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First Calais ‘Jungle’ camp children arrive in UK


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This thing arrived in a group posing as 14 - 18 year olds.







The Home Office apparently said



Concerns were voiced over the age of this newly arrived “child migrant” but the Home Office said some may look older because they had fled war zones


If this statement is true it is time to start mass sackings at the Home Office and invoke M.A.C.A.


What a <deleted> joke.

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15 minutes ago, SgtRock said:

This thing arrived in a group posing as 14 - 18 year olds.







The Home Office apparently said



If this statement is true it is time to start mass sackings at the Home Office and invoke M.A.C.A.


What a <deleted> joke.

If you had read this whole thread you would know that this 50 odd year old is a translator not one of the refugees.

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2 minutes ago, TankerWeams said:

If you had read this whole thread you would know that this 50 odd year old is a translator not one of the refugees.




Epic fail


That has been well and truly debunked.


It is YOU who should try reading.

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On 18/10/2016 at 7:15 AM, Grouse said:

BBC see just said most are about 16 with some under 12. All have relatives in U.K.


What is the point being made on this thread?


Because the British Bullshit Corporation is not to be trusted. Some of these 16 year old 'children' look like they'll soon be drawing their old age pensions.

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On 18/10/2016 at 7:19 AM, Laughing Gravy said:

I saw that NKK and the telegraph goes even further and says 'they don't look like children and are not'. The whole immigration economic migration.

The UK is one of the most giving countries on the planet. Giving money to India for poverty and they are building a space program. the UK housing is in a mess. there simply isn't enough houses for the people and those that are there, are in a mess.  See the latest headlines.


Charity should start at home and then share what is left. The hospitals, schools are all at breaking point due to the EU migrant policy.  Once lovely areas of the UK are now no go areas and are losing its cultural and British identity.


The UK should not be used as a toilet like some other EU countries are. Moving people from one place to another does not solve problems. Why would people from one very different culture and religion want to move to a totally different one when there are many, many other similar countries suited to their ways and understandings.


The UK like France, Germany, Sweden and other countries will start seeing problems like never before, all due to this EU lets take all mentality.




There are 200,000 people officially registered as homeless in the UK most of them indigenous. That's a quarter of a million people.


We should be putting our own house in order rather than making the problem worse. You won't see any of these 'children' living in shop doorways or cardboard communities.

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19 hours ago, 7by7 said:


I did not say the Daily Express said or indicated that the man in the photograph was a member of staff; in fact the opposite!


What I did say was that it has since transpired that he is an interpreter; despite what your link and many other papers, including the Express, claim or hint at.


Of course, they are not going to correct their misinformation.

The home office have concluded that he is not an interpreter and it is in all the papers today. So I guess the Express was right and all those on here who claim they write nothing but lies.

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The Guardian (G-lugenpresse-ian) and BBC (Biased BS Company) avoided showing facial pictures to avoid screwing up their 'vulnerable kiddies' narrative. Predictably they claimed this was to avoid violating the human rights of children despite showing toddlers on pretty every "refugee" story they have run over the last years.

Edited by mokwit
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22 hours ago, i claudius said:

It has now been reported that he is Not an interpreter ,by the refuge council but one of the "children"
I notice that the BBC has gone very quiet about it as have the Guardian etc those saying he was an interpreter were lying

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

I can find no such report by the Refugee Council; certainly nothing on their website.


14 hours ago, katana said:

"...The Home Office has been forced to confirm the unnamed asylum seeker from Afghanistan, aged by face recognition software as being 38, was a migrant and not an employee..."



9 hours ago, mokwit said:


Despite the Mail saying "The Home Office has been forced to confirm the unnamed asylum seeker from Afghanistan, aged by face recognition software as being 38, was a migrant and not an employee." as the Times says "Officials confirmed this was not the case but refused to comment on his status."


So all that has actually been confirmed is that he is not a Home Office employee.


But even if he is a refugee,  the principle stated by William Blackstone in the 1760's that ""It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer" has long been a principle of English law.


Even if some of these refugees are now over18, even well over, as the Daily Mail in the article linked to by katana admits; most are not; although they hide that fact in a couple of short paragraphs before continuing their usual ranting over the few who may be older.

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Despite the Mail saying "The Home Office has been forced to confirm the unnamed asylum seeker from Afghanistan, aged by face recognition software as being 38, was a migrant and not an employee." as the Times says "Officials confirmed this was not the case but refused to comment on his status."
So all that has actually been confirmed is that he is not a Home Office employee.
But even if he is a refugee,  the principle stated by William Blackstone in the 1760's that ""It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer" has long been a principle of English law.
Even if some of these refugees are now over18, even well over, as the Daily Mail in the article linked to by katana admits; most are not; although they hide that fact in a couple of short paragraphs before continuing their usual ranting over the few who may be older.

I try to be polite to posters on these threads even when they are blatantly stupid ,but I am finding it harder and harder,now go away and play with your friends in fairyland

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

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7 hours ago, mokwit said:

The Guardian (G-lugenpresse-ian) and BBC (Biased BS Company) avoided showing facial pictures to avoid screwing up their 'vulnerable kiddies' narrative. Predictably they claimed this was to avoid violating the human rights of children despite showing toddlers on pretty every "refugee" story they have run over the last years.

 Completely untrue.


The BBC has shown pictures, not just of those who are obviously children but also those whose age is in dispute.


Indeed, the first time I saw a picture of the man in the blue hoodie was on the BBC TV news, along with pictures of others whose ages are in dispute. Do you get BBC1 where you are?


I don't read the Guardian, so cannot comment on what has appeared in their print version; and their online version has very few pictures in all it's articles, no matter what the subject.



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17 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

But even if he is a refugee,  the principle stated by William Blackstone in the 1760's that ""It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer" has long been a principle of English law.


How many refugees were kicking about in 1760 ?



It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer" has long been a principle of English law.




Despite that principle that you hold so dear, I would hate to have to provide you with a list of cases where it is clearly NOT a principle of English Law.


I have no intention of wasting a month of my time to promulgate that list.

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15 minutes ago, i claudius said:

I try to be polite to posters on these threads even when they are blatantly stupid ,but I am finding it harder and harder,now go away and play with your friends in fairyland

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk


1 minute ago, SgtRock said:


How many refugees were kicking about in 1760 ?





Despite that principle that you hold so dear, I would hate to have to provide you with a list of cases where it is clearly NOT a principle of English Law.


I have no intention of wasting a month of my time to promulgate that list.


Once again you have both shown that when presented with an argument with which you disagree you cannot provide any form of logical or intelligent counter argument.


How many refugees were kicking about in the 1760s? Two examples:-


The Poor Palatines: an 18th-century refugee crisis (ok, 1709)


Escaping the Guillotine: French émigrés from Revolutionary France. (ok, 1780s)


Yes, Blackstone's formulation doesn't always work, and innocent people do get convicted. But the principle is a cornerstone of English law, which is one reason why we have the presumption of innocence and the burden of proof in a criminal court is "Beyond reasonable doubt."

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15 hours ago, katana said:

"...The Home Office has been forced to confirm the unnamed asylum seeker from Afghanistan, aged by face recognition software as being 38, was a migrant and not an employee..."



Makes you wonder why these charities are being funded by tax payers money when they don't even know who's working for them.

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3 hours ago, 7by7 said:






But even if he is a refugee,  the principle stated by William Blackstone in the 1760's that ""It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer" has long been a principle of English law.



quote edited for brevity


I can't let you get away with that. Britain may say they abide by that principle but they do not in fact do so.

Try telling the innocent Irishmen locked up because of crooked cops not so many years ago, and the islanders kicked off their own land because the British wanted to give it to the US for an air base.

British history is full of innocents suffering because of British injustice. Stopping illegal economic immigrants claiming to be children when they are patently not is not an injustice.

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11 hours ago, Ace of Pop said:

They seem to have rather expensive Trainers for poor rotting starving people

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We are constantly regaled with horror stories about how these children spent months travelling across Europe while being raped and starved, yet the ones I have seen are all well fed and are not looking traumatized. True, trauma is internal, but they exhibit none of the symptoms that I would expect.

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I believe that a lot of the unaccompanied minors in Calais have been there for quite some time.   I doubt that many of them are a part of the more recent, large influx of asylum seekers.


There is no doubt that some of them may have aged out and therefore be over 18, but any who are found to have deliberately lied to be screen as a minor should be dealt with according to the laws in place.  


The relevant agency involved in the initial screening is duty bound to make sure that the minor is really a minor, that can include medical exams and tests to back up the claim.


I am not sure, but isn't this whole situation an attempt to close the camps?

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3 hours ago, Scott said:


I am not sure, but isn't this whole situation an attempt to close the camps?


The Calais camp was closed down today. Other smaller official refugee camps are spread throughout France. A matter than is rarely commented upon is the lenghty period asylum seekers need to wait to be assessed for refugee status in France, I have read up to two years, in the meantime they are not permitted to work in order to support themselves.

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Another one:

69 70

Left wing hypocrisy and propaganda. Simple as.

The liberal left across the western world have all developed this very strange form of mental illness brought on by their self loathing, lack of self esteem and total lack of identity. It means they are obsessed with destroying the host culture, people and country in which they are a part of. I think doctors will find a cure for cancer before truly understanding this madness

You could pick holes all day in their argument but its a bit like having a row with a 2 year old. Utterly pointless and tiresome.

Sadly their mentality will never allow them to even be the slightest bit reasonable or balanced in their views and even if it was 100% proven that many of these migrants were 50 years old and had come just to improve their lives rather than fleeing war, they would still not budge. The old middle class traits of denial and stubbornness would kick in


The commenter above maybe got the cause wrong. An interesting point was made by a KGB operative involved in 'turning' western youth in the '60's (Yuri Whateverhisnamewas) that once these people have been turned not even the people who turned them can change them back, and secondly you can put absolutely incontrovertible evidence/facts in front of them but still there is nothing you can do to change their views. Sound familiar to those on these boards?


Theses people - the '68 onwards generation are now the Liberal Politicians.


As an aside, the shouting down tactics of calling anybody who disagrees with you a 'Fascist' or 'Racist' used to be something confined to the Students Union of the Polytechnic of Central London - now it is the mainstream left.

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There are more and more articles like this some you have to pay for. I think we can establish now that it is an absolute farce so please nobody in their right mind can defend this with any sense of morality, except stupidity. These are supposedly children which some are clearly not which shows the whole process, is farcical.



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I see that in the papers today a couple who have been taking in "children " for years admit that most are not and that one "15" year old who had been attending school admitted that he was 25 saying"the British are so gulable .

the newspaper was the DM , so i am sure all the usual crowd will be on here denouncing it .

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I wonder how long it will be before we see one of these 'children' splashed across the papers for a crime they have committed.

Then those defending them saying what a horrible life they have had and it isn't their fault that there culture is different.


If I was a gambling man it will be sooner rather that later.

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i see there's quite an anti reaction in Britain but the do gooders, including some so called ' personalities ' are very supportive.

The sort of people who're all for this are never likely to be affected by migrants so can afford to be ' generous '.

It's admitted that previously adults managed to enter Britain posing as children but now extra measures are in place which probably sounds good but may well mean nothing.

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On October 18, 2016 at 1:15 PM, Grouse said:

BBC see just said most are about 16 with some under 12. All have relatives in U.K.


What is the point being made on this thread?

Look like 25teen to me. Point is we are still bringing them in despite Brexit. The melting pot of the middle east, I mean Europe. 

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