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Trump mocks critics: I'll accept election results... if I win


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Just now, losworld said:


You must be joking.  Bernie revealed himself as nothing more than an egocentric political hack trying to get in a few days of glory before he kicks the bucket.  He kicked his supporters to the curb.

You must be joking. Trump has revealed himself as nothing more than an egocentric political hack trying to get in a few days of glory before he kicks the bucket.  He will soon kick his supporters to the curb.

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3 minutes ago, tonray said:

You must be joking. Trump has revealed himself as nothing more than an egocentric political hack trying to get in a few days of glory before he kicks the bucket.  He will soon kick his supporters to the curb.


oh gee how original...

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7 minutes ago, losworld said:


oh gee how original...

Just like Trump's speeches: "I am only one who can fix......."  Sounds just like Mussolini did when talking to the fascist crowds in Rome. If Donald actually had some policies (how will you build the wall Donald with whose money ?), Immigratiion..."Let's ban all Muslims." Oh yeah...my lawyers said cannot do that...sorry bout that", "I will grow the economy at 5 to 6 %."  How Donald ? "I'll tell you later...I know every economist (right and left) has said my plan would not do that and would add trillions to the debt but I'll tell you later."


Nothing but a big phony...soon to be a big loser.....sorry...it's over. Go home and watch something on Netflix

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28 minutes ago, losworld said:

More crap from the bought off mainstream media really no better than Pravda in its glory.  CNN the Clinton News Network and others working in tandem with Hillary as revealed in Wikileaks emails.  no wonder less than 30 percent of people trust these garbage networks and now rely on the internet.


Funny thing is Al Gore the Democrat challenged election results in court. 


Correct. Just heard a montage of Democrats ( including obama and sanders)  talking about "rigged elections"....555


10 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Whatever the truth of that might be, you didn't attack the founders of the Neocon movement. You called the current NeoCon Republicans Trotskyites.  


The founders of the NeoCons were Trotskyites. Their own statements and writings show this. This is not an opnion but a fact and Raimondo is not the only researcher aware of this fact. This is where their ideological roots are which explains why this ideology is so toxic and has given us nothing but disasters like the Iraq war. 

Edited by Merzik
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1 minute ago, Merzik said:



The founders of the NeoCons were Trotskyites. Their own statements and writings show this. This is not an opnion but a fact and Raimondo is not the only researcher aware of this fact. This is where their ideological roots are which explains why this ideology is so toxic and has given us nothing but disasters like the Iraq war. 



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32 minutes ago, Merzik said:

American elections are a sad joke.. Six months ago, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton bundler, announced that by executive action he would convert 200,000 convicted felons into eligible voters by November. Just one example of how they cheat to transform our country.


There are no limits to liberal depravity. They opened the borders to demographic jihad in 1965 to bring in millions of heavy welfare dependent immigrants ( like Tony Blair and Francois Mitterand in Europe did) They use dead people on the voter rolls, illegal aliens  and even the criminal underclass to vote for a criminal elite class that is destroying what is left of our Republic.  (with the help from establishment NeoCon Republicains it must be said )



The right to participate in choosing who will govern is a natural right in a democracy. Voter disenfranchisement because of criminal convictions is illegitimate. Most laws disenfranchising voters because of criminal convictions date from the 19th Century. A majority of Americans believe that such laws are unjust and do not fit the modern democratic process.


A clear majority (60%) favors restoring voting rights to people who have exited prison and are now on parole in the community.



Furthermore, the clear structural bias of the criminal justice system against African Americans and other minorities means that the consequences of voter disenfranchisement are felt more heavily in such communities.


Black Americans failed by inherently biased legal system, ABA president says



Calling McAuliffe a cheat because he restored voting rights to a group that most Americans think should be enfranchised is pure partisan nut-casery. It is blowing hot air in the extreme. It marginalises the already discredited ranting old reactinaries into an even more extreme fringe. Then you go further by mixing in the anti-immigration rant.


The true depravity is the way Trump has opened this Pandora's Box of hate, diviciveness and sheer lunacy which the fringe expects to be taken seriously.

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10 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


The right to participate in choosing who will govern is a natural right in a democracy. Voter disenfranchisement because of criminal convictions is illegitimate. Most laws disenfranchising voters because of criminal convictions date from the 19th Century. A majority of Americans believe that such laws are unjust and do not fit the modern democratic process.


A clear majority (60%) favors restoring voting rights to people who have exited prison and are now on parole in the community.



Furthermore, the clear structural bias of the criminal justice system against African Americans and other minorities means that the consequences of voter disenfranchisement are felt more heavily in such communities.


Black Americans failed by inherently biased legal system, ABA president says



Calling McAuliffe a cheat because he restored voting rights to a group that most Americans think should be enfranchised is pure partisan nut-casery. It is blowing hot air in the extreme. It marginalises the already discredited ranting old reactinaries into an even more extreme fringe. Then you go further by mixing in the anti-immigration rant.


The true depravity is the way Trump has opened this Pandora's Box of hate, diviciveness and sheer lunacy which the fringe expects to be taken seriously.

Actually, the original justification behind the the no felon vote in Virginia was precisely to disenfranchise black voters.

"Roughly 110 years ago, a Virginia state legislator defended a 1902 package of voting restrictions, arguing it was necessary to “eliminate the darkey as a political factor in this State in less than five years, so that in no single county of the Commonwealth will there be the least concern felt for the complete supremacy of the white race in the affairs of government.”

Parts of the package — specifically, poll taxes and literacy tests — were later struck down. But the legislation also expanded on a section of the Virginia Constitution that remains in place today: the total disenfranchisement of people with felony records."


For a more scholary treatment of the issue:

http://www.coopercenter.org/sites/default/files/publications/Virginia News Letter 2015 Vol. 91 No 1.pdf

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18 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


The right to participate in choosing who will govern is a natural right in a democracy. Voter disenfranchisement because of criminal convictions is illegitimate. Most laws disenfranchising voters because of criminal convictions date from the 19th Century. A majority of Americans believe that such laws are unjust and do not fit the modern democratic process.


A clear majority (60%) favors restoring voting rights to people who have exited prison and are now on parole in the community.



Furthermore, the clear structural bias of the criminal justice system against African Americans and other minorities means that the consequences of voter disenfranchisement are felt more heavily in such communities.


Black Americans failed by inherently biased legal system, ABA president says



Calling McAuliffe a cheat because he restored voting rights to a group that most Americans think should be enfranchised is pure partisan nut-casery. It is blowing hot air in the extreme. It marginalises the already discredited ranting old reactinaries into an even more extreme fringe. Then you go further by mixing in the anti-immigration rant.


The true depravity is the way Trump has opened this Pandora's Box of hate, diviciveness and sheer lunacy which the fringe expects to be taken seriously.

You don't get it do you...they would be in favor if it is all the felons were right wing gun nuts and vote for Trump

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5 hours ago, Anthony5 said:


I thought that was the whole point of an election campaign

More than ever, this time it's less of an election campaign than a used car sales campaign where the importance of air bags and results of crash tests are being asserted to close the deal and divert attention from the obvious bondo holding things together until maybe a week after the sale.

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5 hours ago, bendejo said:


Even if he gets only 20% of the vote it'll prove that there is enough interest out there in crypto-fascist bs that it can support more than one cable news network.  Probably Ailes will run the show, with a thirst for vengeance against Fox. 



"Ailes will get an exit package worth more than $40 million, according to a person familiar with the matter, and will be a consultant for Murdoch. Ailes’s agreement includes a noncompete clause that prohibits him from starting a competing video product, the person said."


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1 hour ago, Merzik said:

American elections are a sad joke.. Six months ago, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton bundler, announced that by executive action he would convert 200,000 convicted felons into eligible voters by November. Just one example of how they cheat to transform our country.


There are no limits to liberal depravity. They opened the borders to demographic jihad in 1965 to bring in millions of heavy welfare dependent immigrants ( like Tony Blair and Francois Mitterand in Europe did) They use dead people on the voter rolls, illegal aliens  and even the criminal underclass to vote for a criminal elite class that is destroying what is left of our Republic.  (with the help from establishment NeoCon Republicains it must be said )




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3 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

"Ailes will get an exit package worth more than $40 million, according to a person familiar with the matter, and will be a consultant for Murdoch. Ailes’s agreement includes a noncompete clause that prohibits him from starting a competing video product, the person said."



That's no big deal, Trump will be the one starting it.

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2 hours ago, losworld said:

More crap from the bought off mainstream media really no better than Pravda in its glory.  CNN the Clinton News Network and others working in tandem with Hillary as revealed in Wikileaks emails.  no wonder less than 30 percent of people trust these garbage networks and now rely on the internet.


Funny thing is Al Gore the Democrat challenged election results in court. 

Why do people insist on posting such crap without ever fact checking? Is it a function of being a Trump supporter that they all have to be pathalogical liars also? The case of Al Gore is NOTHING like Trump. Al Gore had ALREADY conceded and it had to be withdrawn as the vote count in Florida was within 1/2 % and that triggered AUTOMATIC recounts by the state. The first person to contest in court was George W followed bt Al Gore both as a legal consequence of the auto vote recount. When the decision was ultimately made by the courts Al Gore conceeded and ensured a peaceful transition of power. That situation was NOTHING like what Trump has said!!


liars + limited intelligence = Deplorables

Edited by Andaman Al
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7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

If there are any doubts Trump is planning to launch a 'news commentary network' ....this video should put the icing on the cake:   It's Trump's own paid staff, interviewing Trump praisers (who are also paid, directly or indirectly by Trump), in the guise of news coverage. . . . .    



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52 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Actually, I read that Ailes bailed out on helping Trump prepare for the debates.  Trump just proved to be too much of a headcase.

He left with the words "this is a vaste of time"



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Trump reminds me of my nephew when he was about 5 years old. He loved playing a certain simple card game, but only as long as he won: when he lost a game he would throw a fit and stomp off. You can get away with that when you're a 5-year-old who doesn't know any better, but it looks rather silly and petty when you're 70 and running for president.

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9 minutes ago, Silurian said:

DT's campaign seems to be leaking people. Jim Murphy is leaving the campaign for personal reasons.


Donald Trump's national political director 'steps back' from the campaign



I think he made this move on the recommendations of his physiatrist. I heard that he was told that associating with Trump was dangerous for his health. If Trump looses he could blame good ole Jim M and sue him for dereliction of duty. Just the smell of a lawsuit by the Donald makes people break out in a cold sweat. 

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31 minutes ago, Johnpound46 said:

Trump reminds me of my nephew when he was about 5 years old. He loved playing a certain simple card game, but only as long as he won: when he lost a game he would throw a fit and stomp off. You can get away with that when you're a 5-year-old who doesn't know any better, but it looks rather silly and petty when you're 70 and running for president.

Some ole habits die hard or never change. When I was 5 years old my mother told me that kissing girls would give me diahorrea. I could never figure out why I was in diapers till 8 years old. 

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