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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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By time some face reality it may be too late. Customs regulation and 'minimum fuss' are diametrically opposed concepts.



The bureaucracy is the result of the EU, so far, only granting the right of lorries to move freely if there is also an agreement on the free movement of people.

Open-access road transport deals have been agreed with Norway and the other members of the European Economic Area (EEA), but Britain has insisted it will not join the group."


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8 hours ago, aright said:

Shall I go on?  Well you do tend to quite a lot.

Your hard evidence for your claims?

Dyson and Bamford are Industrialists (Capitalists) not Philanthropists, I suppose you could argue that they are Philanthropists in the sense that without their businesses a lot of people would not be able to  pay their rent/mortgage or put food on the table. But that's ok, unemployed people are always happier knowing some Capitalist is not taking advantage of them, aren't they.

Jeremy Corbyn is appealing to you more an more isn't he?  As a matter of interest why would Dyson and Bamford be any different post Brexit?

By the way! Welcome back! We have missed you!:smile:

You think I admire Corbyn? Ridiculous!


Businesses don't have to be Dickensian. It is entirely possible to be good for shareholders, good for employees and good for society generally. You clearly don't understand do you? 


Dyson and Bamford (like Legatum et al) WANT a hard Brexit for the reasons stated. Dyson even wants to abolish corporation tax completely.

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7 hours ago, talahtnut said:

Good morning Grouse, Always a pleasure.

Did you know, we already have most of the items on your list coupled with a dollop of austerity.

I would imagine the benefits of 'remaining' would go to big corporations, BBC, News media, Banksters, and government.

Whilst small businesses, and workers suffer from VAT on fuel and

thing like stupid vegetable regulations.etc.

'Tough Talk' is an example of media hype..negotiations are easier when there is good will on both sides.

I am aware of the status quo thanks. Take a look at other EU countries and tell me why they same happier than us? You think it's the EU? ?

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4 hours ago, baansgr said:

So the State Pension will be reduced in March 2019 when the UK leaves the EU. That's news to me

We've got some real epsilons on here today! Pensions are poor anyway compared to similar EU countries. Try thinking about why that is the case! You will learn soon enough that the EU was actually your friend (if imperfect) and much safer for you than UK governments.

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13 minutes ago, Grouse said:

We've got some real epsilons on here today! Pensions are poor anyway compared to similar EU countries. Try thinking about why that is the case! You will learn soon enough that the EU was actually your friend (if imperfect) and much safer for you than UK governments.

So you sre confirming that due to Brexit the stste pension will be reduced as of March 2019

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27 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Pensions are poor anyway compared to similar EU countries. Try thinking about why that is the case!

The UK offers financial shortfalls, lower state pensions and shorter retirements than elsewhere in Europe?

(Feb. 22, 2017)


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31 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

The UK offers financial shortfalls, lower state pensions and shorter retirements than elsewhere in Europe?

(Feb. 22, 2017)


The calculation is based on a number of entities including rent, which of course we know that due to the influx of EU nationals, rents have doubled in the UK....aside, it still has nothing to do with Brexit. The statement made by a poster on here is that leaving the EU the State Pension will be reduced, which is just a blatant lie.

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1 hour ago, baansgr said:

The calculation is based on a number of entities including rent, which of course we know that due to the influx of EU nationals, rents have doubled in the UK....aside, it still has nothing to do with Brexit. The statement made by a poster on here is that leaving the EU the State Pension will be reduced, which is just a blatant lie.

It's about purchasing power. Do you know about Big Mac parity?


Our pensions are, comparatively crap. The government will weaken the purchasing power through inflation, weak currency, reduced services and probably means testing. If pensions do keep the triple lock, we will fall further behind!




Good info on here!


Surely you can understand the situation?


Finally, Why does Germany not have problems with shark landlords, extortionate rents and insanitary living conditions? Because they legislate against it! And you're still blaming immigrants? Dear me ?

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17 hours ago, Grouse said:

I am aware of the status quo thanks. Take a look at other EU countries and tell me why they same happier than us? You think it's the EU? ?

I would imagine EU countries are overjoyed with:

Excessive debt.

Excessive regulation.

Excessive taxes.

Slow growth and high unemployment.

Iceland, not in EU, is the happiest.

UK is never happy cos' its always had a crap government.

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14 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

I would imagine EU countries are overjoyed with:

Excessive debt.

Excessive regulation.

Excessive taxes.

Slow growth and high unemployment.

Iceland, not in EU, is the happiest.

UK is never happy cos' its always had a crap government.



Wake up! The happiest countries pay the most tax!


Egalite, Fraternite and Salon de Tea! To quote Alexei Sayle! - 




(HIGHLY recommended for Alphas and Betas)

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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

It's about purchasing power. Do you know about Big Mac parity?


Our pensions are, comparatively crap. The government will weaken the purchasing power through inflation, weak currency, reduced services and probably means testing. If pensions do keep the triple lock, we will fall further behind!




Good info on here!


Surely you can understand the situation?


Finally, Why does Germany not have problems with shark landlords, extortionate rents and insanitary living conditions? Because they legislate against it! And you're still blaming immigrants? Dear me ?

But plrase confirm that pensions will not reduce in Msrch 2019 because of Brexit as per you stated in a previous post

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12 hours ago, Grouse said:

Has it really never occurred to you why all the Komodo Cons are so keen to leave?


Low corporation tax

Relaxed animal welfare standards

Relaxed employment regulations 

Relaxed environment standards

Reduced pensions

Relaxed building regs


Shall I go on?


Do you think all these Dyson and Bamford types are philanthropists at heart?


Some people need to wake up ....

Wot he said

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On 27/11/2017 at 12:53 PM, SheungWan said:

Peter Shore? Progressed from being labelled as Harold Wilson's lapdog to Wilson saying of him 'I over-promoted him. He's no good'. Just another second-rate politician in a long list of second-raters promoted to heroes by the Hard Brexiteer brigade.

How about Tony Benn, was he "another second-rate politician?" He also gives a majestic speach on the common market, and oh right he was. Sorry about the quality, but it was a while ago.


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11 minutes ago, vogie said:

How about Tony Benn, was he "another second-rate politician?" He also gives a majestic speach on the common market, and oh right he was. Sorry about the quality, but it was a while ago.

Yep. Second-rate socialist full of hot air. More famous for his big mugs of tea. Got any more you can dredge up?

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7 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Yep. Second-rate socialist full of hot air. More famous for his big mugs of tea. Got any more you can dredge up?

Yes I remember Typhoogate, what a scandal that was.

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16 hours ago, baansgr said:

So you sre confirming that due to Brexit the stste pension will be reduced as of March 2019

It has already been confirmed that the state coffers will be reduced as a result of brexit and before March 2019. This in turn will reduce the government's ability to meet its domestic expenses, the state pension being one of them. It would appear that external expenses are never at risk.

Nobody is saying the pension will go down but a smaller increase would in fact be a reduction.

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12 hours ago, billd766 said:


Do you have any links for that?


Does it affect only the state pension?


How about Armed Forces pensions and private pensions?

Yes Bill, there has been reports by different bodies, OECD being one of them about the state pension for people with a certain income. The level was too high to bother me and it was only in respect of the state pension.

Should show up on google.

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