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What does the future hold for Thailand's Expats? Have your say in our survey

Jonathan Fairfield

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13 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Just who are the "guests"? Certainly not us expats.




Like the term or not, we're "migrants".

I don't see people who move to live in Germany or Britain being called "expats"

Why should the term "expats" apply to us?

Unless you think that being white entitles Westerners to use euphemisms?

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There are many reasons how so, I will give you of of them, 90 day reporting, sometimes at Immigration offices which

are not the nearest to your home, like in my case. I'm not against reporting, but once a year should be enough.

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1 minute ago, YeahSiam said:




Like the term or not, we're "migrants".

I don't see people who move to live in Germany or Britain being called "expats"

Why should the term "expats" apply to us?

Unless you think that being white entitles Westerners to use euphemisms?

I suppose you have a point, I don't see myself as an expat, I am only using the word as a figure of speech.

I was never patriotic to my country, neither Scotland or the UK, certainly not the UK.

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1 hour ago, YeahSiam said:


Well, if you do live here, it would definitely solve your problem, wouldn't it?

Cambodia's a shithole and it will never surpass Thailand as the preferred destination for anyone but the truly potless.

Poor infrastructure, poor hospitals and God help you if you're over 50 and want to legally marry a Khmer woman.


I doubt very much that what you have to say is so profoundly important that you feel muzzled by the law.

You bang on about freedom of speech as if certain laws have only just been introduced.

They've been around longer than many of us have been sucking air, mate.

Point is, I'm sure you knew the score before you moved here.

Your information on Cambodia is nearly 20 years out of date. It is RAPIDLY catching up with Thailand and will eventually surpass it. Whether my opinions are "profound" or not is entirely irrelevant. The ability to say anything you please without fear is the hallmark of civilization. I knew exactly where I was moving and what the rules were, that is also irrelevant. I have the right to protest stupidity and ignorance wherever I find it. The existence of laws for extended periods of time does not make them right. Anyone who thinks they do, needs an independent assessment of their psychiatric profile. When I spend money in a developing country, the least I can expect is for them to take my money and leave me alone. My tolerance for Thai stupidity is matched only by their intolerance for anything that happened after the year 1793.

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1 hour ago, Jools said:

Your information on Cambodia is nearly 20 years out of date. It is RAPIDLY catching up with Thailand and will eventually surpass it. Whether my opinions are "profound" or not is entirely irrelevant. The ability to say anything you please without fear is the hallmark of civilization. I knew exactly where I was moving and what the rules were, that is also irrelevant. I have the right to protest stupidity and ignorance wherever I find it. The existence of laws for extended periods of time does not make them right. Anyone who thinks they do, needs an independent assessment of their psychiatric profile. When I spend money in a developing country, the least I can expect is for them to take my money and leave me alone. My tolerance for Thai stupidity is matched only by their intolerance for anything that happened after the year 1793.


So what you're saying is that you just want to whine?

Thailand doesn't fit your precious Western definition of "civilization" so, if you feel so strongly about it, move somewhere else that does.

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On 11/10/2016 at 0:32 AM, YeahSiam said:



It's not hard at all.

The fallout from the overwhelming majority of what goes on here can be easily avoided.

You can either let it bother you or you can take it for what it is and get on with your life while counting yourself fortunate that you have the option to go somewhere else if it becomes unbearable.

Most Thais don't have that choice.


Agreed, also bet you 10 baht most falangs couldn't afford to go somewhere else, might be the reason for all of their pissing, moaning and groaning, which I find interesting I have to admit, as it balances things out from two perspectives, we can't all live the life we want, or can we ?

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3 hours ago, YeahSiam said:




Like the term or not, we're "migrants".

I don't see people who move to live in Germany or Britain being called "expats"

Why should the term "expats" apply to us?

Unless you think that being white entitles Westerners to use euphemisms?


Apologies in advance for the correction, 3rd line down, we are not "migrants", we are "Aliens" 555

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20 hours ago, grumbleweed said:

Here's 10 straight of the bat, no doubt there are more

1. Free admission to all national parks for farangs

2. Taxi drivers insisting on using the meter

3. Thais forced to pay double what farangs pay in restaurants

4. The newly restored democratic government announces farangs can own land

5. Thai women begin offering their farang husbands stipends

6. Police refuse brown envelopes

7. Government ministers begin talking sense

8. Thais learn how to navigate roundabouts 

9. Immigration improves efficiency

10, All visa applications become straight forward


11. No more bar fines

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On 10/10/2016 at 0:21 PM, Phuket Man said:

Unless you are a Brit with a UK Pension nothing will change.

Nothing has changed over the last 15 years, why would it change now?




virtually EVERYTHING has changed over the past 15 years..... and not for the best

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On 10/11/2016 at 9:47 PM, swissie said:

Today's slogan: "Bad guys out, good guys in".


Tomorrows slogan: "Everybody out" ?



                      do any of you guys remember the good ole days ,

                        when gbp  was  50 bht .  those were the days , we lived like kings in LOS

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22 minutes ago, elliss said:


                      do any of you guys remember the good ole days ,

                        when gbp  was  50 bht .  those were the days , we lived like kings in LOS



Remember them well, we lived like kings at 36 baht, those indeed were the days, bring them on again, the sooner the better.

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After 37 years here I am finally at the point where I'm ambivalent about staying or leaving. If I were not married I would settle my affairs here and leave . Still like the place but not as much as formally and would be happy enough for a change before I'm too old. Just returned from a great 3 week holiday in the UK with my wife and we both agree that if we were rich, 6 months a year in Thailand would be more than enough.

Unfortunately we are not rich so we will stay on here. No big hardship but who knows what the future will bring ....especially considering recent events.

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Things will get progressively worse until Cambodia surpasses Thailand as the preferred destination for retirees. The Thai propensity to kill gooses that lay golden eggs is well established and will never change. Their paranoia and xenophobia is off the chart. They progressively try to make things randomly more difficult for expats by high-handed juggling of rules and regulations. Everything in triplicate because a database would stretch their limited IT understanding to the breaking point. Generate tons of paperwork which is then shredded and start from scratch is the mantra here. There may not be another race of people who are so adept at refusing to learn from experience. Until the current military leadership faces death by lethal injection for treason, Thailand will remain a dangerous place to exercise freedom of speech and life for expats will continue to deteriorate. In addition, the "Thai-O-philes" will continue to chant "love it or leave it", as if this solves any problems.

Cambodia is the arm pit of Asia about to be joined by the Phillipines.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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4 hours ago, mcfish said:


Cambodia is the arm pit of Asia about to be joined by the Phillipines.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


Strictly an opinion, unencumbered by fact. As for the Phillipines, the new PM is taking the right path in insisting that US troops pack their bags. The Phil has been molested by the USA long enough.

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On 12/10/2016 at 4:50 AM, Jools said:

Things will get progressively worse until Cambodia surpasses Thailand as the preferred destination for retirees. The Thai propensity to kill gooses that lay golden eggs is well established and will never change. Their paranoia and xenophobia is off the chart. They progressively try to make things randomly more difficult for expats by high-handed juggling of rules and regulations. Everything in triplicate because a database would stretch their limited IT understanding to the breaking point. Generate tons of paperwork which is then shredded and start from scratch is the mantra here. There may not be another race of people who are so adept at refusing to learn from experience. Until the current military leadership faces death by lethal injection for treason, Thailand will remain a dangerous place to exercise freedom of speech and life for expats will continue to deteriorate. In addition, the "Thai-O-philes" will continue to chant "love it or leave it", as if this solves any problems.

Amazing how many expats in Thailand can't see the wood for the trees,Thailand peaked many years ago and is now in steady decline as a retirement destination,the rest of South-East Asia is on the way up!

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.Things are getting more tough and despite whatever anyone can say, the average thai is having greater economic hardships, this coupled with other factors and the way the authorities are handling issues, makes thais more anti-foreigner in their attitudes. They only want your money , but not you. The crime rates is going up and crimes targetting foreigners are also going up. The authorities are also extremely anti-foreigner in their policies. To cut it short, Thailand is going down and expats really have no future in this country. Start leaving before its too late. Cambodia. Vietnam, Malaysia etc are much more better alternatives despite whatever people can say. The cost of living in thailand is also going up.

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funny.....half the posts see the glass half empty......and the other half...half full......life is a matter of perspective....some have no desire to see the good in anything......while others want to ignore the bad and focus on what is right. Nothing in the universe stays the same....NOTHING .....everything is in constant change.....either you can handle it or you look for excuses as to why you cant.......but thats just my opinion

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10 minutes ago, Kermac said:

funny.....half the posts see the glass half empty......and the other half...half full......life is a matter of perspective....some have no desire to see the good in anything......while others want to ignore the bad and focus on what is right. Nothing in the universe stays the same....NOTHING .....everything is in constant change.....either you can handle it or you look for excuses as to why you cant.......but thats just my opinion

Wow..  Did you just get back after reading a Buddhist book? 

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8 hours ago, Mekong Thunder said:

Amazing how many expats in Thailand can't see the wood for the trees,Thailand peaked many years ago and is now in steady decline as a retirement destination,the rest of South-East Asia is on the way up!


And yet the retirees continue to arrive in droves.

The much-fabled "golden age" tales are based on little more than the favourable exchange rates of old.

I don't hear Yanks complaining, only Brits, Europeans and Aussies.

I suspect the predictions of Thailand's descent to "has-been" status will mysteriously vanish once the exchange rates turns in favour of the pound, the euro and the AUD.

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3 hours ago, YeahSiam said:


And yet the retirees continue to arrive in droves.

The much-fabled "golden age" tales are based on little more than the favourable exchange rates of old.

I don't hear Yanks complaining, only Brits, Europeans and Aussies.

I suspect the predictions of Thailand's descent to "has-been" status will mysteriously vanish once the exchange rates turns in favour of the pound, the euro and the AUD.

I suspect not!

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23 hours ago, nausea said:

All change - mind the gap.


         Correct ,  soon  gbp  will be looking up at the value of  the Euro in envy @  38 bht .  

           The Great UK brexit is yet to come .   We are all doomed Mr Mannering . 

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I clicked on the survey but it was closed. I think expats will suffer from the same rise in the cost of living that Thais have to contend with. I've no idea whether the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce is reputable or not but its survey of over 1,200 Thais revealed that household debt is the highest in 8 years. That confirms my own suspicions that prices are rising and most Thais are seeing their standards of living reduced. Most rises are 'stealth' increases where portion sizes or product quantities are reduced yet the prices remain the same. I notice that electricity prices rise occasionally.
Some things are anti-inflationary; the internet bill from True has remained at 599baht + VAT for the last 9 years yet the speed keeps on increasing. Small bottles of soft drinks at 7-11 are still 10baht. However, these are the exceptions. I see further decreases in the cost of living. Obviously for Brits living on GBP pensions, even more so, but in general just for everyone. 

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20 hours ago, YeahSiam said:


And yet the retirees continue to arrive in droves.

The much-fabled "golden age" tales are based on little more than the favourable exchange rates of old.

I don't hear Yanks complaining, only Brits, Europeans and Aussies.

I suspect the predictions of Thailand's descent to "has-been" status will mysteriously vanish once the exchange rates turns in favour of the pound, the euro and the AUD.

I am an American,  I love Thailand 

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