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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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59 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

Hillary Clinton says she is going to fill the vacant SCOTUS seat with someone who "understands the ways of the world." How about we fill it with someone who will follow the Constitution!! You're not turning my Country into A Marxist hell hole, you evil wind bag!


JD is off the reservation. Jingthing an evil windbag? I didn't think he was that bad. Marxist hell hole? What are you into tonight JD? Moonshine? :drunk:Have one on me. 


The rights of a woman to make her own decisions about her own body will be cemented in place under the next court. The rights of everyone to get a fair shake not businesses who paid to play. The rights of Americans to insist that guns be regulated to protect us from the idiots. The rights of citizens to not be subservient to corporations when selecting politicians. The rights of all Americans to vote and to vote in districts where their votes count will be addressed and gerrymandering by Republicans will end.The Supreme Court will take on these cases and many more over the next generation of the Supreme Court. A court anchored by the Judges chosen by a very intelligent and generous person. Thank god, in his infinite knowledge choose Donald Trump as the wingnut candidate for President allowing Hillary Clinton to waltz in as the first woman President of the United States. 


JD, man, Dude...it's over, pal. Life as you know it in the good ole USA is about to change forever...starting with the burial of the Republican wingnut party.


Again, thank you Baby Jesus. No more Trump after November 9. He'll be in court for the next few years trying to extract himself from this run at the Presidency caused him. Everything from taxes to raping little girls. What a tool. He's very creepy rapey. Worst candidate in history. Goodbye GOP. Bye bye. :mfr_closed1:

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Not that I really follow American politics but it does seem that trump dominates the news at the moment, regardless of what ever message he is trying to get across. drowning out whatever hillary has to say. If Trump is  the equivalent  to Farage of UKIP, Then I would expect him to win, Because as in the UK I would guess Americans are as fedup as people in the UK with political correctness and self interested politicians. There is now a big disconnect between what politicians want and what the public want. 


The establishment got it terribly wrong in the UK even the brexit campaigners were horrified that the vote was for exit. Which begs a lot of questions about the whole election!


The voices in America regarding trump sound just like those of the UK during the referendum. So maybe one should take it for granted that regardless of what he says he will win! What that means for the future of America is anyone's guess? 


If as has been suggested he is not presidential material, then the question is, since when over the last 4 decades has America ever voted for a president that actually was presidential? Was it Reagan, either of the two Bush's, Clinton or Obama? It could be argued that they all brought the presidency into disrepute! So much so that one wonders if the presidency is more of a figurehead than of any real policy agenda.  


Not that I like trump, but IMO this is all smoke and mirrors, if he wins he will be totally different from the rhetoric of today.The only good thing that could come of him winning is that he could actually do something about the way special interest groups have controlled US politics. He is not beholding to them. He could actually change the way politics is played in the US. Maybe that is wishful thinking. The only other outcome would be to say that American politics as broken. 


As far as his comments about women are concerned, so what, do people really expect politicians to be any better than they are? even if Politicians like to put themselves on a pedestal  in the eyes of the public. Everyone knows they are an immoral bunch of self interested idiots who are only there because they kiss the Arse of special interest groups.


All types of celebs have their groupies, I bet even Hillary has a few???    




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sorry guys the Don is a Ferengi plant, 1st few pics .. he never had good hair (or taste if he chose those styles) ..







the 2nd lot is strange because they show him being an active sportsman in military academy who then wasn't fit for the draft, I couldn't be arsed to look through all of them.

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Well, the latest poll from NBC/WSJ has Clinton leading by 14 points in a two-way race. If this trend continues Trump will not have to worry about the 3rd debate, as the threshold is 15% to participate. Maybe we'll see a Clinton vs Johnson debate. How cool would that be!

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I had a drink with two pals in London today. We all laughed about. It's a boys will be boys scenario, that's all it is and it was 11 years ago.


It may well earn him more support. People are sick of the liberal elite and their 'don't offend Uncle Tom Cobbley and all' politically correct claptrap.


Good on yer Donald!

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6 hours ago, yogi100 said:

I had a drink with two pals in London today. We all laughed about. It's a boys will be boys scenario, that's all it is and it was 11 years ago. It may well earn him more support. People are sick of the liberal elite and their 'don't offend Uncle Tom Cobbley and all' politically correct claptrap. Good on yer Donald!


You do what you want with your 'boys,' but I hope my wife, daughter, sister don't get near you blokes.  I don't want their pussies grabbed.   Maybe you Londoners are OK with an old man planting his tongue in someone else's mouth with no warning, but if any man tried that with me, he'd get a quick knee to the groin.

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The personal attacks and name calling are getting out of hand. As in the history of Thaivisa, nobody has ever changed anyone's mind on these topics, stop acting so seriously as if anything said in these topics actually matters.

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9 hours ago, CharlieK said:

Not that I really follow American politics but it does seem that trump dominates the news at the moment, regardless of what ever message he is trying to get across. drowning out whatever hillary has to say. If Trump is  the equivalent  to Farage of UKIP, Then I would expect him to win, Because as in the UK I would guess Americans are as fedup as people in the UK with political correctness and self interested politicians. There is now a big disconnect between what politicians want and what the public want. 


The establishment got it terribly wrong in the UK even the brexit campaigners were horrified that the vote was for exit. Which begs a lot of questions about the whole election!


The voices in America regarding trump sound just like those of the UK during the referendum. So maybe one should take it for granted that regardless of what he says he will win! What that means for the future of America is anyone's guess? 


If as has been suggested he is not presidential material, then the question is, since when over the last 4 decades has America ever voted for a president that actually was presidential? Was it Reagan, either of the two Bush's, Clinton or Obama? It could be argued that they all brought the presidency into disrepute! So much so that one wonders if the presidency is more of a figurehead than of any real policy agenda.  


Not that I like trump, but IMO this is all smoke and mirrors, if he wins he will be totally different from the rhetoric of today.The only good thing that could come of him winning is that he could actually do something about the way special interest groups have controlled US politics. He is not beholding to them. He could actually change the way politics is played in the US. Maybe that is wishful thinking. The only other outcome would be to say that American politics as broken. 


As far as his comments about women are concerned, so what, do people really expect politicians to be any better than they are? even if Politicians like to put themselves on a pedestal  in the eyes of the public. Everyone knows they are an immoral bunch of self interested idiots who are only there because they kiss the Arse of special interest groups.


All types of celebs have their groupies, I bet even Hillary has a few???    





Finally it becomes clear. The populations of Alabama and Mississippi originated as the first Brexiters of 400 years ago.


So it could seem the Confederacy was the forerunner of UKIP. The common ground of racism proves it, conclusively. 


The two states are always and forever 50th and 49th (dis-respectively) in everything except Bible thumpers and rednecks. They with other states down there did vote their own exit back in 1860. Didn't go well for 'em as we recall.


Rotsa ruck over there too. 

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


You do what you want with your 'boys,' but I hope my wife, daughter, sister don't get near you blokes.  I don't want their pussies grabbed.   Maybe you Londoners are OK with an old man planting his tongue in someone else's mouth with no warning, but if any man tried that with me, he'd get a quick knee to the groin.


No one tried putting his tongue in anyone's mouth with or without a warning. I don't know if you think we're all a bunch of perverts in London but if someone had done what you said to us he'd have got the same reaction from us as he'd have got from you.


All we heard on our media is an old partly garbled recording with a few bleeps in it of a bloke saying how his money gets him his women and one woman in particular blanked him. It was said light heartedly and was not said in a nasty or malicious tone.


I've heard a lot worse in Pattaya from Medallion Men type Romeos both young and old who think they're God's gift to women and so would you if you ever go there! Better still if you're that easily offended steer clear of the place.


Blimey, it's not exactly Jimmy Savile country is it! There are British politicians who have sex with children although they don't get caught bragging about it on audio recorders and our last Prime Minister likes oral sex with dead pigs!

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10 hours ago, CharlieK said:

Not that I really follow American politics but it does seem that trump dominates the news at the moment, regardless of what ever message he is trying to get across. drowning out whatever hillary has to say. If Trump is  the equivalent  to Farage of UKIP, Then I would expect him to win, Because as in the UK I would guess Americans are as fedup as people in the UK with political correctness and self interested politicians. There is now a big disconnect between what politicians want and what the public want. 


The establishment got it terribly wrong in the UK even the brexit campaigners were horrified that the vote was for exit. Which begs a lot of questions about the whole election!


The voices in America regarding trump sound just like those of the UK during the referendum. So maybe one should take it for granted that regardless of what he says he will win! What that means for the future of America is anyone's guess? 


If as has been suggested he is not presidential material, then the question is, since when over the last 4 decades has America ever voted for a president that actually was presidential? Was it Reagan, either of the two Bush's, Clinton or Obama? It could be argued that they all brought the presidency into disrepute! So much so that one wonders if the presidency is more of a figurehead than of any real policy agenda.  


Not that I like trump, but IMO this is all smoke and mirrors, if he wins he will be totally different from the rhetoric of today.The only good thing that could come of him winning is that he could actually do something about the way special interest groups have controlled US politics. He is not beholding to them. He could actually change the way politics is played in the US. Maybe that is wishful thinking. The only other outcome would be to say that American politics as broken. 


As far as his comments about women are concerned, so what, do people really expect politicians to be any better than they are? even if Politicians like to put themselves on a pedestal  in the eyes of the public. Everyone knows they are an immoral bunch of self interested idiots who are only there because they kiss the Arse of special interest groups.


All types of celebs have their groupies, I bet even Hillary has a few???    





"The establishment got it terribly wrong in the UK even the brexit campaigners were horrified that the vote was for exit. Which begs a lot of questions about the whole election!"


I'm afraid you've got that bit wrong. Every single Brexiteer I know was jubilant about the result and are now just hoping Teresa May is as good as her word and starts getting our leaving the hated EU under way ASAP and sorts out the immigration shambles.


We could not care less how many baht, euros or dollars we get for out money when we go on holiday. The GBP will go up again. At the moment the banksters are punishing Joe Bloggs for not doing as he was told by their lackeys in Westminster and are warning others not to follow our lead. They are terrified of other countries following our lead because that will make the whole crooked house of cards come tumbling down.


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1 hour ago, yogi100 said:


No one tried putting his tongue in anyone's mouth with or without a warning. I don't know if you think we're all a bunch of perverts in London but if someone had done what you said to us he'd have got the same reaction from us as he'd have got from you.


All we heard on our media is an old partly garbled recording with a few bleeps in it of a bloke saying how his money gets him his women and one woman in particular blanked him. It was said light heartedly and was not said in a nasty or malicious tone.

Except he was describing exactly what he IS alleged to have done... as with Bill, Trump has a long history of alleged sexual misconduct.

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2 hours ago, mikebike said:

Except he was describing exactly what he IS alleged to have done... as with Bill, Trump has a long history of alleged sexual misconduct.

Bill Clinton is 'alleged' to have committed sexual assault. The 'thing' with him and Monica was entirely consensual and that was from Monica's own words, she said they had a 'consensual relationship'. Bill Clinton has never been charged with anything.  Now Donald Trump also has a string of complaints concerning sexual assault. One of them is lodged in court , it is the case of DJT raping a 13 year old girl. There are two separate witnesses, the woman who 'provided' the girl and another woman who was 12 at the time who was also raped. Now THAT is going to come and bite him a lot harder than the Clinton case with Monica.

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17 hours ago, CharlieK said:

Not that I really follow American politics but it does seem that trump dominates the news at the moment, regardless of what ever message he is trying to get across. drowning out whatever hillary has to say. If Trump is  the equivalent  to Farage of UKIP, Then I would expect him to win, Because as in the UK I would guess Americans are as fedup as people in the UK with political correctness and self interested politicians. There is now a big disconnect between what politicians want and what the public want. 


The establishment got it terribly wrong in the UK even the brexit campaigners were horrified that the vote was for exit. Which begs a lot of questions about the whole election!


The voices in America regarding trump sound just like those of the UK during the referendum. So maybe one should take it for granted that regardless of what he says he will win! What that means for the future of America is anyone's guess? 


If as has been suggested he is not presidential material, then the question is, since when over the last 4 decades has America ever voted for a president that actually was presidential? Was it Reagan, either of the two Bush's, Clinton or Obama? It could be argued that they all brought the presidency into disrepute! So much so that one wonders if the presidency is more of a figurehead than of any real policy agenda.  


Not that I like trump, but IMO this is all smoke and mirrors, if he wins he will be totally different from the rhetoric of today.The only good thing that could come of him winning is that he could actually do something about the way special interest groups have controlled US politics. He is not beholding to them. He could actually change the way politics is played in the US. Maybe that is wishful thinking. The only other outcome would be to say that American politics as broken. 


As far as his comments about women are concerned, so what, do people really expect politicians to be any better than they are? even if Politicians like to put themselves on a pedestal  in the eyes of the public. Everyone knows they are an immoral bunch of self interested idiots who are only there because they kiss the Arse of special interest groups.


All types of celebs have their groupies, I bet even Hillary has a few???    





"Not that I like trump, but IMO this is all smoke and mirrors, if he wins he will be totally different from the rhetoric of today."


The same was said when he announced he was running. Then while campaigning for the Republican nomination. After winning the Republican nomination. Before the first debate. Before the second debate. etc etc.... Trump will never change on this one.

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Christianity Today, the flagship magazine of American evangelicalism, released on Monday a blistering critique of the GOP presidential nominee.

Looks like bible thumpers are caught between a rock and a lewd place. But, finally, finally waking up to the reality that Trump is not the holy redeemer they thought he could be dressed up to be.  Looks like the worm is finally turning.



For the magazine founded more than 50 years ago by famed evangelist Billy Graham as an alternative to mainline Christian publications, the editorial amounts to a grenade tossed into the presidential campaign. Roughly 70 percent of white evangelicals in the most recent Pew Research polls support Trump, and few conservative evangelical leaders have criticized him, even following the release of the recent tape.




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16 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Christianity Today, the flagship magazine of American evangelicalism, released on Monday a blistering critique of the GOP presidential nominee.

Looks like bible thumpers are caught between a rock and a lewd place. But, finally, finally waking up to the reality that Trump is not the holy redeemer they thought he could be dressed up to be.  Looks like the worm is finally turning.






If you're buying into the whole "Jesus thing" you don't question authority figures. You're gullibly believing what they tell you. The evangelicals were the base that the Republicans originally appealed to. The low-info racists make up the other half of the wingnut base. Republicans want to be lead but there are no leaders. It's the party of stupid. The entire Republican party doesn't know what to believe anymore. It's a trainwreck. 


We are watching the end of the Republican party as we know it. There are no leaders. I guess Paul Ryan would be thought of as the leader but he's a directionless mess and no one is getting behind him anytime soon. Trump's day are numbered. The Republicans days are numbered. 


The next Republican President hasn't been born yet. :partytime2:

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19 hours ago, CharlieK said:

Not that I really follow American politics but it does seem that trump dominates the news at the moment, regardless of what ever message he is trying to get across. drowning out whatever hillary has to say. If Trump is  the equivalent  to Farage of UKIP, Then I would expect him to win, Because as in the UK I would guess Americans are as fedup as people in the UK with political correctness and self interested politicians. There is now a big disconnect between what politicians want and what the public want. 


The establishment got it terribly wrong in the UK even the brexit campaigners were horrified that the vote was for exit. Which begs a lot of questions about the whole election!


The voices in America regarding trump sound just like those of the UK during the referendum. So maybe one should take it for granted that regardless of what he says he will win! What that means for the future of America is anyone's guess? 


If as has been suggested he is not presidential material, then the question is, since when over the last 4 decades has America ever voted for a president that actually was presidential? Was it Reagan, either of the two Bush's, Clinton or Obama? It could be argued that they all brought the presidency into disrepute! So much so that one wonders if the presidency is more of a figurehead than of any real policy agenda.  


Not that I like trump, but IMO this is all smoke and mirrors, if he wins he will be totally different from the rhetoric of today.The only good thing that could come of him winning is that he could actually do something about the way special interest groups have controlled US politics. He is not beholding to them. He could actually change the way politics is played in the US. Maybe that is wishful thinking. The only other outcome would be to say that American politics as broken. 


As far as his comments about women are concerned, so what, do people really expect politicians to be any better than they are? even if Politicians like to put themselves on a pedestal  in the eyes of the public. Everyone knows they are an immoral bunch of self interested idiots who are only there because they kiss the Arse of special interest groups.


All types of celebs have their groupies, I bet even Hillary has a few???    




trump dominates the news at the moment,

Trump owns Hillary's head and many posters on here. They do nothing but attack Trump over and over and over. Rarely anything positive about Clinton.

The news media have given Trump so much free air time they have saved him many millions of advertising costs.

Trump is popular because he attacks the professional politicians, while Clinton is not trusted by over 50% of Americans because she is owned by Wall St.

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5 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Bill Clinton is 'alleged' to have committed sexual assault. The 'thing' with him and Monica was entirely consensual and that was from Monica's own words, she said they had a 'consensual relationship'. Bill Clinton has never been charged with anything.  Now Donald Trump also has a string of complaints concerning sexual assault. One of them is lodged in court , it is the case of DJT raping a 13 year old girl. There are two separate witnesses, the woman who 'provided' the girl and another woman who was 12 at the time who was also raped. Now THAT is going to come and bite him a lot harder than the Clinton case with Monica.

No one is alleging Bill assaulted Monica. it's all the other ones that are accusing him. They went on tv and said that he raped them and molested them. If it is untrue, let him sue them for perjury.

What Trump did, if anything, was probably the same as what Bill did with Monica.

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9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

trump dominates the news at the moment,

Trump owns Hillary's head and many posters on here. They do nothing but attack Trump over and over and over. Rarely anything positive about Clinton.

The news media have given Trump so much free air time they have saved him many millions of advertising costs.

s popular because he attacks the professional politicians, while Clinton is not trusted by over 50% of Americans because she is owned by Wall St.

Trump is popular?  Maybe with you, but not with most Americans.


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3 minutes ago, Pinot said:


If you're buying into the whole "Jesus thing" you don't question authority figures. You're gullibly believing what they tell you. The evangelicals were the base that the Republicans originally appealed to. The low-info racists make up the other half of the wingnut base. Republicans want to be lead but there are no leaders. It's the party of stupid. The entire Republican party doesn't know what to believe anymore. It's a trainwreck. 


We are watching the end of the Republican party as we know it. There are no leaders. I guess Paul Ryan would be thought of as the leader but he's a directionless mess and no one is getting behind him anytime soon. Trump's day are numbered. The Republicans days are numbered. 


The next Republican President hasn't been born yet. :partytime2:


The Republican party needs to strip down to its core values of fiscal prudence and personal responsibility. It needs to aggressively reject racism, sexual orientation bigotry, the gun lobby, anti-immigration and anti-abortion elements. In short, it needs to become a center right version of the Democratic party. The Republican party, as hijacked by Donald Trump, has become obsolete, out of touch, irrelevant, a demographic dinosaur, and an embarrassment to the ideals of the party of Lincoln. His supporters hungered for a return to an era which no longer exists. Until the Republican party wakes up to this reality it will never return to its former prominence. 

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10 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:


The Republican party needs to strip down to its core values of fiscal prudence and personal responsibility. It needs to aggressively reject racism, sexual orientation bigotry, the gun lobby, anti-immigration and anti-abortion elements. In short, it needs to become a center right version of the Democratic party. The Republican party, as hijacked by Donald Trump, has become obsolete, out of touch, irrelevant, a demographic dinosaur, and an embarrassment to the ideals of the party of Lincoln. His supporters hungered for a return to an era which no longer exists. Until the Republican party wakes up to this reality it will never return to its former prominence. 

If that's what they want they should have supported Paul. 

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3 minutes ago, stevenl said:

If that's what they want they should have supported Paul. 


Yeah, they've lost control of the party to the Trumpsters. It started though years ago with the emergence of the Tea Party, who seem to have been subsumed by the Trumpsters, almost like the Borg on Star Trek. I'm sure the GOP's demise will be documented and discussed at length now. Plenty of time. 4-8 years at least.

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50 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:


The Republican party needs to strip down to its core values of fiscal prudence and personal responsibility. It needs to aggressively reject racism, sexual orientation bigotry, the gun lobby, anti-immigration and anti-abortion elements. In short, it needs to become a center right version of the Democratic party. The Republican party, as hijacked by Donald Trump, has become obsolete, out of touch, irrelevant, a demographic dinosaur, and an embarrassment to the ideals of the party of Lincoln. His supporters hungered for a return to an era which no longer exists. Until the Republican party wakes up to this reality it will never return to its former prominence. 


mass immigration and amnesty are swaying the demographics in favor of the democrats, if they dont stop that the republicans will never hold office again


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Anyone who believes the standard News Media sponsored or paid for political polls for electing the President are no more astute than Harry Potter Groupies ...  American Political Polls run by or paid by the Leftist News Media are jokes - they mean nothing ...Even if one showed Trump wining by 3% I would not believe it ... Lies Lies and more Lies ... 

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6 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

Anyone who believes the standard News Media sponsored or paid for political polls for electing the President are no more astute than Harry Potter Groupies ...  American Political Polls run by or paid by the Leftist News Media are jokes - they mean nothing ...Even if one showed Trump wining by 3% I would not believe it ... Lies Lies and more Lies ... 


Would you include Fox News in the 'Leftist News Media'?



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