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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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Interesting that trump's opening campaign statement was directed at Mexicans and how they're RAPISTS. This is a thing he does a lot. Hurl out insults that are about himself. Please don't allow that mental case near the nuclear codes. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Interesting that trump's opening campaign statement was directed at Mexicans and how they're RAPISTS. This is a thing he does a lot. Hurl out insults that are about himself. Please don't allow that mental case near the nuclear codes. 

Your candidate’s husband actually carried out lewd acts on women, settled sexual harassment suits. Hillary attacked his accusers.

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Just now, SoiBiker said:


Every parent should bring up their sons to not make unwanted sexual advances. Which is exactly why this sort of comment is so abhorrent. 

Men in lust have little control, and in a society which allows young women to get blind, out of control, drunk it is not surprising so many young women wake up in a stranger's bed ( if they didn't do it behind a dumpster ).

Have you not seen any of those tv shows about young people from the UK that go to Spain to bonk their brains out? I gather that is what the US Spring break is about too.


It's not the Victorian era any more LOL.

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he's running for office.  he's been caught.  doesn't matter what other folks do or done including Bill Clinton or Ed Kennedy with alcohol mixed in too.  it ain't no surprise at all.  Larry Summers says you are either an insider or an outsider with the folks who really run things, and if you are an outsider you get vomited out by the system.  Ian Bremmer said point blank a few weeks ago, repeatedly, "Trump must be destroyed".  He's been vomited out, he's going to be destroyed.  No surprise.   

Edited by maewang99
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14 minutes ago, Thailand said:

Hopefully the somebody elses wife who he tried to grope and fondle against her will will be found before Sundays debate. I guess there will be millions searching to find her and the others this moronic creature has bragged about sexual assaulting.

Simply continue to be amazed that he still retains a support base at all' what does it say about them!

That they care about the future of the country in 2016...not whether a candidate groped somebody's wife over 10 years ago or made borish comments about women

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Men in lust have little control, and in a society which allows young women to get blind, out of control, drunk it is not surprising so many young women wake up in a stranger's bed ( if they didn't do it behind a dumpster ).

Have you not seen any of those tv shows about young people from the UK that go to Spain to bonk their brains out? I gather that is what the US Spring break is about too.


It's not the Victorian era any more LOL.


You might not be able to control yourself, but most of us can. 

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12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Interesting that trump's opening campaign statement was directed at Mexicans and how they're RAPISTS. This is a thing he does a lot. Hurl out insults that are about himself. Please don't allow that mental case near the nuclear codes. 


I have noticed among the psychopaths with whom I have had to work over the years, that they are convinced that everyone is a psychopath as well and merely faking empathy and honesty.  It's pretty stunning when you get to see it up close.

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Just now, CaptHaddock said:


I have noticed among the psychopaths with whom I have had to work over the years, that they are convinced that everyone is a psychopath as well and merely faking empathy and honesty.  It's pretty stunning when you get to see it up close.


Just as ageing sex pests are convinced that the rest of us share their tendencies, but are faking our attitudes to women. 

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1 hour ago, stander said:

Nothing Trump has said or done has resulted in the deaths of innocent people. Nor has Trump enabled a rapist. Hillary has


Give him time.  He's not in office yet.

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20 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


Every parent should bring up their sons to not make unwanted sexual advances. Which is exactly why this sort of comment is so abhorrent. 

When you can genetically modify male fetuses to strip-out the gene for synthesizing testosterone you'll have succeeded. Most mothers instinctively know not to tamp-down on their son's natural proclivity to agression and dominance as they want them to be alpha males who succeed in the world; very few of them want their boys to be the one on the schoolyard playground playing hopscotch with the girls.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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9 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

When you can genetically modify male fetuses to strip-out the gene for synthesizing testosterone you'll have succeeded. Most mothers instinctively know not to tamp-down on their son's natural proclivity to agression and dominance as they want them to be alpha males who succeed in the world; very few of them want their boys to be the one on the schoolyard playground playing hopscotch with the girls.


Real men treat women with courtesy and respect.


I have to chuckle at talk of 'alpha males' from someone with your user name. Alpha males don't have to move somewhere to buy cheap sex. 

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11 minutes ago, stander said:

To recap, a woman whose husband (at the bare minimum) stuck a cigar up a White House intern is accusing her opponent of being lewd.

So...you are not able to understand the difference between THE CANDIDATE doing it and A FAMILY MEMBER OF THE CANDIDATE doing it?

Following your logic, if my brother kills someone, I am as guilty of murder as he is?

You right wingers really lost the plot completely!

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48 minutes ago, partington said:

  I knoowww right!


I met a guy in a bar the other day and he was telling me all about his daughter: pretty, intelligent, gentle girl with a quirky sense of humour, just started uni. He was very proud.


He told me he hoped that she would meet Donald Trump one day, and that he would find her attractive and try to grope her vagina against her will.  It would be a slap in the face for all these politically correct people he said, as well as being fun for her.



That might be the wish for the fella you met in the bar but I think most people would prefer that their daughters, being uni students or graduates, would have learned that they have their own agency in the world and that if some clumsy oaf , with no game, tried such a move on them she would tell him to take a hike.

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4 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


Real men treat women with courtesy and respect.


I have to chuckle at talk of 'alpha males' from someone with your user name. Alpha males don't have to move somewhere to buy cheap sex. 

Who said they didn't...and I'm here for the temples.

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8 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

When you can genetically modify male fetuses to strip-out the gene for synthesizing testosterone you'll have succeeded. Most mothers instinctively know not to tamp-down on their son's natural proclivity to agression and dominance as they want them to be alpha males who succeed in the world; very few of them want their boys to be the one on the schoolyard playground playing hopscotch with the girls.

Something to consider. Almost every boy is brought up by his mother, especially in a society where girls are paid by the taxpayer to keep their children as solo mothers, yet the vast majority of them are unable to bring up boys to become men that don't want to bonk as many women as possible, in any way possible.


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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Something to consider. Almost every boy is brought up by his mother, especially in a society where girls are paid by the taxpayer to keep their children as solo mothers, yet the vast majority of them are unable to bring up boys to become men that don't want to bonk as many women as possible, in any way possible.


It's very simple...in evolutionary terms, to protect the tribe. Mothers, as opposed to young women and childless older women, aren't stupid and we're only a few hundreds of thousands of years from living in the trees, so mother's instinctly know what they're doing.

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23 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

That they care about the future of the country in 2016...not whether a candidate groped somebody's wife over 10 years ago or made borish comments about women


Precisely. While Trump's misogyny, racism, and casual bigotry have no place in America, it's his complete ignorance about both foreign and domestic affairs, how government works, how the courts work, what separation of powers means, what conflict of interest means, that I object to most. I care deeply about the future of the United States, which is why Trump should get no closer to the Oval Office than on a White House tour with the other tourists. Because that's all he is -- a tourist and a poser. (And a pig.)

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When you can genetically modify male fetuses to strip-out the gene for synthesizing testosterone you'll have succeeded. Most mothers instinctively know not to tamp-down on their son's natural proclivity to agression and dominance as they want them to be alpha males who succeed in the world; very few of them want their boys to be the one on the schoolyard playground playing hopscotch with the girls.

I guess that depends on what you think a "real man" is. REAL MEN don't need aggression and dominance to be an "alpha male". ... and a MAN certainly doesn't need aggression to succeed in this world.

You sound like you are stuck in an early adolescent mind set.
I guess that's why you're so !OMG, OMG, OMG .. prostitutes everywhere ..
Just as it should be ... lol

How old are you?
Are you sure your not gay?
Overcompensating a little?

Sent from my SM-T715Y using Tapatalk

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9 minutes ago, rijb said:

“So basically he’s an orange (Bill) Cosby,” “Dancing with the Stars” host Tom Bergeron tweeted.

But nobody is surprised by trump ... he's been an openly sexist pig for decades. 


Now a question people are openly asking -- will trump quit the campaign knowing he's a sure LOSER (especially if the upcoming debate isn't a strong win for him, which seems almost impossible) and have Pence take over? 


It's pretty clear to me that trump is more than OK with losing in a fairly close race where he can trump up charges of "rigging" because that could be exploited for his bizarre business and media branding ... but worse case scenario for him is to lose in a massive humiliating way, permanently damaging his brand and also his family brand, where there is no plausible way of selling that it was rigged. If he sees that will happen (we're not quite there yet) I just don't see how a man with his ego follows through.

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13 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

It's very simple...in evolutionary terms, to protect the tribe. Mothers, as opposed to young women and childless older women, aren't stupid and we're only a few hundreds of thousands of years from living in the trees, so mother's instinctly know what they're doing.

Unfortunately, there are many people that don't understand humans are still living in the cave genetically speaking, and it is in our genes to spread the genetic material as widely as possible.

No amount of training can overcome the urge to procreate, and in the case of rich and influential men like Trump, many willing women throw themselves at an alpha male. It must make it hard to say no, for anyone in that position. Jack Kennedy, the best president in my lifetime, certainly took advantage of that, and it didn't make him a bad president.

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