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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

But nobody is surprised by trump ... he's been an openly sexist pig for decades. 


Now a question people are openly asking -- will trump quit the campaign knowing he's a sure LOSER (especially if the upcoming debate isn't a strong win for him, which seems almost impossible) and have Pence take over? 


It's pretty clear to me that trump is more than OK with losing in a fairly close race where he can trump up charges of "rigging" because that could be exploited for his bizarre business and media branding ... but worse case scenario for him is to lose in a massive humiliating way, permanently damaging his brand and also his family brand, where there is no plausible way of selling that it was rigged. If he sees that will happen (we're not quite there yet) I just don't see how a man with his ego follows through.


This latest incident is not going to move the needle much.  HRC's margin was already regressiing to its mean of +4% even before the last debate.  The polling in this election has been the most stable in 65 years.  Undecided percentage has already declined to 4%.  It will decline further, but doesn't have that much to go.


Basically, the contest has been over for a while now.  Trump, unlike even McCain, never took the lead in state polls (the ones that count) even for a day.  But neither is he going to lose like Goldwater with 7 states or Mondale with one.  The electorate is too polarized for that.


Trump will set up the Trump News Network with Ailes to monetize his success with the low-info voters.  Neither he nor the Republican party is going to disappear.

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Fuss about nothing as CNN goess into full-on shrieking , hysterical breaking 'news' mode. 

There is much to dislike about Trump but these comments, distasteful though they are, are hardly relevant to the election . 

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I guess you never were in the military then. You certainly don't associate with rap artists.


I'd rather be a dinosaur than the sort of young guy I see backpacking in LOS and being bossed around by his significant other. I have no problem with equality, but many of them are openly subservient.


This is one of the saddest things you said today.  Very pertinent to a Presidential race as if speaking like a rap artists is normal? 


Misogyny in hip hop culture refers to lyrics, videos or other aspects of hip hop culture that support, glorify, justify, or normalize the objectification, exploitation, or victimization of women. It can range from innuendoes to stereotypical characterizations and defamation.

Common misogynistic themes include the use of derogatory names such as "bitch" and "ho", sexual objectification of women, legitimization of violence against women, distrust of women, and the glorification of prostitution and pimping.

Edited by amykat
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17 minutes ago, cocteau2x said:

I guess that depends on what you think a "real man" is. REAL MEN don't need aggression and dominance to be an "alpha male". ... and a MAN certainly doesn't need aggression to succeed in this world.

You sound like you are stuck in an early adolescent mind set.
I guess that's why you're so !OMG, OMG, OMG .. prostitutes everywhere ..
Just as it should be ... lol

How old are you?
Are you sure your not gay?
Overcompensating a little?

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 REAL MEN don't need aggression and dominance to be an "alpha male". ... and a MAN certainly doesn't need aggression to succeed in this world.

LOL. Try telling that to a soldier under fire in Afghanistan, or a cop facing a street full of rioters, or a firefighter in a burning building.


Prostitutes everywhere.

Sure are. It's a HUGE industry. Even in YOUR country.


Are you sure your not gay?
Overcompensating a little?

Is that supposed to be a put down? Hmmmmm. there are a few on here that might take offense at that.

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How can anyone disagree that there is a percentage of the female population who do behave the way Trump itonates (not all, not even close, but they are out there). Women accuse other women all the time about being  easy, or star struck, or gold digging, or a few other terms which are even more negative.   Yes Trump was being crass. I don't think you are going to find a politician these days that has never been crass. 


Can you imagine what vile things have spewed from Hilary's jagged maw in moments of frustration. What  flattering terms do you think she used about Monica in private.

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6 hours ago, Andaman Al said:



Not sure if you are an attention seeker but you have redefined 'low' in terms of the depth people stoop to. Sometimes the best defence is say nothing.


By the way re your post number 2 above,  I am not gay and I have never spoken about women like that.  I see why you like Trump, kindred spirits and all that ;)


Oh my god. I'm not in Pattaya........

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Fuss about nothing as CNN goess into full-on shrieking , hysterical breaking 'news' mode. 

There is much to dislike about Trump but these comments, distasteful though they are, are hardly relevant to the election . 

It's very relevant. The last 10 hours or so many high profile republicans, including governors, have cancelled meetings and/or said they wouldn't vote for Trump anymore. Surely this will have an impact on voters.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I had plenty of respect from the hundreds if not thousands of women I worked with over 26 years thanks.

However, the subject was emasculation of men, and I wouldn't have dared even compliment one of them on their appearance, as it could have been seen as attempting to move on them in a sexual way.

The only safe subjects were babies and food.

Absolutely western women are emasculating men.


You seem very insecure.

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Poor, poor Mr. Trump, all your presidental dreams ballooned now.


Your shattered dreams:

putting your hand and fingers between the legs of such „nice“ girls like Angela, Theresa and maybe madame Le Pen etc. ...Bang, bang, over and done with.


You charming man would have won every battle …... in your (dream)bed. What a pity that Russia doesn't have a female leader.


Being married (yourself) no problem for you. Maybe the model you named fat and piggy said no to your wolfish advances???


You are a real dreamboat of US President considering some US rightwing TV-Members.

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2 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I'm glad you've found a safe space at the Pattaya Women's Expat Club...but I think what he means is you should try to get out and socialize with men more. That way you might know what they really think and say.


I do socialise with men. Just not knuckle dragging, brain dead, sexist dinosaur types.

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Washington GOP official: Trump's remarks were made when he was a Democrat


Washington State GOP Party Chairwoman Susan Hutchison is defending Donald Trump's controversial comments about going after women.

Hutchison said the 2005 remarks were made when Trump was a Democrat, and criticized Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for slamming her Republican rival over the comments.

“Donald Trump’s comments in 2005 – 11 years ago were made when he was a Democrat,” Hutchison said, according to a report by KING5 in Washington. “The hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton to say Trump does not belong in the White House when her husband defined this behavior.


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1 hour ago, stander said:

Men talk when they are with other men. The same as women talk when with other women. We don't expect our "friends" or associates to tape us.


Well,  you do when  1) you have microphone attached to you and 2) you are famous person and 3) you have a brain.



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1 hour ago, ivan96822 said:

It is a town hall debate, so the audience can ask unscripted questions.


No they can't, the questions will be screened beforehand.


Added: I see someone else already pointed this out. Hard to keep up with this thread!


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1 hour ago, stander said:

Men talk when they are with other men. The same as women talk when with other women. We don't expect our "friends" or associates to tape us.


When they're wearing a microphone given to them by the camera crew that are following them around?

Pretty dumb of him.

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44 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:


Precisely. While Trump's misogyny, racism, and casual bigotry have no place in America, it's his complete ignorance about both foreign and domestic affairs, how government works, how the courts work, what separation of powers means, what conflict of interest means, that I object to most. I care deeply about the future of the United States, which is why Trump should get no closer to the Oval Office than on a White House tour with the other tourists. Because that's all he is -- a tourist and a poser. (And a pig.)

About 50% of your fellow Americans (assuming you are one) disagree with you...maybe you should listen more and spout liberal shibboleths less.

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7 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:


This latest incident is not going to move the needle much.  HRC's margin was already regressiing to its mean of +4% even before the last debate.  The polling in this election has been the most stable in 65 years.  Undecided percentage has already declined to 4%.  It will decline further, but doesn't have that much to go.


Basically, the contest has been over for a while now.  Trump, unlike even McCain, never took the lead in state polls (the ones that count) even for a day.  But neither is he going to lose like Goldwater with 7 states or Mondale with one.  The electorate is too polarized for that.


Trump will set up the Trump News Network with Ailes to monetize his success with the low-info voters.  Neither he nor the Republican party is going to disappear.

I think I disagree, though time will tell. IMO this absolutely irrelevant incident will become a HUGE club to beat Trump with. They will pound this so often that it will make even the most uncaring voter think there is something wrong with Trump. This is a classic diversion tactic used by politicians that have nothing positive to say about themselves. Take any incident and repeat that because of it the opponent is a bad person. Do that often enough and people will come to believe it.

The GOP girly boys are already running away. None will try to support him over this as it's toxic to any politician that tries. Only a few commentators on Fox will say anything in his support. The liberal media will revel in it. Social media will run with it to try and destroy Trump. Every little thing he ever did , no matter how irrelevant, will now be trotted out as evidence of what a bad man he has been his whole life.

IMO Trump has lost.

His only hope now is that the FBI revolt will see HRC in cuffs.

Otherwise, IMO, game over for Trump.

I doubt he will care much as he goes back to making millions and living the life many dream of in his mansions. I wouldn't blame him if he closed all his businesses and took his family and his money to another country to live in.

It is us, the small people that will suffer under 4 more years of Obama's policies.

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1 minute ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

About 50% of your fellow Americans (assuming you are one) disagree with you...maybe you should listen more and spout liberal shibboleths less.


43%.  And the difference between 43% and 50% is all the difference in the world.

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1 hour ago, stander said:

To recap, a woman whose husband (at the bare minimum) stuck a cigar up a White House intern is accusing her opponent of being lewd.


I daresay she had some choice words for her husband behind closed doors.

What's your point?

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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

That might be the wish for the fella you met in the bar but I think most people would prefer that their daughters, being uni students or graduates, would have learned that they have their own agency in the world and that if some clumsy oaf , with no game, tried such a move on them she would tell him to take a hike.


I think you may have missed the sarcasm...

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30 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Unfortunately, there are many people that don't understand humans are still living in the cave genetically speaking, and it is in our genes to spread the genetic material as widely as possible.

No amount of training can overcome the urge to procreate, and in the case of rich and influential men like Trump, many willing women throw themselves at an alpha male. It must make it hard to say no, for anyone in that position. Jack Kennedy, the best president in my lifetime, certainly took advantage of that, and it didn't make him a bad president.

Don't remind the Hillaristas...it will destroy their whole argument for a Hillary presidency.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Hmmmm. i seem to remember Obama getting caught like that too. Does that make HIM "dumb"?


Yes. Fortunately he wasn't talking about "grabbing pussy".

Mind you, I can think of at least one woman who is probably finding this whole debacle intensely amusing...




There may be piss coming from her "wherever".



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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Men in lust have little control, and in a society which allows young women to get blind, out of control, drunk it is not surprising so many young women wake up in a stranger's bed ( if they didn't do it behind a dumpster ).

Have you not seen any of those tv shows about young people from the UK that go to Spain to bonk their brains out? I gather that is what the US Spring break is about too.


It's not the Victorian era any more LOL.


Wait, sorry, I change my opinion ...this is now the saddest thing you said today. 

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2 minutes ago, Chicog said:


I daresay she had some choice words for her husband behind closed doors.

What's your point?

The point is that HRC went all out to destroy Monica and all the other women Bill molested.

Hardly the behaviour one should expect of someone that says any woman that claims to have been abused should be taken seriously.

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