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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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8 hours ago, Khun Han said:


And my dislike of Blair originated long before he bacame a war criminal, and even before he became prime minister. When he got the Labour leadership, I quickly identified him as an actor on a power trip, and a total fake. Anyone who can remember the truly nauseating speech he made about Princess Diana's tragic death will know exactly what I'm talking about. He is a person who managed to con the nation with his acting skills for the best part of ten years, Thankfully, his own party saw through him and had finally had enough of him. And, oh my freaking god!!! he's back for more, trying to re-invent himself as a European statesman!!! Where's that sick bag?

Respect.  I clearly wasn't paying enough attention and voted for him first time round....


NEVER again though as it didn't take long for him to prove that he wasn't anything close to a socialist.

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54 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

At the moment it appears that the Independent/Telegraph/Guardian are as incapable of being impartial as the Express/Mail and other tabloids :sad:.

Funny how the guys who bemoan the absence of 'impartiality' usually find the answer in some nutcase websites.

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39 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Respect.  I clearly wasn't paying enough attention and voted for him first time round....


NEVER again though as it didn't take long for him to prove that he wasn't anything close to a socialist.

And who would that be Comrade?

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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

At the moment it appears that the Independent/Telegraph/Guardian are as incapable of being impartial as the Express/Mail and other tabloids :sad:.


11 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Funny how the guys who bemoan the absence of 'impartiality' usually find the answer in some nutcase websites.

Great post :saai:.


When did I ever quote "some nutcase websites"?


Edit - and please to reply with evidence to back-up your claim, as I WILL come back later to remind you of your outright lie....

Edited by dick dasterdly
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3 hours ago, nontabury said:


Next he'll probably want Reece Mogg excluded from the right to vote, that's what arrogance does to you.

So I'm arrogant but Rees Mogg isn't? The difference is that I know I'm arrogant but I have a sense of humour AND I'm a Yorkshireman. He has  neither! (But he does have six kids! Does the one who has the most win?)

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40 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


Since its Sunday and since I have completed repairs of my booms,

a wee digression;






Brilliant, but will it get air time on the BBC?  Certainly not.

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29 minutes ago, vogie said:

For the life in me I can't see the relevence of him having six kids, I sure he pays for them, unless you think he's on income support. Apart from him having six kids and talking posh, what have you got against him. He seems very articulate and informed when he speaks, probably would make a good PM, and a good leader to get us out of the EU.

But I guess when you look at him, what you see is what we see when we look at Tony Blair.

Off topic really but a fair point. I think we have a moral obligation to limit our fecundity. We go on about how many children Muslims have and I just think 6 sprogs demonstrates a certain lack of control or certainly wisdom.


I don't think he "talks posh"; I am frequently accused similarly.


No, the main reason I dislike the man is that he is not a "One Nation" Tory. I also despise him, as a historian, for not providing a more balanced explanation to his audience. No, he's a twit (but not a <deleted>).

Edited by Grouse
Interesting! twit is OK but <deleted> gets deleted!
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18 minutes ago, nauseus said:

You seem to have changed your tune on JRM. Not a Yorkshireman but he certainly does have a sense of humour, in this case at D. Dimbleby's expense:



Hmm. Straight man maybe



But yes, I concede he does have a sense of humour (tee hee)




But not always! Spoil sport!

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1 hour ago, aright said:

What does Rees-Mogg do, in your opinion,  that makes him a non "One Nation"  Tory 

Historians study then interpret events in the past which is why history sometimes has more than one face. . Why would you despise someone for seeing history differently from yourself or other people. Disagree I can understand.......but despise?

what is a 'one nation' Tory? I personally am not a patriot, I'm nobody's fool, you can wave your flags and sing your songs, I'm for me and my family, I'll sing the song of who's bread I'm eating,..... until it's finished. Getting angry about opinions is pointless, it will come as it comes, we have no power,not now,not in the past, nor in the future, the actors are on the stage reading lines written by others, in the end the audience will applaud, it's what we are there for.

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3 hours ago, aright said:

What does Rees-Mogg do, in your opinion,  that makes him a non "One Nation"  Tory 

Historians study then interpret events in the past which is why history sometimes has more than one face. . Why would you despise someone for seeing history differently from yourself or other people. Disagree I can understand.......but despise?

Good point!


These days (I'm sounding old already) general knowledge is poor let alone a good grasp of British and European history. I despise someone who will be well aware of the various angles (or faces as you put it), BUT selects a particular angle to suit his rhetoric. Do you remember AJP Taylor? He would present an entirely different slant from the then current orthodoxy. 


Just my opinion ( but I still dispise the twit!).




( Disraeli gears was good!)





Warts and all!

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I think you do both men a disservice by trying to draw comparisons. A J Taylor's profession was Historian and Journalist  who gave many lectures on the BBC. Rees- Mogg's profession is Fund Manager and Politician. He did read history at Oxford but I don't think he has ever claimed to be a Historian and as a Politician I would fully expect that his Politics would slant his rhetoric. Aren't all Politicians like that.

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9 minutes ago, aright said:

I think you do both men a disservice by trying to draw comparisons. A J Taylor's profession was Historian and Journalist  who gave many lectures on the BBC. Rees- Mogg's profession is Fund Manager and Politician. He did read history at Oxford but I don't think he has ever claimed to be a Historian and as a Politician I would fully expect that his Politics would slant his rhetoric. Aren't all Politicians like that.

Profession!! Good god man! These gents read History at Oxford! Profession indeed; you'll be calling them tradesmen next!


But, I digress. Rees Mogg has had a first class education. I think he has a responsibility to inform, to educate his listeners. He doesn't. He picks snippets to support his rhetoric. Anyway, just an opinion.

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On 15/07/2017 at 9:50 AM, melvinmelvin said:


does Blair have sufficient credibility left to make an impact in the right circles?



  Nope  ,   he  lives  in fear ,  his  face shows it .

   J.C.   our  next democratically elected  leader ,  will  ensure  a  unbiased /unbribed  enquiry ,

into the Bliar engineered war , in which  we lost  so many fellow  countrymen .

    He  will be  charged , and found guilty as charged ,  a War criminal ,  of the first order . 

     The  Tower awaits, justice will be served  , ASAP .

Edited by elliss
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8 minutes ago, elliss said:

  Nope  ,   now he  lives  in fear ,  his  face shows it .

   J.C.   our  next democratically elected  leader ,  will  ensure  a  unbiased /unbribed  enquiry ,

into the Bliar engineered war , in which  we lost  so many fellow  countrymen .

    He  will be  charged , and found guilty as charged , a War criminal , of the first order . 

     The  Tower  awaits , this traitor , 

179 fatalities over 8 years


unacceptable of course


But let's keep things in proportion.


(BTW, N.l. Fatalities were significantly greater. Who should we pillory for that? Blair was instrumental in halting that)

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2 hours ago, elliss said:

  Nope  ,   he  lives  in fear ,  his  face shows it .

   J.C.   our  next democratically elected  leader ,  will  ensure  a  unbiased /unbribed  enquiry ,

into the Bliar engineered war , in which  we lost  so many fellow  countrymen .

    He  will be  charged , and found guilty as charged ,  a War criminal ,  of the first order . 

     The  Tower awaits, justice will be served  , ASAP .

An unbiased enquiry from the same Jeremy Corbyn who is quite happy to march with terrorists and support dictators? Go for it.

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12 hours ago, Grouse said:

179 fatalities over 8 years


unacceptable of course


But let's keep things in proportion.


(BTW, N.l. Fatalities were significantly greater. Who should we pillory for that? Blair was instrumental in halting that)

fataltities aside, (maybe he can offset the 179 to lives spared in NI?)


anyway, Blair is now keen on halting Brexit; according to snippet in The Telegraph;






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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:


The fella you quoted obviously doesn't consider the several hundred local thousand lives lost (which goes well up into seven figures when you factor in the regional instability that the war created) as relevant. And then there's the knock-on effect from ISIS, which was largely created from the remnants of Saddam's armed forces. Anyone who acts as an apologist for the war criminal Blair.....well.....ugh!!!

There are a number of Conspiracy Theory Brexiteer guys on this forum who support Putin, who in today's world props up Assad dropping chemical weapons on his own people, so enough with the faux indignant responses from them.

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1 minute ago, Khun Han said:


Can you reference any (and I mean any) brexiter support for Putin in these discussions? I don't care about your foppish attempts to insult brexiters. Hey, occasionally, they're even funny. But, frankly, your attempts to big-up Blair and diminish his war crimes are utterly repugnant :bah:.

I guess some guys would have liked Saddam Hussein to have stayed to continue dropping gas bombs on the Marsh Arabs.

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