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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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5 hours ago, pitrevie said:

To think it was only a short time ago you were regaling us with all sorts of conspiracy theories following May's dismal performance in the general election.


According to KH May threw the election on purpose ... taking one for her "deep state" team, so to speak.


That comment, in itself, is sufficient to justify placing him on the "ignore" list ... he's away with the fairies.

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59 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

We should have a democratic vote on the terms of the agreement with the EU ... that would not be undemocratic. And it would be a vote made with the clear facts on the table ... and not based on rumours and outright lies.



You mean -- ".... not based on Politics...? "   ;)

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7 hours ago, pitrevie said:

Yeah I saw him on Fox News talking about the NHS, Hannity thought he should be prime minister and you know you are in trouble when you get that sort of recommendation.

Why,  because he talks sense and has answers to all of the false statements made by Remainers?


He totally shot down all of the false statements made about the rise in hate crimes since the Brexit announcement. Even Jo Coburn was lost for words as she realised she had said the wrong thing.

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5 hours ago, rockingrobin said:

The issue is not about the WTO, 

The UK is going to adopt the existing schedueles (affiliated to EU), but have not mentioned how they intend to deal with the quota's. Is the UKs intention to take a percentage of the existing EU quota, seems the easiest route, or negotiate seperate ones.

If they take part of the existing EU quotas , the third party country may not be happy with this arrangement and feel that they are being disadvantaged.


We've had pretty much this conversation before, and my answer is the same: anyone who believes that the world will stop trading with the UK on tecnicalities is living in cloud cuckoo land.

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24 minutes ago, Flustered said:

Why,  because he talks sense and has answers to all of the false statements made by Remainers?


He totally shot down all of the false statements made about the rise in hate crimes since the Brexit announcement. Even Jo Coburn was lost for words as she realised she had said the wrong thing.

Is that the same man who said, "absolutely nobody is talking about threatening our place in the single market" at which point he added that also meant freedom of movement and that is when Evan Davies the interviewer on Newsnight burst out laughing.

He was knocked down by Cameron for his eccentric views on the NHS, views by the way which he keeps very quiet about when campaigning in the UK but expresses them quite openly for the benefit of Fox News.

Or perhaps his ludicrous claim that Magna Carta where our rights were won at Runnymede. I bet the Barons would have raised an eyebrow that Runnymede somehow prevented them from throwing the odd serf or two into prison without a fair trial. 

However I can quite see that you would think anyone's arguments had been shot down if the person making them agreed with you.

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1 minute ago, pitrevie said:


However I can quite see that you would think anyone's arguments had been shot down if the person making them agreed with you.

Which certainly rules you out as you only ever agree with yourself or your underling.


Funny how lefties hate anyone who has an opinion other than theirs.

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Tories have no chance in the next General Election. The young have finally woken up to the right wing mafia. Shame they didn't do it for the referendum but I'm sure they won't let it happen again.


Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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13 minutes ago, Johnyo said:

Tories have no chance in the next General Election. The young have finally woken up to the right wing mafia. Shame they didn't do it for the referendum but I'm sure they won't let it happen again.


Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Laugh? I thought I would have died.


The "Young" have finally woken up....Classic.


Corbyn offers free uni's £10 per hour, lower taxes and all the beer you can drink in the students bar and they have "woken up".


The "YOUNG" don't have a clue on how all of this will be paid for. They will be the ones who will be burdened by the debt we will incur if he ever gets in power.


Why should I care? I will not be around to pay this debt off and the reason I don't have to worry is that I spent a life of careful spending, saving as much as possible for my pensions and not getting into debt I could not afford to pay back. And yes, "I'm all right Jack" and screw the rest of you socialist economists.


But why be frugal when you can spend and borrow today and not care how it is paid back.


Watch out youngsters, the sting is in the tail. You will have to pay this debt back later with massive interest and inflation.

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1 hour ago, Flustered said:

Which certainly rules you out as you only ever agree with yourself or your underling.


Funny how lefties hate anyone who has an opinion other than theirs.

Funny how some people make absolute generalizations about people based on their political opinions.

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4 minutes ago, Flustered said:

I am sure you feel much better having confessed.

When I was a small child in the heat of a verbal battle I would often resort to what I considered to be a brilliant witticism

"I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you."  I outgrew that one. Apparently, not all of us do.

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Laugh? I thought I would have died.
The "Young" have finally woken up....Classic.
Corbyn offers free uni's £10 per hour, lower taxes and all the beer you can drink in the students bar and they have "woken up".
The "YOUNG" don't have a clue on how all of this will be paid for. They will be the ones who will be burdened by the debt we will incur if he ever gets in power.
Why should I care? I will not be around to pay this debt off and the reason I don't have to worry is that I spent a life of careful spending, saving as much as possible for my pensions and not getting into debt I could not afford to pay back. And yes, "I'm all right Jack" and screw the rest of you socialist economists.
But why be frugal when you can spend and borrow today and not care how it is paid back.
Watch out youngsters, the sting is in the tail. You will have to pay this debt back later with massive interest and inflation.

It's people like you who have messed things up for the young, they are paying for the mess your generation left behind. So get off your high horse and pray Brexit fails so there might be a glimmer of hope left.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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Maybe EFTA/EEA would be worth considering? Keep the Brexiteers quiet and protect our industry and allow us to exploit our services?


Whenever I hear the word Brexiteer, this is the image I see:



They're just SO diminished in stature don't you see?

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59 minutes ago, Johnyo said:


It's people like you who have messed things up for the young, they are paying for the mess your generation left behind. So get off your high horse and pray Brexit fails so there might be a glimmer of hope left.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

He would get off his horse, but every time he tries he gets vertigo.....long way down you see.:smile:



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3 hours ago, Flustered said:

Laugh? I thought I would have died.


The "Young" have finally woken up....Classic.


Corbyn offers free uni's £10 per hour, lower taxes and all the beer you can drink in the students bar and they have "woken up".


The "YOUNG" don't have a clue on how all of this will be paid for. They will be the ones who will be burdened by the debt we will incur if he ever gets in power.


Why should I care? I will not be around to pay this debt off and the reason I don't have to worry is that I spent a life of careful spending, saving as much as possible for my pensions and not getting into debt I could not afford to pay back. And yes, "I'm all right Jack" and screw the rest of you socialist economists.


But why be frugal when you can spend and borrow today and not care how it is paid back.


Watch out youngsters, the sting is in the tail. You will have to pay this debt back later with massive interest and inflation.

How many kids do you have? 


I really do consider the future we are leaving for the young.


I can just imagine you as Mr Scrooge, stacking up your pennies. Why enjoy life when you can save for a pension? What a kill joy!


Nobody is offering free beer to students; only tuition fees which should be FoC in civilised countries.( I got free beer and everything else but I was in the 4%)


Now lighten up. It's Saturday night! Be irresponsible and drink TWO beers!

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2 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

It is an absolute relief to hear that you are personally alright AND grow your own vegetables.

:laugh:  l saw some tomatoes l think growing in one of the many plant pots my Mrs tends to do think l can survive. :biggrin:

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6 hours ago, jpinx said:

There's been plenty of military "bovver" -- the break-up of Yugoslavia, the N.Ireland campaign, the Basques, not to mention the proximity of russian aggression in Ukraine and the Baltic, and american agression in the Middle East, etc, etc.  The EU has proved to be useless at defendnig it's members - it's just a talking shop.  The upside of that is that Germany - for the obvious example - has churned its defence budget over and reploughed it into it's social and other services.  Also - the talking shop has exposed the weaknesses in many areas, not only military. 


To say that the UK was dominated by the EU is to admit that the UK MP's are a bunch of cowards in the face of a challenge to their abilities to create a new UK - post brexit - in which all these issues are addressed in newly creative ways - not relying on a "patch-up" of the existing mess.  That has been tried for many years, from before the Thatcher times - and the EU has proved itself time again to be the most recalcitrant government - incapable, insensitive and uninterested in change from within.  



The EU hardly involved themselves in the Middle East, France were dead against it. Only America's poodle got involved, and look at the mess we are in? The French called it right and we were stupid. The EU has proved useless at defending its members? Who was invaded? More rambling nonsense by a bunch who have of late completely taken loss of their senses! Another one who appears to believe that if we jump down the rabbit hole we'll end up in Wonderland!

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6 hours ago, jpinx said:

There's been plenty of military "bovver" -- the break-up of Yugoslavia, the N.Ireland campaign, the Basques, not to mention the proximity of russian aggression in Ukraine and the Baltic, and american agression in the Middle East, etc, etc.  The EU has proved to be useless at defendnig it's members - it's just a talking shop.  The upside of that is that Germany - for the obvious example - has churned its defence budget over and reploughed it into it's social and other services.  Also - the talking shop has exposed the weaknesses in many areas, not only military. 


To say that the UK was dominated by the EU is to admit that the UK MP's are a bunch of cowards in the face of a challenge to their abilities to create a new UK - post brexit - in which all these issues are addressed in newly creative ways - not relying on a "patch-up" of the existing mess.  That has been tried for many years, from before the Thatcher times - and the EU has proved itself time again to be the most recalcitrant government - incapable, insensitive and uninterested in change from within.  



Truly bizarre. On the one hand Brexiters have repeatedly criticized France and Germany for surreptitiously trying to create an EU army. Now the EU is being criticized for not having one.  Make up your minds, already.

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46 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

The EU hardly involved themselves in the Middle East, France were dead against it. Only America's poodle got involved, and look at the mess we are in? The French called it right and we were stupid. The EU has proved useless at defending its members? Who was invaded? More rambling nonsense by a bunch who have of late completely taken loss of their senses! Another one who appears to believe that if we jump down the rabbit hole we'll end up in Wonderland!

Spain joined in and then decided to withdraw.

Defense is not only against invasion - it's more about the internal stresses within the EU, as more recent events have easily demonstrated. 

I'm not a member of any bunch -- I disagree with both sides.....


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1 minute ago, Flustered said:

Someone is living in cloud cuckoo land.


By living a frugal life so that my wife and I are comfortable in our old age, by raising a daughter and teaching her values so that today she is a successful chartered accountant living in London, by paying my taxes and by serving my country in the armed forces, I have messed it up for the young?  What medication are you on?


Under your way of life, we would see a Marxist/Socialist government, allow anyone in who wants to come to the UK, all be on benefits, borrowing more and more and never be able to pay it back.


As I said, I do not care at all. I have made sure that whatever happens and whatever government we have, whether we are in the EU or outside it, my family has had the common sense to save money rather than throw it away on smoking, drinking, expensive holidays and luxury materialistic items so that when the next Marxist/Socialist government come into power, we have enough savings and income from various sources to live a very comfortable life here or overseas.


Anyone could do this, anyone except a dyed in the wool Socialist.

John Maynard Keynes was one of the greatest investors of all time.

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