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Ugly US presidential campaign ‘set to get uglier’


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12 hours ago, Shaunduhpostman said:

One excerpt from a private corporate Clinton speech has Clinton telling her donors that she feels it is essential to say one thing to the public while keeping what she really has in mind private. She refers to Bernie supporters as people with low social capital who will vote for her eventually anyway she calls them a "bucket of losers." The Gay and lesbian community are mentioned by an aide as a group that "needs to be hosed down."  


Regarding the public and private position, this was in reference to the Lincoln movie. Here is the exact email link. Check it out yourself.



I can't find the "bucket of losers" comment in any of the leaked emails. Please kindly post the source of this.


Again, can't find any "hosed down" reference in regards to the gay community in any of the emails. Please kindly post source of this.


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8 hours ago, dunroaming said:


Obviously they are confident that Clinton will win then.  Clearly they think spending money on Trump is just a waste of money.  Looking at the sponsorship it appears everyone else feels the same.


Wikileaks reveals John Podesta thinks Trump is way ahead. The corporate media wants to demoralize Trump voters with the " he has no chance of winning" mantra.


The financial donor class want the continuation of the crony-capitalism policies that Clinton will give them. They are terrified of Trump. They have profited from the insider trade deals like NAFTA and pro-bankster policies that HRC supports..

Edited by Merzik
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6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

 Actually, the Lincoln movie was used to justify her hypocrisy. She used it as an excuse for her lies.


And then according to this, Lincoln was also a hypocrite along with probably every other POTUS out there.


Even beyond that, I would say that almost everyone has masks that they wear in public that are different than the mask they wear when they are in private. It is human nature. Heck, Trump himself seems to wear different masks from day to day and sometime swaps them in mid-speech.

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2 hours ago, Silurian said:


Regarding the public and private position, this was in reference to the Lincoln movie. Here is the exact email link. Check it out yourself.



I can't find the "bucket of losers" comment in any of the leaked emails. Please kindly post the source of this.


Again, can't find any "hosed down" reference in regards to the gay community in any of the emails. Please kindly post source of this.


OK, Silurian, Here's the quote:


“But If Everybody's Watching, You Know, All Of The Back Room Discussions And The Deals, You Know, Then People Get A Little Nervous, To Say The Least. So, You Need Both A Public And A Private Position.”*


She is clearly talking about what she herself does, not Lincoln as portrayed in Speilberg's movie, though yes, you are right she is making use of that film to to talk about and make a case for her own modus operandi. Obviously, she was not invited to speak before whatever corporate or donor audience to discuss film.  IMHO, it is rather interesting and telling choice, of all the things she could have chosen to talk about.


I think at the end of the day, what matters is that who is saying this. Of course every one of us has a private and a public position. However, Hillary seems to be having difficulties of late keeping a lid on the private part and this is what bothers me and many others. The private part seems to be glaringly obvious too much of the time, few are fooled  and find her to be an appalling choice for president. They should not accept her or Donald, in my own view. So, the quote really resonates with anyone who doesn't trust her, I think that is what we are looking at here, not that in fact she was merely referencing Speilberg's movie. I suspect you well know that.


As for referencing the comments, I referenced the Huffington Post's journalist HA Goodman's Youtube Channel in my post. There is much in his posts regarding the contempt and disrespect for the electorate by Hillary and her staff as evidenced in some of the Wikileaks. The deluge of Goodman's  posts all of which are  interesting and valuable particualrly because they provide links start falling around Oct 4 continuing up to now.  He references everything he talks about in his discussions so I am sure that you can find your sources in the links that he posts just below his videos.


I think exploring his channel and the links he provides will be invaluable to you or anyone who wants to get a sense of what the significance of the Wikileaks documents are as well as the other things that are cropping up regarding Hillary more than any link I can provide to back up my point. 







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10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


 Someone called it "Scorched Earth Policy". I can't say I blame him. I do not like him much, but he has been unfairly demonized to a HUGE extent. I have never seen anything like this, and all Republican presidential candidates are routinely disparaged and vilified by the MSM and democratic party and their supporters. 


Don't think you can call him a republican as he has as many problems with them as the democrats. I do understand that he is running under the republican flag but....  The world is full of Donald Trumps and Hillary Clintons.  Most of us know one or two.  He is the boorish egotistic bully down the pub that everyone tolerates and laughs at.  She is the devious  control freak who you wouldn't buy a second hand fridge from and all that is fine and they make up societies rich tapestry of characters.


However when these people stand up as candidates for the biggest seat in the house then they are going to be scrutinised and prodded and have to justify themselves.   The people choose a team and their man/woman can do little wrong in their eyes.  They defend them with blind faith as none of us wants to believe that we have been sold a pup.  The more the other side attacks the more we defend and in the end both sides lose any sense of the things that actually matter.


I have no sympathy for either Trump or Clinton because they have made their beds and they have to lay (lie) in them.  Both have a massive ego and probably believe their own hype.  Both are an embarrassment for different reasons and neither deserve to be POTUS.


God help America

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The progressives have no moral compass whatsoever if they stick by a candidate and her organization that are sick with corruption, cronyism and criminality. 'Clinton' starts with a 'C' after all.


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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2 hours ago, Steely Dan said:

The progressives have no moral compass whatsoever if they stick by a candidate and her organization that are sick with corruption, cronyism and criminality. 'Clinton' starts with a 'C' after all.


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


Are you happy with Trumps moral compass?  Clinton is flawed but Trump is off the scales

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Neither does Hillary Clinton. She just wants sensible gun control. 

Clinton's proposals go way beyond so-called 'sensible" gun control.

Four ways Hillary Clinton will work to end gun ownership as president



it didn’t stop her from denying Donald Trump’s claim that she wants to abolish the Second Amendment. 

Edited by Boon Mee
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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Hillary is a pathological liar and an unindicted criminal. I am more worried about her.

What kind of doublethink has possessed to you to indict Hillary for being a pathological liar and not Trump?  You don't even understand what a pathologial liar is.  People who lie to no purpose are pathological liars..  Anyway, for every one lie Hillary tells, Trump tells many times that.  Haven't you seen the debates where Trump denies he said something and then a video is produced saying he said exactly that? This happens all the time. The thing is, Trump benefits from low expectation. We expect him to be constantly and unremittingly dishonest.  And he is.  All the object observers, you know the sources like politifact and factcheck  and snopes, who believe that evidence is how you draw your conclusions and don't believe, unlike you  that anger equals honesty, have amassed huge amounts of evidence to show that Trump is the most dishonest candidate ever to run for office since fact checking began.

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6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Nonsense. That is her PUBLIC position only.


So you know her well enough to know her private position?? Or perhaps you read it somewhere. Link please! Prove her private position is different to the one you claim is her 'PUBLIC position'.


4 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Hillary is a pathological liar and an unindicted criminal. I am more worried about her.


An unidicted criminal. My ribs are hurting.  If she has never been indicted, never been found guilty in a court of law you have no right to call her a criminal. By doing so you actually jeopardise this site as you are making legally false defamatory statements. I thought that was against forum rules?

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

What kind of doublethink has possessed to you to indict Hillary for being a pathological liar and not Trump?  


Her lies have damaged national security and affected millions of Americans. Trump's are far less destructive.

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7 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You don't even understand what a pathologial liar is.  People who lie to no purpose are pathological liars..


Like "landing under sniper fire" in Bosnia? YOU are the one who does not understand what a pathological liar is. :whistling:

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


Her lies have damaged national security and affected millions of Americans. Trump's are far less destructive.


No they have not. How have her alleged lies affected the lives of millions of people? Please give examples of how her alleged lies have damaged national security. As opposed to Trump inviting Russia to hack US servers.


You seem to think Trumps lies are less destructive??? Trust me when I say he is destroying the very fabric of what made America great, he is dividing you and pitting you against each other and if he has his way there will be rivers of blood. You won't need to worry about terrorism you will be too busy killing each other. But you cannot see this problem, because you are part of the problem. Step back, be objective and take a look - it's scary.

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7 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


 How have her alleged lies affected the lives of millions of people? 


She lied about the terrorist attack on Benghazi being caused by a YouTube video when she knew otherwise, in order to get Obama reelected. Her email to her daughter the day after it happened proves that.

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20 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Her lies have damaged national security and affected millions of Americans. Trump's are far less destructive.

If in fact Clinton's lies have been destructive, the only reason Trumps lies are less so is because his was only a private business.  Does any rational person believe that once Trump assumes office, he's going to turn into an honest person? Or that President Trump's constant lying won't have disastrous consequences?

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36 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


She lied about the terrorist attack on Benghazi being caused by a YouTube video when she knew otherwise, in order to get Obama reelected. Her email to her daughter the day after it happened proves that.

I wish the pit bull in you that does not know how to let go would go after jailing the men that killed 6500 sons and daughters of America by putting them in harms way when it was not required, and done over a pack of lies. In Benghazi, Clinton was NOT responsible for the deaths of the 4 concerned and the people were properly resourced with enough military and security personnel.


My God man, you lost 20 000 more soldiers in Vietnam because a wannabe President Nixon lied to destroy a peace treaty to get himself on the throne. What you are saying is pure subjective opinion from YOU.


So once again, YOU said!



"Her lies have damaged national security and affected millions of Americans. Trump's are far less destructive"


HOW?? Please explain. Benghazi does not come close to satisfying your claim and YOUR Republican led committee can find NO FAULT OR RESPONSIBILITY with Clinton. Please Explain CLEARLY, how her alleged lies have damaged National Security and affected millions of Americans?.


I also said above "If she has never been indicted, never been found guilty in a court of law you have no right to call her a criminal." you replied "The OJ Simpson defence." ! WRONG it is the legal definition. She has not been found guilty by a court of any wrong doing, therefore she is innocent until proven guilty, ergo she is not a criminal.

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The job of president requires some serious hardassery, conniving, manipulative skills, and even the willingness to commit cold-blooded murder. According to the GOP narrative, HRC is a conniving, manipulative hardass who has gotten away  with murder, corruption, criminal intimidation and mayhem. For decades. In spite of multiple investigations. AND she continued to thrive in high office and, now, run for POTUS.


Trump can't even have some locker room banter without getting caught and having to publicly and humiliatingly apologise on live TV. He can't even run a Casino profitably or brush off an unsavory innuendo without declaring ON NATIONAL TV that he's got a big enough dick ("believe me, I got no problems in that area").


Does America want a braggadocio, insecure, incompetent, draft-dodging girly man loser as president or a woman that's been kicking ass for 40 years?



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31 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I wish the pit bull in you that does not know how to let go would go after jailing the men that killed 6500 sons and daughters of America by putting them in harms way when it was not required, and done over a pack of lies. In Benghazi, Clinton was NOT responsible for the deaths of the 4 concerned and the people were properly resourced with enough military and security personel.


Diversion off topic and a red herring all in one paragraph. Your propoganda skills are second to none. :whistling:

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36 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Please Explain CLEARLY, how her alleged lies have damaged National Security and affected millions of Americans?.



She lied about her classified emails and she lied about a YouTube video causing Benghazi, instead of a planned terrorist attack, to help Obama win an election decided my millions of people - but, of course, you know that.

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