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How much should I pay a maid for cleaning Studio?


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Hi all,

I live in Thong lo area, Bangkok, and asked the Lobby if they can send me a Maid to clean the studio I live in. 

The maid asked for 500 THB, for the cleaning of a 25qm studio. Is took her (and the girl she brought with her) about 1h to 1h and 15min to be done with the cleaning. I found the price extremely high, and wanted to pay just 300 THB. 

How much would you pay for that? A normal price that every thai would pay for this place and the duration of the cleaning? 


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Whatever price you settled on, I hope it was mutually agreed to prior to her services.   Can't undo cleaning services..



Clarification.   You had 2 1/2 man hours of service for 500 THB?   Still  questionable.    

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26 minutes ago, petedk said:

We pay 10K a month + free food for a live-in Burmese maid.


I don't know if that is expensive or not, but we have the added security that there is always someone home.

it's fair.

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500 baht for 2 people to undertake the cleaning job sounds like a bargain to me and if the OP expects these types of services at bargain rates, then why did the OP not clean it herself?

I guarantee the OP would not even consider hiring cleaners for such tasks in her own country because these people want cheap. The old colonial days of cheap unskilled labour have long gone.


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The price and quality varies, I know a maid who is incredibly  good, she gets into every corner under everything and when shes  done its  like a new  room............then theres  the run of the  mill wet dirty rag brigade who want the same money for  bugger  all work quality.

I dont mind any price if the works  good..................having said that.........I do all  my own cleaning as I live separately from my Wife who employs this woman.

She gets treated like crap from the office  staff in the condo block but  little do they know she has saved everything and owns a 20+ room building which she had  built, yet they  look right down their  snotty  noses at her.

Shes already left the building so to speak.

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cleaning is minimum wage work. Minimum wage is 300baht per day (8 hours, I guess)

According to the minimum wage you should have paid 300/8x1.25x2 = just under 100baht for the 2 cleaner. Nonsense of course.


I have tried several cleaning ladies (their day job elsewhere) and they all clean horribly for my farang standards. As somebody mentioned 1 dirty wet rag cleans all for the eye visible only and they still ask 500baht.


For 500baht you can hire a professional cleaning service, which even bring their own materials.


Or as suggested, do what I do, just do it my/yourself. Everyday a little, since I am not physically 100% capable of doing it all in one go.

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4 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

I don't know because I live in a "partially serviced apartment" which has weekly maid cleaning service included as part of the rental contract.


I'm sure the OP finds your reply most helpful.

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I guess it depends on the quality and reliability.  To use an extreme example, if I said "I want 100Kbaht for 30 seconds of work per week then you'd probably call me  a joker.


If the job turned out to be how to write down tomorrows Lottery winner perfectly correct week in and week out,, you may want to throw me an extra million baht every so often.  


If I was a fraud, and to top it off, some valuables would mysteriously vanish from the home from time to time, then you wouldn't want to give me even 1 satang, and prefer instead a trip to the police station having acquired requisite evidence.

I've paid 1000baht for a 'first' clean (96 SQ meters) and had some that where a waste of time, others were on all fours with a toothbrush scrubbing the grout between the tiles.  Even the good ones though, once they have tasted 1000baht don't want to make less next time, even if it now only needs a cursory clean.

Depending on location I don't think 500baht is too bad if they're very good.  The fact that they work in pairs and can chat away they would be more content to dig in rather than finding the fastest way of brushing everything under the rug and get out asap.  I wouldn't be scared of asking for the odd errand to 7Eleven for that as well though.

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You have to add in travel time for one person (two are not needed for a small job).


So about 3 hours work plus an hour plus for traveling = 4+ hours work in Bangkok.


About 900 baht for a full day so 450 baht in total plus 50 baht commision for downstairs = 500 baht so approximately correct.


More important was a very good job done? Not just surface cleaning?


A normal Thai cleans their own house or if well off normally has their own full time maid I don't know how many actually hire part time maids?

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Most things in the world today the price is based on what you can pay in proportion to to other expenses you accept. as in the cost of your room.   I personally after 30 plus years have a lot of compassion for the working Thais and try to look at things thru their eyes...... try it and.     Don't quibble about a few baht that you just toss around at other times..,  

And also consider that the one who recommended her to you is probably grabbing a cut of the 500 also....

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You are way overpaying by Thai standards. 30 baht an hour 300 a day is the wage rate.

So about 9k a month. Of course everyone wants there cut. You are probably better off

to make a side deal with the person who cleans the hall s in your building to spend

a couple of hours a week cleaning for you at the end of her day. 200 baht and she

would be ecstatic,

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19 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

how many hours does she work a week and what about days off?


She works about 2 hours a day and sleeps or plays with her mobile the rest of the day. She only does the cleaning and washes clothes as she can't cook.

She knows she has good working conditions.


Oh she gets free food. The maid next door is also from Myanmar. She works 10 hours a day, (it is some kind of guest house), washed bed clothes constantly and pays for her own food. 9000 Baht a month


Our maid just went away for a month. She is here every day, but if she wants a day off she can.


As I say, we are happy to have her for the security.

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