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Trump aide dismisses as 'quip' his threat to jail Clinton


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They shouldn't have back-pedaled on this one.  They already did the 'lock her up' thing at the convention, didn't apologize for it, and this is really just a re-phrasing.  He didn't come up with anything new at the debate.


Christie on trial in NJ?  GUILTY!


Four more weeks of this crap.




Edited by bendejo
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14 hours ago, DM07 said:

I said it elsewhere: the FBI is not really a liberal organisation and in on a conspiracy with the left wing media...whatever that is!

So they tried (and I would imagine: very hard!) to find something "criminal" about what Hillary did!



 Comey said Clinton and her team "were 'extremely careless' in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information". Not a lot of difference from "gross negligence - which is illegal. Unfortunately, the fix was in.

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21 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:
2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


 Comey said Clinton and her team "were 'extremely careless' in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information". Not a lot of difference from "gross negligence - which is illegal. Unfortunately, the fix was in.

.Right, the fix was in. Which is why Comey so harshly criticized Clinton and hurt her electoral chances.  You are a typical Trump supporter. You make claims like this and back them up with absolutely no evidence.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:

Not a lot of difference from "gross negligence - which is illegal. Unfortunately, the fix was in.


Quite apparently, there is a lot of difference Mr. Armchair Quarterback Justice.


Oh, I forgot.

It's all a conspiracy ...



The Gov'ment.

(The DOJ)

(The FBI)

The Press.


Heck. All of tha Media. Fer god's sake...


Even the dang microphone...

Edited by iReason
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6 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


 Comey said Clinton and her team "were 'extremely careless' in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information". Not a lot of difference from "gross negligence - which is illegal. Unfortunately, the fix was in.

Not a lot of difference, maybe!

But a difference nonetheless.

Like being a bit pregnant!

Or having half the telephone number of a hot chick- no pussy grabbing there!

Bad luck!

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6 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


 Comey said Clinton and her team "were 'extremely careless' in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information". Not a lot of difference from "gross negligence - which is illegal. Unfortunately, the fix was in.


so quite literally not gross negligence then. otherwise there would have been a case to answer and charges pressed.


desperate stuff this.

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The big losers from this election:


The Donald: unlikely he will get his TV show back after professing to be a sexual predator


Chris Christie: Ummm...that job as Attorney General he was hoping for...just might not happen


Rudy Guliani: I once respected the guy...what a fall from grace this fool has had. It started when he pushed Bernard Kerik's career until he went to jail that is....oops. Now he is on the airwaves defending trump daily and getting his 'a##' handed to him by TV hosts who realize that logic was not his best subject in school. Oh yeah...sorry Rudy...that job as Homeland Security honcho...sorry....not happening

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