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Trump mocks critics: I'll accept election results... if I win


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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Hmmm. A lot of people got Alinsky'd on TV. Classic diversion from the real issues.

I don't know if they speak with forked tongue or not, as I wasn't there, but if they do I'm sure they are feeling stressed after his promise yesterday.

If they are lying, and allowed themselves to be used, I hope he destroys their lives in court.


Well then, what are the real issues from which everyone was diverted?


Qualities that make a Leader? i.e temperament, coolness under pressure, credibility etc

Issues of concern to a major voting block i.e. women? - equality, not being objectified, control over their own bodies etc

Or just plain quality of a respectable person? - humility, public service, respect for other people.


I suspect you mean the real issues are Hillary's apparent crookedness and current liberty from incarceration.


On the law of averages some of these women alleging sexual assault have to be telling the truth. Trump admitted his sexual predation for all to hear on tape and made a big deal out of it in other interviews with hints, innuendo and plain out admissions. Upset because these released may have been orchestrated by the Clinton Campaign supporters? Tough. That's politics. She and her people are smarter, more experienced and more capable than Trump's band of blowhards.


Hubris is one of the oldest social concepts and a recurrent theme in Ancient Greek literature. Tump's impending catastrophic loss in the election will be well deserved. Similarly with the destruction of the Republican Party, a party that started the Culture Wars under Reagan and is pandering to the Evangelicals and gave us the aberration of the Tea Party and now Trump. I would like to think that the Republicans will decide to get out of people's bedrooms, embrace the full range of minorities that will soon number more than the whites and get back to their core principles.


Somehow I don't think that will happen. They will probably splinter and we will have to wait to see how the fallout settles. Meanwhile, we can enjoy 4 more years of Obama's legacy and cheer on the SCOTUS appointments that will keep America to the left. I look forward to seeing the first police officer go to jail for murdering a black person for being black. I look forward to the first Latino and Gay President. I look forward to Muslims being able to be proud to call themselves Muslim Americans again.


Those who don't like it can vegetate their lives on some beach in Thailand.

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, guess what?

This election will be more rigged than any in America's history...


How's that report of Hillary's death from AID's going?


Here is the real voter fraud


Indiana official clarifies voter registration fraud probe, says election 'not rigged'



Tens of thousands of African Americans could have their voting applications rejected.


And who happens to be the Governor of the Hoosier State?

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10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Admit it. You are terrified that if he contests the election it will delay her coronation, and you already sent out the party invites :smile:


December 19th electors chosen in each state by the general election of November 8th meet in the respective state as the state's Electoral College. They advise the secretary of the state that they are the electors from the state.


January 6th, 2017 the 538 electors from the 50 states convene in Washington in a Joint Session of the Congress of the United States. The Vice-President, as President of the Senate, presides. Electors cast their vote by state as proscribed in the Constitution, to include doing it alphabetically.


She who receives 270 electors is declared and certified to be the next President effective noon, January 20th. (It's a bonus if she gets a grand total of, say, 352 electors, but that would be beyond the minimum.)


Meanwhile, one looks forward to watching Donald Trump go back up the escalator at Trump Tower. Trump defies the laws of even gravity, i.e., in Trump's instance, what comes down must go back up again.

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11 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:



Somehow I don't think that will happen. They will probably splinter and we will have to wait to see how the fallout settles. Meanwhile, we can enjoy 4 more years of Obama's legacy and cheer on the SCOTUS appointments that will keep America to the left. I look forward to seeing the first police officer go to jail for murdering a black person for being black. I look forward to the first Latino and Gay President. I look forward to Muslims being able to be proud to call themselves Muslim Americans again.


Those who don't like it can vegetate their lives on some beach in Thailand.

Quote edited for brevity.


Re the SCOTUS appointments. They are not supposed to be left or right. They are supposed to uphold the Constitution. If for no other reason than that HRC does not make a good president if she manages to get leftist judges on it. That does depend on the senate being Democrat majority though.


I'd be very happy to vegetate on a beach in LOS, and never have to worry about what a bad woman does to stuff the world up.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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37 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Quote edited for brevity.


Re the SCOTUS appointments. They are not supposed to be left or right. They are supposed to uphold the Constitution. If for no other reason than that HRC does not make a good president if she manages to get leftist judges on it. That does depend on the senate being Democrat majority though.


I'd be very happy to vegetate on a beach in LOS, and never have to worry about what a bad woman does to stuff the world up.

So, Trump's pledge to appoint extreme right-wing judges is okay?

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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So, Trump's pledge to appoint extreme right-wing judges is okay?

He never said that. He said they will uphold the constitution. Believe what you will, makes no difference to me.

I'd actually like to see unlimited abortions on demand for free in the first trimester, so that would be good with the lefties. It's when they come for the guns that it's going to be problematic.

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He never said that. He said they will uphold the constitution. Believe what you will, makes no difference to me.

I'd actually like to see unlimited abortions on demand for free in the first trimester, so that would be good with the lefties. It's when they come for the guns that it's going to be problematic.


come for the guns!! lol


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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He never said that. He said they will uphold the constitution. Believe what you will, makes no difference to me.

I'd actually like to see unlimited abortions on demand for free in the first trimester, so that would be good with the lefties. It's when they come for the guns that it's going to be problematic.

Nor has Clinton said she will appoint left-wing judges. But Trump has given us a list of judges he would appoint from. And all of them meet with the approval of the right-wing Federalist society.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He never said that. He said they will uphold the constitution.



And Trump knows exactly what about the constitution....?


I'd say bugger all.


He doesn't even seem to know what is required to appoint a Supreme Court justice or repeal the 2nd Amendment.

The man is a pandering idiot.



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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He never said that. He said they will uphold the constitution. Believe what you will, makes no difference to me.

I'd actually like to see unlimited abortions on demand for free in the first trimester, so that would be good with the lefties. It's when they come for the guns that it's going to be problematic.

Well if Trump said that it must be true.  But we know exactly what kind of justices he plans to choose because he issued a list of potential candidates. Every one of them met with the approval of the Federalist Society. Which is a very right wing organization.

As for guns.  Evil Hillary Clinton wants to make it difficult for felons and people on the terrorist watch list to get guns. 

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On 10/22/2016 at 10:33 PM, attrayant said:


Real Clear Politics can be a bit overwhelming at times, so here's a site where you can watch the state-by-state polls and see what that all bubbles-up to in the electoral total: http://www.electoral-vote.com/



Second that if I might.


This is my fourth Potus election using the site as a reference point for what might be current. The guy there is thorough and uncomplicated. He's not trying to impress all the other analysts either, so he just presents what's going on pretty comprehensively and without anything wild or fanciful. 


By going there I don't need RCP or Nate Silver et al. I pop in on most of those guyz, but I'm not a follower of 'em.


Good advisory to post...one of those things where you say why didn't I think of doing it. (Actually I don't do this, but given the site has been posted to the board I am motivated to say, 'yep, good site.')



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22 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Well then, what are the real issues from which everyone was diverted?


Qualities that make a Leader? i.e temperament, coolness under pressure, credibility etc

Issues of concern to a major voting block i.e. women? - equality, not being objectified, control over their own bodies etc

Or just plain quality of a respectable person? - humility, public service, respect for other people.


I suspect you mean the real issues are Hillary's apparent crookedness and current liberty from incarceration.


On the law of averages some of these women alleging sexual assault have to be telling the truth. Trump admitted his sexual predation for all to hear on tape and made a big deal out of it in other interviews with hints, innuendo and plain out admissions. Upset because these released may have been orchestrated by the Clinton Campaign supporters? Tough. That's politics. She and her people are smarter, more experienced and more capable than Trump's band of blowhards.


Hubris is one of the oldest social concepts and a recurrent theme in Ancient Greek literature. Tump's impending catastrophic loss in the election will be well deserved. Similarly with the destruction of the Republican Party, a party that started the Culture Wars under Reagan and is pandering to the Evangelicals and gave us the aberration of the Tea Party and now Trump. I would like to think that the Republicans will decide to get out of people's bedrooms, embrace the full range of minorities that will soon number more than the whites and get back to their core principles.


Somehow I don't think that will happen. They will probably splinter and we will have to wait to see how the fallout settles. Meanwhile, we can enjoy 4 more years of Obama's legacy and cheer on the SCOTUS appointments that will keep America to the left. I look forward to seeing the first police officer go to jail for murdering a black person for being black. I look forward to the first Latino and Gay President. I look forward to Muslims being able to be proud to call themselves Muslim Americans again.


Those who don't like it can vegetate their lives on some beach in Thailand.


That's politics. She and her people are smarter, more experienced and more capable than Trump's band of blowhards.




Two factors at work here. First is, and I reiterate, the Clinton name on a November ballot is a win. Nothin' the Republicans and all the rest of 'em over there on the right can do to stop that. Second, Republicans have lost the popular vote in five of the past six elections of the Potus. They're not popular any more among the general electorate of voters. 


Republicans lost the election itself in 1992, 1996. In 2000 the Democrats lost while the Republicans didn't actually win. In 2004 Karl Rove did a scorched earth campaign to squeak out another one and it was the last one the Republicans have won. Probably for a very long time to come given how this one is going.


I think we on this side would agree Republicans got tired of winning long before Trump came along to crash the Party. This would be true whether Republicans and their rightwing society recognise or realise it.

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11 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Well if Trump said that it must be true.  But we know exactly what kind of justices he plans to choose because he issued a list of potential candidates. Every one of them met with the approval of the Federalist Society. Which is a very right wing organization.

As for guns.  Evil Hillary Clinton wants to make it difficult for felons and people on the terrorist watch list to get guns. 

LOL. Felons have ZERO problems getting hold of guns. Laws restricting guns are for law abiding people.

However, I agree it is INSANE to allow people on a terrorist list to aquire them, and mentally disturbed people should NEVER be allowed to own weapons.

Unfortunately, I don't trust Clinton to stop there. Trump is the man to keep the anti gun nutters at bay.


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39 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. Felons have ZERO problems getting hold of guns. Laws restricting guns are for law abiding people.

However, I agree it is INSANE to allow people on a terrorist list to aquire them, and mentally disturbed people should NEVER be allowed to own weapons.

Unfortunately, I don't trust Clinton to stop there. Trump is the man to keep the anti gun nutters at bay.



handguns are ridiculous and because so many were produced, bad guys now have zero problem getting them.

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On October 25, 2016 at 2:51 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. Felons have ZERO problems getting hold of guns. Laws restricting guns are for law abiding people.

However, I agree it is INSANE to allow people on a terrorist list to aquire them, and mentally disturbed people should NEVER be allowed to own weapons.


On the wrong thread are ya?


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On 10/23/2016 at 5:44 PM, Boon Mee said:

Well, guess what?

This election will be more rigged than any in America's history...


Please feel free to substantiate your "claim" that you state as if it were fact.



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Trump can just get together with the 'good people' of America and the generals and take over the US. Some nation's aren't meant to have democracy and there are plenty of Americans in America and Thailand that agree with that idea So Trump roll those tanks if you don't win. No one cares about freedom anymore anyways. Just keep their fast food, sitcoms and movies rolling and they'll accept anything.

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