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Ugly US presidential campaign ‘set to get uglier’


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1 hour ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

seems to be a good distraction from americas real problems. household debt 12 trillion, national debt 20 trillion, trillions missing, next property bubble forming, millions homeless, many millions of home vacant, massive income disparity.


This is the MSM's fault. Far more attention given to Trump's alpha-male banter than given to wiki leaks about Hillary supporting radical jihadist in Syria and corruption for example.  They are pathetic


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I have no faith in Wikileaks- it is headed by a wanted criminal holed up in a leftist foreign embassy. There is also a chance the 'leaks' have been doctored. The Trump tape has his own voice and verified by  witnesses. 

Most Americans will not base their vote on either of this 'information'. It will be based on who of the 2 candidates can move the country forward and bring the right temperament and experience to the position.

Donald Trump is a narcissistic meglomaniac that cares only about his own image snd pocket. This is very evident in his past business dealings and the way he talks to and about people. Hillary Clinton is the only logical choice.

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2 hours ago, Merzik said:

A billionaire alpha-male surrounded by 1,000's of beautiful women his whole life with no history of sexual assault allegations untill 3 weeks before his presidential election......


         Yet another Trump fan who is unaware of the 5 mile long oil slick trailing Trump.  Get informed.  Ivana Trump said in sworn court testimony that Trump roughly raped her (while tearing out her hair) when they were married.  There are many other stories, and a gag order on Trump's 2nd wife.  There is the allegations of rape against 2 thirteen yr olds, with witnesses.  Trump's lawyers have successfully kept that case from going to court, but there will be a preliminary hearing in December in NYC (where the alleged crimes took place).  Though, most likely, Trump's lawyers can keep the case from ever going to court.  That's why they're so high paid, besides the fact they know how to keep repeating "says who?", and Trump is adept at often taken the 5th (he did it 99 times in a recent case).   


        By the way, the pervert is very likely NOT a billionaire.  There is only one person who asserts that, and that is Trump himself.  What does he base it upon?  Not surprisingly he bases it on HIS OWN ASSESSMENT of what his name is worth.   His name will be worth next to nothing when businesspeople wake up to the fact that he's a hot air balloon.  His taxes statements will bear that out, and that's one of the reasons Trump is chickenshit about releasing them.


       And for those saying they 'look forward to this whole ugly campaign being over.'   I agree.  The trouble is, it won't be over.  Not for 150 years or more.   Republicans are like Arab terrorists, they keep grudges forever. Reps won't stop attacking HRC and her successors for generations.  They're already gearing up for throwing dirt at Michelle and/or her daughters, plus Chelsea, if any of them choose to run for office in the future.  


All those young women have fathers who were popular and successful two term presidents, so naturally, Republicans will tar them with (the over-inflated) sins of their fathers.  There is no level of muck too low for Republicans to dig from.

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It's too late to change horses now.  November cannot come quickly enough to get this circus over.  You guys can only hope that 2017 arrives and at the end of it there will still be a country to live in!  Still never a dull moment and at least you won't have a black woman democrat at the helm..... However watch this space!

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16 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


         Yet another Trump fan who is unaware of the 5 mile long oil slick trailing Trump.  Get informed.  Ivana Trump said in sworn court testimony that Trump roughly raped her (while tearing out her hair) when they were married.  There are many other stories, and a gag order on Trump's 2nd wife.  There is the allegations of rape against 2 thirteen yr olds, with witnesses.  Trump's lawyers have successfully kept that case from going to court, but there will be a preliminary hearing in December in NYC (where the alleged crimes took place).  Though, most likely, Trump's lawyers can keep the case from ever going to court.  That's why they're so high paid, besides the fact they know how to keep repeating "says who?", and Trump is adept at often taken the 5th (he did it 99 times in a recent case).   


        By the way, the pervert is very likely NOT a billionaire.  There is only one person who asserts that, and that is Trump himself.  What does he base it upon?  Not surprisingly he bases it on HIS OWN ASSESSMENT of what his name is worth.   His name will be worth next to nothing when businesspeople wake up to the fact that he's a hot air balloon.  His taxes statements will bear that out, and that's one of the reasons Trump is chickenshit about releasing them.


       And for those saying they 'look forward to this whole ugly campaign being over.'   I agree.  The trouble is, it won't be over.  Not for 150 years or more.   Republicans are like Arab terrorists, they keep grudges forever. Reps won't stop attacking HRC and her successors for generations.  They're already gearing up for throwing dirt at Michelle and/or her daughters, plus Chelsea, if any of them choose to run for office in the future.  


All those young women have fathers who were popular and successful two term presidents, so naturally, Republicans will tar them with (the over-inflated) sins of their fathers.  There is no level of muck too low for Republicans to dig from.


All of the "October Surprise" allegations are very suspect and will no doubt be disproven.


Ivana Trump:



Ivana Trump denies accusing Donald Trump of rape



07/28/15 11:42 AM EDT


Updated 07/28/15 12:19 PM EDT

Donald Trump’s ex-wife is disputing a story published by The Daily Beast that reported that she had accused Trump of rape in a court deposition from the 1990s.

“I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension during my divorce from Donald. The story is totally without merit,” Ivana said in astatement to CNN. “Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/ivana-trump-denies-accusing-donald-trump-rape-daily-beast-120721#ixzz4N3oyC9EN 
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook


Again...the 1997 charge was frivolous. Her husband was in a business dispute and she says she was " under duress " when she filed and is voting for Donald in the election. She dated him again after the suit.



Now you are whinning because he does not have enough money?  Making $600,00 in 3 speeches to Goldman Sachs is Hillary's gig. A lot easier work.

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1 hour ago, JLCrab said:

Well right now as a Yank in Thailand I'd rather be distracted from all those real problems then to have to be distracted 'bout this:


These really are sad days in LOS for all 'GBP' expats. Thankfully the POTUS road-show provides us with much needed amusing entertainment from time to time. 

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26 minutes ago, Merzik said:

Now you are whinning because he does not have enough money?  Making $600,00 in 3 speeches to Goldman Sachs is Hillary's gig. A lot easier work.


How much does Trump make in Goldman Sachs speeches?  I agree the sums for ex-Presidents are way excessive.  Wonder why Hillary rates for such a large paycheck?

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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:


How much does Trump make in Goldman Sachs speeches?  I agree the sums for ex-Presidents are way excessive.  Wonder why Hillary rates for such a large paycheck?


I do not think Trump has made any money giving speeches at Goldman. They have come out for Clinton and are large donors to her campaign both in 2008 and today.. Hillary's speech paychecks are bribes for future favors if she becomes president. Little or no banker regulation I suppose.


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28 minutes ago, Merzik said:


I do not think Trump has made any money giving speeches at Goldman. They have come out for Clinton and are large donors to her campaign both in 2008 and today.. Hillary's speech paychecks are bribes for future favors if she becomes president. Little or no banker regulation I suppose.


Actually, it's Trump who is promising to deregulate the banks. Clinton is proposing tighter regulations.

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12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Actually, it's Trump who is promising to deregulate the banks. Clinton is proposing tighter regulations.



False . Wall Street and Goldman do not give money for nothing



Glass-Steagall: Wall Street is not happy with Donald Trump


The GOP candidate’s pledge to bring back Glass-Steagall is an unwelcome surprise for the financial services industry.


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Interesting that they are saying that Trump is focusing his attacks on Bill. I would guess that both his and Hillary's decision to focus on salacious material would be because this is what would interest the majority of people the most as opposed to say getting into the seemingly bottomless depths of ongoing revelations regarding Hillary's disengenuous, two-faced shennanigains with the apparent collusion of corrupt US govt agencies.


H.A. Goodman a Huffington Post journalist has the best coverage of Hillary's coming unglued on his Youtube Channel which he updates several times daily with commentary and 20-30 new links to articles and sources. A few juicy ones of late that I discovered on H.A.'s Youtube channel that Trump could make use of but somehow I can't see it (I guess I don't like him that much either, but he certainly isn't the worse of two evils if you follow the things that seemingly crop up daily about Hillary and not just from Wikileaks, but there is some good stuff there too.):


-FBI claims it has lost a laptop computer in the mail which contained Hillary's emails:



-FBI says it found a memo from a Clinton IT worker on a work ticket mentioning the "Hillary coverup operation":



-A side agreement made between Hillary's lawyers in the e-maill scandal and the Department of Justice gave them immunity to go ahead and destroy Hillary's computers. 



-All 35 Things Hillary Clinton Told the FBI during the email scandal investigation she Could Not Remember:


-Confirmation from IT people of the legitimacy of the latest hacked materials exposed by Guccifer 2.0:



As far as the most recent Wikkileaks, the so-called Podesta emails, among the many interesting things that are emerging  are emails that reveal a culture of contempt and cynicism regarding the very people whose votes she hopes to get.  There are quotes from portions of Hillary's private corporate speeches, email discussions among staff that are insulting and condescending towards the very people who she is hoping to get votes from. One excerpt from a private corporate Clinton speech has Clinton telling her donors that she feels it is essential to say one thing to the public while keeping what she really has in mind private. She refers to Bernie supporters as people with low social capital who will vote for her eventually anyway she calls them a "bucket of losers." The Gay and lesbian community are mentioned by an aide as a group that "needs to be hosed down."  


An on and on...

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1 hour ago, 212Roger said:

It can't get any uglier; it was ugly from the start.  Hillary, what a beast of a woman.  Who could blame Bill?  I'd take a ladyboy over HRC.  

It's a presidential campaign. It's not a peeping trump beauty contest. Always with the misogyny with the trumpists. Their time has passed. Welcome Madame President Clinton. 

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5 hours ago, Merzik said:


I do not think Trump has made any money giving speeches at Goldman. They have come out for Clinton and are large donors to her campaign both in 2008 and today.. Hillary's speech paychecks are bribes for future favors if she becomes president. Little or no banker regulation I suppose.



Obviously they are confident that Clinton will win then.  Clearly they think spending money on Trump is just a waste of money.  Looking at the sponsorship it appears everyone else feels the same.

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trump unhinged has now gone nuclear.




Burning Down the House

A wounded bear is a dangerous thing. Detested and defeated, Donald Trump is now in a tear-the-country-down rage. Day after day, he rips at the last remaining threads of decency holding this nation together.

But now, in the final days of a horrid campaign, an unshackled Trump is more national threat than punch line. He’s determined to cause lasting damage.


Trump could not get hired at the drive-through window at a Jack in the Box.



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49 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


 Someone called it "Scorched Earth Policy". I can't say I blame him. I do not like him much, but he has been unfairly demonized to a HUGE extent. I have never seen anything like this, and all Republican presidential candidates are routinely disparaged and vilified by the MSM and democratic party and their supporters. 

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Actually, it's Trump who is promising to deregulate the banks. Clinton is proposing tighter regulations.

She speaks with forked tongue by her own admission and most certainly has the backs of her donors who pay her astronomical sums for private speaking engagements. A select list of journalists are also invited so they keep to script.

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6 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

She speaks with forked tongue by her own admission and most certainly has the backs of her donors who pay her astronomical sums for private speaking engagements. A select list of journalists are also invited so they keep to script.

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There is nothing new in industry paying speech fees any ex politician who has access to influence and the corridors of power. Every party has done it, every politician has done it to some extent, some more than others, because they had more leverage and clout.  


All this claptrap about Clinton getting all this eye-popping money is just that. Politicians have always done it, and always will.


Two exceptions might be George W. and Carter. One because he was disgraced, and one because he was a nice guy with integrity, and not particularly powerful or useful.

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24 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

She speaks with forked tongue by her own admission and most certainly has the backs of her donors who pay her astronomical sums for private speaking engagements. A select list of journalists are also invited so they keep to script.

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Didn't she recently admit to having a public position and a private one as well? :saai:

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15 hours ago, off road pat said:

Are you telling me out of an estimated population of 322,762,018 .....the US of A could not find better candidates than those two. Trump or Hillary ?????


What happened to Bernie Sanders ? media Blackout !?!?!?

Personally I think they are representative of that country. 

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1 hour ago, Steely Dan said:

Incidentally one of the women allegedly groped by Trump has links to the Clinton foundation.


And they whine that Assange is out to get them.

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Are you Lou Dobbs?  Yes she does have the same area code as the Clinton Foundation.

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2 hours ago, keemapoot said:


There is nothing new in industry paying speech fees any ex politician who has access to influence and the corridors of power. Every party has done it, every politician has done it to some extent, some more than others, because they had more leverage and clout.  


All this claptrap about Clinton getting all this eye-popping money is just that. Politicians have always done it, and always will.


Two exceptions might be George W. and Carter. One because he was disgraced, and one because he was a nice guy with integrity, and not particularly powerful or useful.

W most certainly does speak for $$$. Jimmy is busy saving lives and building houses for the unfortunate.

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2 hours ago, contraian said:

This is but a small excerpt of an article from an author, Patrick Buchanan, who understands the current status of the US Election.


Though the election is still a month off, the campaign of 2016 has already done irreparable damage to the American establishment.

Its roots in the nation it purports to lead have been attenuated if not severed. It has shown the world a portrait of American democracy at its apex that approaches the repellent.

Through the savagery of its attacks on those who have risen up against it, the establishment has stripped itself of all claim to be the moral leader of American society. Its moral authority is gone.

Even if Clinton wins, it can no longer credibly speak for America.

As for the national press corps — the Fourth Estate — it has been compromised, its credibility crippled, as some of the greatest of the press institutions have nakedly shilled for the regime candidate, while others have been exposed as propagandists or corrupt collaborators posturing as objective reporters.

What institution in America today, besides the military, enjoys national respect? And if people do not respect the regime, if they believe it acts in its own cold interest rather than the nation’s, why should they respect or follow its leadership?

We have entered uncharted waters.

Isn't this the same guy Trump called a Hitler lover? Does he think FOX NEWS is Fair & Balanced?

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14 minutes ago, pegman said:

W most certainly does speak for $$$. Jimmy is busy saving lives and building houses for the unfortunate.


There is a website that lists speaker fees, and sure Jimmy is doing things Presidential, and W. speaks for whatever the market will bear, which I'm guessing is not much these days.

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