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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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2 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Haha, great. I imagine assaulted girls will be coming out of the woodwork now that the door has been opened. Should be entertaining every day.

I don't want any more now.


 I want him to stay in the running and not make the pressure so much that he quits. Then in the final week before election release the worst of the worst and watch this fakes world fall apart around him. Lets have the banks call in his debts and everyone refuse to give him credit. Most of the USA knows now about his treachery with sub contractors, so I hope every American workman refuses to do any work for him. I think by January or February they will be taking the 'Trump' sign off Trump Tower!


We just need to Howard Stern tapes now of when him and Trump were talking about sex with menstruating women and anal. That should finish off the evangelical female vote pretty sharp.


One of the saddest comments Trump made (in my opinion) was when Trump was asked whether he would stay with Melania if she was disfigured in a car crash (i really believe she is a beautiful woman that longs for a 'family life') here was Trumps answer to the question:



In another, Trump responds to a question from Stern about whether he'd stay with Melania if she was disfigured in a car accident by asking, "How do the breasts look?"


And this man would attend elementary schools as POTUS where the children would be told they can grow up and be just like him. Now you can have 'locker room' talk, but the answer above was about his wife, the mother of his child and in that perspective, that one answer to that question above makes him totally unsuitable to be POTUS, let alone anything else.


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7 hours ago, attrayant said:


No - that's the point of being a sexual predator.


A "sexual predator" ?


A man that likes to screw women is now a "sexual predator"  ?


Who creates this language? 


In Thailand its called being a "butterfly".


In urban America its caled being a "player".


It was used in Law Enforcement to describe someone who assaults and harms others in a sexual way. Since none of these alleged women (after all, many men brag they hve had far more exploits than they really have) have ever filed a criminal complaint agaist him, it appears its more part of the mating ritual of his group of people--a type of college frat party mentality.

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11 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Sure, they were all scared as crap they would be immediately sued and ruined by the rich Trump, but now that the door has opened we should see lots of true stories now without worry of crippling lawsuits by Trump.


True stories ?


More like opportunitic women looking for a payout...similar to Bill Cosby. 


BTW, you cannot be sued for fiing a police report. These alleged victims could have made an official complaint at any time. The report and endsuinginvestigation is private and cannot be considered defamiation unless in very rare instances it can be proven it was a false claim.  

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10 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


A "sexual predator" ?


A man that likes to screw women is now a "sexual predator"  ?


Who creates this language? 


In Thailand its called being a "butterfly".


In urban America its caled being a "player".


It was used in Law Enforcement to describe someone who assaults and harms others in a sexual way. Since none of these alleged women (after all, many men brag they hve had far more exploits than they really have) have ever filed a criminal complaint agaist him, it appears its more part of the mating ritual of his group of people--a type of college frat party mentality.

Deflection, deflection.  


This not about bragging about consensual sexual exploits.  It's about bragging about being able to kiss and grab women with impunity.

Here's the quote in case you missed it.



Trump: “I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.”

Unknown: “Whatever you want.”

Trump: “Grab them by the p—y. You can do anything.”


That's real close to predator behavior. 




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2 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


True stories ?


More like opportunitic women looking for a payout...similar to Bill Cosby. 


BTW, you cannot be sued for fiing a police report. These alleged victims could have made an official complaint at any time. The report and endsuinginvestigation is private and cannot be considered defamiation unless in very rare instances it can be proven it was a false claim.  


You obviously are not considering that most of the young ladies who came in contact with Trump would be very reluctant to ruin their career by such a move, and would like be silent so as not to do that. Does that really need to be explained?

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49 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Haha, great. I imagine assaulted girls will be coming out of the woodwork now that the door has been opened. Should be entertaining every day.


It is strange - if you search 'Trump  Rape Charge' there are quite a few reports from the last few days of a lawsuit filed recently in New York by a woman who alleges she was raped  by Trump as a 13 year old, but none of the more widely read news sites are reporting it. The most reputable service I could find is the Courthouse News Service.


MANHATTAN (CN) - A woman who says Donald Trump raped her at a private sex party when she was 13 years old refiled a lawsuit against him Friday, two weeks after voluntarily dismissing a suit based on the same claims.

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6 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


It is strange - if you search 'Trump  Rape Charge' there are quite a few reports from the last few days of a lawsuit filed recently in New York by a woman who alleges she was raped  by Trump as a 13 year old, but none of the more widely read news sites are reporting it. The most reputable service I could find is the Courthouse News Service.


MANHATTAN (CN) - A woman who says Donald Trump raped her at a private sex party when she was 13 years old refiled a lawsuit against him Friday, two weeks after voluntarily dismissing a suit based on the same claims.


There will be all manner of true and untrue rape charges coming forward now, probably a flood of them - just what the GOP and Trump need.

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16 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


There will be all manner of true and untrue rape charges coming forward now, probably a flood of them - just what the GOP and Trump need.


Amazing you now jump to the conclusion Trump is a rapist.


Can a liberal have a conversation not filled with drama and alleged victims?

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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:


Amazing you now jump to the conclusion Trump is a rapist.


Can a liberal have a conversation not filled with drama and alleged victims?


haha, sorry my mistake. I meant to write all sorts of true and untrue sexual assault and battery charges coming. We "liberals" don't want to unfairly charge your hero with rape as you have done with Bill Clinton, that would put us on Trumpster level. :wink:

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3 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Which is worse, Trump talking about it, probably in an exaggerated way, or Bill Clinton actually doing it and in the President's White House no less, followed by his wife's attempts at blaming and degrading the women involved, rather than attacking her husband?   


         Bill had consensual sex in the Oval Office.  It probably lasted no more than a few minutes.  It degraded the office of president, and he suffered political repercussions for it.  Trump talks like a predator borderline-rapist.  He's on record for often saying very crude things about women.  Bill hasn't done that, at least not on a hot mic.  Stay tuned, there will be more shit coming out on The Divider.  P.S. Bill Clinton isn't running for prez, .....his wife is.  Try to keep abreast.  

       If you want HRC to attack her husband for some discretion he did 25 yrs ago, then you're going to be disappointed.
The grossly rude things The Divider has said/done have been more recent, and are on-going.  HRC is moving onward and upward, trying to enact improvements for Americans.  Bill is also moving along and doing many good things for Americans and others overseas.  He's a very popular ex-president.  If in doubt, look at the responses he gets from audiences wherever he goes.  


         Trump largely bases his strategy on bad-mouthing America.  It works for his redneck base, but most Americans want to feel good about their country, even while acknowledging its faults.  HRC, on the other hand, wants to lift people up to realize their individual potential.  That's why HRC will win, regardless of Trump's potty mouth.


3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

EXACTLY RIGHT. When Trump said those things he WASN'T trying to be POTUS. If the gutter press can rake up all the embarrassing things we ALL say no one is safe. The exception appears to be HRC who has said many horrible things, but the toady media keep them quiet. No wonder so many hate the media as well as HRC.


Speak for yourself.  I and most people I know don't speak of women that way, even if drunk and in a van full of partying 30-year olds.  I never called myself a bitch and never spoke about grabbing women by the pussy.  Plus, I'm not running for prez and neither is Bill.  I'm quite sure HRC never said anything as remotely offensive about women as Trump is habitually does.


2 hours ago, midas said:

But what about the no-fly zone she is adamant about introducing in Syria and which even the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff acknowledged just last week  would lead to war with Syria and Russia (and probably China and Iran ). Russia has already just deployed nuclear capable missiles in Kalingrad. All the things you have listed kind of go out the window in a nuclear world War 3 environment.

If you want to discuss the possibility of Nukes, then Trump is more likely to use them.  Several reasons why:

>>>  he's said he knows more than all the US generals (I assume that also means Admirals and the Joint Chiefs of Staff)

>>>  He's very easily offended, and quick-to-anger.  He's also very loose with facts, and makes them up on the fly.

>>>  He's a love/hate person:  loves you one day, hates you the next.  Many examples.

>>>  He didn't know what the nuclear triad was.  Maybe he does now, but he's still miles behind the curve when it comes to military affairs

>>>  He's makes enemies with foreign leaders the way a cop eats donuts -  several per day.

>>>  He's out to lunch on diplomacy and international affairs/treaties etc.  He know less about geography than the average Swiss Jr. high schooler.

>>>  Who was it that said, "bomb the hell out of them!" in reference to ISIS.  Anyone with a modicum of smarts would know that military strategy entails a lot more than just dropping bombs.  

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5 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Amazing you now jump to the conclusion Trump is a rapist.


Can a liberal have a conversation not filled with drama and alleged victims?


1 minute ago, keemapoot said:


haha, sorry my mistake. I meant to write all sorts of true and untrue sexual assault and battery charges coming. We "liberals" don't want to unfairly charge your hero with rape as you have done with Bill Clinton, that would put us on Trumpster level. :wink:


We have had to put up with many many board members and republicans referring to 'Bill the rapist'. He has NEVER been charged with rape. Hilary the Criminal - She has no criminal record. Trump now has full legal papers lodged against him from one woman and two independent witnesses to the alleged crime of raping a 13 yr old and 12 yr old. If Trump dishes it out 'crooked Hillary,  the line of the Clintons abuse of women', then he has to take it. I do not think this show is over. We are getting a tape of this gravity coming out with 4 weeks to go. Imagine for a moment what is being saved for the final week!

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


A "sexual predator" ?


A man that likes to screw women is now a "sexual predator"  ?


Who creates this language? 


In Thailand its called being a "butterfly".


In urban America its caled being a "player".


It was used in Law Enforcement to describe someone who assaults and harms others in a sexual way. Since none of these alleged women (after all, many men brag they hve had far more exploits than they really have) have ever filed a criminal complaint agaist him, it appears its more part of the mating ritual of his group of people--a type of college frat party mentality.


Grabbing someone by the pussy would be the work of a 'player'? I always assumed a player would be a smooth operator who could talk the pants of women and did so regularly. Someone just grabbing a lady by their pussy is a creep, sleazy and far removed from being a 'player'. 

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6 minutes ago, smutcakes said:



Grabbing someone by the pussy would be the work of a 'player'? I always assumed a player would be a smooth operator who could talk the pants of women and did so regularly. Someone just grabbing a lady by their pussy is a creep, sleazy and far removed from being a 'player'. 


Absolutely. But some of these guys don't have much game. That's why they ended up here. 

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1 minute ago, JLCrab said:

Anyone with much of a game doesn't have to go hunting on the internet.


It's 2016, dude. We live on the internet now.


You still need some game to score, though. Those who resort to just paying for it are the ones without any. 

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2 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


It's 2016, dude. We live on the internet now.


You still need some game to score, though. Those who resort to just paying for it are the ones without any. 

2016 or not ain't no visceral attraction on a keyboard.

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Just now, SoiBiker said:


No. But that part comes when you meet them, obviously. 

If you think that's the same then up to you -- but this is about the US presidential election next month. You've wandered far from the Pub.

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Even 1st grade girls know better than to trust Trump. Right at the beginning of this video, you can definitely hear a young girl yelling "I'm nervous" a number of times. Then another girl stated "see I told you his hair wasn't orange". Then finally you can see another girl tentatively go up to Trump to give him something and had to be slightly shoved towards Trump. Trump gives the girl a hug which she appears to be uncomfortable with (her eyes looking down). Good job girls. Glad you know what kind of person he really is.


Trump Visits First-Grade Classroom



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8 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


As in here in Thailand. I'm not sure why you brought up online dating. 

I have a good memory as to how some have posted how they found their mate.


But to get back on topic, this is a graph of Bill Clinton's approval ratings even following impeachment proceedings and Ken Starr's lengthy report. I don;t see why this is major cannon fodder for Trump.

Bill Clinton's Job Approval Ratings Trend

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17 minutes ago, stander said:

BREAKING NEWS Donald Trump apologizes to everyone for talking like he was Bill Clinton.


That's just pathetic.  It's time for you to find another orange hero.

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2 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


Well, that's kind of creepy. 


Shall we draw a line under it and move on?

Sure -- you got in your gratuitous cheap shot and I responded but I got back on track above. BTW I lived in New York City from mid to late 1970's just as Trump was becoming a public notoriety. 

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27 minutes ago, stander said:

The establishment is terrified of Trump. If he is elected it will ruin their parasitic lives and many will end up in jail.

What we are watching is a coordinated character assassination. Because they don't want to have take Trump on a drive through Dallas in a motorcade, like they did the last time a president played by his own rules.

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