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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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4 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


And anyone following the running commentaries on Sterling's performance by the likes of Sheung Wan and Grouse would expect Sterling to be trading at about 80 or 90 US Cents by now. According to some posters, Sterling only ever falls in value.

Links please to support that statement.

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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

I stand corrected. Things have changed since I was a regular.


I just checked and if I wanted the cheapest seats GLA/LHR day return with no meal, no checked bag, no pre-assigned seat the return fair is 408 GBP on BA. 60 GBP additional for each change. 


Frankly, 14k GBP for 40 flights is not worth discussing.


Why do you resent everything and everybody??


It was brought up as a retort to the inane attacks on Nigel Farage. Did you forget? Why attack one politician's playing of the expenses game, yet make several posts going to great lengths to play down another politician doing the same?

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49 minutes ago, nontabury said:


A few months ago many of the  Remoaners were predicting £-$. These being the same people who are not prepared to accept the will of the people. In fact one very arrogant Remoaners declared he would now go to live in Germany. Well I'm still hoping.



I assume that you are attacking me again?


I will indeed remain an EU citizen; there are several options.


I already have what you might call a "distributed existence" and spend time in four different locations in Europe and Asia. Sadly, I have come to dislike several aspects of UK life including the way everything is so dumbed down, the loutish behaviour and the scruffiness. It's a pity because there is much to love. Fortunately, the downsides and the upsides are not spread homogeneously! 


We have all accepted "the will of the people". Just don't expect me to agree with them. It's a catastrophic decision.


Now instead of attacking me all the time, maybe you should consider whether the Con Party are likely to deliver what you ( and the people in the picture you deleted) really want? You know, a fairer society with better services and less inequality ( just like in many other parts of the EU). Frankly, I wouldn't trust them any more than I would trust Farage. They will do very nicely and "the man in the street" will be stuffed. Again.


Finally, you do realise Trump is trying to drive the USD down? Do you understand the relevance of that? With all the uncertainty in Europe do you not think the Euro is holding up remarkably well? Want to guess what GBP/USD/EUR will look like next year?? I tell you this, it won't just be smaller Toblerone in the same box at the same price ?

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9 minutes ago, pitrevie said:

Just as I thought once again making statements which you cannot support. Still waiting for you to justify some ludicrous comment about twitter.


It's my assertion, based on reading these discussions, that Sheung Wan only posts negative news about Sterling. Prove me wrong. Find a post by him in these discussions which flags up a rise in the value of Sterling in a positive manner. You won't, of course. You'll just continue with your intellectual dishonesty, because it's all about winning the debate for you.

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29 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Having worked in a school in a poor area (although, thankfully not as a teacher!), I think I understand why so many under-privileged children continue in the same way.  Their parents(s) blame anyone/everyone else when their child behaves extremely badly (an under-statement) and schools find it almost impossible to get rid of the 'disruptive' children (another under-statement).


These appalling children are only following their parents' example in most cases and, lacking any discipline other than when the parent hits them because they've annoyed the parent.... they continue the same pattern :sad:.


Fortunately this true 'underclass' is a tiny minority as most parents want their children to do as well as possible.


Can't begin to number the 'stories' I have to support this POV.....


Entirely off topic though and, back on topic - we can only have an opinion as to how the UK will fare in negotiations with the EU.  At the moment, the EU is struggling with not only the loss of one of its few paying members - but other EU countries showing signs of going the same way, not to mention the precarious financial position of a few member countries.

Your point is not at all off topic. Thank you for sharing your experience of these situations.


This is absolutely core! Any ideas?


Did you see the bits about Finnish and French schools in Michael Moore's recent documentary "where shall we invade next"? Some great ideas.


I think our education system just isn't working well. No idea how to fix....

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31 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


I'm not the one who talks down the British masses in a derogatory manner.

Just stating what I see. You think it makes me happy? Embarrassed would be more appropriate. But I tell you this, you guys are blaming the wrong people. The culprits are much closer to home; US

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30 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


It was brought up as a retort to the inane attacks on Nigel Farage. Did you forget? Why attack one politician's playing of the expenses game, yet make several posts going to great lengths to play down another politician doing the same?

Because this is a good woman doing nothing wrong with her air tickets.


In comparison, Farage is an evil crook who deserves a medieval punishment.

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11 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


It's my assertion, based on reading these discussions, that Sheung Wan only posts negative news about Sterling. Prove me wrong. Find a post by him in these discussions which flags up a rise in the value of Sterling in a positive manner. You won't, of course. You'll just continue with your intellectual dishonesty, because it's all about winning the debate for you.

Let me remind you what you stated, " According to some posters, Sterling only ever falls in value." Its not my job to find a post supporting that statement, you made it, now show me a post that supports that statement, by the way you used the word posters so it shouldn't be too difficult for you given there is more than one. While you are at it justify your ludicrous post linking me to some remarks on twitter.  Also as someone who often reads Sheung Wan's informative postings I cannot ever recall him stating that sterling only ever falls in value, perhaps you can show me otherwise.

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5 minutes ago, pitrevie said:

Let me remind you what you stated, " According to some posters, Sterling only ever falls in value." Its not my job to find a post supporting that statement, you made it, now show me a post that supports that statement, by the way you used the word posters so it shouldn't be too difficult for you given there is more than one. While you are at it justify your ludicrous post linking me to some remarks on twitter.  Also as someone who often reads Sheung Wan's informative postings I cannot ever recall him stating that sterling only ever falls in value, perhaps you can show me otherwise.


I'm asking you to prove me wrong. By your own admission, you are well acquainted with Sheung Wan's posts. So, how about you stop playing the childish games and prove me wrong?

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1 minute ago, Khun Han said:


I'm asking you to prove me wrong. By your own admission, you are well acquainted with Sheung Wan's posts. So, how about you stop playing the childish games and prove me wrong?

Sterling is due for further upward momentum Tuesday if the Supreme Court rules against the UK government.
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6 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


I'm asking you to prove me wrong. By your own admission, you are well acquainted with Sheung Wan's posts. So, how about you stop playing the childish games and prove me wrong?

You have it the wrong way about. Its not for me to prove you wrong as any logical person will tell you. You cannot find something which does not exist. However if you are so sure that " According to some posters, Sterling only ever falls in value " then it should be relatively easy for you to show. However Just like your twitter remark you have again made a statement that you cannot justify.

Edited by pitrevie
removing duplicate word
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3 hours ago, Khun Han said:


And for those who don't know, BA and most other carriers offer fully flexible economy class tickets. Business class basically came about because businesses bought the tickets for their staff and bosses. Which business bought all those flights for Mhairi Black? You got it: that hugely successful business The British Public.


When was the last time you flew domestic business class with BA? There is no such option! All tickets are economy - either lowest price or flexible.

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1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:


When was the last time you flew domestic business class with BA? There is no such option! All tickets are economy - either lowest price or flexible.

You are absolutely correct! 


It was 20 years ago that I was flying daily. 


I did correct my assertion ?

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13 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


When was the last time you flew domestic business class with BA? There is no such option! All tickets are economy - either lowest price or flexible.


They just downgraded the seats and introduced other fare options, with a load of renaming. Do you think they let passengers on the most expensive tickets into the club lounges and through Fast Track out of the goodness of their hearts?

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31 minutes ago, pitrevie said:

You have it the wrong way about. Its not for me to prove you wrong as any logical person will tell you. You cannot find something which does not exist. However if you are so sure that " According to some posters, Sterling only ever falls in value " then it should be relatively easy for you to show. However Just like your twitter remark you have again made a statement that you cannot justify.


Oh yes, it would be very easy for me to show: I would just have to quote every single post Sheung Wan has made in these discussions on the matter :crazy:. You, on the other hand, only have to find one post by him in these discussions flagging up an actual rise in Sterling.


I think it's time for you to find someone else with whom to play your silly debating games Andrew. I know it's what floats your boat. And what gets you into so much trouble. Bye.

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43 minutes ago, SheungWan said:
Sterling is due for further upward momentum Tuesday if the Supreme Court rules against the UK government.


SheungWan replied to rooster59's topic in World News

If the Supreme Court rules against the UK government then sterling is going up.
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20 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


They just downgraded the seats and introduced other fare options, with a load of renaming. Do you think they let passengers on the most expensive tickets into the club lounges and through Fast Track out of the goodness of their hearts?


Yes, that is BA - they simply got crap but didn't change the prices to reflect the downgrade in quality, but there is no such thing as domestic business class, as was implied.


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50 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Oh yes, it would be very easy for me to show: I would just have to quote every single post Sheung Wan has made in these discussions on the matter :crazy:. You, on the other hand, only have to find one post by him in these discussions flagging up an actual rise in Sterling.


I think it's time for you to find someone else with whom to play your silly debating games Andrew. I know it's what floats your boat. And what gets you into so much trouble. Bye.

Well if its easy for you to show the supporting statement then please do so. I don't know anyone silly enough to state that sterling only ever falls in value. I think what is being said and what you cannot accept is that sterling has fallen in value as a direct result of the Brexit vote which most of those silly experts said it would. http://www.cnbc.com/2016/06/22/if-uk-votes-leave-in-brexit-referendum-pound-sterling-will-likely-tumble-dollar-surge.html Who is Andrew by the way? I also note that you still have clarified your remarks with regard to twitter and how that is connected to anything i have said. 

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55 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


Yes, that is BA - they simply got crap but didn't change the prices to reflect the downgrade in quality, but there is no such thing as domestic business class, as was implied.



Well, I agree with you about the way BA is headed. But you are arguing about a moniker. Like I said, not all fares get you into the club lounge or through the Fast Track, both of which are only available to premium ticket holders (argue about the name of the ticket, if you want) and premium flying club members.

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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

That I can relate to.  I had the privilege of filming a double-headed steam train going from York to Auchterarder back in the 1980's.  What a magnificent thing.  As a kid we lived very close to the railways and I always remember the incredibly slow choo.........choo....... sound of the night good trains going up the incline,  and sticking your head out of the window always got you covered in smuts.    Happy days.....

Given the popularity of steam trains it is certainly something that could be promoted much more.  The West Highland Line has a steam train aimed at tourists, and it is great to see it wending it's way through the glens.   UK has magnificent attributes in the historic stations in lovely cities like York and would easily be able to boost UK's profile if they were used better.  Getting out of the EU is a great opportunity for UK to piggy-back the UK's international profile on the back of the general publicity about Brexit.  Certainly tourism is way up because of the cheaper pound and that is a good starting point.


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20 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Having worked in a school in a poor area (although, thankfully not as a teacher!), I think I understand why so many under-privileged children continue in the same way.  Their parents(s) blame anyone/everyone else when their child behaves extremely badly (an under-statement) and schools find it almost impossible to get rid of the 'disruptive' children (another under-statement).


These appalling children are only following their parents' example in most cases and, lacking any discipline other than when the parent hits them because they've annoyed the parent.... they continue the same pattern :sad:.


Fortunately this true 'underclass' is a tiny minority as most parents want their children to do as well as possible.


Can't begin to number the 'stories' I have to support this POV.....


Entirely off topic though and, back on topic - we can only have an opinion as to how the UK will fare in negotiations with the EU.  At the moment, the EU is struggling with not only the loss of one of its few paying members - but other EU countries showing signs of going the same way, not to mention the precarious financial position of a few member countries.

Not offtopic at all -- it is a fundamental for the UK to sort out education, both social and academic.  Family standards in many places are really falling fast, producing the types of kids who do not take well to school, and schools have become so PC as to make teaching almost impossible.  Without education people become a burden on a society, not an asset.  Hopefully the UK generally will get it's priorities right and stop wasting money on tricks like the EU and funnel it into long-term, well thought out education schemes.  There is no quick fix. The parents must be sommitted to this as well. 

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7 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

132 pages and 3,296 postings for this topic.

Maybe time to close topic and start an updated one?

Not at all - - there are so many threads on Brexit I stopped following the rest - I only see posting on them if it comes up in my "latest postings". 

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36 minutes ago, jpinx said:

That I can relate to.  I had the privilege of filming a double-headed steam train going from York to Auchterarder back in the 1980's.  What a magnificent thing.  As a kid we lived very close to the railways and I always remember the incredibly slow choo.........choo....... sound of the night good trains going up the incline,  and sticking your head out of the window always got you covered in smuts.    Happy days.....

Given the popularity of steam trains it is certainly something that could be promoted much more.  The West Highland Line has a steam train aimed at tourists, and it is great to see it wending it's way through the glens.   UK has magnificent attributes in the historic stations in lovely cities like York and would easily be able to boost UK's profile if they were used better.  Getting out of the EU is a great opportunity for UK to piggy-back the UK's international profile on the back of the general publicity about Brexit.  Certainly tourism is way up because of the cheaper pound and that is a good starting point.


Yep! Something we can certainly agree on! I can't here Duane Eddy's "Peter Gun" without picturing mighty 9Fs hauling iron ore up to Consett steel works!


I also should confess that Jenny Agutter still gives me a funny feeling in my trousers ever since I saw her in The Railway Children!


But, back to the topic! Whereas nostalgia is great for tourism, we should concentrate on the future and that requires a knowledge based economy. 

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