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Nana blockade! Soi 3 sealed off as 200 police swoop and make arrests


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Strange how any mention of black people in Thailand brings out all the racist bigots

White people deal drugs here too. Look at the white fella who had his 50 year sentence (I think) upheld by the appeal court the other day.

Go back and look at the long thread that discussed the story and pay attention to the outpouring of sympathy for him from the same people in this thread making disgusting comments about black people.

The guy was dealing pills. He sold to a Thai and got busted and everyone was saying "Ah it was only pills".

The duplicity is sickening and this is why you people are being called racists.


Yes, the Africans should have been rounded up ages ago but the scale of the bigotry and hatred being spewed out in this thread proves that the TV forum demographic is overwhelmingly poorly-educated, lower working class who desperately need to feel superior to someone.


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3 minutes ago, peebee2 said:

Interesting. "There were 6 who had no passport and showed positive for drug use with a purple urine test." So, having no passport does turn your urine a funny colour then


Glad I wasn't the only one wondering about that correlation...  Or is it causation?

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1 minute ago, gchurch259 said:

As far a Crime, Rioters, Looters, Rapist, Drug Dealers, Drug Users, Pedofiles, believe me I do not give a damn how they catch them. Just get them off the streets, out of the schools and do not let them in the Country to start with.



Do white people have a proclivity for interfering with minors because 100% of the paedophiles caught in Thailand are Caucasians.

No black paedos, only white

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2 minutes ago, gchurch259 said:

As far a Crime, Rioters, Looters, Rapist, Drug Dealers, Drug Users, Pedofiles, believe me I do not give a damn how they catch them. Just get them off the streets, out of the schools and do not let them in the Country to start with. I forgot Terrorist !!


Different ethnics groups have a higher percentage of criminals than others, so where would you think they would look ??


So, taking your zeal to an extreme level, you'd be okay experiencing occasional probes with latex gloves if it meant catching an occasional drug mule with an internal stash?  Me. I'd rather forgo the probes and concede that there may be some drugs out there.  Unless, of course, they were only probing other ethnic groups.  Then, I'm down with it.

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5 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

"Let me tell you something," Bill Cosby, one of America's most admired men, told the group. "Your dirty laundry gets out of school at 2:30 every day, it's cursing and calling each other [the N-word] as they're walking up and down the street. They think they're hip. They can't read. They can't write. They're laughing and giggling, and they're going nowhere."

Bill  Crosby is a serial rapist, Not sure about Bill Cosby.  I get your point though.

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1 hour ago, sahibji said:

but when people of one skin colour are targeted the matter becomes different.


Its diifferent I agree. 


When everever people need to score drugs people of one skin colour are also targeted. Such rasist drug users it's terrible.


If only this didn't happen in the world perhaps we would have world peace and all the gay dolphins would be safe. 


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5 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Arresting people on the basis of their colour is racial profiling. 


Arrest drug dealers, no one's complaining about that, but do it on the basis of evidence not colour. 


Profiling, yes, But the truth is that if the raid was based on Soi 3 there was a far greater likelihood that 'black' and 'Arab' folk would be arrested, purely by the numbers. 

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I prefer to think of this as "neighborhood profiling" more than racial profiling. Clearly, there's a lot of illegal stuff going on in that area, and so I have no problem with the police swooping in and hopefully doing something about it.


Likewise, if the same thing was going on anywhere else in BKK with Thais, farangs, Indians, SE Asians or anyone else, I'd be equally ok with police trying to deal with a crime-laden neighborhood.


After all, as anyone who's been here any length of time knows, it's certainly best to leave the drug dealing, credit card scamming, pimping and hooking, etc. to the natives who want to have their own monopoly on the market.


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1 minute ago, Grubster said:

Bill  Crosby is a serial rapist, Not sure about Bill Cosby.  I get your point though.


Bill Cosby was a major disappointment to me as he held himself out to be so upstanding, somewhere along the way he fell !!

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16 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

There I agree, it was all for show. No real concern about stopping drug dealing.


The answer to that question would be to venture down to the same soi NEXT Friday night and see if anything has changed out on the streets and street corners.


My guess would be, next Friday, you'd never know any raid had occurred last Friday.


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2 minutes ago, gchurch259 said:


Bill Cosby was a major disappointment to me as he held himself out to be so upstanding, somewhere along the way he fell !!

Yeah he sure turned out to be a great role model didn't he. What a scumbag.

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9 minutes ago, TEFLKrabi said:


Profiling, yes, But the truth is that if the raid was based on Soi 3 there was a far greater likelihood that 'black' and 'Arab' folk would be arrested, purely by the numbers. 


True, and though I risk ridicule by even suggesting it, perhaps the BIB did some police work preliminary investigations and knew who they were after before they even showed up.  That could explain why they only tested 30 people out of the hundreds (thousands?) typically hanging out in the area.

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33 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Friday night on Suk Soi 3, and a force of 200 police could only manage to find 30 Africans in the area??? You gotta be joking.


Either some folks were tipped off in advance and managed to slip away. Or the Thai police in their usual fashion took their sweet time in getting down to business.


It said 30 were checked, not that there were only 30 Africans in soi 3.


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4 minutes ago, Artisi said:

It said 30 were checked, not that there were only 30 Africans in soi 3.



And so on what basis would they have decided to let the others go without being checked/tested, if in fact that's what they did (though there's no evidence or reference to that)?


Usually, when police raid a place like a pub, EVERYONE inside gets checked. They don't go thru and say, OK, you look fine, but NO, you look criminal and so we're going to test you.


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19 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:

Strange how any mention of black people in Thailand brings out all the racist bigots

White people deal drugs here too. Look at the white fella who had his 50 year sentence (I think) upheld by the appeal court the other day.

Go back and look at the long thread that discussed the story and pay attention to the outpouring of sympathy for him from the same people in this thread making disgusting comments about black people.

The guy was dealing pills. He sold to a Thai and got busted and everyone was saying "Ah it was only pills".

The duplicity is sickening and this is why you people are being called racists.


Yes, the Africans should have been rounded up ages ago but the scale of the bigotry and hatred being spewed out in this thread proves that the TV forum demographic is overwhelmingly poorly-educated, lower working class who desperately need to feel superior to someone.



Maybe you're just ignorant if you don't know about this particular area... Nearly ALL of the nigerians hanging around lower sukhumvit are involved in nefarious activities... I would say close to 100% of the nigerians just happen to be black, so targeting the black nigerians in lower sukhumvit is not racist... it's just simple logic... why is this so difficult to understand for all of the offended idiots? sheeesh

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1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


And so on what basis would they have decided to let the others go without being checked/tested, if in fact that's what they did (though there's no evidence or reference to that)?


Usually, when police raid a place like a pub, EVERYONE inside gets checked. They don't go thru and say, OK, you look fine, but NO, you look criminal and so we're going to test you.



It is a little different in a pub as access can be controlled easily. I am going to take a guess and say they probably went after suspects that were known to them or those that appeared the most suspicious. It may be some that were easy to scoop up got thrown in the mix just for being there. 

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5 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

"Let me tell you something," Bill Cosby, one of America's most admired men, told the group. "Your dirty laundry gets out of school at 2:30 every day, it's cursing and calling each other [the N-word] as they're walking up and down the street. They think they're hip. They can't read. They can't write. They're laughing and giggling, and they're going nowhere."

Well theres a great example from Roofy Bill that highlights the pot calling the kettle black. 

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6 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Ah, racial profiling. 


Such an efficient method of policing crime. 


Bigotry alive and well it seems. 



Always has been and always will be until cultural values change to become more inclusive.

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27 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

There I agree, it was all for show. No real concern about stopping drug dealing.

If you can concede that the Thai Police would waste those kind of resources on a dog and pony show, and that some police may be corrupt and have "arrangements" with the drug dealers in the area, then it's a short walk to realize they aren't above warrantless searches, random drug tests or racial profiling.

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6 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

"News reports stressed that all those stopped and arrested were dark skinned."

That could mean a vast cross section of Thais could have been arrested.


I had to call my mother in law to see if she was one of them. Hope of all hopes. :saai:

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5 hours ago, Bluespunk said:



The vast majority of crime in Thailand is committed by Thais. 


Are you suggesting every Thai is arrested in this stupid manner?


I think that the cops do raids on Thai venues too, judging from the news reports of shakedowns of night clubs and dodgy casinos.


Around Nana they seem to be having a purge on places frequented by African blacks. Not all of them are baddies I'm sure but the fact remains that there are a lot of criminals and drug dealers in that area, borne out by the fact that 6 out of 30 tested positive. Cops profile areas to save time I'd imagine. 


There was an interesting story in the Stickman column about a farang who got caught up in a recent bust in an Ethiopian bar. Scary and strong handed use of force by the men in green.

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30 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:


Do white people have a proclivity for interfering with minors because 100% of the paedophiles caught in Thailand are Caucasians.

No black paedos, only white

100%? The authorities here do catch and prosecute quite a % of non-Caucasian. Some are even Thai, which should not be ignored.

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Soi 3 between Suckie and the Grace has always been a shady area, witness the transition of The Bamboo Bar over a short period years ago - long standing focus of raids by the BiB, doubtless not without reason, drop the discrimination rollocks, it's not about that it's about crime and bad guys out.

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5 minutes ago, Lancashireman said:

100%? The authorities here do catch and prosecute quite a % of non-Caucasian. Some are even Thai, which should not be ignored.


It is the white paedos that make the papers. Thai guys fondling 12 year olds in rural brothels are just considered par for the course.

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5 minutes ago, Lancashireman said:

100%? The authorities here do catch and prosecute quite a % of non-Caucasian. Some are even Thai, which should not be ignored.


I should have said non-Thai paedophiles.

After all, this thread is about non-Thai drug dealers

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Pollice raided a western sports bar today, they said they found many overweight white farangs drinking beer and eating food while screaming at the televisions. All the patrons were checked for drugs weapons and other contraband, nothing was found and all passed the urine tests, this was a very pleasant experience for the officers and they said they plan to do many more of these raids in the future.

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