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Trump refuses to say he will accept election results


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7 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So let me get this straight. According to your lights the media is anti-Trump and want Trump to lose. So by Trump giving them huge amounts of ammunition to make them lose, he is playing them and  he is winning?

Did you try to misunderstand what I said? What is unclear by

Judging by his performance he has accepted he will lose, but wants to stay in the spotlight, and knows that statement will make the media go crazy.

Nothing to do with "winning" and all about keeping people talking about him. It's what he has done all along, so why is it that the media have fallen for it?


It's not my opinion that the liberal media is in the bag for Clinton, it is a fact.


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8 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Nixon insisted "I am not a crook"

He was.


Trump says,"I am not a crank"

He is.




In the debate, Hillary blamed Putin ( and Trump by implication) for exposing the fact that she is a crook. And her (non) answer on the Foundation question was just pathetic. She IS a crook: a bigger crook than Nixon by a county mile. Sure, she'll win but she is going to come under huge scrutiny and an early impeachment a distinct possibility

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Did you try to misunderstand what I said? What is unclear by

Judging by his performance he has accepted he will lose, but wants to stay in the spotlight, and knows that statement will make the media go crazy.

Nothing to do with "winning" and all about keeping people talking about him. It's what he has done all along, so why is it that the media have fallen for it?


It's not my opinion that the liberal media is in the bag for Clinton, it is a fact.


If it has nothing to do with winning why did you write this:   "He is playing the media, and winning there."

He's giving the "liberal" media the ammunition they want to shoot him but he is winning?  Huh?

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1 minute ago, Prbkk said:


In the debate, Hillary blamed Putin ( and Trump by implication) for exposing the fact that she is a crook. And her (non) answer on the Foundation question was just pathetic. She IS a crook: a bigger crook than Nixon by a county mile. Sure, she'll win but she is going to come under huge scrutiny and an early impeachment a distinct possibility

It is possible that by refusing to accept her victory he is setting up for an impeachment post election ( as with Bill ). On the other hand, it might be no more than wanting to stay in the spotlight of publicity.

There has already been talk of a new conservative media channel, and this could be pre publicity to set it up.

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1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:

He also blew it with "she's a horrible woman".

He was supposed to try and get women voters back. That snide remark didn't help.....


I agree. I hate when he says things like this without explaining it somehow. 

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Just now, Prbkk said:

She IS a crook: a bigger crook than Nixon by a county mile


Trump has a point if you say it enough, people will believe it - even if they have no clue what they  are even talking about. By the way Trump was using his foundation to pay HIS expenses, that is illegal. But don't worry about it. No one cares, they expect him to be illegal and just smirk about it. Yeesh


This election is over and good for most of  the  expats on entitlements here in LOS. If Trump would  win  we would have another Black Day for the Market and  and those entitlement payments might get a little choked up    Now you can rest easier and no problems funding your Leo habit ...  

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2 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:


Trump has a point if you say it enough, people will believe it - even if they have no clue what they  are even talking about. By the way Trump was using his foundation to pay HIS expenses, that is illegal. But don't worry about it. No one cares, they expect him to be illegal and just smirk about it. Yeesh


This election is over and good for most of  the  expats on entitlements here in LOS. If Trump would  win  we would have another Black Day for the Market and  and those entitlement payments might get a little choked up    Now you can rest easier and no problems funding your Leo habit ...  

Maybe the Trump Foundation can claim he's a legitimate object of charitable concern based on the fact that he's a basket case.

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Why should Trump accept the election results? From the UNLV debate transcript:


"I’ll tell you on other thing. She shouldn't be allowed to run. It's -- she's guilty of a very very serious crime. She should not be allowed to run. And just in that respect I say it's rigged because she should never have been allowed to run for the presidency based on what she did with e-mails and so many other things."


See -- the whole thing isn't legit because she should really be in jail and if she were in jail then she couldn't be running or maybe even allowed to vote! (Except she isn't in jail)



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the world is becoming a scary place.

someone is working very hard to destabilize pretty much everything everywhere,.


Neither Trump nor Clinton are of any real importance, what rises from the vacuum they leave behind when it all implodes is the stuff of real nightmares.


And sadly that is true for most governments around the world right now.


we are all on shaky ground.

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Although I lean towards Clinton, I would say Trumps immigration policy makes more sense (not the building the wall part). All the other points regarding to foreign policy, nation interest, security, etc Clinton's stance is far superior. Trump wants to send troops into fight Isis and increase our military budget, while decrease taxes - anyone see a problem here?

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35 minutes ago, Prbkk said:


In the debate, Hillary blamed Putin ( and Trump by implication) for exposing the fact that she is a crook. And her (non) answer on the Foundation question was just pathetic. She IS a crook: a bigger crook than Nixon by a county mile. Sure, she'll win but she is going to come under huge scrutiny and an early impeachment a distinct possibility

I think her continuous lies will be her downfall. Example, saying the Clinton Foundation spent 90% of the funds on charities when in truth it only spent 6%.

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46 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Dunno what the other anti Clintonites think, but this morning I'm feeling depressed. Unless something huge happens in the next few days she is POTUS.




She will be POTUS, but that was going to be the outcome from the start. Starting with 17 terrible candidates the Republicans in their infinite wisdom picked the absolute worst of them all.


Keep doing what you're doing Trump. :thumbsup:


28 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

And for good reason; Nasty Women Hillary Bought the Election.


It's a Fact!   Just deal with  it



Ohhhhh, nasty. Brilliant post. Breitbart? Infowars? 


She didn't buy it. It was given to her. 


10 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

I think her continuous lies will be her downfall. Example, saying the Clinton Foundation spent 90% of the funds on charities when in truth it only spent 6%.


Where do you get your facts? They're always wrong. The foundation has been looked at by many whose job it is to examine charities and there has never been a problem. Clinton Foundation spent 90% of the funds on charities when in truth it only spent 6% is a lie, a ridiculous lie that's easily disproved. Come on man, you can do better than that. 


She's a liar, she's a thief, she's incompetent. In a few weeks she'll be President and Donald Trump will be nothing. Som nom na. 


Get use to it...Madam President. 


Supreme Court, Senate, Congress and the Presidency. The people win. The wingnuts lose. 

Edited by Pinot
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Sec. Clinton destroyed the bloated Bloviator.

Destroyed him.


A spectacular takedown with seasoned, informed FACTS.


Whatta putz.

Whatta brainless babe in the woods.

A flat out amateur.

A simpleton who bases his policies on movies and talk shows.


Full of regurgitated cliches.

Especially the shameless pandering BS towards the "black" and "hispanic" communities from the Bloviator at the end.


A con man, a huckster who actually thought he could BS his way into the Presidency of the United States.




Truly a pathetic specimen of a “man”.


But, some great shots of those tiny hands.


Poor Melania…

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7 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

I think her continuous lies will be her downfall. Example, saying the Clinton Foundation spent 90% of the funds on charities when in truth it only spent 6%.


Go ahead, try and link that ridiculous statement to anything. It's a ridiculous lie you've now written twice. 

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Just now, KarenBravo said:



I'll let you in on a secret. That "someone's" name is Blofeld.


well done - given the readership a more contemporary reference might have gone unrecognized.

luckily i had google as my wingman.

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Just now, Pimay1 said:

I think her continuous lies will be her downfall. Example, saying the Clinton Foundation spent 90% of the funds on charities when in truth it only spent 6%.


A silly, unsubstantiated, flat out, lie. :laugh:

From an obviously uninformed, ignorant Trumpeteer.

No surprise.


"We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses."


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Clinton Foundation Financial Performance Metrics

  Program Expenses
(Percent of the charity’s total expenses spent on the programs 
and services it delivers)
  Administrative Expenses 8.7%
  Fundraising Expenses 4.2%
  Fundraising Efficiency $0.03
  Working Capital Ratio (years) 1.17
  Program Expenses Growth 17.3%
  Liabilities to Assets 15.3%
All data for Financial Performance Metrics calculations was provided by The Clinton Foundation on recent 990s filed with the IRS.
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12 minutes ago, Pinot said:


Go ahead, try and link that ridiculous statement to anything. It's a ridiculous lie you've now written twice. 

It is not a ridiculous lie.




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59 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Dunno what the other anti Clintonites think, but this morning I'm feeling depressed. Unless something huge happens in the next few days she is POTUS.


Well, I can't do much about your impending depression.  I'm not a head doctor, but can make some recommendations:

>>>>  don't to pharma drugs

>>>>  don't kill yourself

>>>>  exercise, outdoors if possible. If you're in Bkk, too bad, because there's a dearth of parks there. 

>>>>  try to think positive thoughts.

>>>>   eat well.  Avoid chemical-laden foods and MSG.  Go with fresh veges & fruits, over trans fats and meat.


P.S. I hope Madam President doesn't get harmed or killed.   


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