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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:


That's the thing UG, you're not being reasonable or objective...even if you are a lifelong Republican.  He is not the lesser of two evils.


I don't know anyone who's particularly excited about HRC.  But we all know that she's a career public servant who is fully qualified and would do a competent job as POTUS.


Trump, on the other hand, is woefully unfit and unqualified to serve.  But mostly, Trump is a rotten human being. 


Even if he were not the lesser of two evils (a claim I do not agree with)...but even if he were not the fact remains that the Republican Party IS the lesser of two evils.


Vote GOP.

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39 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

PC has really buried it's legs deep in the west. If you're a billionaire, of course you screw everything that moves and say whatever the hell you want. That's the point of being a billionaire, innit?


No - that's the point of being a sexual predator.

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19 hours ago, stander said:

Washington GOP official: Trump's remarks were made when he was a Democrat


Washington State GOP Party Chairwoman Susan Hutchison is defending Donald Trump's controversial comments about going after women.

Hutchison said the 2005 remarks were made when Trump was a Democrat, and criticized Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for slamming her Republican rival over the comments.

“Donald Trump’s comments in 2005 – 11 years ago were made when he was a Democrat,” Hutchison said, according to a report by KING5 in Washington. “The hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton to say Trump does not belong in the White House when her husband defined this behavior.



Ridiculous statement of the day award


16 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Or all her top-level state department aides taking the Fifth in their testimony before Congress. It's more important to obsess over calling a woman fat than Hillary's high crimes and misdemeanors.


OMG spent the day trying to throw as much shade as he could. How about OMGwrongabouteverything


15 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

It's been nice have a civil debate with you...so different than the juvenile taunts and insults that passes for debate with so many others here.


15 hours ago, Cory1848 said:


Likewise -- bye for now --


Jesus wept...you guys should get a room


12 hours ago, Chicog said:


I'm surprised at you swallowing the whackjob rubbish.



You were? 


4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

All this because a 60 year old man talked about how much he gets laid more than 10 years ago. What a bunch of hypocritical prudes are running the country!


It's not talking about it, it's how he talked about it. "Rapey" is such a good word for it. 


3 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:

Among the many positive effects of this year's October Surprise: even if Trump remains in the race, the RNC will abandon him and the talk of a "rigged" election will disappear.  Everyone will see that Trump lost it on his own.


This is a meltdown of the ludicrious Republican party. They knew what they were getting with cheeto jesus but this was the guy the wingnuts wanted. They couldn't stop it. Trump resigns and numbnut Pence take over? Tsk. The Republican party is a dumpster fire. Som nom na. 


538 has the election at 82% vs 18%


I love the Trumpeteers bring up the Bill Clinton stuff. Oh the irony! "This was 12 years ago" Then why are you jerks bringing up Bill Clinton stuff from the 90's and he is not even running!!! 


We are talking about a man who is nearly 60 bragging about grabbing a woman's genitals. Sure, I definitely said some vulgar things to friends when I was a young man to get a laugh or two, but as I matured I realized that I was disrespecting women for doing the same thing I did. Trump never got the memo, and has never been held accountable for his mistreatment of women.


Double standard? Melania Trump stands by her man. 


Just keep doing what you're doing Trump 

Edited by Pinot
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5 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

I kinda realized that the GOP was really in crisis when i heard my home State Senator John Thune, not exactly a left leaning Republican, calling for Trump to withdraw.


Regardless of what happens, the party is in for some pretty deep soul searching on how it got to this

Pointless exercise. They can't find what died some time ago.

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29 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Even if he were not the lesser of two evils (a claim I do not agree with)...but even if he were not the fact remains that the Republican Party IS the lesser of two evils.


Vote GOP.


17 wingnut candidates whittled down to Donald Trump. This is what you got with the GOP


Vote GOP? You do remember where we were 8 years ago under the previous GOP administration? And the current cluster eff of a party? 


Vote GOP why? Oh yeah, because you hate Hillary.



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4 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:

So, now it looks like the Republican leadership is taking advantage of the current scandal to dump Trump.  There was talk of various underhanded means of dumping him at the convention, but that would have appeared too obviously to reject the will of the voters.  Now however, the current scandal has given them the perfect opportunity to get rid of Trump and return the party to the party bosses and the good graces of the billionaire donor class.


It's quite cynical since Trump's view of women has long been clear even before the incriminating tape, but that's politics.

Dead right. If he was ahead in the polls a large number of these people would have shut their traps and let Trump get on with his groping, his walls, his taxes and his all round cluelessness about public policy and governance. Rats off and away from SS Trump

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43 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Even if he were not the lesser of two evils (a claim I do not agree with)...but even if he were not the fact remains that the Republican Party IS the lesser of two evils.


Vote GOP.

Why vote GOP when even the head honchos of the GOP are abandoning ship and recommending to not vote for the GOP candidate.


Only the hard core Trump supporters are still supporting him, all the real GOP supporters have now realised their mistake.

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Kasich is ONE guy and he was against Trump all along. He is just using this to justify his stance. I can understand why people do not like Trump - I am one of them - but Republicans who turn on him over this are cutting off or noses to spite their face. However, I am hoping that Trump will see reason and withdraw. Pense or Kasich or almost anyone else would be a better candidate. 


Trump might see reason, but it's hardly likely he'd recognize it if he saw it.

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7 hours ago, Publicus said:


To develop your excellent post further, we have some perspectives already. The Clinton campaign btw has a ton more of where they got the tape that they worked through the grapevine to the public light. This tape is only the beginning....


The Tape was in an NBC archive, and not found by the Democrats.




The videotape of Donald Trump that is shaking up the presidential election sat forgotten on a shelf at NBC's "Access Hollywood" until just a few days ago.

On Monday, according to an NBC source, one of the entertainment newsmagazine's producers remembered Trump's 2005 taping session with former "Access" co-host Billy Bush.

Trump's offensive comments about Alicia Machado were still making waves. And the Associated Press had just published a detailed story quoting former "Apprentice" employees saying Trump "was lewd and sexist" while taping the reality show.



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Donald and Billy on the Bus.

Well worth the a read. I can honestly say that in some 60+ years as a American man, I have never heard anyone brag about being able to get away with grabbing a woman's pussy or not being able to resist urge to kiss them. 




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Just reviewing some of the things politicians are saying about Trump now.

From Paul Ryan-“Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified"

Surely Ryan is "objectifying" women as frail, delicate flowers that can't stand up for themselves, but rather must be saved by gallant knights on white chargers from horrible dragons.

It's like the whole women's equality movement never happened. Certainly the militant women's libbers are keeping very quiet.


Gotta feel sorry from Trump. Just when he was doing OK, something from 11 years ago that he never even knew existed comes out to bite him.


Given the speed that the GOP is abandoning him, Trump should realise the fat lady has sung, and bow out if the GOP nominate Pence to replace him.

Pence has recognition, won his debate handily, and has none of the baggage that Clinton has. He could win.

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2 minutes ago, thaihome said:

Donald and Billy on the Bus.

Well worth the a read. I can honestly say that in some 60+ years as a American man, I have never heard anyone brag about being able to get away with grabbing a woman's pussy or not being able to resist urge to kiss them. 




Perhaps so, but did you hear anyone saying they'd like to? Few of us know a rock star, or anyone that has much success in getting the babes, so it's usually just a lot of talk about wanting to.

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4 hours ago, louse1953 said:

Most men ask 1st,if not it is sexual assualt,even in the bars of Pattaya it is assualt to grope passing women as many do.

The actions of which  Trump is accused aren't "assault," borish possibly but that's all; and certainly not rape as has been alledged against the spouse of one of the candidates.

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3 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

The actions of which  Trump is accused aren't "assault," borish possibly but that's all; and certainly not rape as has been alledged against the spouse of one of the candidates.


Grabbing a woman's genitals against her will is very much assault. 

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Kasich is ONE guy and he was against Trump all along. He is just using this to justify his stance. I can understand why people do not like Trump - I am one of them - but Republicans who turn on him over this are cutting off or noses to spite their face. However, I am hoping that Trump will see reason and withdraw. Pense or Kasich or almost anyone else would be a better candidate. 

Kasich????? Thou jest!

Kasich is a loser and got sod all votes in the primaries.

Pence is the man that can win. He is already popular. Have to convince Donald to stand down though and IMO he might want to bring the whole corrupt establishment down rather than give up till the last vote is counted. For all we know, the FBI might yet do their job and arrest her. Anyone think Kaine can win 55555555555555555555555555555.

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2 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


Grabbing a woman's genitals against her will is very much assault. 

So there are women out there making this claim, and have reported their "assaults" to the police? Or just an illegal recording of a couple guys swapping stories about women they've known. As usual there's no "there" there.

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3 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


Grabbing a woman's genitals against her will is very much assault. 

Correct. However, no one has said, least of all the women involved, that it was against their will. In that case, it's just what happens in any frat house every night of the week.

To look at the woman in VDO, she wouldn't have been against a bit of consensual grabbing herself.

To read some of the comments on here, it's like no one ever heard of groupies.


To make a case against Trump, other than hysterical ranting, at least one woman has to come out and be able to prove that he grabbed her without consent. Several would be better. So far, none.

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4 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

So there are women out there making this claim, and have reported their "assaults" to the police? Or just an illegal recording of a couple guys swapping stories about women they've known. As usual there's no "there" there.


Illegal recording? What are you talking about?

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

To look at the woman in VDO, she wouldn't have been against a bit of consensual grabbing herself.


She's at work. Doing her job - as are the two men involved.


What about her appearance makes you think she wants either of them to grope her?

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34 minutes ago, Pinot said:


17 wingnut candidates whittled down to Donald Trump. This is what you got with the GOP


Vote GOP? You do remember where we were 8 years ago under the previous GOP administration? And the current cluster eff of a party? 


Vote GOP why? Oh yeah, because you hate Hillary.



Vote GOP why? Oh yeah, because you hate Hillary.

Seems fair enough to me. Millions will be voting against her whomever the GOP candidate is. They could put up Mickey Mouse against her and he'd win.

OR, because HRC is a candidate with nothing to make people want to vote for her, and as her leaked e mails prove, lies every time she goes on stage with her two personalities. Her entire public persona is a lie, as proven by her own words.

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Every time a Trump supporter tries to downplay or explain away what Trump said on that tape, you can hear the ping signifying another woman's vote being redirected. It's truly amazing to watch - here on this forum and in more public places. Astonishing. 

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9 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


Illegal recording? What are you talking about?

California is a "two-party" consent state when it comes to audio recording someone. It is illegal to record a private conversation of someone without their explicit consent [Cal. Penal Code § 632].  (I'm assuming the recording was done in California as it was done while Trump doing some tv cameo appearance.)

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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1 minute ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

California is a "two-party" consent state when it comes to audio recording someone. It is illegal to record a private conversation of someone without their explicit consent. (I'm assuming the recording was done in California as Trump was there for some tv cameo appearance. )


He was taking part in a tv show, and wearing a microphone attached to him for that purpose. I think we can safely assume he gave consent to be recorded.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Have to agree. Not illegal. Why don't people in the spotlight realise everything they say can and will be held against them? What is happening to Billy, I wonder?

I'd imagine the rest of his family are thanking him profusely.

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1 minute ago, SoiBiker said:


He was taking part in a tv show, and wearing a microphone attached to him for that purpose. I think we can safely assume he gave consent to be recorded.

Not when the recording was made...it was before (or after) his part in the show, when they weren't even on the set.

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8 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


She's at work. Doing her job - as are the two men involved.


What about her appearance makes you think she wants either of them to grope her?

What about her appearance makes you think she wants either of them to grope her?

Read what I did write, and try to comprehend the meaning. Consensual might give a hint.


Re one woman coming out and saying he did, what a surprise. It's the proving part that is important. Women are coming out and accusing men of all sorts of things every day, but many are fabricating stories. Till Trump is proven guilty he is innocent, or did the law change for him?

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