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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

From where did you get your 5bn waste figure?  I'm interested to find out the aspects included and excluded.


Re. " happiness, peace, prosperity  fairness" - I assume this is a joke?

"happiness, peace, prosperity  fairness" - I assume this is a joke?


No Joke.


These are a few of my favourite things!


Are you still at the stage where you believe that it's the one with the most toys at the end that wins?


Thinking about it, I would modify my list a little but you get the drift. I honestly believe that our country, in general, is becoming less and less happy and that's a shame 

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3 hours ago, nauseus said:


The Three Amigos - oh great!


I am not confusing anything that you assume that I might be. The light at the end of the tunnel that you talk of must be from a dream. A very bad one!   

The three amigos that I quoted are real statesmen. Who would you trust?


I do think that safe areas enforced by Russia and USA will enable a reverse flow of refugees. This is supported by the fact that the EU will allow repatriation to safe AREAS not just to safe COUNTRIES. I think that's a light at the end of the tunnel.


BTW, if some thought about my idea of making Muslims a little less welcome this would hasten the back flow. No pogroms but no faith schools, pantomime outfits or halal food.


All a matter of balance!


Hell, I'll even donate my air miles ?

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3 hours ago, nauseus said:

Why? This is just what has happened. Total annual immigration into the UK has gone from about 100-200k before the 90's to 300-600k+ after that. These numbers are published by the UK government. Project Fear was the all-round propaganda mission by the remain camp to keep the UK in the EU after the referendum, of course it did not say much about immigration! 

A little disingenuous to quote immigration a state opposed to NET immigration!


"In 2014, approximately 125,800 foreign citizens were naturalised as British citizens. This figure fell from around 208,000 in 2013, which was the highest since 1962, when records began. Between 2009 and 2013, the average number of people granted British citizenship per year was 195,800. The main countries of previous nationality of those naturalised in 2014 were India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Nepal, China, South Africa, Poland and Somalia.[5]"


Can I just say that I have no problem with Poles ?

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3 hours ago, vogie said:

Come on grouse, get real, you know as well as I, most are economic migrants as you have stated in many of your posts, but it just doesn't fit your agenda at the moment. 

True! But how to filter? And how quickly?


I have no time for Muslims as you know. BUT, I am a human being and a family man. We have a moral obligation and a legal obligation to help refugees.


BUT then send them home; I'm not a Christian!


(BTW, if they are any good at coding, engineering or AI, I am prepared to overlook their odd diet)


Seriously, it IS very difficult to manage this, but not impossible.

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3 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:


and Africa? no plan? increasing stream of nomads?



Well, that's one for its own thread!


Generally, we want people to stay home. So we better think about water and infrastructure and business investment just like the Chinese are doing. The way to avoid a Malthusian catastrophe is to help people be more successful as this is correlated with reduced birth rate.

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3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Whereas I can't see it being dumped as its only a completely ridiculous waste of tax payer money!


Not Strasbourg as such obviously - just the incomprehensible idea of wasting so much tax payer money moving both EMPs and administrative staff between two centres.  All of whom will receive LARGE allowances for doing so, and likely the majority of whom will travel first class.....

I fully agree


(business /club by air, first by rail)

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52 minutes ago, aright said:

Great article, thanks!


"The less attention a British person says they pay to politics, the more likely they were to vote leave." Amused me! Made me happier!

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9 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Great article, thanks!


"The less attention a British person says they pay to politics, the more likely they were to vote leave." Amused me! Made me happier!

Keep it in your pants mate, it's from the guardian.....??. Guardian or Express ...pinch of salt.  Even the independent and telegraph can be impartial at times... but those two not a chance.

Edited by goldenbrwn1
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2 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

From another forum that I frequent...the Civil Service at some point will rebel, it's already starting tbh - it's like the General's insisting that troops go over the top in the Somme. And politicians with no army means no war.


I posted earlier in the thread about my contact in Weights and Measures and about how they all had the most bizarre meeting with David Davies. Well the update is that a further meeting ensued with his department where they were still pitching the idea of going back to fluid ounces. It had to be carefully explained to them that every petrol pump in the country (as well as many sets of scales) would have all have to replaced or modified. This is all possible but the cost to business would be massive. This is the point everything changed, apparently the mantra coming down from on high is that Brexit should cost business nothing.

There is now a patch up deal going with Dublin to see if we can borrow their weights and measures for a bit. Dublin used to have the same deal with Teddington some years back. Oh how things progress on the good ship May, as every day goes past they are realising just what a mess they've got themselves into.


just brilliant,


lookin' forward to have my nips measured in gills, beats the shit out of cl, tastes way better and u don't get tipsy


still remember UK going metric, slowly but surely - inch by inch

after brexit will be watching, cm by cm, UK going imperial again





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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:


Standard Project Fear spin from the War Criminal, coupled with utter bs about the EU being prepared to compromise. The EU has, and has always had the stance that 'This is how we do it and if you don't like it, you'll just have to like it.' Look at it's alleged opening gambit in the imminent negotiations: They'll start negotiating once we've paid their daft exit bill!!!


Fair play to the beeb in their article on this, which includes three great retorts, particularly from Frank Field about not trusting the War Criminal,  and David Campbell Bannerman about not trusting the EU.

Remarkable how so many of the Conspiracy Theorist Hard Brexiteers are supporters of the French National Front whose historical roots are in the Vichy Regime and its leader Marshal Petain who actually was a war criminal and convicted of treason. Take their anti-Blair tantrums with the pinch of salt they deserve.

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6 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Standard Project Fear spin from the War Criminal, coupled with utter bs about the EU being prepared to compromise. The EU has, and has always had the stance that 'This is how we do it and if you don't like it, you'll just have to like it.' Look at it's alleged opening gambit in the imminent negotiations: They'll start negotiating once we've paid their daft exit bill!!!


Fair play to the beeb in their article on this, which includes three great retorts, particularly from Frank Field about not trusting the War Criminal,  and David Campbell Bannerman about not trusting the EU.

So you don't agree then

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3 hours ago, aright said:

I think Nick Robinson and Nigel Farage gave us the wood on Tony Blair this morning





These video montages are really shallow predigested pap. Let's wait for Andrew Marr.

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4 hours ago, aright said:

Jacob Rees Mogg........dare I say it would make an excellent PM





Looked at the video a couple of times. Think it pretty well examplifies TV debates about serious issues, a handfull of "knowers" talking more to the audience/viewers than to each other, opinions rigid and made up, the so called debate reduced to the level of exchanging what I would call well known slogans.


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1 hour ago, vogie said:

Only because he says things you don't want to hear, remember 'Don't clogg the Mogg'


Next he'll probably want Reece Mogg excluded from the right to vote, that's what arrogance does to you.

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16 hours ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

Keep it in your pants mate, it's from the guardian.....??. Guardian or Express ...pinch of salt.  Even the independent and telegraph can be impartial at times... but those two not a chance.

At the moment it appears that the Independent/Telegraph/Guardian are as incapable of being impartial as the Express/Mail and other tabloids :sad:.

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