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FBI records: Effort to reduce Clinton email classification


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FBI records: Effort to reduce Clinton email classification



WASHINGTON (AP) — A senior State Department official asked the FBI last year to help reduce the classification of an email from Hillary Clinton's private server, according to FBI investigative files made public Monday. It was to be part of a bargain that would have allowed the FBI to deploy more agents in foreign countries, according to the files.


It was not immediately clear whether the State Department official or someone at the FBI first raised the prospect of a bargain over the email's classification.


The bureau records, citing an FBI official whose name was censored, said Undersecretary for Management Patrick F. Kennedy sought assistance in exchange for a "quid pro quo."


But the FBI said Monday it was the now-retired FBI official who first asked Kennedy about deploying more agents overseas. The State Department said the same.


The FBI ultimately rejected the idea, which would have allowed the State Department to archive a message related to the 2012 attacks on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, in the basement of its Washington headquarters "never to be seen again," according to the FBI files.


The email described reports in November 2012 that Libyan police were arresting suspects in the attack. It had been forwarded to Clinton's private email address by Jake Sullivan, one of her top aides and the department's director of policy planning, who was using his government email account.


Republicans seized on the report as collusion within the Obama administration to protect Clinton, now the Democratic presidential nominee.


"CORRUPTION CONFIRMED: FBI confirms State Dept. offered 'quid pro quo' to cover up classified emails," read a tweet from Team Trump, retweeted by the candidate.


Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon said the campaign had never been part of any such discussion about email classifications.


Kennedy was a close aide to Clinton during her tenure as the nation's top diplomat between 2009 and early 2013. He had served in his position since November 2007 under President George W. Bush.


According to the FBI records, a bureau official said Kennedy "asked his assistance in altering the email's classification in exchange for a 'quid pro quo,'" and that in exchange, "State would reciprocate by allowing the FBI to place more agents in countries where they are presently forbidden."


"Although there was never a quid pro quo, these allegations were nonetheless referred to the appropriate officials for review," the FBI said in a statement Monday.


The State Department said Kennedy had been trying to understand the FBI's classification decisions.


"This allegation is inaccurate and does not align with the facts," department spokesman Mark Toner said. He added that there was never an increase in the number of FBI agents assigned to Iraq as a result of the conversations.


The disclosure was included in 100 pages the FBI released from its now-closed investigation into whether the former secretary of state and her aides mishandled sensitive government information that flowed through the private mail server located in her New York home.


The FBI official who spoke with Kennedy was not involved in the investigation of Clinton's email use, the bureau said.


According to the account in the FBI records, Kennedy proposed using an obscure provision under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act to keep the existence of the classified document from becoming public. By labeling the email unclassified but exempt under the federal records law, the State Department would have avoided criticism that its employees had mishandled classified files but still would have prevented the email's public release.


The provision cited in the FBI files, known as "B9," is intended to protect geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells and is the most rarely used FOIA exemption.


"Kennedy told (redacted) that the FBI's classification of the email in question caused problems for Kennedy and Kennedy wanted to classify the document as 'B9,'" The FBI report says. "Kennedy further stated that the 'B9' classification would allow him to archive the document in the basement of DoS (Department of State) never to be seen again."


The FBI official said that after learning later that the information in question concerned the Benghazi attacks, he contacted Kennedy and told him there was "no way he could assist" with declassifying.


Toner suggested that Kennedy may not have raised the "B9" exemption at all, but rather "B7" — a separate exemption protecting confidential communications with law enforcement. Toner said that exemption could have still allowed parts of the document to be released.


Toner also denied there was any proposed deal, saying the FBI official first raised the number of bureau personnel approved to be in Iraq at the end of the phone call as a separate issue.


As for the FBI official's account, he said, "I can't speak to what this person's intent, whether they misunderstood the atmosphere of that conversation, I have no idea. All I can say is that there was no quid pro quo."


The Associated Press reported the existence of the secret Benghazi-related email in May 2015, though the classified content of the document has never been made public.


At the time, administration officials acknowledged interagency disagreements about whether certain information in the emails was classified.

House Republicans said Monday the reports of behind-the scenes maneuvering with the FBI were "extremely disturbing."


"Those who receive classified intelligence should not barter in it — that is reckless behavior with our nation's secrets," said House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., in a joint statement.


Chaffetz first disclosed the alleged quid pro quo in an interview with Fox News on Saturday.


Associated Press writer Matthew Lee contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-18
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Aha!  This is smoking gun that Trump and his fans were hoping for!   At last, something tangible which could tarnish HRC.  But what is it?  I read the article, and it sounds like a bunch of unimportant gobblygook.  


But surely, Trump fans can find something in the bureaucratic jargon to get their flaccid imaginations to stand up rigid.  Maybe?

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4 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Yet more corruption involving the woman Trump calls "Crooked" Hillary. He called that right.


Like an oranged faced fat bully boy who is pissed off that the girl who studied for the exam got 99% correct, while he got 9%.


Note:  Only ONE US newspaper has endorsed Trump.  ONLY ONE !!!!.   There are hundreds of right-wing Republican newspapers, yet only one of them endorsed The Divider.  And it's an obscure paper out of Santa Barbara California.  If you pay $10 to see the opinion of the editor and why he endorses Trump, you'll find zero text.  ZERO.  It gives a perspective on how intellectually bereft Trump supporters are.  

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Well, we are all aware there was definitely some <deleted>' in the riggin' w/regard to the Clinton email whitewash:  More evidence comes to light every day that the FBI director is a Quisling:


 FBI Agents Say Comey ‘Stood In The Way’ Of Clinton Email Investigation.


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Smoking Gun. Hillary Right-Hand Man Patrick Kennedy Pressured FBI Agent to Reduce the Classification of Several of the Emails Found on Her System; He and FBI Agent Discussed "Quid Pro Quo" for the Favor


"This is a flashing red light of potential criminality," Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah, who has been briefed on the FBI interviews, told Fox News.

He said "there was an alleged quid pro quo” involving Undersecretary for Management Patrick Kennedy and the FBI “over at least one classified email.”

“In return for altering the classification, the possibility of additional slots for the FBI at missions overseas was discussed,” Chaffetz said.



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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Aha!  This is smoking gun that Trump and his fans were hoping for!   At last, something tangible which could tarnish HRC.  But what is it?  I read the article, and it sounds like a bunch of unimportant gobblygook.  




Too little too late at this point; HRC pre-empted it all with the Trump's sex fiend stories.  

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1 hour ago, Rob13 said:

Too little too late at this point; HRC pre-empted it all with the Trump's sex fiend stories.  


This just in:  Hillary coached Trump on what he said in the Hollywood bus.  And HRC also compelled Trump to barge in, unannounced, into the changing room for the 15 yr old girls, just at the time they were nude.  

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2 minutes ago, Morch said:


Copied in full from the net. It's all over social media word for word. Thought this was a forum for expressing opinions, not copy pasting propaganda.

The truth is not propaganda.

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7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:



Like an oranged faced fat bully boy who is pissed off that the girl who studied for the exam got 99% correct, while he got 9%.


Note:  Only ONE US newspaper has endorsed Trump.  ONLY ONE !!!!.   There are hundreds of right-wing Republican newspapers, yet only one of them endorsed The Divider.  And it's an obscure paper out of Santa Barbara California.  If you pay $10 to see the opinion of the editor and why he endorses Trump, you'll find zero text.  ZERO.  It gives a perspective on how intellectually bereft Trump supporters are.  


Regardless of your or anyone else's opinion of Trump and his suitability to be POTUS the fact remains that Hilary has lied and has numerous skeletons in the cupboard. Using her own private server and email is but just one. And none can be erased because of Trump's actions or his unsuitability.

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26 minutes ago, Morch said:


Copy pasting what amounts to a campaign ad, without reference, is pretty much propaganda.



Thought forum rules required the poster to reference the source when quoting such a large word for word text?


However, are you suggesting some or all of those comments concerning Hilary are not factual and untrue?

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A post in violation of fair use policy has been removed as well as the replies. 


14) You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Please only post a link, the headline and the first three sentences.

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The FBI was offered more agents in foreign countries – if it cut the classification of an email on Hillary Clinton’s private server, files newly made public appear to show.




It used to be God Bless America.


Now it should be God Help America.


If there is a God of course.


How this woman is not in a cell is beyond belief.

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1 hour ago, SgtRock said:




It used to be God Bless America.


Now it should be God Help America.


If there is a God of course.


How this woman is not in a cell is beyond belief.

.... so, what are the options for voters in USA ?  ....given that all politicians lie on a regular basis...  ;)

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4 minutes ago, jpinx said:

.... so, what are the options for voters in USA ?  ....given that all politicians lie on a regular basis...  ;)


Much like the options in the UK or any other Country where lying politicians are endemic.


Start banging them into cells until they learn that lying is not acceptable

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


Thought forum rules required the poster to reference the source when quoting such a large word for word text?


However, are you suggesting some or all of those comments concerning Hilary are not factual and untrue?


Haven't even read through the whole diatribe.

I'd say some of the things are exaggerated, or presented in a way which ignores circumstances and facts.

The usual negative campaign stuff. Granted, HRC's own campaign employs similar tactics.


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4 hours ago, jpinx said:

what are the options?  Can Americans vore for someone other
than DT or HC?  The system seems to make that impossible....



There's also Gary Johnson running on the Libertarian ticket.  Not much going on in the brains department:



Asked what he would do about the Syrian city of Aleppo, the region at the center of that nation’s civil war and refugee crisis, Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson responded by asking, “what is Aleppo?”



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The thing is, let's get real, it's SUPER LATE in the game and trump is trailing MASSIVELY in the polls. Controversial questions stemming from FBI records and/or wikileaks are very COMPLICATED things, difficult for Joe Blow American voter to digest very well or very quickly. The trump hard core base is the trump hard core base. It doesn't budge but it's not nearly enough. 

Pussygate on the other hand, real simple for the voters to get ... they got it, and quickly.

As amazing as it is, the first debate plus pussygate ... that's the whole story.


Congratulations MADAME President. 

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4 hours ago, Pimay1 said:



A "debate" and some partisan "claims"? :coffee1:


Did you actually read the article?


"State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Monday, "Any real assertion that this was somehow a tit-for-tat quid pro quo exchange in that manner frankly is insulting."

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Ombuda, the Spin ,Ombuda, the spin.This was probably the last smoking gun for anti establishment proponents .The spin coming from the State dept."The state dept and the fbi have confirmed there was no Quid for the Quo..There will be nothing that comes from this,no heads will roll.Even though it is" illegal to offer or mention anything that asks for something in return for something as a favor(change classified markings for cushy openings for the fbi in exotic places). My opinion is the sheeple are herded around and around by the MSM. The news heard round the world was about  "sex.and morality".The bias main stream media  is the executioner and DJT was the accused .

They held that republican sponsored pu- - y tape for a couple of months,waited for julian assange news(wikileaks) to spew venom and then the tape and ten women came out of all those Trump Hotels ,Resorts and Casino's and said he was a bad boy 25 years ago.


Now Wiki has shot its load. Trump has been duped by the Clinton Cartel and their is no doubt now that Trump was the "Apprentice" .

Sorry!!!! America and Nigel Farage, for the let down

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6 hours ago, riclag said:

Boomerangutang mention no newspapers have endorsed Trump.Do you know Why?????


I believe there are three newspapers endorsing Trump. Santa Barbara News-Press is one and St. Joseph (Mo.) News-Press is another.


Oh, and this one. 


The KKK’s Official Newspaper Just Endorsed Trump




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WASHINGTON (AP) — A senior State Department official asked the FBI last year to help reduce the classification of an email from Hillary Clinton's private server, according to FBI investigative files made public Monday.


Well now we know the FBI were the ones who instigated this, and it never happened, nor is there any evidence that it would have been concealed from congress, so nothing to see here, move along now.


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8 hours ago, Chicog said:


Well now we know the FBI were the ones who instigated this, and it never happened, nor is there any evidence that it would have been concealed from congress, so nothing to see here, move along now.


I disagree with you. The  Congressional Oversight committee  will conduct hearings shortly to determine if this warrants a full investigation ..Besides who are you to speculate that their is no evidence of concealment of offers of QPQ  from congress..  Are you a law professor or something or  maybe you have inside info that you could share with  the committee so the U.S. can save tax payer money and not go forward.Their are millions of Americans that believe O'bama's White House has skirted the law to suit their agenda ...

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