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Bt21m Hawaii trip ‘reasonable’, says OAG


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1 hour ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

The official list of individuals on the chartered flights will not be made public, as it could affect national security, but the OAG confirms that personnel on board the chartered flight included security personnel and journalists. 


The chartered flight was a more convenient choice, in regards to time consumption, as the flight took about 11 hours compared to indirect commercial flights of between 16 and 33 hours. Comparatively, a chartered flight means a slightly higher cost than buying tickets for 38 individuals on a commercial flight, which would have cost 19 million baht. 

So if this were in any normal country, the journalist would have already released the list. 


 These folks at the OAG are smoking something... 

- yes, if you tried really hard, you could take 33 hours to get to Hawaii, but any regular clown would make it in about 17.

- the morons at the OAG really expect any normal Thai person to believe that the alternative was to pay over $14,000 per ticket on a commercial airline? 


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5 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

Don't tell me anyone is expecting anything productive out of 'probes' into this matter !

And don't expect anything productive out of the trip itself. I doubt that half of them even knew why they were going to Hawaii. The bosses probably had some idea of what was happening but the sycophants and toadies were just hanging on to their bosses coattails and going along for the free ride (holiday).

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The official list of individuals on the chartered flights will not be made public, as it could affect national security, 


I think this is probably the most important item. Revealing the female company caused no end of issues with the wives left at home.




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" However, the State Audit Commission is convening a meeting to consider in detail the appropriateness of the business trip."


That is definitely a consideration. Was if worth while, or just a nice holiday with the boys?

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8 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Of course it was "reasonable", shocker.


Just as it is reasonable to hunt down anyone who posted details of this trip on social media, jail them for "computer crimes".


Did you say looter crimes. I loved the mass picture of degradation as previously shown. One, two, three sing "Happy Days Are Here Again"

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1 hour ago, tbthailand said:

So if this were in any normal country, the journalist would have already released the list. 


 These folks at the OAG are smoking something... 

- yes, if you tried really hard, you could take 33 hours to get to Hawaii, but any regular clown would make it in about 17.

- the morons at the OAG really expect any normal Thai person to believe that the alternative was to pay over $14,000 per ticket on a commercial airline? 


Yes, they do expect blind belief.


2 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

a slightly higher cost than buying tickets for 38 individuals on a commercial flight, which would have cost 19 million baht. 



Utter <deleted>. 19 million baht for 38 tickets?? Do they each come with a GT200??


They could have bought 38 tickets for a whisker over 900,000 baht if they weren't so far up themselves that they need first class seats. Swap 9 of them for First Class for the oh so precious, and they'd still be under 3.5 million for all 38 tickets. 19 million my r's. 

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I hope they did a head count when everybody stumbled back on the plane. Leave no man behind. I bet a few of them wanted to stay. Well then again maybe not. Coming from a coup country they would have to make a decision between Hillary and The Donald. That would cause a short circuit for sure. 

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no irregularities .....................

so this is acceptable expenditure in Thailand even though we are all suffering from 'broken wheels' on our cars because they can't (or won't) fix the potholes in all the roads...................

Where is Prayut when we need him?????????? (maybe arranging their next excursion to Paris or  the Caribbean......)   I wish he would find a little time to get a few more 'POTHOLES' repaired..........

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This case, as with many situations in government, needs to be examined using a standard of fiduciary duty --- that is a duty to spend the taxpayers money in the most prudent and reasonable manner possible.  Does the junta have rules for travel?  If not, then this is a breach of fiduciary duty to Thai taxpayers. And the amount spent is difficult to justify using a fiduciary standard - even without travel rules. But immunity and impunity is the underlying justification for every junta act.  There simply can be no accountability.  If the junta can apply a standard of negligence in the rice pledging scheme or alleged negligence in the 2011 floods, then it must examine its own actions if failing to adhere to good practices that reflect an awareness of its fiduciary responsibilities to Thai taxpayers as negligence as well.

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I have heard Thai's in high governmental positions talking about their anticipation of a 'Civil war' in Thailand in the coming year........... The present government can expect it if this is considered as normal use of tax payer's money.......... 21 million plus Baht spent for a few 'HISO' Army officials to 'live it up' on poor people's money................ Terribly discusting that it can be defended by the present government....

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3 hours ago, jamesbrock said:

They could have bought 38 tickets for a whisker over 900,000 baht if they weren't so far up themselves that they need first class seats. Swap 9 of them for First Class for the oh so precious, and they'd still be under 3.5 million for all 38 tickets. 19 million my r's. 

Good hint.

I mean who says that everyone of the 38 entourage is entitled to first class?

(and still challenging what it needed 38 people for this informal meeting)

Every secretary, translator etc.?

Business class not good enough?


I read a little about this informal meeting.

Inspecting US weapons/ships and dinners took a reasonable chunk.

Bad guy if you think it was a US weapons export promotion event :whistling:


Edited by KhunBENQ
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