even though GOP leadership is reportedly meeting to discuss this now.


All true of course, but none of it matters, since the Republicans are going to lose no matter what at this point.  Pence would lose.  Any of the others who ran in the primaries would lose. 


Now, there is a real chance that Trump will either not show up for Sunday's debate or stomp off in a huff after a few of the citizen questioners brings up his remarks about women.



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Just now, Chicog said:


No, people that ignorant don't actually realise how cringeworthy they are.

I get out lots thank you, and I get on very well with women, as I treat them with the same respect they give me.

If you're not getting any respect, I'd ask yourself why.

I had plenty of respect from the hundreds if not thousands of women I worked with over 26 years thanks.

However, the subject was emasculation of men, and I wouldn't have dared even compliment one of them on their appearance, as it could have been seen as attempting to move on them in a sexual way.

The only safe subjects were babies and food.

Absolutely western women are emasculating men.

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1 minute ago, CaptHaddock said:


All true of course, but none of it matters, since the Republicans are going to lose no matter what at this point.  Pence would lose.  Any of the others who ran in the primaries would lose. 


Now, there is a real chance that Trump will either not show up for Sunday's debate or stomp off in a huff after a few of the citizen questioners brings up his remarks about women.




Yeah, this is a prime time for him to pull a disappearing act and leave the GOP holding the bag. He was never one of them anyway, and he might just pick up his marbles and go home. He never gave a sh!t about any of this anyway.

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