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Clinton and Trump exchange low blows


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Clinton and Trump exchange low blows




ST. LOUIS: -- Just when we thought the tone of the US election couldn’t get any lower, it did during the second presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.


There was no handshake. The candidates got right down to slogging it out mainly over a video which emerged in which Trump boasts about sexually assaulting women.


Democratic nominee – Hillary Clinton


“What we all saw and heard on Friday was Donald talking about women — what he thinks about women, what he does to women, and he has said that the video doesn’t represent who he is” announced the Democratic nominee.


“But I think it’s clear to anyone who heard it that it represents exactly who he is, because we’ve seen this throughout the campaign. We have seen him insult women. We’ve seen him rate women on their appearance, ranking them from one to ten. (…) So, yes, this is who Donald Trump is.”


Trump’s comeback was in that all-too-familiar style. Hours before the debate he held a press conference with four women who accuse Bill Clinton of rape or sexual assault.


Republican Nominee – Donald Trump


“That was locker room talk. I’m not proud of it. I am a person who has great respect for people, for my family, for the people of this country, and certainly, I’m not proud of it. But that was something that happened.” The republican nominee conceded.


He then went on to say: “If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse. Mine are words and his was action. His was, what he’s done to women, there’s never been anyone in the history of politics in this nation that’s been so abusive to women. (…)


“When Hillary brings up a point like that, when she talks about words that I said eleven years ago, I think it’s disgraceful and I think she should be ashamed of herself, if you want to know the truth.”


Trump’s federal income taxes


Donald Trump acknowledged for the first time that he had not paid federal income tax for years, before calling his opponent a “devil” and a “liar”. Here is an excerpt of the exchange.


Hillary Clinton


“It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.”


Donald Trump


“Because you’d be in jail.”


Looming in the background


While Clinton remained composed, a defiant Trump seemed unable to remain in his corner. He loomed over his opponent’s shoulder at every turn. 

Only at the end, following a question from the public did the two shake hands.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-10-11
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After a pre-debate presser in which he brought women on stage accusing Bill Clinton of sexual assault,  Trump took the debate stage and huffed and puffed and sniffled around for over ninety minutes, constantly looming behind Hillary Clinton in an effort to intimidate her. 


You can't put HRC remarks on the same planet with Trump's desperate dive into filth. He's been very consistent. This is what the low-info, racist, misogynistic trumpeteers love about the old rascal. There is nothing he can say at this point that the wingnut base won't embrace. Threatening to jail your opponent is the actions of a banana republic candidate. A new low, even for Donald Trump. Just when you thought he couldn't get any lower. 


It will be a painful last month of this race but when the smoke clears, Hillary Clinton will be President of the United States; Donald Trump and the Republican party will be history. One can only hope we'll have learned something from this terrible experience although with the wingnut base still aimlessly roaming, looking for their next conspiracy fix, I doubt it.  

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one is political incorrect, the other one is political CORRUPT


one throw's with mud of what the other SAID in a locker room, the husband of the other candidate ABUSED women in / out office and his wife prosecuted those women !



one has more money that any president before,  the other one used a phony foundation to do illegal deals & 500.000 US dollar speeches to make problems for her friends go away



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1 hour ago, iReason said:

From the O.P:


“When Hillary brings up a point like that, when she talks about words that I said eleven years ago..."


You said it while your current wife was 3 months pregnant you foul, crass buffoon.



Trump: How dare Hillary bring something up from 11 years ago? Oh, by the way, here is something Bill allegedly did  20+ years ago that is very relevant!


Again typical Trump, dodge, spin and redirect blame.

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2 minutes ago, adhd said:

one throw's with mud of what the other SAID in a locker room, the husband of the other candidate ABUSED women in / out office and his wife prosecuted those women !


What? When did Hillary prosecute these women? Where did you get that from?

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Just now, Silurian said:


Trump: How dare Hillary bring something up from 11 years ago? Oh, by the way, here is something Bill allegedly did  20+ years ago that is very relevant!



 Correct and Bill was actually in office at the time. Trump was a civilian.

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6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


 Correct and Bill was actually in office at the time. Trump was a civilian.


Bill Clinton is running for office? This is the comeback they use to defend the indefensible with. 


Adios Republican party.  America suffered last night, and will keep suffering until Trump is crushed at the polls.

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Just now, Silurian said:


Trump: How dare Hillary bring something up from 11 years ago? Oh, by the way, here is something Bill allegedly did  20+ years ago that is very relevant!


Again typical Trump, dodge, spin and redirect blame.


Standard Trump.


Standard MO from Trumpeteers. :thumbsup: 

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It was like watching a silverback gorilla posturing. I was waiting for him to throw a chair across the stage. 


Trump looked beaten. Crazy. Beaten and crazy, yeah that was Trump at Round 2. 


One more debate to go? How does Trump top that? Light himself on fire? He's already done that. 


Snorting air, agitated, pacing, couldn't stand still, (even when he stopped walking, he was shifting and rocking). And his father had Alzheimers.


He's running the most asinine and inane (and antithetical to traditional American ideals) campaign of all time. 


Just keep doing what you're doing Trump. :thumbsup:

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83% vs. 17% at 538. 


Remember it was only a couple of months ago when people seriously thought that Trump might pivot away from his mouth-breathing moron base. He cannot be anything other than himself. He set out to win the Presidency by constructing a campaign directed at 30 to 35% of the voting population. The autopsy of this election will have that strategy down as the dumbest move in US political history.

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1 hour ago, Silurian said:


What? When did Hillary prosecute these women? Where did you get that from?


They likely get it from articles like the one from NPR below that includes the following:

"In the video, Broaddrick [an alleged victim of Bill Clinton] said that while Trump was caught saying some inappropriate things about women in the leaked audio, "Bill Clinton raped me, and Hillary Clinton threatened me. I don't think there's any comparison.""  [Emphasis added.]




As I have written in a post yesterday, there seems to be a lot of "he said, she said" kind of evidence.  I have yet to read anything that convinces me of this allegation against Hillary Clinton.


And, I think there's a typo in the quoted post.  As already stated, I think the poster meant "persecuted" and not that Hillary criminally prosecuted any of these people. 



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Welcome to Saturday NIght Live, tonight bringing to you live from the St. Louis Coliseum the Presidential debate starring Hillary Rodney Clinton and Donald Duck Trump showing the world what keeps America ticking on 2 Eveready batteries.

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19 minutes ago, Jack Mountain said:

Trump is nuts, Clinton is dangerous.


Trump is dangerous because he's nuts.


Clinton would just continue most of Obama's policies, which have been working just fine...although it would be helpful to have a Democratic Congress.

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16 minutes ago, helpisgood said:


They likely get it from articles like the one from NPR below that includes the following:

"In the video, Broaddrick [an alleged victim of Bill Clinton] said that while Trump was caught saying some inappropriate things about women in the leaked audio, "Bill Clinton raped me, and Hillary Clinton threatened me. I don't think there's any comparison.""  [Emphasis added.]




As I have written in a post yesterday, there seems to be a lot of "he said, she said" kind of evidence.  I have yet to read anything that convinces me of this allegation against Hillary Clinton.


And, I think there's a typo in the quoted post.  As already stated, I think the poster meant "persecuted" and not that Hillary criminally prosecuted any of these people. 




Ah, persecuted. I didn't even think of that. The way some Trumpeteers spew vitriol I wasn't sure if they were seriously thinking Hillary prosecuted them. Also, one of the women presented was a victim of rape on which Hillary was the defending lawyer, so I thought maybe they got confused between defendant and prosecutor. I thought they where going for the outrage that Hillary tried to prosecute the victim of the rape. Simply not true.

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2 hours ago, adhd said:

one is political incorrect, the other one is political CORRUPT


one throw's with mud of what the other SAID in a locker room, the husband of the other candidate ABUSED women in / out office and his wife prosecuted those women !



one has more money that any president before,  the other one used a phony foundation to do illegal deals & 500.000 US dollar speeches to make problems for her friends go away



"one throw's with mud of what the other SAID in a locker room, the husband of the other candidate ABUSED women in / out office and his wife prosecuted those women !"


Alternatively, one has confessed on an open mic to committing sexual assault and one is married to a man who has been accused of but never confessed to sexual assault. I'll let you figure out which is worse...


FACT CHECK: those things weren't said in a locker room.

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6 minutes ago, Docno said:

"one throw's with mud of what the other SAID in a locker room, the husband of the other candidate ABUSED women in / out office and his wife prosecuted those women !"


Alternatively, one has confessed on an open mic to committing sexual assault and one is married to a man who has been accused of but never confessed to sexual assault. I'll let you figure out which is worse...


FACT CHECK: those things weren't said in a locker room.


haha. but if they say it enough times they will convince themselves it did actually take place in a locker room. rather than when trump was aware that he was wearing a mic and being filmed and recorded for a TV show he had agreed to. 

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2 hours ago, adhd said:

one is political incorrect, the other one is political CORRUPT


one throw's with mud of what the other SAID in a locker room, the husband of the other candidate ABUSED women in / out office and his wife prosecuted those women !



one has more money that any president before,  the other one used a phony foundation to do illegal deals & 500.000 US dollar speeches to make problems for her friends go away



"one is political incorrect, the other one is political CORRUPT"


Isn't funny how millions of dollars have been spent on multiple investigations of Hillary (Benghazi, email, etc.), and despite being initiated and driven by her Republican adversaries, not a single one has produced evidence that could lead to prosecution. She must be extraordinarily lucky...


And I suppose you believe Trump is not dishonest? You may want to ask his unpaid contractor, bankrupted investors, or former students of Trump University. Ah, but why bother with facts which only serve to confuse things...


p.s. and never forget that your Saint Reagan got a pass on the Iran-Contra scandal, which was far worse than anything Hillary has been credibly accused of...


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Like most rational sensible conservatives, I find it rather hypocritical and amusing that liberals personaly abuse their opponents, and then demand that they be held to the highest possible standard of personal behaviour, or judge that they are not fit for office.  Read all the posts - read all the posts in any topic in this forum - 90% of the personal abuse and attacks are made by the liberals.  


This is an oldie - but it sums it up perfectly:



And you know what? They dont have a problem with it.   When questioned, they will say : 'yes ...... that's right'.

They never seem to understand that someone who disagrees with them can be a 'normal person' - and that the problem is themselves.



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A little more on Kathleen Willey (one of the women Trump "interviewed" pre-debate). In 1994 (after the 1993 alleged sexual misconduct), she sent a series of positive letters to Bill Clinton. 


Kathleen Willey: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know



Also, a pretty good article on the sexual harassment allegations brought forth in Trump's stunt. It pretty much tosses cold water on most of the aspects of this issue.


The sexual harassment allegations against Bill Clinton, explained



Edited by Silurian
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....what a shame for the American people......


...read the dozens of atrocious acts at the hands of the Clintons.....none of which are reported in any mainstream media....


...then read about a few minor torts of Trump.....and have him tried and executed in every form of media known to man...


...canonize Clinton......and demonize Trump.......




....I guess they really are 'sheeple' ....and deserve what they will get then....



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Are we still chewing on this one?  Surely we have exhausted all the slurs by now?  Why not wait for the next release of Trump tapes, at least then we will have something different to argue over.  At least the anti-Trumpsters will and the Donald supporters will have to keep to their same script over Billy boy.

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