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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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59 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

What if I a butcher have a go at doing brain surgery then - I'm used to cutting up animals and handy with a knife what could possibly go wrong ?

Early surgeons were both butchers and barbers. Prior to anasthetics surgery was considered an unskilled job and to this day surgeons are addressed as Misters and not Doctors.

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6 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

Heres one for all the neg heads concerning brexit...it's out in Thailand on the 20th ..get and watch it ....you never know you might grow a pair. ?  




Why make a film glorifying a defeat

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3 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Dunkirk was a defeat if you remember ......

? it's all about the spirit ?We got there in the end didn't we? And then helped turn Germany into the power house it is today ...?

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1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

He didn't want out, it was an accident, May didn't want out, probably still doesn't but that was the price for being PM

I didn't say he wanted out, I said it was the best thing he ever did. :crazy:

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Just now, goldenbrwn1 said:

? it's all about the spirit ?We got there in the end didn't we  and then helped turn Germany into the power house it is today ...?

Yes, a tactical withdrawal before regrouping with allies to free Europe. 

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4 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

? it's all about the spirit ?We got there in the end didn't we  and then helped turn Germany into the power house it is today ...?

If not would not be able to buy a Rolls Royce or a Mini.

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13 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Yes, a tactical withdrawal before regrouping with allies to free Europe. 

A 'tactical withdrawal' (?) which 'er left behind '2,400 artillery guns, 65,000 vehicles and 68,000 tonnes of ammunition. Some 445 British tanks were also lost'....and 40,000 British troops as PoW.

Edited by SheungWan
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3 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Watch the Imitation Game if you want something uplifting and true and indicative of our strengths. Why are we not top dogs in digital electronics, computers and, well, thinking machines? 

True. We do seem to invent a lot of new things but rarely make a success out of it ourselves and just sell the innovation or technology on. Remember sir Clive Sinclair  he invented the original pocket calculator if I recall and of course the C5 electric car/trike ?. I wonder what his feelings on brexit would be? Is he still in the land of the living?

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5 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

A 'tactical withdrawal' (?) which 'er left behind '2,400 artillery guns, 65,000 vehicles and 68,000 tonnes of ammunition. Some 445 British tanks were also lost'....and 40,000 British troops as PoW.

Wow the power of google never ceases to amaze me ...

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Meanwhile, back on topic...




It's becoming clear why the CON Party turned Brexit. They're going to modify a thousand European laws.


I wonder in who's benefit?


Crafty bastards!

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Just now, Grouse said:

Watch the Imitation Game if you want something uplifting and true and indicative of our strengths. Why are we not top dogs in digital electronics, computers and, well, thinking machines? 

because the British never follow through,they invent something and then leave it up to someone else to market and produce it. The Americans make and use the hovercraft militarily, it could have been further developed and used for so many things. The fledgling beginnings of  computerization began at Bletchley park with Alan Turing but it was left to the Americans to develop computers for every day use.

The great British car industry had tradition but poor management poor quality and an unenthusiastic workforce drove it into the ground. The aerospace industry was left without government support and the Americans were glad of the shortsightedness and took over the laurels, Heavy Industry declined through union greed and poor management.

A great deal of blame must be placed with the company owners and management, no innovation, no modernization, just same old,same old, and pocket the profits, no worker participation was wanted so we had strikes,I can remember these times and was so glad to get out and leave the UK for a chance of a better life which I found in Germany, modern,outward looking,innovative and fair to there workforce., so no I don't like the UK I haven't been back in 48 years except for three days on a business trip for my German company.

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19 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

A 'tactical withdrawal' (?) which 'er left behind '2,400 artillery guns, 65,000 vehicles and 68,000 tonnes of ammunition. Some 445 British tanks were also lost'....and 40,000 British troops as PoW.

Tactical in that of course it was better than losing another 300,000 to the camps or worse!

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Just now, nauseus said:

Tactical in that of course it was better than losing another 300,000 to the camps or worse!

further more they 'forgot' to inform their French allies so that they could keep fighting to cover the withdrawal which they did very well

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15 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Meanwhile, back on topic...




It's becoming clear why the CON Party turned Brexit. They're going to modify a thousand European laws.


I wonder in who's benefit?


Crafty bastards!

The continuation of Project Fear from The so-called Independent but I know you love it!


20,000 EU regulations - well done EU - that's only a bit less than 500/year. Ridiculous!

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21 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

True. We do seem to invent a lot of new things but rarely make a success out of it ourselves and just sell the innovation or technology on. Remember sir Clive Sinclair  he invented the original pocket calculator if I recall and of course the C5 electric car/trike ?. I wonder what his feelings on brexit would be? Is he still in the land of the living?

Read this and weep!




No, read all of it. Including GEORGE3 and the 24 bit word.


VME/B .....we led the world in computer operating systems. Far superior to IBM. Microsoft? Please....


Our card readers (ask your dad) had Queen Anne legs and Morris Oxford headlights under the cool 2900 orange panels!


Crap decisions.....

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1 minute ago, nauseus said:

The continuation of Project Fear from The so-called Independent but I know you love it!


20,000 EU regulations - well done EU - that's only a bit less than 500/year. Ridiculous!

Sad to say that I trust the EU to take care of my family's interests more than the CON government!

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5 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Sad to say that I trust the EU to take care of my family's interests more than the CON government!

Tricky, I know But at least they will be able to continue to elect their governments.

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3 minutes ago, nauseus said:

The continuation of Project Fear from The so-called Independent but I know you love it!


20,000 EU regulations - well done EU - that's only a bit less than 500/year. Ridiculous!

Not really, a lot were needed, I can remember the times how care free the UK was with the environment, London smog, swimming in the sea at Southend among turds, the amount of rubbish just thrown on to the streets ( you complain about Thailand but 50 years ago the UK was just as bad) tipping motor oil down the drains after an oil change and so on, the EU changed a lot of things for the better although the UK government is still fighting valiantly to keep London the most polluted city in Europe,they would rather pay the fines, be careful what you wish for 

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2 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Tricky, I know But at least they will be able to continue to elect their governments.

everyone can still elect their governments in the EU and are represented in the EU parliament. I cant see the advantage of putting my cross on a ballot paper and being ripped off by Westminster over feeling disenfranchised by Brussels

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

Early surgeons were both butchers and barbers. Prior to anasthetics surgery was considered an unskilled job and to this day surgeons are addressed as Misters and not Doctors.


Actually, most surgeons are consultants (who are all addressed as mister), and consultants are a step up from doctors. But we digress.

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5 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Not really, a lot were needed, I can remember the times how care free the UK was with the environment, London smog, swimming in the sea at Southend among turds, the amount of rubbish just thrown on to the streets ( you complain about Thailand but 50 years ago the UK was just as bad) tipping motor oil down the drains after an oil change and so on, the EU changed a lot of things for the better although the UK government is still fighting valiantly to keep London the most polluted city in Europe,they would rather pay the fines, be careful what you wish for 

And of course Europe was pristine 50 years ago. Let's have it right soalbundy your a German now. And not just any old German ..you have a dislike or resentment for Britain and going by some of your past posts I would even say a hatred of sorts.  No matter what we say in favour of Britain or brexit you are just gunna sh## on it.   

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1 minute ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

And of course Europe was pristine 50 years ago. Let's have it right soalbundy your a German now. And not just any old German ..you have a dislike or resentment for Britain and going by some of your past posts I would even say a hatred of sorts.  No matter what we say in favour of Britain or brexit you are just gunna sh## on it.   

What I've always liked about your posts is that they're issue-based and not personal. Keep up the good work.

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8 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

What I've always liked about your posts is that they're issue-based and not personal. Keep up the good work.

Thanks for the affirmation ?. 


Jeremy Corbyn and Dian Abbot in a meeting with Barnier representing the 13 million that voted labour....a government in waiting ?

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